employing the wrong criteria. It will not be easy to find the correct replacements who can strike the proper balance between responding to the pervasive anti-Semitism and "cancel culture" on campuses
Dershowitz just got smoked by Norman Finkelstein on the Palestinian genocide, apparently ongoing and it's intent seems to me to be a goal of from the river to the sea.
Also, I don't recall seeing the name of Finkelstein on the Jeffrey Epstein Lolita Express flight logs. I cannot say the same for Mr. Dershowitz
Yep, and he got smoked by RFK Jr on the debate a couple years ago when Dershowitz argued that the goverment has the right to force people to take COVID vaccines. Sadly, RFK JR is probably in agreement with Dershowitz on mostly Israel issues. Coincidentally RFK JR also flew on Epstein's plane, and I wouldn't be surprised if Israeli intelligence has him blackmailed as well.
Yes, I suspect blackmailed as well. Without going into detail, many in the health freedom movement see RFK Jr as a fraud (he basically goes along with the establishment narrative). And there are some who think he's the anointed one (Alison McDowell has done good research on this).
He did dump some 'jew truth' and they denied his 'security', then he kissed the jew ass in Israel and he got a little security;
But his original comment that AshkeNAZI jews and Han Chinese are immune to the COV-19 created by CIA, and released in CHINA Sep 2019 is in fact 100% factual truth, but like killing kids in Gaza, he's not know for his truth, he's known for his 'anti-semisim', e.g. telling the truth
Probably, that was the whole point of the (likely) Mossad operation. How does the apparent financier of Epstein Inc., Leslie Wexner, escape any culpability?
Jewish billionaires all 100% got rich in Real-Estate, stealing GAZA land and selling CONDO's to jew retirees is the biz model
It's how SOROS went from millionaire to Trillionaire
at the end of the day, if the rich jews can no longer steal arabs lands and build condo's then how are they to get richer? How are they to ensure their childrens 'inheritance', lets NOT beat around the bush here people this is not about arabs, jews, or even palestinians, this is all about the jew-bucks
Yeah, follow the money. As in offshore oil and gas fields opposite Gaza. Steal it, boys, there for the plucking. I am absolutely sure American oil companies have the blessing of the state department allowing for purloining of pretty significant petroleum reserves offshore. We are also part of Eretz Israel, that way we can eventually steal ALL Middle East petroleum reserves, mega-billions of barrels of pure, sweet crude. How many menorahs would that buy??
And Trump sure promoted " his" Operation Warp Speed" vax, didn't he? Why didn't Dr. Alexander convey to him that once he had contracted COVID, he didn't need the vax?
That majority here still lionize the father of COV-19, and the mRNA is simply mind boggling;
Holding two diametrically opposites ideas at the same time; Certainly a form of insanity
1.) Trump unleashed COV-19 via Pompeo's CIA
2.) Trump approved warp-speed & mRNA
3.) Trump gave big-pharma an exemption to legal liability
4.) Trump signed off an emergecy $12 Trillion USD as a 'covid emergency' fund, and most of it went to big-pharma, trust funds for the 'kids' and 1,000's of world-leaders to sign-off the world WHO/CDC covid-lockdown & fuck-jab
They all are fighting who 'stands with Israel" the tallest?
All the 4 littles Indians, the MUSK, the Trump the Biden, and even RFK-jr is on his knees begging for Israel to kill more Palestine Children;
The odd thing of all this is the ONLY people in the USA opposed to the killing are the left-wing, now called 'woke', and sure today they're woke because they're eyes are open to the slaughter in GAZA, like most of the world; But clearly 100% of the deep-state pre-selected candidates for POTUS 2024 are 100% pro-ISRAEL killers;
Of course this is totally consistent in spite of the CIA BLM or SOROS open-society bullshit and occupy, that left-wing liberals have been pro-palestine since the 1960's; I suspect that the PTB really expected that all the HOMO bones and drag-partys they had bought the hearts&minds of the left; But obviously not, because once they saw the Vietnam style slaughter in GAZA they called it out,
The sad thing is the so called right-wing, and alt-right are now equating "Woke" with anti-semitism, and nobody is even mentioning the dead Palestine people;
The irony of all this is some 60% and more in Israel call "Netanyahu the father of HAMAS", and even yesterday some Jewish 'settlers' tried to kill some hostage-familys for holding signs that said "Israel Gov Created HAMAS"
They don't have the 'moral-high ground' they can't really defend killing children
All they have is this 'anti-semite' card, which is really dumb, because satanic ashkeNAZI are not even semites
I tell you this in defending Palestine, when they call you an 'anti-semite' you call them a baby-killer, and associated defending Israeli murders is still unjustifiable homocide
If they dump HAMAS crap on you, you remind them that Israel/Netanyahu created HAMAS and that IDF did most of the killing on Oct-7; That Oct-7 was an inside job done by ISIS ( Israel Security Intelligence Services )
I had a year-end office lunch function ten days ago, and I had the immense displeasure of sitting opposite a senior Jewish lady who's just come back from LA after spending 40 years in Kike central.
Anyone who comes back to South Africa from the US in their senior years is a failure.
I asked her, after a few glasses of sauvignon blanc, what her feeling was about Israel.
