
Generally in all human history all PONZI's end this way, and yes COV19 deployment by TRUMP's CIA is/was a "PONZI', just like south-sea bubbles, just like all bubbles in human history;

When they end the masses kill the perpetrators and try to claw-back their money; Recall that Trump released $12 Trillion USD to 'fight covid' and that is like 33% of the USA national debt; Easy to claw back because 1,000's that got Billions of USD in cash the money is still sitting in Qatar&UAE bank accounts; ( The new swiss bank of secrecy )

So when scams collapse the 'public' try to kill the operators ( here I call COVID enablers ) and claw-back the money; The first to sense the change of wind are these 'covid dissidents' who all along played limited oppostion on 'big-pharma' payroll;

So now you will see all the alt-COVID turn on each other and say "I told you first that COVID was a scam"

This is how it always ends?

Why does it end? The easy money is kaput; There is no new money to keep paying off the cops & courts, so slowly the 'enablers' go to jail and get their money 'clawed-back'

This is only the beginning;

TRUST NOBODY, everybody involved in "COVID" enabling are alt-cov, or limited-opposition is suspect

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Polly is a one woman tour de force. A very insightful and compassionate person. Her arguments and observations are usually spot-on. Folks definitely should follow her 👍

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I loved her on YouTube before they kicked off most of the good channels.

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Part of the many reasons for COV19 deployment was to bring the world together as it did in 2020 ( $12 Trillion USD payouts ), but like all good plans, things never work out as 'planned';

The ROAD to HELL is paved with "Good Intentions" the NWO Rockefeller plan now some 80 years old back in the day was 'altruistic' if your were a satanic eugenic's kind of baby-fucker;


But all good plans do go awry,...

CHINESE ZOG, Tells IRAN ZOG, to tell YEMEN to tell Houthis to stop shooting at ships in Red-Sea that its all bad for business;

Ouch Suddenly CHINA is hit by the 1000x increase in Container shipping costs;


The problem is CHINA owns Israel ( shipping ports & infrastructure), and wants GAZA for their new city&port 'residence' for the western terminus of SILK-ROAD

IRAN is also ZOG, and UK, USA, & ISRAEL

The problem here is HOUTHIS are fighting for ISLAM ( shiite&sunni/persian&arab) and ZOG wants ISLAM dead & gone

WE live in interesting times;

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Why are all our Hollywood 'tough guys' today just ordinary homo's?


Talking about COVID scamdemic, even our Supermen have gone homo & pedo, why is this?

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many of them are probably assets to coax us into a false sense of security and keep us placated - "hey, look, our side is growing, we're winning" - perhaps the same assets initially deployed to convince us how comfortable our new lives would be once we took the totally safe injections and defeated the terrible pandemic like heroes... https://open.substack.com/pub/eccentrik/p/so-many-are-still-in-denial-about?r=8ypo0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcome=true

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Alt-Woke "COVID-TRUTHERS" and Woke "Pro-mRNA" are Siamese Twins Sharing common rectum

All are 'woke' dumber than a bag or rocks, All are owned by CIA/Uni-Party; Alt-Woke protect TRUMP, Woke protect Big-Pharma & Big-MSM; All is owned by MIC-DOD-CIA


Written a year ago, and 100% true today but totally obvious in 2019, COVID was always a "Siamese-Twin" operation from the start, two teams of fuck-heads sharing a common asshole ( the jew-buck trough of Fed-Res Bank )

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So now it earnestly begins the COVID-19 "Ponzi Bubble" un-ravels

Read "Madness of the Crowds", an 1800's book about human hysteria "Get rich scams"

Note that first & foremost COV-19 is/was a GET-RICH SCAM, it was a scam to generate tons of easy cash out of FED-RES bank, before the US dollar died and turn that cash into hard assets like gold & real-estate;

So the PERPS had their reason and they all got RICH; But like all SCAMS in World HUMAN history, they eventually over-play their HAND;

That time is now, so all of P-alex and all of the alt-COVID sites will now point fingers an blame the other guy; In the great bubbles of past, most were killed, lynched and drug out of jails; The smart operators flipped early, and turned on the "Ponzi Enablers", they survived;

So what your seeing now is the future survivers re-inventing themselves, I would expect any day now to see "MALONE" pivot to always being anti-mRNA

Surely the most odd of all this ZOG-SHIT is that the King-of-COVID "TRUMP" is still in public; IMHO if he doesn't win POTUS, he wins a jail cell for enabling & deploying COVID via the CIA along with POMPEO;

Almost a year ago today I wrote this POST explaining how all this will end, if you know your history of "Grand popular delusions, and the madness of the crowds" then this is/was an easy call;


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