Hospitals must also be investigated. Pharmacists must be investigated for withholding approved medications. List goes on. . .

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Don’t forget those mentally deficient MDs who called for masks.

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If I ever hear the words “trust the science” out of a doctor again, they will get punched! We’ve gotten rid of most of them! The newest one for my mom gets it, and knows what we will not do to our bodies! The sad thing is all these groups buying out doctors practices are forcing them to push drugs and jabs! Then you have the insurers doing the same thing.. We say no or tell them the side effects are too great.

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Not just doctors, EVERYONE that pushed the agenda that harmed or killed people must pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well as satisfying such a sentiment may be and no matter how true the words....this will never happen. The crime is just too big for good people to fathom and the people too numerous that only a few (if any) will come to justice. Any potential jury is most likely to know the accused or know (have) someone who would be facing similar charges. The logic will be - "this is my friend/relative/doctor/acquaintance who would never do such evil knowingly.... they are good people not capable of doing the accused wrong. Someone...something else is to blame....so I can not find them guilty." "Furthermore, I agreed with what they did....again I can not find them at fault." A good analogy is Germany after WWII. Everyone knew that their local cop was most likely involved in evil acts while in the service of Nazi Germany....yet virtually none were held to account. They came back and continued being local cops. The same goes for those in the military. The best that we can do is make the "bigs" face the consequences as they are few in number, faceless to most people and made the most gains during this culling of society. The real question is have we learned something of value for the future? Pax

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You're right, doc. There is no liability shield of protection for willful misconduct in the distribution of medical countermeasures under EUAs described in the PREP act. When anyone knowingly manufactures, distributes or promotes any product that has been shown to cause more risk or harm than benefit, they are guilty of willful misconduct and must be held accountable. I'm not a lawyer, but the language seems pretty clear: https://www.phe.gov/Preparedness/legal/prepact/Pages/prepqa.aspx#q3

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No judge would convict, as they have for the last 40-50 years have been chosen for being loyal to their benefactors.

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Manchurian Nobama should be at the top of the list as there are photos in circulation of Nobama with Fraudci and Melinda Gstes touring the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab all over the internet. They obviously worked together to commission the Gain Of Function Research.

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Pure Evil, including Fraudci, Nobama and Gates' got the C19 ball rolling and rolled the ball off a cliff. Once the ball stopped bouncing Pure Evil hit the ball with a bat knocking it out of the park. The 33 horsemen of the C19 apocalypse would surely be a great start although there are likely hundreds of thousands of players in the game who still have a bat in their hands to this day. Those 33 surely didn't act alone as hundreds of thousands if not millions helped to perpetrate the continued crimes of the leaders who never could have made such a global disaster propagate without massive cooperation. It will take a literal Army of Bounty Hunters years to identify and collect the guilty for processing.

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Who will enforce this? No one.

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But Dr. Alex....how can you possibly expect any justice from these judges. The higher you go in their heirarchy, the more likely that the judges are part of the WEF, whether THEY know it or not. I believe justice will only come from the hands of an awakened citizenry, & rough justice it may be.

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Yes they should be! And we all know most never will be held accountable. And in the mean time, do what you CAN do. Call them out on their bullshit and fire them. Or if you just can not be confrontational, call their office and ask if they’re still recommending Covid shots. When/if they yes, tell them you won’t be coming back as a patient. I’ve fired two these past 2 years. It feels SO good 😊. Find a doctor capable of independent thought. It may require self pay. Imagine if we ALL did this? They would get the message loud and clear.

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Still waiting for the Global Tribunals to bring some JUSTICE to our Planet. The ENTIRE Medical Industry, especially Big Pharma, with very few Wonderful Exceptions, MUST be Tried by a Global Court, not unlike Nuremburg, for JUSTICE.

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Can you tell me who influenced Trump (or was it just his own faulty judgment) in getting COVID vaccinated and (apparently) boosted, after having had naturally-acquired COVID-19 AND the monoclonal antibodies?

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Yep, they must have a fair trial by a group of their peers but not in DC! A group that was injuries by the gene therapy shot! Then and only then, if found guilty of intentional harm, malfeasance and murder. The penalty and the loss of any licenses!!!! Never to practice again and the forfeit of any I’ll gotten funds to be given to those injured or to the families of those murdered.

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The monsters behind this are right about one thing - Capitalism is finished.

So, why not use the technology they want to destroy us with, to destroy them?


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