She gave the fake kike denialist answer "it's Netanyahu's fault".
I said straight up: "you gotta be fucking joking if you're putting it all on his shoulders. That's like blaming Hitler for the holocaust. That this little queer man put the whole thing together, got it into momentum and cranked it up all on his fucking own. You must be taking the piss."
I could see her getting wound up tightly.
So I carried on: "Are you telling me that a couple of ragheads with wire cutters and a bulldozer that almost ran out of gasoline and some homemade makeshift weapons carried it out without the IDF's knowledge? Even if a butterfly had landed on the fence, air raid sirens would've gone off".
Then she said: "I take offence to you using the word raghead".
I started laughing.
"Raghead is an American word. I'm just parroting it. Lady, you're wasting my time".
And this is the disconnect/misdirection you're speaking of.
That the logic is so far apart, it's as if we're talking about two different subjects.
This same disconnect was with covid.
The same disconnect was with the Ukraine.
I didn't allow her to ruin my lunch; I summarily ignored her and spoke to other people. Eventually she got up and left. She knew I despised her and didn't even want to breathe the same air as her.
She reminded me of so many Kike caricature Americans I've met before - deluded, supercilious, and especially vacuous.
The only thing she cannot get away from, is her sad desperate twilight hour of returning to a third world shithole, full of tens of millions of angry blacks, a pro-Palestinian official govt policy, crime, HIV, poverty and massive unemployment.
The problem is they're conditioned by TV to play dumb
Who the fuck knows what she really thinks, or for that matter thinks at all;
Most people go through their entire lives 'faking it', doing what they think other expect of them;
Good for you that you called her on it, That's what I would have done; Just to make her think; But honestly my guess is she hasn't a clue about Israeli fences detecting butterflys at 100 yards, not a fucking clue;
The internal Israeli FBI reported that 100's of ISIS Israeli's were arrested on Oct-7 wearing faux "Arab Outfits", total inside job; Sure later on once it got going somebody cut a hole in a fence from the inside and a few of the guard towers were taken out;
Most people once they're given the 'first' impression that's it, just like the vision of the 'planes' hitting the 911 towers, people were shown that image, and the deal was sealed;
Yep, I see a lot of that in my family, my +80 year old sisters, their beauty long faded and their wealth long squandered are quite angry evil bitches;
They never saved a dime, nor invested a nickel, all married serial millionaires all inherited their wealth, rinse&repeat until they got so old and haggard they couldn't nail a new sucker; Game-Over;
Paul is doing a great job of matters from A-Z. He knows how to tweak nerve ganglia and get people to react, emote, and consider the viewpoints of people of all persuasions. It's why he's so pivotal to the movement to recognize those factors in today's world that threaten to destroy us. Yes, he might espouse some items that differ from those of the rank and file, but he is most definitely a force for progress, hope, and eventual change. We are in the battle for our lives and while some choose to pussyfoot around the issues, Paul has the moxie to face such issues head-on and lay the cards on the table. We are all being tested as we speak, we are forced to consider scads of horrendous options that are the issues of the day. Paul is Paul, for that we can and must recognize his courage and the losses he has suffered from his involvement with so many wretched issues that speak to the horrendous mess we confront. Speaking for myself, I can say I'm damn happy he's on our team.
I couldn't help but notice that the presidents of these top 3 universities were all women and one of them black. Of course it could be by qualification, but just that it feels a little bit like forced DEI too when you see them all sitting there in a row. But in a way, it also feels like this could be the McCarthy moment too when McCarthism collapsed. During a publically televised senate hearing, there was a retort about an attack on a person brought up in the hearing, when a lawyer finally retorted "Have you no decency". And it all collapsed almost immediately from that point. Maybe the same happens here and people finally see the problem all exposed in the light.
Allen Dershowitz is the guy who debated RFK Jr a couple years saying that the goverment has the right to force people to take COVID vaccines. He is almost always wrong about every issue that he chimes in on. While I don't particularly like the woke Harvard president, this is one of the few times she was actually on the right side of an issue. Students have the right to free speech on college campus. Pretending that calls for a cease fire, peace in the middle east, Free Palestine, or even intifada (which literally means to shake or shiver) but also can mean an uprising against oppression, like to shake them haters off, is a call for genocide is disingenuous at best, and is a blatant attempt by the Israeli lobby to silence free speech that is critical of Israel.
Don't give up your right to think! Demand President Magill's reinstatement!
The Jewish billionaire class has declared war on our nation's universities: Either you support Israel's genocidal war or we will destroy you!
Students Must Unite and Fight- The Jewish billionaire class wants to control thought on college campuses. The students must reply: Our right to think is not for sale! Keep your dirty money and get the f*** out of here!
A reign of terror has descended upon college campuses. The Jewish billionaire class wants to stop students from opposing genocide. The burning question now is: Will the students stop these rabid Jewish supremacists?
The Jewish billionaire class must be stopped. The student body at University of Pennsylvania must boycott classes from Day One of the Spring semester until and unless President Magill is reinstated. Otherwise, academic freedom is dead and a gang of rabid Jewish supremacists will henceforth be deciding what can and can't be said on a college campus.
