Thank you for this collection!

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I am trying to just share and please share too...we are in a major global battle here...huge respect to all!

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I say that Putin is entirely sane and protecting his borders and citizens, that's what a leader does that's what their elected to do,it's what expected.It's our so called leaders that are insane.Who can't listen to these people and watch their actions and not know that they are completely stupid and incompetent, they should be pulled out of their offices and dragged out into the street and flogged and then cast into prison for even daring to pretend to be competent enough to hold any office.

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For me the EU parliament and all EU national governments are chicken coops.

Canada is run like a chicken coop. Virtually all Western countries are run like chicken coops.

Chickens do not think, but they make noise...

I've been following all geopolitical contortions for decades and I can tell based on facts that Putin and Xi are the only leaders left on the Planet. I hate communism but I give credit where it's due. E.g: When a leader can lift 500million people out of poverty in less than 20 years like China did, I don't see a problem with that. During that time the US created more than 50million uninsured citizens and transferred $trillions from the 99% to the 1% - assuming that having a health insurance makes you healthy in the US!!!

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