Meanwhile, jpmorgan etc investing in the new cancer & heart drug medicines( just had a huge conference)... the graphine industry is growing unregulated by leaps.. things like Apeel are destroying what little healthy food available.. all for profit and all slow kill mechanisms!

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Yup! We truly have to find alternative ways. It's always hard to start but maybe we can help to change people's brainwashed belief systems. It's rare to see anyone mention apeel (I can't capitalize anything that sickens me). So, thank you. I'm sure you know who has invested in that company. Yes, now those of us who eat 99.9% organic are going to be limited unless we have farmers that don't use any chemicals on the food they grow.

Just last night I was watching a video of a woman who I enjoy watching because she's extremely knowledgeable in her area of expertise (nothing related to this stuff). Unfortunately, in an extremely important area, health, no knowledgeable at all and she's going to die because of it. Even if I reached out to her, she'd never believe me. She was explaining how she ended up in the er because she fell when she fainted due to the worst flu EVER. She stated that this flu that is going around is the worst. She also stated that a few weeks back she got a cvd shot before going away but didn't get the flu shot. I think she was actually disappointed she didn't get the flu shot. [There was a person in the comments that THANKED her for stating to get these shots and that person got both shots.] So, how many of these shows does this woman have now? Since she fainted, she said she wondered how many others had fainted BECAUSE of THIS bad flu. omg. I wanted to shake her and her level of ignorance. These people do not understand that their immune system is literally dying and being destroyed by these shots and that's why this is the WORST "flu" or "cvd" ever (she said she had the flu because the test stated that). Who actually knows what they really have? They can literally die of the common cold because they're becoming like the bubble boy from that 1970s film.

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I’m chemically sensitive, chronic inflammatory response syndrome, etc etc , lots of issues, when I’m frustrated, I tell my husband I’m tired of feeling like the boy in the plastic bubble!

I am seeing the same strong denial. A few people from our VFW came around after heart surgeries. Everyone else is still deeply in denial. I was able to get a friend who has a prostrate cancer recurrence to try ivermectin and fenbenazole. He’s the only one who accepted the literature I printed out (& keep in my car along with a copy of the truth about Fauxchi )

They still believe in the PCR test, so I don’t know how to snap them out of the deception.

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Perhaps some helpful info...

It's sounds like you need to detox and balance your minerals. There are a lot of tests you can purchase online through online labs that can tell you what toxins are in your body. When the adrenals are "fatigued" people become very chemically sensitive.

Zeolite powder does bind to a lot of toxins including mold and MTBE (gas fumes - we all have them in our body). I'm in the process of researching chlorine dioxide too since that's being mentioned a lot. I came across it many years ago. The body is always trying to heal but the more toxins (including non organic food and drugs) that are eaten or used the harder it is for the body to heal. Just like a cut. If you keep messing with the scab, it won't heal.

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Thanks. I have methylation problems and see an integrative medicine doctor the last few years. Chronic inflammatory response syndrome makes detoxing a delicate process, I easily reabsorb things I’m trying to flush out. Chemically sensitive too. Minerals are very important & easily thrown off.

I think chlorine dioxide is too strong for me right now.

I’m taking a pure resin cholystramine powder to help the leaky gut and it pulls out a lot of the toxins.

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You're welcome. I understand. Detoxing can be very tricky and can take a long time depending on the issue/situation. Sounds like chlorine dioxide would be too strong. I've been concerned about that as well. I'm going to look into what you're taking since I haven't come across it before.

Have you tried zeolite powder? I ask because it binds to and removes toxins so that re-absorption doesn't happen. Most detoxing supplements either bind to OR remove but not both. Humic acid is also fantastic for binding to and removing toxins plus it's got over 70 trace minerals to help support the body in the process.

Zeolite powder is also helps with leaky gut. Also, one really has to work on balancing minerals to help remove toxins from the body because many toxins take up mineral receptors on the cells. Minerals will work with each other, against each other, and for each other. It's a very intricate and delicate balance that unfortunately most integrated and holistic health practitioners don't understand or even know about. They'll just say take zinc or take more calcium (both very dangerous if you don't know your magnesium or your copper status in your tissues, for instance). I worked with many health practitioners yet I've had to do a ton of my own research (thousands of hours over a decade's worth) to figure a lot out because they don't know enough generally to be of help. Anyway, you have to do what helps you at the pace your body dictates.