The 3 presidents were handed a grenade with the pin already pulled. No way they could escape unscathed, questions were purposely giving them the choice to either use hara kiri or cyanide. I'm sure Kathy Hochul laughed unstoppingly when she watched the tapes of the questioning session. Tell us all that session was meant to be a demolition job. They should have asked the presidents how they felt about the current demographics of Ivy League student acceptance rates by ethnic group/religion/etc. Have Asian student protests rectifying acceptance to these hi-falutin' universities on the basis of test scores and interviews been satisfied to all those affected by such policies? Don't want to go there?
@Sandra Are you missing your drugs? Do you seriously deny that the Penn President is not a prostitute of wokism?
I cannot believe how you can shamelessly support HAMAS and condemn anything Jewish in your crazy rants.
Israelis are not saints. I don’t defend everything they do. The war is started by the Hamas, and the atrocities are first launched and committed by the terrorists from GAZA. The idiots of the IVY Leagues completely ignore the facts, yet you support their ring leaders to selectively attack the Israel’s retaliatory attacks. @Sandra You are not just an idiot. You are an evil person.
I read that the woke Harvard President called for a genocide of the Jews and that this was the reason for the calls for her to be cancelled. Are you suggesting that those calls have been based on a false premise? Is it not true that any criticism or disapproval of or disagreement with Israel or its actions is the same thing as a call for genocide?
Many folks have been brainwashed into believing that any criticism of Israeli policy, Zionism, or Israel's bombing campaign of Gaza equates to anti-Semitism, an/or genocide of Jews. The Harvard president didn't call for geocide that I know of. She was questioned in congress and they asked her if students calling for intifada, aka to shake/shiver, which also means uprising against oppression, like to shake them haters off, should be allowed on college campuses. The woman asking her the question pretended that intifada means genocide of Jews, and asked if students are allowed to call for geocide of Jews on campus, and the Harvard president wouldn't answer the question in the fashion that the person asking her wanted, so she has been branded as an anti-Semite and as someone calling for the geocide of Jews, though she clearly didn't say that.
Of course she didn't but this is what they do, they twist things around and say you said stuff you didn't say
Like her quote "It depends on the context"
Fuck yes, any rational person cannot argue that, its like yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater; In the right context right is right;
But in this context the MSM and OWNERS of jew-stack, and DC and the ZOG colonys cannot stand the GOYIM being told the truth, that the OWNERS are all assholes & common killers;
Jewish billionaires all 100% got rich in Real-Estate, stealing GAZA land and selling CONDO's to jew retirees is the biz model
It's how SOROS went from millionaire to Trillionaire
at the end of the day, if the rich jews can no longer steal arabs lands and build condo's then how are they to get richer? How are they to ensure their childrens 'inheritance', lets NOT beat around the bush here people this is not about arabs, jews, or even palestinians, this is all about the jew-bucks
The elite rich jews who own Hollywood & DC, and NYC
Calling them out for common crimes against humanity they call you 'anti-semitic' that is all they got, they got NOTHING, you have the moral high-ground and all they have is jew-shit and zog-shit
Jewish billionaires all 100% got rich in Real-Estate, stealing GAZA land and selling CONDO's to jew retirees is the biz model
It's how SOROS went from millionaire to Trillionaire
at the end of the day, if the rich jews can no longer steal arabs lands and build condo's then how are they to get richer? How are they to ensure their childrens 'inheritance', lets NOT beat around the bush here people this is not about arabs, jews, or even palestinians, this is all about the jew-bucks
Ridiculous. How on earth could Israel "steal" gaza land, when they forced all the Jewish residents to leave their property behind when Israel completely left Gaza in 2005???
Well everyone knows that isn't true. The Jews were the first people there, it's documented in the Bible, it's historically and archeological documented. They were later pushed out by the Babylonians, then later the Romans, at one point the Muslims. But they were there first. As far as stolen, no , it was an international agreement that created Israel. All legal.
Same 'dershowitz' that is on the EPSTEIN frequent lolita fuck-a-child island list???
Just like Trump, an then you all have the audacity to quote these same people and hold up their opinions as legitimate? If they were discussing pedophilia, I would say hell yes, they're experts;
But on the subject of "Israels right of Genocide over Gaza" all these so called JEWS stand together for their right to kill Goyim as they wish;
Besides if you want to get technical, they also have the right to screw goyim children as well, given they're just animals;
Its crazy the issue here is the IDF killing Palestine people, but all your jew-stack posters make that illegal and call questioning the IDF as "ANTI-SEMITIC"
By this time we have to start over, for almost all of these supposed institutions of higher learning subjected their students to mandatory vaccination with an experimental vaccine for a population that had negligible risk.
This dirtbag attorney is also an asshole Jew who said “ there are no innocent civilians in Gaza “. So he saying little children should be bombed ? Of course he is, he’s a Jew
I hate their behavior I fucking hate their behavior I do not hate them as a human being . There is a difference between a person and their behavior . They still have time to repent and if I were them I would get after it fast and hard . Because the Arab community is going to kick their ass soon
You really need to learn about actual history and what the truth is and who is funding these universities and promoting hatred. For commenting on Paul Alexander's substack, I would think that you are not for propaganda but clearly you have completely fallen for it.
