If you are willing to give over your children then there is nothing else to be said....I mean an adult taking the shot is one thing but when the data is out and you consciously hand over your child to the state...it's over....I really thought that when they started coming for the kids the parents would lose their minds and this would be over......if paternal instincts don't kick in now then they never will.....
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
A parent I had java with this morning told me his high school daughter to go to Summer School at Georgetown must be fully vaccinated, boosted, tested and doctor verified to attend. Overjoyed at this opportunity for his only child he is enthusiastic and sees and hears no evil.
Yes highly educated upwardly mobile frugal middle class urban professionals who instinctively behave as lemmings. Lemmings are small rodents, about 15 centimeters long, that live in the tundras of northern Europe and Asia. This species has the particularity of suddenly undertaking collective migrations for no apparent reason that end with a mass suicide in the waters of the sea. The enigma that this behavior has posed to zoologists is so singular that they, after trying to provide explanations that have proved insufficient, have preferred to remove it. But one of the most lucid minds of the twentieth century, Primo Levi questioned the phenomenon and provided a convincing interpretation of it. We take it for granted that all living beings wish to continue living: in lemmings for some reason this will has failed and the instinct that drove them to live has turned into a death instinct.
I believe that something similar is happening today to another species of living beings, what we call homo sapiens. Collective suicide occurs here – as befits a species that has replaced instinct with language and an endosomatic impulse with a series of devices external to the body – in an artificial and complicated way, but the result could be the same. Human beings cannot live if they do not give themselves reasons and justifications for their lives, which in every age have taken the form of religions, myths, political beliefs, philosophies and ideals of all kinds. These justifications seem today – at least in the richest and most technologized part of humanity – and men find themselves perhaps for the first time reduced to their pure biological survival, which, it seems, they prove unable to accept. This alone can explain why, instead of assuming the simple, lovable fact of living side by side, we felt the need to instill an implacable sanitary terror, in which life without any more ideal justifications is threatened and punished at every moment by disease and death. And this alone can explain that, although the industries that produce them have stated that it is not possible to predict the effects of vaccines in the long term, because it has not been possible to comply with the foreseen procedures and that the tests on genotoxicity and carcinogenicity will only end in October. by 2022, millions of people were subjected to an unprecedented mass vaccination.
GiorgioAgambenGiorgio Agamben is a philosopher and writer. His work is translated and commented all over the world. With the Homo sacer project he marked a turning point in contemporary political thought. Among his works published by Quodlibet:Where are we? The epidemic as politics (2020), Intellect of love (with Jean-Baptiste Brenet, 2020), Homo sacer. Full edition (2018), What is philosophy? (2016), Gusto (2015), Idea of prose (new augmented edition, 2002-2013, 2020), The man without content (1994, 2013), Bartleby, the formula of creation (with Gilles Deleuze, 1993, 2012) .
Long & convoluted way of saying that humanity has lost its purpose or reason for living. Amoebas live just to live. Has man become reduced to this? And why do you suppose that the hold outs have remained so steadfast.
After the extremely long-winded explanation you gave above re. why essentially blind obedience occurs so often, why the only 6-word explanation for why disobedience occurs??? I would think there would be nearly the same amount, perhaps more, to be said re. why disobedience occurs...
Evidently free will exists. So does conformity. Life lives as river between two shores. We are all unique humans but we share in this human fact. Propaganda and power shape us as much as freedom.
Marks must be getting a large BP bonus for pushing this Poison on kids... why else would he do this? When Pfizer or Moderna stand to make 3 billion off this poisons FDA approval they could easily justify 5 Million or so to Marks...
Come on, Paul. There's money to be made and children to maim and kill.
If you are willing to give over your children then there is nothing else to be said....I mean an adult taking the shot is one thing but when the data is out and you consciously hand over your child to the state...it's over....I really thought that when they started coming for the kids the parents would lose their minds and this would be over......if paternal instincts don't kick in now then they never will.....
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
With TikTok, Insta and fakebook to virtue signal too.. these kids have no chance.
