We live in a time of strong delusion and deception. It’s a spiritual battle as much as an intellectual one. Thanks for your Sub-stack. Your passion comes through on every post. May God grant you strength and wisdom. Blessings.

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Satan's long century. Satan HATES children

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Satan EATS children.

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I want to give you 4 liked.

Forgive me, I can only give you 1.

But you know.


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Satan hates babies because each one is a potential saved soul that he loses to Jesus Chri a t and everlasting life.

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They've been butchering and chopping away in the USA for decades upon decades - raking in the money - the most common mutilation (surgery) in the USA.

They sell the neonatal foreskin cells online and put it into all sorts of products, a multi-billion dollar industry.

Circumcision - the genital mutilation of boys violates all bioethics - just like the jab mandates, and the jab itself being promoted on shoddy science, statistical manipulation, and poor study design...on purpose...

Circumcision, male genital mutilation, is not a life saving procedure - the foreskin is healthy, protective, erogenous tissue.

Therefore, the "procedure" is damaging, a violation of human rights, and legalized and culturally normalized torture.

The article below from Doctors Opposing Circumcision outlines the human rights violation in greater detail.


"First do no harm".

They love the money, though, and the average American can't grapple with the uncomfortable fact that this is wrong because it either happened to them or they did it to their son(s) or both.

Men that live with their entire penises never opt to mutilate themselves because it's an inferior option.


The above video series speaks about the sexual function of the foreskin and the intact penis as a whole.

Here are more links on the missing elements of sexual function.




This is what mutilated men and their partners are missing out on.

We just don't give boys a chance, baby boys cannot consent - and they won't "consciously remember"...so strap them down to a circumstraint table and start chopping away, right?

Then those boys that grow into adults make jokes about European men and their intact penises, they get defensive and angry when the topic is attempted to be discussed in a serious manner, instead of using crass humor to pave over what lies beneath - a violation of the body, pain, sexual diminishment, profiteering off of their body (foreskin harvesting, and the profit made from the "procedure" itself), etc...

American liberty and freedom? What a joke.

Our great old USA country has been selling foreskin to biotech companies to do all sorts of testing.

Look up HFF, human foreskin fibroblast.


Look you can buy baby foreskin fibroblast online - a vial of it....



Harvesting baby boys' genital tissue, healthy, erogenous tissue for profit - is that freedom? Disgusting.

"The foreskin has important sexual nerve receptors that are removed during circumcision.[9][1][15][27] Circumcision removes the most sensitive part of a man's penis. The five most sensitive areas of the penis are on the foreskin. The transitional region from the external to the internal foreskin is the most sensitive region of the fully intact penis, and more sensitive than the most sensitive region of the circumcised penis.[28]"



Circumcision is a disgusting and torturous scam and it removes 15 square inches of densely innervated erogenous tissue (as an adult that is what the foreskin grows into, size wise).

Here is a video playlist on the functions of the intact male genitalia.


Companies like SkinMedica love to use foreskin of baby boys in their products.

Look up Sandra Bullock Penis Facial on YouTube - they laugh about rubbing baby boy genital cream on their faces for their vain youth. Like old witches that eat babies to stay young, like Blood Mary.....All the old folktales of witches and vampires.




Any of you that know of the lies of the MRNA SHOT - yet, think genital mutilation is okay...you're still blind - just like a lot of those that think the jab is "safe and effective"...

Fauci and Bill Gates love genital mutilation - they have spent millions of dollars mutilating boys in Africa!



The same men who spearheaded this death campaign of the jab, actively have supported genital mutilation.

Healthy baby boys are not good candidates for surgery.

The foreskin is healthy erogenous tissue that protects the head of the penis - and the majority of nerve endings are in the foreskin - the majority of pleasure comes from the foreskin.

Generations and generations of mutilated men in the USA - where's the critical thinking? The liberty? The freedom?

I recommend the documentary, The American Circumcision on Amazon Video, or the presentation on YouTube, Circumcision: The Elephant in the Room.



They've been profiting hundreds of millions a year on baby boy genitals - and advancing their research to bring you all the technologies that will destroy and oppress people.

I wish Americans would really realize how they failed when it came to be fooled that circumcision was "medicine" and had any kind of "benefit" at all...

Another good book is: Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma, By Dr. Ronald Goldman.


A video playlist of Dr. Ronald Goldman addressing this issue - the psychological damages and emotional avoidance of those affected by this violation.


Doctors Opposing Circumcision Video Playlist


The president of Doctors Opposing Circumcision​ delivers a somber appeal to the American people: "Circumcision is unconstitutional... To do this to an infant is an atrocity, a savage, brutal act.... This tragic practice, cutting the genitals of children, is an epidemic." ~Dr. George Denniston

IntactAmerica is also a good website.


