An even greater threat is the fu##ing CIA and FBI

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Troodoo loves muslims and especially Jihadists! they do whatever they please here! They have the best education and careers in Quebec because many speak French as well. They love to get involved in politics, economy and education. It's an invasion in Montreal, I'll tell you that much.

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LAnd Let's Not forget the his love for Nazis!

People should know, Muslims have been TRYING TO pass SHARIA law in Canada for years. According to my Uncle who is a JUDGE. So far the Supreme Court has denied the requests . So once they are in all positions of power, Canada is gone. Immigration is completely taken over as well.

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Thank you for your input! Thank God for the denials from supreme court!!! The proof they come here to expand Mohammad's demand of invasion: I used to think immigrants came here to get away from their country's politics. I was happy to think they could have a feeling of being grateful and willing to "embrace" our welcome. LOL! how naive I've been in the past!! A Lot of Muslims immigrate here to implement the politics (sharia) from their country. If this is not clear, tell me otherwise. Yep, I can see the takeover.

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Luckily along the northern border citizens are heavily armed and they will use the 2A if needed. Let's pray it doesn't go that way.

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It will go kinetic. Always does.

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Dr. Alexander, your comments may be backed up to what is happening on the Rainbow bridge at the Canada / US border right now...

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The sheer numbers and variety invading from all along the southern border swamp the count from Canuck Nation. Northern count certainly not insignificant but nothing even comes close to what’s coming from a dozen S American and Latin American nations.

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Living Canada, I've talked to many immigrants that have come from America into Canada. THEY HATE AMERICA. We have free health care and the people are not racist here like in America....I'm telling you, Canada is in trouble. Our infrastructure is failing. We are being over run by Muslims and no one knows who their aligence is, to. All we know is that they keep trying to pass Sharia Law here. How long will it take before our Constitution and our free society Falls. TRUDEAU has already started the process. It may seem like Ontario is safe, but is it? .

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I think I'll workout 🥋

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We are seriously thinking of buying a place in Mexico, no 5G or poison raining down on you there.

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Tonnes of 5G in Mexico. You'll just be working for the Cartel instead

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Not where we want to go

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I'm an American in a state that is partially north of Canada.

I wouldn't worry about Ontario.

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