Amazing Polly on fire! This Rumble is classic: "Phony Covid Dissidents - Beware the Dream Team Narrative Police", there is a possibility that they will pull another fraud pandemic stunt!
I agree with Polly 100%; what she is saying is do not trust these phony early COVID dissidents, bullshit; they are frauds; oh he at first bought it, the lies, but then saw the light, like STOLEN VALOR
she is right, those ‘early’ fake dissidents mocked us, slandered us, smeared us as if they knew, yet they got a come to Jesus and now on our side…
Generally in all human history all PONZI's end this way, and yes COV19 deployment by TRUMP's CIA is/was a "PONZI', just like south-sea bubbles, just like all bubbles in human history;
When they end the masses kill the perpetrators and try to claw-back their money; Recall that Trump released $12 Trillion USD to 'fight covid' and that is like 33% of the USA national debt; Easy to claw back because 1,000's that got Billions of USD in cash the money is still sitting in Qatar&UAE bank accounts; ( The new swiss bank of secrecy )
So when scams collapse the 'public' try to kill the operators ( here I call COVID enablers ) and claw-back the money; The first to sense the change of wind are these 'covid dissidents' who all along played limited oppostion on 'big-pharma' payroll;
So now you will see all the alt-COVID turn on each other and say "I told you first that COVID was a scam"
This is how it always ends?
Why does it end? The easy money is kaput; There is no new money to keep paying off the cops & courts, so slowly the 'enablers' go to jail and get their money 'clawed-back'
This is only the beginning;
TRUST NOBODY, everybody involved in "COVID" enabling are alt-cov, or limited-opposition is suspect
Polly is a one woman tour de force. A very insightful and compassionate person. Her arguments and observations are usually spot-on. Folks definitely should follow her 👍