"Immediately prior to the training, I remember a blond-haired resident giddy with excitement at being able to learn the procedure, and vividly recall her saying: “Have the nursing staff line the boys up. Go Chop! Chop! Chop! Think of all the RVUs you can make??” RVU stands for Relative Value Unit, which is a figure used for compensation. Obviously, her main concern was the amount of money that could be generated by sexually maiming newborn boys in the name of profit. "


Also, Foregen is the name of a biotech company that is seeking to regrow foreskins in labs (no involvement of stem cells from babies or anything unethical like that) - with the patient's own body cells. They're almost in phase 3 of 3 human trials on April 1st 2023, and it will last for 1 year. I can't wait for men to start gaining full sexual function and feeling back.


Spread the word. Americans have been whoring out their boys for big pharma profit and mutilating them in a brainwashed fashion for decades. Search within your heart.

Medical freedom means ending genital mutilation. It's his penis, not society's penis or his parent's penis.

If you did this to your son or it happened to you, process the emotions, grapple with the issue, and evolve. Don't chronically beat yourself up about it, forgive yourself - we all get fooled some of the time.

Edit: I may or may not respond to replies. The majority of questions can be answered with the sources and claims I have mentioned. I spend a good amount of time on these forums as is - and I have many responsibilities. Please understand. Also, it takes a bit of an emotional toll on me to respond to those that are angry and are still under the circumcision cognitive dissonance/Stockholm Syndrome mode.

For my own quality of life, I sometimes have to take a step away.

Thank you.

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I adamantly REFUSED to allow the hospital to circumcise my baby boy in 1991. I had to push back VERY hard on that. I also very calmly refused to allow the hospital to inject my baby boy with dozens of shots before we left the hospital. The doctors were not pleased. But I protected my son. And still do.

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WOW. You shouldn't have been forced to have advocate for your son that hard - I just... wow.

And yes! stopping the damn vaccinations!

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You're a good mama.

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That is so inspiring. Thanks for going against the tide.

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Very, very rarely is circumcision medically "necessary". With proper knowledge of the natural male anatomy - it is virtually zero circumcisions that are needed, barring an super rare congenital birth defects, and even then - there are alternative means.

Studies out of Spain showed something like 0.01% of males needed circumcision due to medical necessity. Infections, like balanitis, are rare and can be treated with oral antibiotics, like an ear infection. For reference around 46% of infants will have an ear infection by age 1.

Honestly, that number can be reduced to zero. Zero "needed" circumcisions if proper intact penis care is used.

The only exception might be rare congenital birth defects and only sometimes is it even the necessary.

USA people have more issues with natural penis because they don't know that the foreskin is adhered to the glans at birth, so they try to pull it back and it causes injury and pain, the same adhering like the fingernail to the finger. This causes injury and higher likelihood of infection and formation of scar tissue which reduced elasticity.

This is called a forcible retraction and doctors have been successfully sued. Look at the website doctors opposing circumcision for more info on forcible retraction malpractice.

USA healthcare workers do not get trained that the natural penis is healthy and superior, so they damage the intact boys out of ignorance, to create problems to create demand for mutilation.

Women get antimicrobials for infections, why not for boys, too?

Amputation for infection is medieval idiocy.

Also, USA people don't know that only water should be used to clean a retracted penis under the foreskin...it has a special pH balance like the vagina.

The forcible retraction and the usage of soap all give USA people more complications with natural penis - all borne of ignorance.

Hospitals like money and Americans are trained to do what they're told by authority figures like doctors by the "education" system

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Well. My late brilliant physician husband treated a lot of foreskin problems when he worked in hospitals and emergency departments. He believed it is a good idea to circumcise boys. He also treated a lot of infections in women, and he told me 60+% or so of them had partners that were not circumcised. He would get the partners in so he could treat them and stop the infection cycle. Chlamydia especially likes to brew up under foreskins. The only Chlamydia infection I ever got was from my uncircumcised boyfriend, early in our intimate relationship (he was treated also.). I did acquire a preference after that, yes.

My husband also told me about some of the surgeries he participated in because the foreskin had become so infected it couldn't be treated without being removed -very carefully. There were terrible deep sores, and worse. It's a dicey thing when they are that infected on adult males, particularly the more elderly. He managed to not have to do any amputations, he said but it was a close thing a couple times. He talked a surgeon out of doing one of them and that took persuading.

God gave Moses the commandment to circumcise babies on the 8th day of their life, which was the safest time. That commandment, or covenant wasn't just about marking themselves as God's chosen people, it was for hygiene. Many of those commands were - for example, eating pork, which still can be problematic even when it is well cooked, particularly in places where standards aren't followed in raising and caring for swine.

