Some people who are smart enough to be a doctor or a lawyer can’t conceive of the fact that there are people who are smart enough to not become a doctor or a lawyer.

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I was told by a wise man that the less you interact with doctors and lawyers the more successful and fulfilling your life will be.

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And these days, at least with doctors, the more alive your life will be.

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There’s an old joke about conversation between two doctors discussing a patient: “should we treat him or let him live?”

Having said that it’s important to have in your life just in case a doctor, who genuinely cares about your health and a lawyer, who genuinely cares about keeping you out of jail.

How to find either? Do tell me when you figure out please.

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My grandfather also told me that, "Stay away from doctors and lawyers." It all makes sense now.

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I can't agree more with that. The less you go to the doctor the better off you are based on my personal experience. I have discovered that the more I learn about Chinese Traditional Medicine the better off I am, and less doctors I will need.

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Having an higher IQ proves maybe they CAN be smart but my dealing with them PROVE otherwise. My cousin has a genius IQ over 180, yet she masked and vaxxed, encouraged all to do the same. I also have higher IQ but I am street smart and like to investigate. So when covid and EUA came along, I said HALT! Let us look at this, let me investigate why a government is pushing and EXPERIMENTAL shot by a company that was accused and admitted FRAUD, in a court of law. The little things you learn if you look. No testing, no data, pharmacological sheet with shots are blank, and everybody is lining up for them. So, I adopted wait and see, called my family and advised do not take, something smelly here, but they already took them. Well, so much for trying, my daughters and grandkids did not and will not take shots, my husband and I will never take anything from government that smells. Remember all sorts of crap pulled on blacks and soldiers many years ago, this is history repeating itself.

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It is a mistake to put on a pedestal, anyone with a PhD or MD or advanced degree. If a person can stay in college long enough, I think very average people can obtain those degrees. I’ve been less and less impressed over the years with doctors and I find once you challenge them with questions most of them cannot answer. Saying people with advanced degrees are “smarter “is a fallacy and it’s own right. They have more education not more brain power. It is a way the elites can have power over average people. Never give away your power. Honor your internal wisdom and have the power of conviction to stand behind it.

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More years in the system does not equal higher intelligence. The covid hoax was a massive IQ test and these people failed miserably. The only thing that happened to them while obtaining their "higher" education was that they "learned" to group-think, and they UN-learned how to think for themselves. They are brainwashed zombies who will voluntarily line up for SLAUGHTER. This is not a measure of IQ. This is a measure of one's ability to survive.

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Sep 28, 2023
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A "who will load into the train cars on their own" test.

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We called these people ivory tower morons in med school. No real world experience. No critical thinking skills. No street smarts. Social and herd mentality susceptible. Post doc sheeple, but still sheeple.

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Remember that in many political takeovers the oppressors round up and exterminate the intellectuals very early on in the transition (Mao, Khymer Rouge, etc.)

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Sep 28, 2023
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It's a lot of hype. The same "smart" people who get vaccinated also drive "smart" cars and advocate "smart" cities and "smart" technologies. The goal of a good marketing campaign is to make a dumb idea appear smart because "smart" people support it. Just more B.S. from the P.R. industry.

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This is exactly what I noticed among our friends: the smartest ones of them took the shots and the boosters when they became available. The less smart of our friends didn't take any shots:-). Isn't that fascinating?:-). How on earth can one explain that?

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It's possible. You just have your descriptions of your friend groups backwards.😄

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The article perfectly represents my circle. The smartest tier of my friends, except for one person, are all unvaxed. The next level down, the good learners, credentialed, all have been vaxed. Many times mostly. They are the good middle class, professors doctors lawyers etc.

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Many Doctors or lawyers were just ‘C’ students, passing doesn’t mean you were more intelligent !

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Many of the best in actual practice were C students. Some of the highest achieving and with the highest IQs are unemployable.

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One of my sons has an IQ of 176. Nearly impossible to be around for long periods of time. He would never fit in with the midwits. Ever. Socially, mentally etc. Not vaxed of course. (None of my sons are. I am soooo lucky.).