The safest country in the world is funding these universities? Obviously Qatar doesn't share your values, Fascism Lover. Maybe they care about women's safety on campus. The rape rate for Qatar is 1.82 per 100,000 people v 17.53 per 100,000 for Israel v 27.31 per 100,000 people for the US. Why is women's human right not to be raped respected more in Qatar than in Israel or the US?
Recall here that bin-laden, as one of the 49 royal saudi son's a trained engineer in USA, and a CIA gate-keeper for al-queda ( in persian means the CIA-BASE ); His report speaks 100% truth about Israel & why history has evolved as it has
This is quite silly, its almost as if the entire slate had been deleted during COVID years and all woke up from amnesia and forget their history?
I can remember going to pro-Palestine anti-Israel marches in the 70's, 80's, and 90's and absolutely NOBODY defended Israel as now;
SOROS is a zionist, if anything he spent BILLIONS trying to win over the left and he should feel bitch slapped that his left-wing dogs have betrayed him and now support the underdog, e.g. the Palestine people;
Israel is NAZISM since the 1933 Havvarra-Agreement where HITLER sent 60,000 NAZI-JEWS with their GOLD&GUNS to start 'modern Israel', not until well after 1948 were 'real jews' (MENA) ever brought into the mafia operation we call Isra-hell today
Who cares, in 15 years there will not be any universities and that’s probably a good thing because all they’re teaching is Marxism anyway . Yje universities will fall along with all the rest of society as all of these leftist idiots have taken multiple shit shots of poison. Their days as well is the state of Israel are numbered
Nope , Nice try I don’t want to kill anyone but they need to get the hell out of there and go get their own private island and they can do whatever the hell they want to do to themselves but they need to get the hell out of Israel they don’t belong there it’s not their land they stole it and they are the most militant group of people ever to walk the Earth and that’s a provable fact . Everything they say the Palestinians do to them is in fact a subconscious confession of what they have done what they are doing or what they are about to do to the same people , i’d live TV no less. I just saw where they desecrated a Palestinian graveyard for no reason other than they could Or was it because he thought Hamas was hiding under the tombstone !?
Every left-wing UNIV in the USA going back to 1960's has been pro-Muslim, Farrakhan anti-Israel, and pro-Palestine; Malcolm-X they covered this shit deeply about how ISRAEL came to power and kills;
For gods sake just because the NEO-CONS said "History is Nullified" doesn't mean it was true, all these campus kids know their history, unlike "DEBRA" here who is clearly paid HASBARA TROLL to defend the IDF/Mossad/CIA killers;
You truly are living up to part of your screen name. You come across as a very hateful, insecure individual. Perhaps you need to stop harassing people without proper knowledge and look inward as to why you have to do that. Perhaps, too, you need to learn more about history.
Dershowitz just got smoked by Norman Finkelstein on the Palestinian genocide, apparently ongoing and it's intent seems to me to be a goal of from the river to the sea.
Also, I don't recall seeing the name of Finkelstein on the Jeffrey Epstein Lolita Express flight logs. I cannot say the same for Mr. Dershowitz
Yep, and he got smoked by RFK Jr on the debate a couple years ago when Dershowitz argued that the goverment has the right to force people to take COVID vaccines. Sadly, RFK JR is probably in agreement with Dershowitz on mostly Israel issues. Coincidentally RFK JR also flew on Epstein's plane, and I wouldn't be surprised if Israeli intelligence has him blackmailed as well.
RFK Jr got a special briefing with the IDF!
RFK Jr special IDF briefing; @9:12
Yes, I suspect blackmailed as well. Without going into detail, many in the health freedom movement see RFK Jr as a fraud (he basically goes along with the establishment narrative). And there are some who think he's the anointed one (Alison McDowell has done good research on this).
I used to love RFK Jr, but over the past few months I have also come to the same conclusion about him.
ZOG killed his family, how does he numb the pain? Heroin
What did he actually do in his lawyer career? He was an ambulance chaser, the lowest of the lowest in the Lawyer racket;
What did he do for R&R? Go to Epstein "Fuck a Child" island for hot nubile pussy;
He's what the deep-state would call their "Kind of Candidate"
😁 Jew-hatred is a bitch 🤡🤡🤡
He did dump some 'jew truth' and they denied his 'security', then he kissed the jew ass in Israel and he got a little security;
But his original comment that AshkeNAZI jews and Han Chinese are immune to the COV-19 created by CIA, and released in CHINA Sep 2019 is in fact 100% factual truth, but like killing kids in Gaza, he's not know for his truth, he's known for his 'anti-semisim', e.g. telling the truth
Escaping most people also is that RFK-jr is an ex heroin addict and many think he's now on substitutes;
He's a flawed compromised man, just like Biden or Trump the kind of man the deep-state loves to select for public orifice;
Were he not compromised, he would not be allowed to run for President. This game is old, plenty old. Deep state loves compromised people.
Probably, that was the whole point of the (likely) Mossad operation. How does the apparent financier of Epstein Inc., Leslie Wexner, escape any culpability?