There are plenty of circumcised men who are conscientious about their hygiene. It may be mostly a problem that boys are not properly drilled about attentive hygiene with respect to their foreskins or get careless when they are older. I don't see circumcision when chosen as necessarily an act of violence; it does matter that it be done correctly and with the greatest minimum of pain or discomfort. My husband also participated in plastic surgeries (he had exceedingly good hands as well) reconfiguring males where it had been a hack job by whomever did the initial circumcision. When he had parents who inquired about circumcising their baby sons, he had a couple rabbis certified in circumcision he referred them to and explained why, and of course he did elective circumcisions himself during his maternity rotation with full disclosure about pros and cons and did not bring up his preference. He really did a good job; it is very hard not to tip one's hand. I had an opportunity to talk to some doctors he had worked with at various times in various capacities and in listening was given verification.

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Men are not falling over in the streets, their foreskins suffocating them and producing disease. An indoctrinated American doctor will tell you that. Just like they tell you the vaccine is safe and effective, too.

European countries that have medical associations that publicly state circumcision is unectand cruel, that's a part of their training and they have no financial incentive.

Few intact men in foreskin educated countries ever, ever opt to get cut - why? Because it's ludicrous to them, and they were taken care of properly by their mothers, fathers and anyone else in that culture that understood natural male anatomy.

This is pure cultural blindness, and many cut men get super defensive and upset and they just have to cut their sons because, "they turned out fine"...it's called the Adamant Father Syndrome - cut men are far more likely to genitally mutilate their kids.

It's all psychological avoidance and a lack of critical thinking.

I have sympathy for them, though, it's emotionally difficult, but this needs to stop.

They're selling foreskin online and celebrities out it on their face - this is organ/ce harvesting - this is so dehumanizing and demeaning.

And callous Americans make jokes about cutting their sons and violating their rights and sexuality.

It's an evil world.

This deserves maximum elucidation and eradication.

Girls get protected and cherished, but boys? Treated like cattle to brand.

Boys aren't doing we because we don't treat them well.

This birth trauma, see the book, The Body Keeps the Score, putting a baby in a deep sense of pain and danger negatively affects brain development and overall development - the baby boys disassociate and stay that way their whole life unless they do somatic psychotherapeutic work.

I'm not here to make you feel attacked or bad - please, really grapple with the material and feel.

Everyone makes mistakes.

I'm not here to attack anyone - everyone gets pressured and fooled by social peer pressure.

Now is the time to end this.

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I think there are pros and cons about male circumcision, but the one thing you can say is that circumcision does not prevent a man from living a normal life. Too bad you don't use some of your "outrage" over what instead is being done to women, yes even in the U.S. Unbelievable torture and mutilation that does prevent their victims from having a normal sex life, but does guarantee they'll be good slaves. Not a problem for you though since it "only" happens to women. Have you ever heard what the Trobriand Islanders used to do to their male children at adolescence? Their manhood ritual? If you're so hot and bothered about male circumcision, you really won't like their ritual. But not to worry, your civilization has taken care of them - another group felled by western ethnocide.

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No. No pros, only cons.

You'd know that if you genuinely approached the topic.

Removing healthy erogenous tissue bears no benefit. It traumatized the boy.

Circumcision reduces sexual pleasure for the man. The majority of nerve endings and Meissner's corpuscles are in the foreskin.

FGM is no worse than MGM, and there are varying degrees of severity for both.

Removing any healthy part of the body of anyone unconsensually is just torture.

Circumcision does prevent a man from experiencing the full depth of intimacy.

If you looked at the links and the links within the links I put in my initial messages, you would know that.

My calling is to speak out about male genital mutilation. That does not mean I condone other atrocities that are committed by others. That is a ridiculous insinuation.

If someone opens up an animal shelter for dogs, do you accuse them of hating cats? No, that be dumb.

If you hear a woman talking about FGM, do you assume she doesn't care about boys and MGM? No, that be dumb, too.

Those tribal rituals ARE disgusting. Whether they happen to boys or girls.

The boys that get mutilated at birth have that survival stress trapped in their bodies - preverbal trauma is real, any somatically aware practitioner knows that.

Most serial killers have been neglected before they can even consciously remember, as babies. The evidence is there. Just because you can't consciously recollect it is irrelevant - the body, the nervous system detects and stores the threat of sexually violent mutilation and being ignored. "The Body Keeps the Score", is a book that proves this beyond a reasonable doubt - along with all the other somatic researchers and the dozens of their books with citations and more.

FGM is not worse the MGM. There are varying degrees of both.

Being circumcised does reduce sexual pleasure, and that's not living a normal life - but a life with less capacity to feel.

Circumcised men experience more sexual frustration, are 20% more likely to get divorced, and in a cross cultural examination engage in a wider variety of sexual activity, presumably to make up for the lack of sexual feirlng they have.

Source: "Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma", by Dr. Ronald Goldman.

