Alex Berenson's recent substack is a decent attempt to summarize Baric's & Fauci's close affiliation & how Fauci perjured himself under oath! But his contention that this COVID SARS-CoV-2 WAS a
pandemic is WRONG! Berenson is flat wrong, I still appreciate the scholarship. COVID was never a pandemic, it was a PCR-manufactured false-positive asymptomatic transmission lie, NEVER pandemic; why?
And I am in full agreement with Couey and his multiple release point theory. Why? Because this, if we accept it was a virus (stitched together) via gain-of-function work, would be a respiratory virus and such viruses cannot replicate its genetic material with any fidelity. This means that the copying mechanism of its genetic material e.g. RNA, is very unstable, no proper polymerase spell check system, and so very prone to mutants emerging. There is NO way, a respiratory RNA virus can be produced in one lab and it spread globally quickly as this COVID did. Where we shut down the world for a similar COVID virus, EVERYWHERE. It is just not possible. The genetic copying mechanism is just too unstable, and mutations arise too rapidly. Viruses use your cellular metabolic machinery to replicate itself. Basic 101 virology. Yet the issue why we never had a vaccine for the common cold and why the flu vaccine is a pure fraud failure and never worked, is because if you made a vaccine at 8.00 am one morning, by 10.00 am the vaccine (vaccinal inducted antibodies) will be a mismatch to the circulating e.g. dominant or non-dominant variants even. The vaccinal antibodies post vaccine will not be able to hit the target antigen. Mutations would have accrued.
The clades or strains or variants globally will all be different. We did not have that here, COVID or the respective variants e.g. initial Wuhan legacy strain hit the entire world all at once...that cannot happen. There is no situation in which a normal respiratory RNA virus can emerge globally rapidly as this did. Causing infection as this did. All of it was a lie and the PCR process was a portion, a key portion of the lie for it was over-cycled beyond the optimal cycle-count threshold of 24 amplifications and so it was 97% false-positive, detecting viral dust, non-infectious, non-lethal, non-consequential pathogen. The other key portion of the lie that doomed Trump’s pandemic response was the lie sold to him by Fauci et al. that there was asymptomatic transmission. There was NONE. All of the people involved with COVID, the fake non-pandemic, the lie of it all, the response, to vaccine, to how people were harmed and killed by deadly hospital COVID sedation with propofol and paralytic midazolam, isolation, dehydration, Remdesivir, and ventilator protocols, must be investigated and if shown to be guilty of causing harm, then executed. Why? Because people died needlessly.
Unless it, the so called COVID virus (if we accept this) was placed there at multiple spots globally at the same time (in line with Couey)…this tells you we are dealing with something DELIBERATE…no doubt can have multiple labs involved but all would need to be making the same virus for all of the COVID variants etc. globally to be the same. This could not have happened NATURALLY and with normal confluence/spread.
The picture is now very clear, the fucking swamp rats, and their degenerate progeny, ( The asswipers
working in government agencies were compelled to move forward with some kind plan to bring the Rat bastard globalist agenda 21 ( 30) which was taking far too much time, the globalists and their henchmen the CFR, and the TRI-LATERAL and the BILDERBURGERS had a lot to lose as the internet was working against them - because people started to realize that something was very wrong, ( The DOD and their Cronies had not done enough damage dropping heavy metals (yeah, walk into any Eye Ear Nose & throat specialist , and you will have to take a ticket and wait your turn) DARPA and HARP
did a lot of damage and the havoc they have created changing weather patterns ( WEATHER IS A WMD) - The Storms having wreaked so much death and destruction world wide Ice Nucleization of salt water never before seen in history-The dropping of heavy metals in conjunction with the 5G towers and the heavy dependency of Cell Phones(The Deep State wanted to get rid of the standard long lines because -long line phones do not proliferate Cancer- The arrival Of Collins and Fauci was a rare find- thats why the DOD Bio Warfare section of the Pentagon jumped at the chance to dig up a few million for The Chinese Government to continue Fauci’s experiment with GOF- “IF IT FITS YOU CANT ACQUIT”-It was the perfect stlorm-Create the pqnic over “NOTHING” and at the same time offer the ideal solution which they were preparing for several years back-and with the help of about100 congressionql Reublicans ( who sold the world out for a few ounces of silver) we were sold and delivered into a worst bondage than when we tore the country from England’s corrupt monarchy
JJ Couey is 🔥 Highly suggest people follow him on Rumble- Gigahom Biological