Such an informative letter to our Health Authorities, (used VERY loosely here) . It Literally BLOWS my mind ! I Cannot fathom how they think they Can and Apparently ARE, going to Get Away with this? Are parents that DAFT to go along with Potentially murdering their kids?! God HELP US

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Uninformed (trans: IDIOT!!) parents are apt to go along with any and every thing their doctor recommends!!

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I guess you're right. I can't wrap my brain around Dr.s being a party to it. But I hear of it ALOT lately

Freeking weirdos

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Reminds me of Pink Floyd's song "We Don't Need No Education" the lyric

" Hey Leave the kids Alone"

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“public health leaders” = “public health hazard” as they do not give a rats ass about any of this.

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WHY! I have been reading these stories/reports/studies/medical journals/books for 2 years and my reaction is always the same, WHY? Why are they forcing this on people when it appears unwarranted. It makes no sense, it’s as if there is something that we lay people don’t know is coming. None of it makes any sense.

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this whole plan-demic is not about anyone's health, its number one goal is population reduction and harm people so big pharma has more of a hold on everyone. Big pharma is running the show along with Blackrock. The people still have the power if we all would just NOT COMPLY.

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Thanks for your letter, although it fell on deaf ears. I just don't know what we can do when the powers at be just ignore the evidence and science.

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Thanks for tireless efforts .

Allowing for children is the biggest crime yet.

My experience- The first 2 weeks of lockdown early March 2020, friends went to a huge strawberry festival in Florida. We babysat shortly after. We got sick, like the flu . No test available. The 3 year old was diagnosed with strep throat.(we didn’t have strep . ) Because children didn’t get Covid at the very beginning of this . Gaslighting at every turn.

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