Jewish billionaires all 100% got rich in Real-Estate, stealing GAZA land and selling CONDO's to jew retirees is the biz model
It's how SOROS went from millionaire to Trillionaire
at the end of the day, if the rich jews can no longer steal arabs lands and build condo's then how are they to get richer? How are they to ensure their childrens 'inheritance', lets NOT beat around the bush here people this is not about arabs, jews, or even palestinians, this is all about the jew-bucks
Making it illegal to call a spade a spade still doesn't change the fact that our elite jews are all 100% common criminals & killers
Yeah, follow the money. As in offshore oil and gas fields opposite Gaza. Steal it, boys, there for the plucking. I am absolutely sure American oil companies have the blessing of the state department allowing for purloining of pretty significant petroleum reserves offshore. We are also part of Eretz Israel, that way we can eventually steal ALL Middle East petroleum reserves, mega-billions of barrels of pure, sweet crude. How many menorahs would that buy??
Alan Dershowitz was totally on the side of mandating the vax. It's hard to not remember that when seeing his name.
And Trump sure promoted " his" Operation Warp Speed" vax, didn't he? Why didn't Dr. Alexander convey to him that once he had contracted COVID, he didn't need the vax?
That majority here still lionize the father of COV-19, and the mRNA is simply mind boggling;
Holding two diametrically opposites ideas at the same time; Certainly a form of insanity
1.) Trump unleashed COV-19 via Pompeo's CIA
2.) Trump approved warp-speed & mRNA
3.) Trump gave big-pharma an exemption to legal liability
4.) Trump signed off an emergecy $12 Trillion USD as a 'covid emergency' fund, and most of it went to big-pharma, trust funds for the 'kids' and 1,000's of world-leaders to sign-off the world WHO/CDC covid-lockdown & fuck-jab
Nonetheless, isn't any criticism of him or of Israel, or disapproval of, or disagreement with, him or with Israel, ipso facto antisemitic?
They all are fighting who 'stands with Israel" the tallest?
All the 4 littles Indians, the MUSK, the Trump the Biden, and even RFK-jr is on his knees begging for Israel to kill more Palestine Children;
The odd thing of all this is the ONLY people in the USA opposed to the killing are the left-wing, now called 'woke', and sure today they're woke because they're eyes are open to the slaughter in GAZA, like most of the world; But clearly 100% of the deep-state pre-selected candidates for POTUS 2024 are 100% pro-ISRAEL killers;
Of course this is totally consistent in spite of the CIA BLM or SOROS open-society bullshit and occupy, that left-wing liberals have been pro-palestine since the 1960's; I suspect that the PTB really expected that all the HOMO bones and drag-partys they had bought the hearts&minds of the left; But obviously not, because once they saw the Vietnam style slaughter in GAZA they called it out,
The sad thing is the so called right-wing, and alt-right are now equating "Woke" with anti-semitism, and nobody is even mentioning the dead Palestine people;
The irony of all this is some 60% and more in Israel call "Netanyahu the father of HAMAS", and even yesterday some Jewish 'settlers' tried to kill some hostage-familys for holding signs that said "Israel Gov Created HAMAS"
a royal ahole, that's for sure
Coming from a kike who was a frequent flyer on the Lolita Express where you could Mile High with 12 year old.
Sorry Paul, but there have to be better blokes to quote than this odious piss-fuck.
This is a common with p-alex he loves to quote the biggest assholes, its almost like zero-hedge where all the posts are just click-bait;
All you got to know is 'gatestone institute' a total CIA limited-op hangout, they don't post anything that isn't 100% zog-shit;
Greetings Mr BB,
It's been a while.
I hope you're doing well.
Wishing you and yours a relaxing end of year, and all the best for your writing and all future plans.
mis-direction is all they got
They don't have the 'moral-high ground' they can't really defend killing children
All they have is this 'anti-semite' card, which is really dumb, because satanic ashkeNAZI are not even semites
I tell you this in defending Palestine, when they call you an 'anti-semite' you call them a baby-killer, and associated defending Israeli murders is still unjustifiable homocide
If they dump HAMAS crap on you, you remind them that Israel/Netanyahu created HAMAS and that IDF did most of the killing on Oct-7; That Oct-7 was an inside job done by ISIS ( Israel Security Intelligence Services )
I had a year-end office lunch function ten days ago, and I had the immense displeasure of sitting opposite a senior Jewish lady who's just come back from LA after spending 40 years in Kike central.
Anyone who comes back to South Africa from the US in their senior years is a failure.
I asked her, after a few glasses of sauvignon blanc, what her feeling was about Israel.
She gave the fake kike denialist answer "it's Netanyahu's fault".
I said straight up: "you gotta be fucking joking if you're putting it all on his shoulders. That's like blaming Hitler for the holocaust. That this little queer man put the whole thing together, got it into momentum and cranked it up all on his fucking own. You must be taking the piss."
I could see her getting wound up tightly.
So I carried on: "Are you telling me that a couple of ragheads with wire cutters and a bulldozer that almost ran out of gasoline and some homemade makeshift weapons carried it out without the IDF's knowledge? Even if a butterfly had landed on the fence, air raid sirens would've gone off".
Then she said: "I take offence to you using the word raghead".
I started laughing.
"Raghead is an American word. I'm just parroting it. Lady, you're wasting my time".
And this is the disconnect/misdirection you're speaking of.
That the logic is so far apart, it's as if we're talking about two different subjects.