MGM is just as bad as FGM - there are various degrees of both - and MGM reduces a man's sexual pleausre, FGM isn't unique in this regard of sexual pleasure reduction, it's foolish to think that, and it's misandrist.

So what point do you actually have that is actually reasonable and well thought out?

Because your comment doesn't show onne point that fits the bill.

Talking about boys' and mens' issues does not take away from women - and women don't deserve ALL of the focus and care - everyone deserves to be treated with respect and humanity - that's equality, truly.

What leg do you have left to stand on?

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Sorry, this is very low on my injustice collector calculator. For this to be the equivalent to what happens to women would be baby boys being not circumcised but castrated. I think you care enough about "poor men" for both of us.

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Also, biblical circumcision is far less severe than modern circumcision.

So biblical circumcision couldn't even be argued to prevent anything.

Brit Milah in the Bible and around 250 AD the Jews made circumcision more severe to Brit Periah, they added to the Old Covenant.



Also, with the New Testament and the new covenant - the mosaic law is of no use to Christians. The new testament calls for circumcision of the heart for men and women, symbolically. Apostle Paul calls circumcision mutilation in the book of Galatians and in 1 Corinthians he says to leave all the uncircumcised, uncircumcised.

Here is more in why circumcision is unchristian.


The biblical Jews had a lot of foreskin, unlike modern men subjected to this mutilation against their will - some men have fvery painful erections and lack of sensation.

Also, God invented foreskin, it has the most nerve endings than any other part of the penis. God never asks for sacrifices rotten fruit and dirty rags, no. He asks for what is valuable. Therefore, foreskin is valuable. God didn't put foreskin on 6500+ species of mammals to make them suffer.

Christ relieved us of the burden of having to inflict pain and damaging and weakening of the penises of our sons.

This was a lesser replacement to the child sacrifice for that was going on back then...then Christ came and made it symbolic, no actual mutilation needed...

Also, the foreskin is meant to reduce excessive abrasion, less abrasion less pain, more pleasure.

Just use a condom or get into a committed relationship.

People justify this practice by coming up with all sorts of bogus claims because no one wants to realize this mutilation is unnecessary and of no benefit, it just harms and reduces sexual pleasure.

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Thank you for the links, I will visit and read.

That is messed up if the Jews made circumcision more severe - !? I'm not aware of that. Hm.

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I refer to my previous comment.

His penis, his choice.

It causes preverbal birth trauma - puts the boy into fight or flight mode then deep freeze because he can't get away. He becomes disassociated.

This is the torture of a human being.

All the USA issues of foreskin comes from ignorance here is the explanation for USA issues for foreskin below. Ponder why Europe doesn't have these issues, because they don't forcibly retract, they boy doesn't use harsh soap when it naturally retracts at around age 10.5 on average.

My evidence is below. Fact check me. The USA has terrible "science" with manipulative data and crap study designs like the COVID jabs.

Very, very rarely is circumcision medically "necessary".

Studies out of Spain showed something like 0.01% of males needed circumcision due to medical necessity. Infections, like balanitis, are rare and can be treated with oral antibiotics, like an ear infection. For reference around 46% of infants will have an ear infection by age 1.

Honestly, that number can be reduced to zero. Zero "needed" circumcisions if proper intact penis care is used.

The only exception might be rare congenital birth defects and only sometimes is it even the necessary.

USA people have more issues with natural penis because they don't know that the foreskin is adhered to the glans at birth, so they try to pull it back and it causes injury and pain, the same adhering like the fingernail to the finger. This causes injury and higher likelihood of infection and formation of scar tissue which reduced elasticity.

This is called a forcible retraction and doctors have been successfully sued. Look at the website doctors opposing circumcision for more info on forcible retraction malpractice.

USA healthcare workers do not get trained that the natural penis is healthy and superior, so they damage the intact boys out of ignorance, to create problems to create demand for mutilation.

Women get antimicrobials for infections, why not for boys, too?

Amputation for infection is medieval idiocy.

Also, USA people don't know that only water should be used to clean a retracted penis under the foreskin...it has a special pH balance like the vagina.

The forcible retraction and the usage of soap all give USA people more complications with natural penis - all borne of ignorance.

Hospitals like money and Americans are trained to do what they're told by authority figures like doctors by the "education" system.

Many European doctors have never seen a UTI or infection of the natural penis in their 60+ year careers - look at the doctor's opposing circumcision group - they attest to that and explain why the USA has more issues - they forcibly retract boys out of ignorance, causing pain, bleeding and scar tissue which leads to infection, inflammation and leaves the foreskin less elastic and can make phimosis more likely due to less elasticity from scar tissue from the forcible retraction.

USA healthcare workers are not trained on purpose to increase the myth that the foreskin is problematic.