There are ways to detox gently and safely as well that maybe you've tried or heard about that don't involve taking supplements. You know your own body and your comfort level. You might do one once a week, for example. Just some examples:

1) Castor oil packs (helps the liver to detox or whatever area you put the pack on - could even be your thyroid)

2) Bentonite clay foot baths (helps to bind to toxins)

3) Infrared/red light therapy (helps to heal cells)

4) Sauna to sweat out toxins (most likely too much at your stage)

Finally, your liver, gallbladder and kidneys, need to be supported when detoxing because they along with your skin are your detox organs. Milk Thistle with phosolipids helps to heal the liver and helps the kidney as well. Also, sulforaphane (derived from broccoli sprouts) is very good to help detox the liver. The liver detoxes in 2 phases and needs specific supplements to aid in that process when it's not working well. Also, your lymph system needs to be supported and worked on because it helps to move body fluids around to help you to detox. Jumping on a mini trampoline (rebounder) is wonderful for the lympth system or getting a vibration plate is even better. Just doing a lymphatic massage is very good too (you can find videos online on how to do that). There are lots of gentle ways to detox based on your current level of ability.

Wishing you well.

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I suspect many people who have more than one autoimmune issues could easily have chronic inflammatory response syndrome and the specialist don’t know to look for it.

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I’m dependent on thyroid hormone medication. Before I met my doctor, I took some colloidal silver. It made me feel great. I overdid it and ended up unbalancing my thyroid hormone levels for months!

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My dr warned me about fasting. He knows it’s very beneficial to many. I’d end up damaging my kidneys if I fasted more than 15 hours.

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Thanks for your detailed thoughtful comment. These are all beneficial at times. I am sticking with the Ritchie Shoemaker protocol for biotoxin mold illness. My Dr has me on supplements, pure encapsulation brand. Based on blood work and my weaknesses. My dr told me zeolite would be more harmful than helpful. If I react to something in food, environment, my inflammation goes into overdrive and zeolite leaking back in. I did a heavy metal detox by Metagenics, clear renu , it was very painful and I had to follow a strict guidelines. That helped balance my overload of both heavy metal and parasites. Many of the supplements/ blends im taking have gentle detox.

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Manufactured wars....Manufactured emergencies.....Manufactured pandemics...... All grist for the money making mill of the self styled 'elites'..... Every war from Vietnam to Ukraine has been carefully manufactured according to the 'profit by weaponry' gospel of the DC supported military industrial complex and their Wall Street acolytes. Then there's the manufactured climate emergency, bringing with it colossal worldwide monetary expenditure to the direct benefit of the elites, not one cent of which has yet markedly improved the life or the atmospheric environment of any individual citizen anywhere. Then of course we have the 'man-made-viral pandemics-at-will' to deal with, which are arguably more evil than any of the 'elites' other anti-human schemes, which they are currently planning to turbo-charge with their insane planned anti-democratic revisions of the WHO's charter. Thinking intelligent people know very well what's going on, while the corrupt media in concert with newly enacted anti-free speech laws drown out the voices of the critical mass of rebellious objectors.

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"Manufactured pandemics are now mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power." Yes, that would have been the likely primary motive of [Redacted]. Jeffrey Epstein, who supported the work of the business partner of Joe Biden's son Hunter, Nathan Wolfe, whom the Russians allege created SARS-CoV-2 in a Ukranian biolab, appears to have been an operative of [Redacted], just like Ghislaine Maxwell's father was. [Redacted] are likely relatively immune to SARS-CoV-2. It's unlikely to be a coincidence that it hurts some ethnic groups, including the enemies of [Redacted], more than others. It would have been designed to spare [Redacted]. In addition to being designed to increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power, the SARS-CoV-2 plandemic was designed to take down Trump and install Biden. Biden needed hundreds of thousands of Americans dead to blame on Trump. The enriched billionaires include corrupt foreign leaders connected to [Redacted]. Remember who it was that Trump savaged for being one of the first foreign leaders to congratulate Biden?

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You don't have the nerve to say what you mean by [Redacted]. I guess you're NOT as AWAKE as you think you are. Someone AWAKE understands actual history and actual facts not those based on propaganda and hate. How comes tons of [Redacted] have died from the shots? That's a rhetorical question for you because I won't respond to the likes of you [Redacted] ever again and don't think you're capable of even answering the question. Open your eyes, Ms. AWAKE and start learning who is really behind ALL of this and stop blaming when you have no clue.

I'll follow Mark Twain's advice towards you, “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

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You can live in your fantasy world of fake facts Debra but it's no secret that Biden is connected to Wolfe and that Wolfe was backed by Epstein.

It's no secret which Intel agency Epstein worked for. It's also no secret which ethnic groups are hit hardest and which are relatively spared.

See the research cited by RFK Jr.

You can deny reality and be upset by facts as much as you like but facts don't care about your feelings.

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Debra - you are correct. I see these cowards that believe they know it all, yet have to hide behind innuendo rather than saying what they mean. She's just another one of them.

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I agree on wealth and power but I also think these people justify it in their minds as population reduction for climate change

We are being poisoned with what we eat and drink yet we have people thinking they can control the sun and weather as we are downing microplastics and forever chemicals

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Yep. Crystal clear analysis.

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Evil – Where Does It Come From?

