America faces as much risk or more from Canadian borders than Southern border, we always said this...courtesy Trudeau and his leftist policies...islamists are acting up, always were, radical islam was
ALWAYS & remains the gravest threat to the west, to America, to Canada etc. Just the media and government lied to you...its here and they are deadly! guard the vaginas of your girls from jihadist rape
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Troodoo loves muslims and especially Jihadists! they do whatever they please here! They have the best education and careers in Quebec because many speak French as well. They love to get involved in politics, economy and education. It's an invasion in Montreal, I'll tell you that much.
An even greater threat is the fu##ing CIA and FBI
Troodoo loves muslims and especially Jihadists! they do whatever they please here! They have the best education and careers in Quebec because many speak French as well. They love to get involved in politics, economy and education. It's an invasion in Montreal, I'll tell you that much.