A parent I had java with this morning told me his high school daughter to go to Summer School at Georgetown must be fully vaccinated, boosted, tested and doctor verified to attend. Overjoyed at this opportunity for his only child he is enthusiastic and sees and hears no evil.
There are still too many like this unfortunately.
Yes highly educated upwardly mobile frugal middle class urban professionals who instinctively behave as lemmings. Lemmings are small rodents, about 15 centimeters long, that live in the tundras of northern Europe and Asia. This species has the particularity of suddenly undertaking collective migrations for no apparent reason that end with a mass suicide in the waters of the sea. The enigma that this behavior has posed to zoologists is so singular that they, after trying to provide explanations that have proved insufficient, have preferred to remove it. But one of the most lucid minds of the twentieth century, Primo Levi questioned the phenomenon and provided a convincing interpretation of it. We take it for granted that all living beings wish to continue living: in lemmings for some reason this will has failed and the instinct that drove them to live has turned into a death instinct.
I believe that something similar is happening today to another species of living beings, what we call homo sapiens. Collective suicide occurs here – as befits a species that has replaced instinct with language and an endosomatic impulse with a series of devices external to the body – in an artificial and complicated way, but the result could be the same. Human beings cannot live if they do not give themselves reasons and justifications for their lives, which in every age have taken the form of religions, myths, political beliefs, philosophies and ideals of all kinds. These justifications seem today – at least in the richest and most technologized part of humanity – and men find themselves perhaps for the first time reduced to their pure biological survival, which, it seems, they prove unable to accept. This alone can explain why, instead of assuming the simple, lovable fact of living side by side, we felt the need to instill an implacable sanitary terror, in which life without any more ideal justifications is threatened and punished at every moment by disease and death. And this alone can explain that, although the industries that produce them have stated that it is not possible to predict the effects of vaccines in the long term, because it has not been possible to comply with the foreseen procedures and that the tests on genotoxicity and carcinogenicity will only end in October. by 2022, millions of people were subjected to an unprecedented mass vaccination.
GiorgioAgambenGiorgio Agamben is a philosopher and writer. His work is translated and commented all over the world. With the Homo sacer project he marked a turning point in contemporary political thought. Among his works published by Quodlibet:Where are we? The epidemic as politics (2020), Intellect of love (with Jean-Baptiste Brenet, 2020), Homo sacer. Full edition (2018), What is philosophy? (2016), Gusto (2015), Idea of prose (new augmented edition, 2002-2013, 2020), The man without content (1994, 2013), Bartleby, the formula of creation (with Gilles Deleuze, 1993, 2012) .
Long & convoluted way of saying that humanity has lost its purpose or reason for living. Amoebas live just to live. Has man become reduced to this? And why do you suppose that the hold outs have remained so steadfast.
Some people simply refuse. Most obey.
After the extremely long-winded explanation you gave above re. why essentially blind obedience occurs so often, why the only 6-word explanation for why disobedience occurs??? I would think there would be nearly the same amount, perhaps more, to be said re. why disobedience occurs...
Evidently free will exists. So does conformity. Life lives as river between two shores. We are all unique humans but we share in this human fact. Propaganda and power shape us as much as freedom.
Marks must be getting a large BP bonus for pushing this Poison on kids... why else would he do this? When Pfizer or Moderna stand to make 3 billion off this poisons FDA approval they could easily justify 5 Million or so to Marks...
Or, they're threatening to release the pix/vid/etc. that'll end his career...
These PTB must know that the harms to humanity WILL COME HOME TO THEM !! #CrimesAgainstChildren #CrimesAgainstHumanity #HangManCalling
From the Global Covid Summit May 11
Crimes against humanity
California Senate passes legislation allowing 12 year old kids to "consent" to vaccines without parental knowledge/involvement
There is a special place in Hell awaiting those who voted for that...
50 percent efficacy on a disease which doesnt affect the child? Please.
The people perpetrating this ongoing fraud are utterly shameless. Medical policy by popular opinion, evidence be damned.