This same disconnect was with covid.
The same disconnect was with the Ukraine.
I didn't allow her to ruin my lunch; I summarily ignored her and spoke to other people. Eventually she got up and left. She knew I despised her and didn't even want to breathe the same air as her.
She reminded me of so many Kike caricature Americans I've met before - deluded, supercilious, and especially vacuous.
The only thing she cannot get away from, is her sad desperate twilight hour of returning to a third world shithole, full of tens of millions of angry blacks, a pro-Palestinian official govt policy, crime, HIV, poverty and massive unemployment.
Light years away from the Beverly Hills jet set.
Poor old lady.
My haemorrhoids bleed for her.
U can't fix dumb
The problem is they're conditioned by TV to play dumb
Who the fuck knows what she really thinks, or for that matter thinks at all;
Most people go through their entire lives 'faking it', doing what they think other expect of them;
Good for you that you called her on it, That's what I would have done; Just to make her think; But honestly my guess is she hasn't a clue about Israeli fences detecting butterflys at 100 yards, not a fucking clue;
The internal Israeli FBI reported that 100's of ISIS Israeli's were arrested on Oct-7 wearing faux "Arab Outfits", total inside job; Sure later on once it got going somebody cut a hole in a fence from the inside and a few of the guard towers were taken out;
Most people once they're given the 'first' impression that's it, just like the vision of the 'planes' hitting the 911 towers, people were shown that image, and the deal was sealed;
Yep, I see a lot of that in my family, my +80 year old sisters, their beauty long faded and their wealth long squandered are quite angry evil bitches;
They never saved a dime, nor invested a nickel, all married serial millionaires all inherited their wealth, rinse&repeat until they got so old and haggard they couldn't nail a new sucker; Game-Over;
Hi Mr BB,
I meant to tell you that I read my poem at a poetry festival I go to annually.
I'm not sure whether the audience understood the irony of its meaning.
One bloke got it perfectly - an author who deals with gangbanger crime in the projects in Cape Town.
I must credit your inspiring me to write the poem.
Here it is:
ZOG (Zionist Organised Government)
Woe unto me.
My tortured and fractured ZOG soul.
Such beauty lives amongst us
...and so much pain.
I stand here
With a heavy heart
On the balcony of my US$ 10M Gaza apartment
The area now renamed "Hummus Hummer Heights".
Thinking of the sacrifices made
On both sides
My heart bleeds for the
Young children and women
Who had no choice in their murderous fathers and husbands
This, in a way, is no different to tainted American, yet rightfully captured, Indian lands
And on a clear day, with the right set of eyes
I can see right across the Med
And over the Atlantic right into Uncle Sam
Liberator and saviour of all earth's children.
Paul is doing a great job of matters from A-Z. He knows how to tweak nerve ganglia and get people to react, emote, and consider the viewpoints of people of all persuasions. It's why he's so pivotal to the movement to recognize those factors in today's world that threaten to destroy us. Yes, he might espouse some items that differ from those of the rank and file, but he is most definitely a force for progress, hope, and eventual change. We are in the battle for our lives and while some choose to pussyfoot around the issues, Paul has the moxie to face such issues head-on and lay the cards on the table. We are all being tested as we speak, we are forced to consider scads of horrendous options that are the issues of the day. Paul is Paul, for that we can and must recognize his courage and the losses he has suffered from his involvement with so many wretched issues that speak to the horrendous mess we confront. Speaking for myself, I can say I'm damn happy he's on our team.
I couldn't help but notice that the presidents of these top 3 universities were all women and one of them black. Of course it could be by qualification, but just that it feels a little bit like forced DEI too when you see them all sitting there in a row. But in a way, it also feels like this could be the McCarthy moment too when McCarthism collapsed. During a publically televised senate hearing, there was a retort about an attack on a person brought up in the hearing, when a lawyer finally retorted "Have you no decency". And it all collapsed almost immediately from that point. Maybe the same happens here and people finally see the problem all exposed in the light.
Allen Dershowitz is the guy who debated RFK Jr a couple years saying that the goverment has the right to force people to take COVID vaccines. He is almost always wrong about every issue that he chimes in on. While I don't particularly like the woke Harvard president, this is one of the few times she was actually on the right side of an issue. Students have the right to free speech on college campus. Pretending that calls for a cease fire, peace in the middle east, Free Palestine, or even intifada (which literally means to shake or shiver) but also can mean an uprising against oppression, like to shake them haters off, is a call for genocide is disingenuous at best, and is a blatant attempt by the Israeli lobby to silence free speech that is critical of Israel.
Norman Finkestein was on fire about this today on twitter/x--saying don't let Jewish billionaires steal your free speech!!!
A Plea to Students at University of Pennsylvania
Don't give up your right to think! Demand President Magill's reinstatement!
The Jewish billionaire class has declared war on our nation's universities: Either you support Israel's genocidal war or we will destroy you!
Students Must Unite and Fight- The Jewish billionaire class wants to control thought on college campuses. The students must reply: Our right to think is not for sale! Keep your dirty money and get the f*** out of here!
A reign of terror has descended upon college campuses. The Jewish billionaire class wants to stop students from opposing genocide. The burning question now is: Will the students stop these rabid Jewish supremacists?
