Paul... typo on Kirsch :)

We invited Alex on because we don't believe in censorship. The fact that he didn't back down to having a discussion with Kory was fantastic.

It created a platform for the audience to decide who should be respected. That is critically important.

That's why I did it.

And as always, I have great respect for you Paul and love everything you write. this is just to fill in the details on that one.

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Berenson got way too arrogant (for unknown reasons).

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Naomi is our Queen...hands off!

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"Controlled opposition"? B is arrogant and not all that intelligent. He is best ignored.

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My take is Alex desperately misses the adulation the left formerly had for him and all the benefits and perks that came with it. He wants back in to "the Club" ,though on his terms as some sort of acceptable renegade. I think that craving colors his judgement.

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I quit B”s paid subscription 5 days ago. Today, I unsubscribed. I have no time to be gaslighted.

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Berenson is pathetic, but it’s important for Naomi to clarify this . Kerpen is a good guy , he is on our side.

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Thank you for defending Naomi Wolf.

People need to understand that even if Kerpen’s analysis is correct (and that Naomi made a doible counting error), it still does NOT rule the possibility of *extremely high* miscarriage rates.

We do NOT have access to all the data! Why not? If track record is an indicator, data showing poor outcomes is being covered up.

Regarding the data itself, miscarriage rates are highly dependent on the time a woman has been pregnant. Likewise, there is a second dependence-at what week during pregnancy were the women in the trial given the first shot? Both values need to be known in order to determine the magnitude of the problam.

Until the data is carefully broken down this way, it will be difficult to ascertain the magnitude of the problem with the mRNA “vaccines.” And if Pfizer contends there is NO problem, then why is their data release being slow rolled? Why not share it for the world to see- at once!?!

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I have rarely witnessed as much courage and integrity as I do in you, Paul. Much respect.

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Those of us who used to pay for Berenson's supposed "excellence" were very soon to see through his fraud and cancel him.

He is a narcissistic and thin skinned blow hard who is rude, belligerent and full of himself. What he is really pissed about is not being considered one of the A Team Covid spokesman.

Tucker Carlson fraudulently helped to aid visibility and name recognition for him. On his own, never would have happened.

It all started when Malone and McCullough went on Rogan's radio show and achieved point person status.

Berenson was left in the dust.

Then the attacks came. Malone, Ivermectin ect. Now Wolf. Anyone see the pattern here ?

Berenson is pissed that his fellow liberal Wolf has made the big leagues while he is left being a book barker and ripping people off with his substack subscriptions.

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Berenson also dissed Simone Gold, if folks remember. She tried to open a line of communication, and he would have none of it. He posted a screen shot with her phone number, IIRC. That is, he dox'ed her and threw her out with the trash.

I hope we can get the data straightened out. But I've had enough of Berenson and unsubscribed quite awhile ago.

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Guys we are on the same team! We need to moderate our emotional responses and remember that there are many perspectives on the same subject. Grace and understanding should be our form if we are to move forward together.

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Dear Dr. Alexander, Your readers need to understand that EARLY INTERVENTION with cheap Rx drugs and boosting immune system with key nutrients such as Vitamin D3, Zinc Gluconate and Vitamin C works well and 99.9% of those effected will survive. Only those with serious co-morbidities will not.

If the MEDICINE MEN were to embrace EARLY INTERVENTION which they rejected, it would INVALIDATE the need to inject 5 billion people with their mRNA which reprograms cellular function with unknown future negative consequences. Billions and billions of profit would evaporate. VAERS is only reporting the tip of the ICEBERG! Big Pharma recognized that Berenson was a THOUGHT LEADER and had a major following. He needed to be turned and has now become an attack dog for them. Discrediting anyone who criticizes the mRNA approach. He is probably being paid through a PR firm or a law firm for his about face. The reality is that Big Pharma needs to keep inflating the RX Financial Ballon to survive. Biden has readily bought into this and the US Government has paid for billions of these injections and more to come. Some day, forensic analysis will confirm that more people died because of the injections and the WRONG medical treatment pushed by Fauci Incentivized protocol than actually died of the virus. US has 3.5% of the population and 16% of the deaths. Why? John Hopkins who was a major pusher of inflating the data has gone silent. Why? To learn more about what is really happening and why the push to create nano drug injections for treating ill health read my article here: https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/vitamin-d-part-iii

BTY I'm in the high risk category, embraced early intervention, never had the injections and now have immunity from future invasions.

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He attacked Dr. Malone, he attacked Alex Jones. I think he is paid or threatened to do so. I think he is controlled opposition!

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I haven't caught up with this issue but on superficial impressions am I immediately seeing a pattern I see sometimes of a sociopath not arguing the argument but out to be deliberately misogynistic and give certain women a hard time in a way they don't if it were a man?

Most people don't care if an argument is put forward by a man or woman. The focus is on the argument. But for some, they focus on 'getting' certain people any chance they get

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Odd man that BERENSON

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