Posted By The White Rose UK On 28/10/2022

By Roy M McIntosh

Where does it come from? Are we capable of it? Does it need leaders?

Over the years at times, I asked those questions as I could see evil on show—and that was overseas and at home!

In history, mainstream media, education etc we are told about the evil coming from Japan, Germany, China, Russia etc, we all go along with that.

But we should look closer to home and see what we find!

I shall not give the details because if I tried that, I may be writing till the next decade! I shall just name what is on top of my head.

1. The Highland clearances in Scotland

2. The miners’ strikes in the UK

3. Babies heads kicked off—Australia

4. Rwanda’s genocide—Yanks and Brits involvement

5. The Beggars Benison and Edinburgh Wig Club, Scotland

6. The Darien Scheme—what was behind it?

7. Children’s care homes—UK

8. Dodgy cover-ups—involving politicians, royals, Savile, Hamilton etc

I used to think that evil shown to others was one country against another, but when you look, it was right on our own doorstep. As I said, we are not being informed. You have to go and look for it, and it is not far away when you scratch under the surface of history.

Maybe at times we make excuses when our ‘flag’ is involved, and maybe a relative was involved…

That is how I found out about the Australian Aborigine babies’ heads being kicked off.

An uncle who lived in Australia from 1920 till he died, told me how the Aborigines were treated, so I read up on it and found the kicking of heads ‘horror show’.

In my mind I thought the evil was there, close to home, but I would try to make excuses and not want to believe.

Jump into the 2020s and all has been revealed. The ‘evil’ is not only in your own country, city and street but in your own very door!

Murder of the elderly spells it out, and people just turn a blind eye to it, as if it did not happen.

That was all done by the backing of politicians, doctors, churches, NHS and the mainstream media. Add on the jab ghouls going around like covid wizards, joyfully maiming and killing.

Yes, we all like to think that evil only exists across borders, but the truth is it’s in all areas of society and it is worldwide.

I think we should all look in the mirror and ask ourselves: Am I being honest?

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I recently learned off of Rebecca's substack that there were at least 30, I mean THIRTY "Healh care professionals" who worked together to administer fatal doses of drugs to her beautiful little girl Daniele who was in the hospital. I question how could our current doctors and nurse in United States hospitals could be so capable to murder a little girl all of a sudden. People who were trained to save lives now all of a sudden take lives. WTH??? There is no way they didn't know what they were doing to that little girl. Unfortunately we tend to be herd animals and most of us don't have the ability to use our brains when in groups.

I just watched Dr. Mike Yeadon recent interview where he talk about three experiments. The first one The Milgram Experiment which I have heard of before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdrKCilEhC0

and the Asch Conformity Experiment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYIh4MkcfJA

However I never heard of the Stanford Prison Experiment. .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KND_bBDE8RQ

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Oh my. Who is Rebecca? Why was her daughter in the hospital? There are truly no words. We've got to educate each other with the skills we have on how to stop all of this for the survival of humanity, the other animals we share the planet with (they want them gone, too), and the planet.

Unfortunately, this isn't new. The r-ck-f-kkers have been at this for a century. They were going to build gas chambers in Connecticut. One hundred years ago, 18 - 20 US states had eugentic laws - thanks to the psychopath, margarent sanger (planned parenthood - gates father was on the board of). I believe it was the carn-gies that were involved in sterilizing Appalachians. fraudchi experimented on African American orphans in NY in the 1980s and when they died they buried them in potter's grave. Doctors have been apart of all of this ev11 for a very long time. Look at ALL the doctors who promoted smoking.

It's shocking to our core. It's impossible to understand this level of ev11. How so many doctors and nurses are laughing at the suffering of others. Yes, I've heard nurses speak of other nurses laughing at patient's suffering. How they don't understand basic biochemistry and are injecting beautiful innocent children (and animals) with so many toxic substances because they are so brainwashed and who knows what else they are thinking (most likely not even able to think)? Idk.

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Rebecca Charles. She names names in this substack article and the many, many poisons used to murder her little girl in an American hospital. She names close to THIRTY "health care professionals" that participated in the murder of her daughter. WTF??????



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Oh my. Thank you for sharing. I just read both links and commented. I'm going to share it to my small email list. We've got to wake people up.

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There are now so, so many hospital protocol murders in America and in many other countries now.

This is the web site to listen to hospital stories: COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project. https://chbmp.org/.

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Thank you. I'll keep the link but right now, I can't read anymore sad, heartbreaking stories. The stress of all of this ev11 is too much. For me, I get it and I know the level of horror. At this point, all of us that know, need to help others see. That's were I'm at.

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Big Pharma has bought the government.

Someone (DJT) needs to cut the Gordian Knot.

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Since humans still are in population growth mode, all pandemics have been fake. Even the silly idea that government is your friend has been 110% manufactured.

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