The Jewish billionaire class must be stopped. The student body at University of Pennsylvania must boycott classes from Day One of the Spring semester until and unless President Magill is reinstated. Otherwise, academic freedom is dead and a gang of rabid Jewish supremacists will henceforth be deciding what can and can't be said on a college campus.
The 3 presidents were handed a grenade with the pin already pulled. No way they could escape unscathed, questions were purposely giving them the choice to either use hara kiri or cyanide. I'm sure Kathy Hochul laughed unstoppingly when she watched the tapes of the questioning session. Tell us all that session was meant to be a demolition job. They should have asked the presidents how they felt about the current demographics of Ivy League student acceptance rates by ethnic group/religion/etc. Have Asian student protests rectifying acceptance to these hi-falutin' universities on the basis of test scores and interviews been satisfied to all those affected by such policies? Don't want to go there?
For ones good old Jew served haters well.
Glad he did not mentioned Arab billionaires who enslaved Palestinian Arabs and steal aid money.
Haniyeh $5bln
Marzouk $3bln
Mashaal $5bln
Yea, let’s get’em, the Jews!!!
@Sandra Are you missing your drugs? Do you seriously deny that the Penn President is not a prostitute of wokism?
I cannot believe how you can shamelessly support HAMAS and condemn anything Jewish in your crazy rants.
Israelis are not saints. I don’t defend everything they do. The war is started by the Hamas, and the atrocities are first launched and committed by the terrorists from GAZA. The idiots of the IVY Leagues completely ignore the facts, yet you support their ring leaders to selectively attack the Israel’s retaliatory attacks. @Sandra You are not just an idiot. You are an evil person.
Calling for genocide of Jews is not "free speech"
I read that the woke Harvard President called for a genocide of the Jews and that this was the reason for the calls for her to be cancelled. Are you suggesting that those calls have been based on a false premise? Is it not true that any criticism or disapproval of or disagreement with Israel or its actions is the same thing as a call for genocide?
Many folks have been brainwashed into believing that any criticism of Israeli policy, Zionism, or Israel's bombing campaign of Gaza equates to anti-Semitism, an/or genocide of Jews. The Harvard president didn't call for geocide that I know of. She was questioned in congress and they asked her if students calling for intifada, aka to shake/shiver, which also means uprising against oppression, like to shake them haters off, should be allowed on college campuses. The woman asking her the question pretended that intifada means genocide of Jews, and asked if students are allowed to call for geocide of Jews on campus, and the Harvard president wouldn't answer the question in the fashion that the person asking her wanted, so she has been branded as an anti-Semite and as someone calling for the geocide of Jews, though she clearly didn't say that.
Of course she didn't but this is what they do, they twist things around and say you said stuff you didn't say
Like her quote "It depends on the context"
Fuck yes, any rational person cannot argue that, its like yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater; In the right context right is right;
But in this context the MSM and OWNERS of jew-stack, and DC and the ZOG colonys cannot stand the GOYIM being told the truth, that the OWNERS are all assholes & common killers;
Gay refused to condemn calls for genocide.
Jewish billionaires all 100% got rich in Real-Estate, stealing GAZA land and selling CONDO's to jew retirees is the biz model
It's how SOROS went from millionaire to Trillionaire
at the end of the day, if the rich jews can no longer steal arabs lands and build condo's then how are they to get richer? How are they to ensure their childrens 'inheritance', lets NOT beat around the bush here people this is not about arabs, jews, or even palestinians, this is all about the jew-bucks
Murdering Palestine people, Stealing their land?
Who benefits?
The elite rich jews who own Hollywood & DC, and NYC
Calling them out for common crimes against humanity they call you 'anti-semitic' that is all they got, they got NOTHING, you have the moral high-ground and all they have is jew-shit and zog-shit
Jewish billionaires all 100% got rich in Real-Estate, stealing GAZA land and selling CONDO's to jew retirees is the biz model
It's how SOROS went from millionaire to Trillionaire
at the end of the day, if the rich jews can no longer steal arabs lands and build condo's then how are they to get richer? How are they to ensure their childrens 'inheritance', lets NOT beat around the bush here people this is not about arabs, jews, or even palestinians, this is all about the jew-bucks
Making it illegal to call a spade a spade still doesn't change the fact that our elite jews are all 100% common criminals & killers
Ridiculous. How on earth could Israel "steal" gaza land, when they forced all the Jewish residents to leave their property behind when Israel completely left Gaza in 2005???
Cui Bono?
The satanic nazi ashkeNAZI faux-jews
All of "Isra-Hell" is stolen Palestine lands
Well everyone knows that isn't true. The Jews were the first people there, it's documented in the Bible, it's historically and archeological documented. They were later pushed out by the Babylonians, then later the Romans, at one point the Muslims. But they were there first. As far as stolen, no , it was an international agreement that created Israel. All legal.
Same 'dershowitz' that is on the EPSTEIN frequent lolita fuck-a-child island list???