Four out of ten intact (not circumcised) boys will experience having their foreskin forcibly torn from its foundation by misguided adults. This traumatic, painful and unnecessary action can lead to complications, such as bleeding, infection and eventual amputation of the foreskin. Early traumas are known to cause developmental and lifelong psychological problems."

Source: https://intactamerica.org/

Here's a form to fill out to file against a healthcare worker that forcibly retracted and injures a boy's penis. Yes, it's that common to have a form and a formal complaint procedure. Pure ignorance. The intact penis is pleasurable and superior, and every boy and man's birthright.


"When you wash your son’s penis, no special care is needed. Wash it like you would a finger, from the body to the tip, with warm water only. No retracting or even checking to see if it retracts a little! The boy should be the first person to retract his own foreskin.

If your son’s foreskin is red, it’s probably caused by an overgrowth of yeast, which occurs when bacteria die from the use of soap, shampoo, bubble baths, or swimming in a chlorinated pool. The solution is simple: bacterial replacement therapy. Apply liquid Acidophilus culture or another probiotic to the boy’s outer foreskin six times a day for three days and watch it return to normal health.

If your son’s foreskin has a white lump, it’s called a smegma pearl. Smegma is made up of sloughed-off cells, and smegma pearls tell you that the foreskin and glans are separating. As the separation of the foreskin and glans makes its way to the tip of the foreskin, the smegma is easily wiped away.

Let your son’s penis develop naturally as it should, and make sure no one – not a doctor or nurse, not a babysitter or another relative – tries to forcibly retract his foreskin. This is the best way to avoid injury and make sure he’s healthy and happy."


The Europeans know.

USA has been trained to be disgusted by the natural penis, as if baby boys require surgical correction because they're born defective.

The USA marketing effectively brainwashed Americans.

Baby boys need and deserve love and proper care.

Leave his penis alone, take care of him correctly.

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Dec 10, 2022·edited Dec 10, 2022

Thank you for the links. I will go through them and learn.

And no, too many people do not know about intact foreskins, and the medical profession should be trained for crying out loud in medical school. Then there would be a LOT less of the cases my husband saw.

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It's very interesting. A doctor would get to see many of the cases of the effects of not being circumcised however I doubt very much that Moses cared about the effects of clymydia on women of uncircumcised men. And yeah, pork can be bad but think of how many bad cases out of all the times people eat pork. A baby comes into the world and having a trauma like circumcision is not exactly a good welcome into the human family. The later stages of the trauma isn't studied, of the effects towards the women of men who are circumcised vs uncircumcised but it would be an interesting study which would need to be done over many years. I think that circumcision puts resentment towards women in the minds of men, an early stamping on their minds that their mother isn't trustworthy enough to protect them from such a trauma in their helplessness. This probably goes into the sub conscious mind. I'd like to see how men are towards violence too who are uncircumcised as opposed to circumcised. Funny how these studies are not done.

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All unnecessary with right education for the parents!

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Apparently, if we dig deep, and according to Voltaire in his philosophic letters, Moses (Egyptian name) looked up this practice in Egypt ), so it seems a bit problematic to mix spiritual with purely physical. Plus anecdotal side, any doctor can provide volumes of pros and cons. Why don't we slice something off female genitalia, to prevent infection)) I’m wholeheartedly for spiritual circumcision.

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Dec 10, 2022·edited Dec 10, 2022

We don't slice off pieces of female genitalia routinely because we don't have external structure that causes infections; we have plenty to deal with thanks to our vaginas being how they are and susceptible to infections and overpopulation by bacteria without some care and some luck. However, an equivalency argument is a poor comparison. Interesting about Voltaire, but we have some very old and verified Biblical documents on the subject. Islamists are big on scraping girls' and women's external genitalia off, as are some African tribes, to purposely deprive them of sexual pleasure. A lot of girls and women die from blood loss and infection from that. They then also sew up their vaginas, until they marry. BIG health problems. It's the grandmothers tasked with this heinous horrible ritual of passage. Mothers who live in the cities will refuse to allow that for their female children and sometimes discover that their daughter(s) have been kidnapped by the grandmothers and disfigured. This 'female circumcision' is happening more often in the U.S., because of the ongoing importation/invasion of Islamicists. The Muslims I know do not do this to their daughters, but yeah, I don't know them all just my local folks.

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Unfortunately, in areas where they do female genital mutilation, they make the same claims of it being cleaner and medically safer and good for the woman's health.

They try to use "science" to justify their superstition.

You can look up the claims that Africans make of FGM online.

There are African that have stated on Facebook that they won't marry an uncircumcised woman.

Sound familiar? Yeah, same kind of psychological blindspot and entrenched traumatic practices as the USA.

Also, just like the cut men in the USA push circumcision on their sons, the circumcised women are the ones that push female circumcision on their daughters or grand daughters the most!

