“The Long Term Effects and Efficacy of the Vaccines Are Not Currently Known” – The Purchase Agreement Between the EU Commission and Pfizer

Further proof of the world's governments deliberately lying to the public while hiding the truth in plain sight


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I read a comment from someone who visited their doc and expressed concerns over vax. Only in a hushed tone would doc discuss. Made me realize that all those devices to help document patient’s visit might be recording devices. Sadly I think if the cdc said all visits would be recorded for health reasons the public would buy it.

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I thought this survey of ~1000 random people regarding Covid, shots, side effects and attitudes was fascinating. I haven’t seen anything like this before now. The data looks honest to me.


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Dr. Alexander, what about the Anne Heche story. Sir?

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Or the woman who murdered the family with her car. My friend asked if I noticed that story disappeared. That is a significant story. I get driving drunk and angry and hitting another car kind of like Pelosi’s husband. It’s gross but not out of ordinary. However to intentionally use your car as a missile is entirely different. This wasn’t someone running the yellow/red light. This was intent.

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Epoch Times and Epoch TV are the best!! Somehow weren’t mentioned in the extensive list. God Bless Dr. Paul Alexander. 💜🙏🏻💜

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Let me bring this one up out of 2019. Eric Weinstein discussion with noble Loriat in economics for theory of preference falsity . I think all dissidents should be well versed


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Thank you. I have learned so much from comments

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Rename monkey pox?

We've offended the monkeys now?

Most likely.

I'd not like to be associated with humanity either at this point.

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Thanks for posting these!!!

I often find articles I missed.

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Thank you for organizing and providing that info for us.

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