Thus far the only person who appears to have all the answers/solutions and how all of this came to be is RFK Jr. His knowledge of Goverment corruption cronyism malfeasance also appears to be infinite. It also seems he is not only the only person to put an end to this but also make sure it can never happen again by dismantling every single one of these alphabet agencies. Rightfully so mind you. No one should ever be allowed to accrue this magnitude of power and wealth as we all know it leads to corruption. All this being said there is never ever any mention made regarding why he is not running for President. The question is never asked. It's "almost" as though something is rotten in Denmark. How can the very one person who seems to have all the answers and certainly name recognition not to mention clout and friends in high places not doing anything MORE to put an end to this. I also just read where he has NOT been on Joe Rogans podcast yet McCullough and Robert Mallone both have. What's up with that? I say this with all due respect and certainly no malice - talk is cheap and getting us no where. Whatever it is they may have on him he has to come forward. He keeps saying he will die with his boots on. If that means sacrificing himself to perhaps save the world he must do it. The other side of that coin is them obviously using it to then destroy his credibility. In some ways I guess another Assage.

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Exactly. It didn’t have to be this way. Failure to invoke EO13848 was the last straw that led directly to where we are today. It’s very very sad. He became ultra famous on TV with two words. He failed to use those words in the right time and place when it really mattered.

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A lot of us guessed this early on. My take: the gene therapy delivery mechanism and gene creation techniques have been waiting in the wings for a suitable opportunity to emerge since the late 90s (see Dr David Martin talks for the patent details). It's likely DARPA was involved in the development (see Dr Richard Fleming) to create a treatment both 'self replicating' and 'horizontally transmissable'.

The 'suitable opportunity' was created by viral gain of function, outsourced from the US to Wuhan. There ostensible reason for the viral GoF was to enable 'better treatments' for future diseases. It could also be looked at as 'creating a market opportunity' for the gene therapies.

When SARS-COV-2 emerged with a profile of mild disease expression in under 60s, but rapidly increasing lethality in older age groups, this was obviously something engineered. Wuhan released the spike protein sequence in Jan 2020 and the *weekend* after, ModeRNA had created the first gene therapy RNA sequence.

All the various useless NPIs (lockdowns, masks, etc.) predicated for entire populations were simply devices to ramp up fear and create the conditions for mass hypnosis. All this created the preconditions for 'vaccine mandates'.

It's the biggest scam of all time.

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Now you've got what I've been saying for 2 years: All of the covid extravaganza (masks, lockdowns, fear mongering) was to urge the most widespread uptake of a vaccine, in order to have sophisticated biotech / China type social credit system with contact tracing Hunger Games fascism. Do NOT comply, or as El gato malo says, "Become ungovernable."

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We will never know if Trump would have changed course once data came out, but he wasn’t in office without the election distraction. No transparent safety review boards, which should have been set up before he left office. He hasn’t called for safety boards now, so really that should be he mantra NOW before more kids are injured!

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Thank you Dr. Alexander. I am reaching out in case anyone knows of a facility and surgeon who will resect my stage 3 rectal cancerous tumor and nearby lymph nodes. I am looking for people who know respect my basic human rights including my right to breathe unobstructed and my right to refuse experimental testing and shots. I am willing and able to drive to any location in the lower 48 United States.

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Jail is too kind for those Megeles

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I would also suggest that in Canada the draconian measures have been worse than in the United States because all the provinces and territories are in lockstep with each other. At least some of the individual states in the US have been fighting back.

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And while we are at it let's not forget about Teresa Tam and Justine Trudeau.

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Can anyone explain why the US has rhe highest death rate and case counts?

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And he insists.

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