What you do to children, they do to society -meninger, quoted from the book, Circumcision The Hidden Trauma, by Dr. Ronald Goldman (A Jewish doctor).

Whatever gender or class of people that sustains the mutilation, they are nearly always the most adamant that it must be done to their son or daughter!

This is a very common and well known pattern to clinicians.

The abused, abuse others. Even though they say they have good intentions and they make bogus rationalizations, because they have to seem good to themselves and to others.

Everyone is prone to social engineering, psychological blindspots.

This is not an attack on anyone. I have sympathy for the parents whom it happened to and who then got fooled into doing it to their kids.

Just like those that got fooled into taking the jab, and all other unecessary procedures and medications that cause harm and don't fix the problem, but just mask it, while a deeper issue festers.

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Thanks for sharing info, it’s a disgusting barbarian practice.

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I honor your passion for this subject. As a student nurse, I stood next to a physician about to circumcise an infant, strapped down and screaming on a little round panel. "Whoa, doc!? Where's the anesthesia for this little guy?" My teacher, who knew me quite well by now, slipped away quietly, as I proceeded to lambast that doctor in front of God and everybody. "A grown man wouldn't let you get away with this. How do you sleep at night? Are you circumcised? You know this is genital mutilation, don't you? How can you mutilate these little babies like this without a thought for their pain or comfort?!" It was heated. But I left with the idea that if each mother who wanted her son circumcised had to hold her baby while this procedure was being done, many mothers would stop that doctor right away once they SAW what was going to happen. I dunno. I gave birth at home to 3 daughters. Thankfully. My husband and I fought long and hard over circumcision (if we were to have a son) because I was not home birthing, not vaxxing, breastfeeding my baby, so that some doctor could hack off a part of his little body for no good reason. Thank you for your passion on this subject. More people need to be aware.

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As a former midwife, I was able to save many penises. I woukd confront the parents on the issue full on. I had discerned that if dad was circumsized, the couple or at least dad would want their son to "match". I would educate them on the utility of the foreskin and then tell them "when you wear your penises on the outside of your pants, then you can worry about matching" This worked! And many of the dads would thank me further, in time as they realized the importance of the foreskin. So important!!!

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My brother was circumcised at 25, by choice.

My best friend is intact and hates it. He says it's a stinky and gross and a lot more trouble to maintain hygienically than anti cut sites make it out to be.

I appreciate your post, but claiming no one chooses the cut simply is not true, and the claim only weakens your stance .

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

By the way - I mean no harm or offense to you, personally.

I truly do see these claims I've mentioned in my previous comment play out in the world.

Women have to upkeep with their hygiene, and we don't lambast them for it or make fun of them.

Intact men aren't dirtier than an intact woman.

Your friend seems to have unique insecurities - he calls himself gross and smelly and doesn't like his penis? That sounds like a social peer pressure situation.

I've heard of many teenage boys almost give into being cut but that experience so much relief when their mother or father talked them out of it. And guess what? Those boys were in the USA and other anti intact penis areas of the world...which isn't a surprise.

The natural body is beautiful and all people should have their bodies properly taken care of as babies and children so they don't have problems with their bodies borne from the ignorance of their society and parents.

Also, the healthy foreskin just yields way too many sexual performance benefits in regard to men and women to consider being cut an advantage on any way.

Most of the USA issues with men's sexual health comes from ignorance and cut men being hostile to other cut men or intact men or men that want boys to have basic human rights...cutting of any minors should be federally banned - a prison sentence offense.

But, we need to prevent the forcible retraction and stop the use of pH disrupting soaps, dyes, sulfates, etc...

I've heard of American mother's that didn't know any better trying to retract and clean under their son's foreskin with soap! Before he naturally retracted! Ouch!

This level of ignorance, bless her heart, she changed her ways after being informed, is what is hurting boys.

These parents mean well - but you don't know what you don't know.

And cut father's don't want to understand their circumcision wasn't only unecessary but also deprives them of a true sexual experience and also deprives their partner.

This is why most men that are cut either resort to taunting me, telling jokes, or insulting me or even threatening me - they're the ones that are uncomfortable.

I have sympathy for all parties involved.

I do not intend any offense to anyone.

However, this is a hard conversation we need to have in a society like the USA, that seems to want to hold on to the cognitive dissonance, callousness and blindness - and sympathy and respect, mutually, and a light tactful touch is required to converse about this topic, as a result.

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Beautifully shared.

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

What matters is that the only time a circumcision happens is that it is consented to by an informed adult.

Also, many men feel pressured to get cut if they live in a country or area where most men are cut.

I've heard countless stories of high school boys made fun of by other boys or girls and they claim they also want to be cut. They start to loathe themselves, they actually start to believe the "unhygienic and stinky" propaganda that is propagated by men cut at birth that have no choice but to make fun of what they are missing, what was stolen from them - and by women that are trained to make fun of men with jtnact genitals.

