The picture is now very clear, the fucking swamp rats, and their degenerate progeny, ( The asswipers

working in government agencies were compelled to move forward with some kind plan to bring the Rat bastard globalist agenda 21 ( 30) which was taking far too much time, the globalists and their henchmen the CFR, and the TRI-LATERAL and the BILDERBURGERS had a lot to lose as the internet was working against them - because people started to realize that something was very wrong, ( The DOD and their Cronies had not done enough damage dropping heavy metals (yeah, walk into any Eye Ear Nose & throat specialist , and you will have to take a ticket and wait your turn) DARPA and HARP

did a lot of damage and the havoc they have created changing weather patterns ( WEATHER IS A WMD) - The Storms having wreaked so much death and destruction world wide Ice Nucleization of salt water never before seen in history-The dropping of heavy metals in conjunction with the 5G towers and the heavy dependency of Cell Phones(The Deep State wanted to get rid of the standard long lines because -long line phones do not proliferate Cancer- The arrival Of Collins and Fauci was a rare find- thats why the DOD Bio Warfare section of the Pentagon jumped at the chance to dig up a few million for The Chinese Government to continue Fauci’s experiment with GOF- “IF IT FITS YOU CANT ACQUIT”-It was the perfect stlorm-Create the pqnic over “NOTHING” and at the same time offer the ideal solution which they were preparing for several years back-and with the help of about100 congressionql Reublicans ( who sold the world out for a few ounces of silver) we were sold and delivered into a worst bondage than when we tore the country from England’s corrupt monarchy


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JJ Couey is 🔥 Highly suggest people follow him on Rumble- Gigahom Biological

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Any decade now for Nuremberg 2.0.

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Fits the timeline that something actually happened in 2014 to 2016.

Nothing happened in 2019 other than they were finalizing the plan how to dupe us and make billions.

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What happened in those two years was an imposed hiatus on GAIN OF FUNCTION research in the USA. Those of too tender sensibilities please retreat to your 'safe spaces' right away - because that pause was imposed during the reign of the PHONY PHAROAH -"aka" Hussein 1. Donnie dropped the restriction - on the 'advice' of his 'advisers'... and GAME ON - for BARIC/FAUCI/KAWAOKA et al again!

Personally I don't care which puppet POTUS you root for - but chain of command in the political arena dictates that ultimate responsibility for major mistakes lies at THE TOP. So Donnie's chosen 'advisor' - PREZ KUSHNER tells him to (re)release the GOF kraken - the money spigots are opened again, directly into "the Swamp" he was supposed to be vacuuming, and it's


So 'they' indeed means 'they' were plotting- not divisible by whichever part of the TEAM sits on the bench while the 'other' lineup gets to perform on field every four years or so. Whether one wishes to convince one's self - Don 'fell for the ruse,' 'was plotted against' - had his homework eaten - or whatever, a bigger man would step up and say "the economy and society were closed down on my watch. And the clock on the wall says my time's up."

A sniveling little wretch who prefers to blame everyone else in the room other than himself - will stand for another round of make-believe elections - after collecting his 'NEW CYRUS' SILVER SHEKEL from the folks working for the downfall of the USA.

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I read an interesting stack by Totality of Evidence relating to posts on 4 chan in September 19 which seemed to support JJ's clone theory. The Anon said:

the virus “will originate from a pharmaceutical company working with military op's in a west coast state. It will be accurately planted in major cities and It will cause flue like symptoms and may be deadly to elders and babies but the media will report it as deadly for everyone but It's a hoax, the vaccine will be the real killer packed with copious amounts of toxic metals."


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As Barbaric



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Because of the persistent obsession with pretending 'science' & politics are cut from different 'cloth' - once again it is necessary to point out... the "pandemic" was real - a real INFORMATIONAL PANDEMIC in which a fake storyline 'went viral,' in accord with the instructions handed to the fake mediaz, phony governors of the fake governments, lying lab jockeys, and assorted bagmen of the $power.

In order to 'propagate' - ie., break through the defenses of the body politic, those mentioned minions collectively gaslight their respective constituencies - over and over - and when challenged, openly called for the restrictions of freedom which are now 'engrained' in the psyches of those who fell for the hoax - waiting to be re-activated at the chosen moment. As so described, the KOVID KAPER meets all the condition for being a 'pandemic' - as in pandemonium produced in the palaces of puppet 'leaders' and puerile 'presstitutes.'

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Does not matter if the scholarship is there if he is not able to search outside the bubble to see the truth. Still subscribe to him as he was one of the first.

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What can you tell me about the monoclonal antibody therapy they used that harmed me?

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I agree with you 100% Paul.

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I am inclined to agree with Dr. Alexander on this one- I think Trump was blindsided on this one

He had poor advice , or totally the wrong advice-lest we not forget we have a gaggle of so called conservatives who have “ gone to the dark-side” - we see it daily in the congressional

malignancy ongoing at this very moment-Keep in mind several FACTS that the DOD The Pentagon WAS DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN THIS CONSPIRACY and that we are a step away from

Nuclear war on at least 2 fronts if not 3- No one is that wise at this moment “ To gamble with the lives of our people any longer, the risks are too great-He is gonna have to deal with the entire gaggle of the rotten alphabet agencies , ( 17 Intel agencies that cannot find their asses with both hands and Edward Snowden proved that quite well- AWA Assange before him-

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