Just like Trump, an then you all have the audacity to quote these same people and hold up their opinions as legitimate? If they were discussing pedophilia, I would say hell yes, they're experts;
But on the subject of "Israels right of Genocide over Gaza" all these so called JEWS stand together for their right to kill Goyim as they wish;
Besides if you want to get technical, they also have the right to screw goyim children as well, given they're just animals;
Its crazy the issue here is the IDF killing Palestine people, but all your jew-stack posters make that illegal and call questioning the IDF as "ANTI-SEMITIC"
This is insane? Right?
so. much. kvetching. FFS.
What's missing in all of this is testicles. Everyone is fucking whiny wimpy fragile p#$$y.
All hope is lost in a population that has no balls. Just pathetic.
Criticism of Israel ist verboten? Shove that up your arsenal.
Antisemitism used to be "that fucker hates us kikes".
For too long now it's been: "Us kikes hate that fucker. Therefore he's an antisemite."
Get a fucking grip.
By this time we have to start over, for almost all of these supposed institutions of higher learning subjected their students to mandatory vaccination with an experimental vaccine for a population that had negligible risk.
Smart man, very smart, but not smart enough to stay off Epstein's flight logs.
Flush the trash.
This dirtbag attorney is also an asshole Jew who said “ there are no innocent civilians in Gaza “. So he saying little children should be bombed ? Of course he is, he’s a Jew
Man, Dr. Alexander has done a fantastic job attracting Jew-haters. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
I hate their behavior I fucking hate their behavior I do not hate them as a human being . There is a difference between a person and their behavior . They still have time to repent and if I were them I would get after it fast and hard . Because the Arab community is going to kick their ass soon
Do you have any inside info which gives you hope?
Yes! Recant Judaism and be baptized into orthodox Christianity and change your ways
Orthodox? Not Catholicism?
Which Orthodox? Greek? …. Russian?
Turn around and go the other direction that’s right repent means
You really need to learn about actual history and what the truth is and who is funding these universities and promoting hatred. For commenting on Paul Alexander's substack, I would think that you are not for propaganda but clearly you have completely fallen for it.
Who is funding these universities? Soros?
Heard about Qatar? No? Saudis? No?
Why am I not surprised? 😁
The safest country in the world is funding these universities? Obviously Qatar doesn't share your values, Fascism Lover. Maybe they care about women's safety on campus. The rape rate for Qatar is 1.82 per 100,000 people v 17.53 per 100,000 for Israel v 27.31 per 100,000 people for the US. Why is women's human right not to be raped respected more in Qatar than in Israel or the US?
Qatar ranked safest country in the world
Rape statistics by country
Here's a good history lesson;
Just read Bin-Ladens 2001 report on why they did 911, and why Israel is at the heart of the entire insanity in MENA;
Recall here that bin-laden, as one of the 49 royal saudi son's a trained engineer in USA, and a CIA gate-keeper for al-queda ( in persian means the CIA-BASE ); His report speaks 100% truth about Israel & why history has evolved as it has
This is quite silly, its almost as if the entire slate had been deleted during COVID years and all woke up from amnesia and forget their history?
I can remember going to pro-Palestine anti-Israel marches in the 70's, 80's, and 90's and absolutely NOBODY defended Israel as now;
SOROS is a zionist, if anything he spent BILLIONS trying to win over the left and he should feel bitch slapped that his left-wing dogs have betrayed him and now support the underdog, e.g. the Palestine people;
Israel is NAZISM since the 1933 Havvarra-Agreement where HITLER sent 60,000 NAZI-JEWS with their GOLD&GUNS to start 'modern Israel', not until well after 1948 were 'real jews' (MENA) ever brought into the mafia operation we call Isra-hell today
Who cares, in 15 years there will not be any universities and that’s probably a good thing because all they’re teaching is Marxism anyway . Yje universities will fall along with all the rest of society as all of these leftist idiots have taken multiple shit shots of poison. Their days as well is the state of Israel are numbered
But what if you manage to kill all the Jews in the meantime? That would be a good thing, would not it? 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
Nope , Nice try I don’t want to kill anyone but they need to get the hell out of there and go get their own private island and they can do whatever the hell they want to do to themselves but they need to get the hell out of Israel they don’t belong there it’s not their land they stole it and they are the most militant group of people ever to walk the Earth and that’s a provable fact . Everything they say the Palestinians do to them is in fact a subconscious confession of what they have done what they are doing or what they are about to do to the same people , i’d live TV no less. I just saw where they desecrated a Palestinian graveyard for no reason other than they could Or was it because he thought Hamas was hiding under the tombstone !?
Ah, I know history and Jewry very well, thank you
Same here!!!
Found any non-conspiracy theory sights as evidence of your Jew-hatred or still same old drivel? 😁
Every left-wing UNIV in the USA going back to 1960's has been pro-Muslim, Farrakhan anti-Israel, and pro-Palestine; Malcolm-X they covered this shit deeply about how ISRAEL came to power and kills;
For gods sake just because the NEO-CONS said "History is Nullified" doesn't mean it was true, all these campus kids know their history, unlike "DEBRA" here who is clearly paid HASBARA TROLL to defend the IDF/Mossad/CIA killers;
You truly are living up to part of your screen name. You come across as a very hateful, insecure individual. Perhaps you need to stop harassing people without proper knowledge and look inward as to why you have to do that. Perhaps, too, you need to learn more about history.
All you hasbara-troll bots ever have is generic hateful bile, right out of isra-hell