Lots of men that give into the peer pressure regret their decision to have their foreskin removed.

Your best friend sounds like he has body image issues.

And your brother doesn't have a foreskin to reduce excessive abrasion, women with circumcised partners experience more vaginal pain and rely on lube as compared to intact men.

The head of his penis will begin to keratinize and will be rougher and less sensitive, not moist or lubricated.

The foreskin is meant to retain vaginal secretion and the smegma helps to reduce friction by thinking vaginal secretion.

It's not trouble to maintain.

Maybe your friend was forcibly retracted at a young age and has a foreskin with scar tissue that makes it less elastic, that's very common in countries with foreskin ignorance. Also, your friend could be using pH disrupting soaps or other body washes with initiating chemicals which causes irritation and can lead to body odor issues through a disrupted pencil microbiome. You can read about this on Intact America - I already posted the links and other excerpts in comments on this thread, I believe.

The intact penis is no dirtier than the intact vagina, but the intact penis is villifed and the intact vagina is not - in the USA.

Some people do choose to be cut - many of them regret it - and the ones that don't? I'll take them at their word (even though it is verifiably worse in regard to sexual performance) - even though they lose the advantages of having a foreskin that women like to enjoy, less friction, retention of lubricant,

...and the ribbed texture at the tip of the foreskin is perfect for g spot stimulation - which is why women orgasm more easily with intact men.

This has been known for millenia.

"The fact that circumcision weakens the faculty of sexual excitement and sometimes perhaps diminishes the pleasure is indubitable....It is hard for a woman with whom an uncircumcised man has had sexual intercourse to separate from him. In my opinion this is the strongest of the reasons for circumcision."

- Moses Maimonides (1135-1204), also known as the "Rambam", was a medieval Jewish rabbi, physician and philosopher.

Source: http://www.cirp.org/library/cultural/maimonides/

There are only disadvantages to being cut.

Having all of your genitals is superior.

Any issue a man has with his foreskin is virtually always from him being forcibly retracted as a small child, leading to scar tissue and inelasticity, contributing to the possibility of phimosis and difficultly cleaning - preventable from ignorance - or, using pH disrupting soaps and body washes with harsh sulfates, dyes, etc. - also preventable from ignorance...with knowledge.

These aforementioned men with preventable foreskin issues may elect to get cut - and it was all preventable.

If you look at how the Nordic countries and other part of Europe and the world operate - the medical training that is received and what the parents' and culture knows - they have virtually zero issues with the intact male.

Why does the USA and other cut happy places have issues? Willful ignorance that increases the demand for the barbaric cutting.

Also, when it comes to body odor - liver detoxification pathways, nervous system dysregulation (psychophysiological stress), alcolohosm and it's impact on the liver which prevents liver detoxification - all contribute to body odor. People that are weaning off of alcoholism experience odd odors because odors are attached to fat molecules and through lipolysis, those odors are liberated through sweating.

So, general health matters, too.

In conclusion, cutting is never necessary unless you really make all of the wrong choices or someone injured you as a child, even then there are nonsurgical means that exist which hospitals should offer more publicly, but don't because...money.

Say someone gets forcibly retracted, there is a tear in the foreskin, and inflammation and scar tissue forms - taking proteolytic enzymes at high dosage while fasted breaks up scar tissue and adhesions. It's called systemic enzyme therapy.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

There are so many better alternatives whice purposefully suppressed - which, if not suppressed, circumcision would be perceived by the mainstream public as rudimentary, medieval, and unrefined - as it should be.

There is no benefit, only disadvantage - it's not neutral.

Edit: please excuse any typos - autocorrect is murder, sometimes. I've corrected what typos I have seen, but haven't proofread all of my comments. Thanks for the toleration in advance.

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I think it's time to come out as transphobic. I didn't used to be, but it's getting harder and harder to go along with this charade. Until recently, adults choosing to present as the opposite sex--maybe to include hormones and surgery--did so privately for themselves. They weren't encouraging others. It wasn't trendy or popular. It wasn't tyrannical and authoritarian. No one was going after the kids. But now it is and they are. Women and children are threatened. Women's sports is threatened. Men are in women's prisons. Men are in traditional women schools. Men are in lockers and bathrooms. When women complain about being stereotyped or appropriated, they're demeaned and told to sit down and do what they're told. Told to get therapy! Yes, the real women are the ones told to get the therapy when they object to having to share a locker with a trans woman--a man who thinks he's a woman. No, that guy doesn't need therapy, but the actual women do. Trans is a women erasure movement at it's core. Oh, and by the way, according to the most popular trans women out there right now on social media, having a period and having to use tampons every month for 30 years is simply a quaint little artifact of womanhood that trans men can only dream about. This is actually offensive, but they don't care if they offend women because they don't actually like real women. They're narcissists and attention seekers, but they are not women.