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Berenson as usual is full of shit. Take anything he says or cites with a huge grain of salt. Data from Sweden concerning the relationship of IQ to other things can't be readily extrapolated to the US. US mean IQ, although not quite subnormal, is below 100. It's far below Swedish mean IQ. Actually, it's below that of Cambodia, a third world country. Berenson talks a lot of shit. He's been right about the jabs being unsafe and ineffective, but a monkey could have figured that out. Berenson is wrong about most other things, apart from how bad the jabs are. Berenson does not support Trump for GOP nominee. That's how dumb Berenson is. Berenson is probably too dumb to earn a PhD and is likely envious of anyone who has one. However, most people with PhDs are not particularly smart, except in one respect. They are, at least in the US, the most vaccine hesitant group of all. The mean IQ of a PhD holder in the US is only about 125, about the same as for lawyers, and the mean IQ of a medical doctor is about 120. There is a fair bit of variation around the mean. Some medical doctors have IQs as low as 105, probably about the same as Berenson's IQ, although I could be wrong. An IQ of 105 approximates the 63rd percentile, meaning approximately 37% of the general population are smarter. Berenson's main problem is not his low IQ. It's that he is an asshole.

The most vaccine-hesitant group of all? PhDs


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I could not have presented a more astute description of Berenson. Kudos to you.

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Thank you!

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This aligns with my personal observations. Verily, it has been a revelation.

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The Swedish study cites a General intelligence score ("ability to believe propaganda" score methinks)... "GIS and physical fitness had the strongest association with vaccination adherence among young adults." Doesn't really explain this then: More than 100 top nuclear scientists with “highest security clearances” being fired from Los Alamos Lab due to vaccine mandate


I remember this article, not sure if it was true or not, but I dare say nuclear scientists may have a real good above average "general intelligence score".

Thing is, what is the general intelligence score measured by...??

A lawyer knows a lot about the law, and is highly educated, but may not know what mRNA is, or how it works in your cell...

A biology graduate (or even undergraduate) would have a fair idea that messing with mRNA pathways in a systemic way via injection of errant mRNA code might be a BAD idea...

They both are intelligent, but knowledge and intelligence falls within different parameters of experience, interest and education, and so both may have different willingness to take an mRNA jab.

Of course these studies in are propaganda disguised as science, which can be presented in mainstream media to help reinforce the narrative, and maybe the egos of those who took said vaccines with arrogance. There are also a lot of victims who took the vaccines and now have dreadful consequences (they were lied to, "safe and effective", and now suffer daily) one might wonder how upsetting, insensitive and insulting this research may appear to them, as well as to those of us who took the job loss rather than the jab.

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This is not correct and misleading. Not a good source.

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Berenson is a dumbf*ck. Take anything he says or cites with a grain of salt.

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No, Alex is gifted; he has a ton of material.

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Gifted? Like MDs and JDs?

Berenson accused Dr. Malone of not being mRNA inventor. Malone presented 9 early patents. Berenson? Has never presented a shred of evidence and have not mastered balls, if he has any, to apologise; Lost a ton of subscribers as a result.

Then this weasel asked his readers for money for a lawsuit, swearing that he will NOT settle and present ALL the findings. Went begging a few rounds. Result? Settled with findings sealed. Told donors to not jump to conclusions and wait for the day when he releases lawsuit findings … Then asked for money for another lawsuit.

I read Berenson just like I listen to government officials - with two handfuls of salt.

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If I run out of toilet paper I print off one of Berenson's stacks.

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You two are much alike.

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I recall reading some years ago that, at least from the IQ perspective, women were more intelligent on average, while the distribution of intelligence in the male population was more in the extremes (speaking to Eugypius' point about feminization.)

However, I'm not sure that this boils down to intelligence on the covid matter. There was a whole year BEFORE the covid shots came out. I wanted to know why a vaccine hadn't been introduced for similar pathogens, so in that year I read enough immunology (and it wasn't the really complex stuff) to be very suspect of the claims that were made about the virus and the "vaccines". Enough to wait. That waiting turned into refusal and non-compliance.

Is it intelligence or just plain curiosity that got me there? I don't know, but the immunology you need to know to understand the flaws behind these mRNA shots (and let's be real about vaccines in general, if you keep digging) isn't actually that complex. In fact, that was a real sticking point for me. I wondered why if I could understand this, the officials couldn't. I didn't really want to entertain the idea that they were either so incompetent or even worse, that they did know but didn't care.

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Edward Dowd said, "Those other people, were contrarians, and that's where a lot of discoveries are made. The heretics."

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There's a huge difference between intelligence and common sense. My sister has a high IQ score. She received 4 vaccines and is now dying of heart failure. When you think you're so intellectually superior that you already know everything, there's no room for questioning. "Science" isn't science at all when there's no real debate, no real questioning, and no real investigative work. It's just a bunch of decrees from a bunch of pompous a**es who have the money and resources to push their false narratives.

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Has she made the connection?

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