Impressive list. Thank you.

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issue is if you read the news, you cant decide if to start drinking heavily, start running down the street as a lunatic, or finding a way to get to MARS with those ding dongs who want to go

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Anyone have a WEF list? I think we have to attack them, peacefully.

Tulsi is constantly called out and she will not answer. This is how clever the WEF is, Dan Crenshaw and Tulsi are WEF. We cant fight back without an accurate list!

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Ungovernable Rich at plebeianresistance.substack.com has a good list.

Be afraid, be very....

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Wow, Pfizer is really cozy with the WEF. No big surprise. Good news, looks like if we end 4K or so peeps we are golden. HAHAAAA

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Cool, I will check it out. Thank you

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With regards to the PCR test, many of those came from China. I never really listened to Dr Bryan Ardis, but I think his recently publicized hypothesis could have gained more traction by suspecting one of America's arch enemies (China) of an attack via snake venom in China made pcr tests, instead of water supplies. It may be wrong, but at least it would be more logical, in my view.

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Honestly, I have not read not listened to this issue with venom as do not have time right now, today meeting with the Trucker convoy to hear their plans and how I can help still as Title 42 is on deck now and the US border will be over run and they may have a role and trying to see what peaceful, civil, law abiding role yet potent role they can have so talking on next step, also Kennedy and Del are on front steps of FaceBook May 20th or so, I am speaking, and talking on that...but to me, all things are on the table, believe nothing, zero the govn has ever told you on COVID, zero.

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I don't know how you keep up with everything. And I perfectly agree, whatever FDA CDC HHS et al recommends, I have gone the other direction. I had a positive t detect test july 2021. I never had to get a PCR test and didn't volunteer. I only wore masks to be able to see my grandbaby (unfortunately my daughter is brainwashed by the covid lies). I closed fb, twitter, amazon, and other accounts that were anti 1A. I stopped shopping at woke companies as much as possible. I opened protonmail email calendar vpn and use brave. I am now looking at qortal. I am in process of closing CITI credit cards as they force their employees to get vaxxed. It is important we support freedom loving entities. And you helped me out so much with your expertise. Thank you for fighting the good fight! Much respect! May God bless you with happiness through and through.

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Do you ever sleep?

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WASHINGTON — An audio recording obtained by NBC News appears to show the highly publicized interview with Piers Morgan did not end with Trump storming off the set, as edited promotional video clips suggest.

Instead, according to the recording, which was provided by Trump’s spokesman, the two men thanked each other and laughed at the conclusion of the interview for Talk TV.

This claim was made for another interview, iirc 60 Minutes. Don't jump at clickbait, doc.

Several sources here: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/trump-walks-out-of-contentious-interview-with-piers-morgan/

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will look at it now and update that too...yikes, nothing in the press is real, such as nothing. ha ha ha but if the other way is true as to Trump actually walking off, that is entirely possible, he is a big event person, he loves those and if interviewer is a creep, then yes, walk off...and cuss him too...but in a sense, I think Piers creates issues to get noticed too but he is also good at his craft...but I did not like when Obama and Romney were running, I know all the elections are IMO now actually staged, I found him to be shilling for Obama etc. so he lost me then...dont follow him anymore though I like his work on the Prince...to me, we fought a war to separate from the monarchy near 250 years ago...thats its to me. none of these people impress me or I admire, absolutely zero of them...to me leeches on the tax payer and they do nothing. love people as people, but thats it...

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Jesus. The PCR test article alone 😢 WTF. Thank you for your dedication.

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I have spent some quality time with Covid Study 5, Roltgen et al., from Stanford and Mongolia.

They have studied IgG in vaxxed and infected people and conclude that vaxxed IgG levels are better against variants than recovered infected. This will undoubtedly be used to say "See, better immunity from vaxxing!"

They also show some deranged lymph node germinal centres from people who died with Covid (possibly from Covid?) No surprise that those who made it to autopsy did not mount an organised response to the virus or spike protein.

As the recovered will have IgA response to SARS-CoV-2 in its many flavours, it makes sense that the IgG response will not be as vigourous as in those who have only been "Spiked." They do note that N antibodies were only seen in the naturally recovered.

If you get a chance, could you ask Dr. Malone, or any of your other expert friends, to do one of his referee assessments on this? Thanks, and good luck with the Truckers' Convoy today.

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