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I agree that this is misogyny in the guise of caring. Why don't transgender have their own toilets and sports heats? Why do women have to bear the brunt of their claims? Women should leave sports in droves to show their disagreement with sharing their sports with transgenders. Lots of money for male wars, so women need to speak out and stand strong and not go along with this onslaught.

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Hi, Louise R: I wholeheartedly agree with your viewpoint. However, I want to make a respectful suggestion. I think the word "transphobic" itself is a misnomer, not something you'd want to call yourself. It's not accurate for you to accept that "label." It's a derogatory term employed by "wokies" to characterize the rest of us as pathologically "afraid" (phobic) of them or somehow "oppressing" them with our fear, when we are simply intelligent, sensible adults who recognize the fact that: They are out of their minds and want us to pretend they're not.

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That's a very important point. Yes they are also being played of course. HOw should we treat things though? I say everyone can have any sex life they want, any gender they want, it doesn't mean we have to go along with anything anyone says nor feel guilty about being different. If it were 20 years ago, "transgenders" were still in the closet. Let's even make a new narrative and call them "confused gender". We are being sucked in too by not using our own narratives and trying to contort to the narratives of psychopaths. I'm not saying "confused gender" are psychopath but they are being led by psychopaths and experts in Neuro Linguistic Programming.

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Agree, but why aren't conservatives/republicans/free thinkers going into medicine, science, psychology, leadership positions at work, etc and pushing back against the agenda. Right now the 'left' whatever you call it, is winning and are taking over.

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People are afraid and value jobs, prestige and positions more than truth and the costs thereof. They go along to get along. It’s always been harder to stand up to the crowd. We’ve become a soft, compliant people. Nothing like the pioneers who built this country from scratch. The fear of man, rather than the fear of the Lord rules over most. God help us all.

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Because you have to be somewhat of a sadist to do medical practice in this modern age. It's barbaric but we're used to barbarism because of the predatory terrain we all have to navigate through in normal life.

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Why? Because they can. And no one can stop them. This country-government-culture is rotten to the core. Jesus is coming soon!

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Transgender Pornography.

Changing bodies, swapping male <-> female IS transgender pornography.

The last episode of Star Trek “Turnabout Intruder” is a prime example of this porn genera. There are many other examples, even changing species. For example the Island of Dr Moreau.

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Yes, I believe articles about SRS and hormones for SR are also part of this trans porn genera.

Reasoning: These are not actual science based medical information, they feed prurient interest and ignore the actual physical and biological impossibilities of physical actual sex change.

Becoming a eunuch is not a becoming a woman.

Pornography is sexual fantasy. Transgender stories sex reassignment papers are also sexual fantasy. Ergo , this is pornography, even if not graphic and crude.

We should not teach our children with pornographic material.

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I've seen a couple of interviews with transgendered people and the surgeries do not seem to be very successful. If all of these people or even a few of them would share their sad stories openly we could start to change minds. The state of trans surgeries is not satisfactory. No surprisingly, it's really quite impossible to make a penis into a vagina and vice versa. We have to make this clearer so people can see this. It might be a deterrent.

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"Sharing openly" is easier said than done in today's climate of censorship and suppression. People have started detransition FB groups and video channels only to have themselves deplatformed after they reach a certain threshold. Twitter, FB, YouTube etc., are extremely dishonest brokers.

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Wow. I did not realize they were censoring people's real life stories. This is vile manipulation. I am shocked at the level of censorship in our society today. Its just criminal, not unlike the criminal act of transition surgery.

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Thank you for your response. I agree 100%. The world is a different place from what we used to know. We used to assume good intentions and good faith reporting. Everything is political now. Almost all reporting is agenda driven. If you rely on social media platforms for truth, you will end up misinformed without realizing it. Finding and supporting truthful reliable reporters you trust seems to be the only way to go these days.

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Indeed. These days you must search out the truth. Its not to be found in the mainstream.

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I don't understand why people even bother at all with the mainstream media. Everything they say is misleading. It's media in its death throws.

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Neither do I

I quit watching the news on TV at the beginning of the pandemic because it was just so patently obviously propaganda.

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I think it will turn out that we don't listen to writers who have a bad reputation for censorship or not giving both sides of an argument - like the mainstream media does.

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Why are parents still taking their children to these sadists? And why are parents still sending their children to school?

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They are gutless!

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If you destroy the 'self' at an early age, then you can manipulate it into anything you want.

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It's the extension of the population control agenda through sterilization. The rainbows are just fluffy cover.

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So sick how Abbvie and Bayer (big pharma) are promoting this to hook children into a lifetime of using their drugs. https://www.mamahasamustache.com/

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It’s very sad and horrible!!!!

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Although I’m not a parent, I agree with you!

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