them, reduce them to cinders and return...thats all...if China responds, we bomb them is time, it is time that USA handles its business, the Chinese CCP has attacked US chemically, so we
I .M.O. China is not as much to blame as the “LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC WHORES" WHO OPENED THE BORDERS FOR INCREASING THEIR VOTER ROLES- THE ANECTDOTE IS SIMILAR TO THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROSTITUTE TO THE “ JOHN” ( If the Authorities did their jobs their would be no street walkers for the John’s to pick up) -THE OPEN BORDERS INCREASED THE
hanging yes, I agree...once we are 100% and we are there and we get courts on tap, an judges say yes, then we hang, in fact I want them quartered...drawn...on the White House lawn
You're right. We can't blame China, or Russia, or Venezuela. Our enemies are in Washington D.C., at least for the next few months. But if we're going to hang them, we should do it before they spew any more vitriol because I've had enough of them, as I assume so you have you.
I understand. Of course. The Milgram experiment was repeatedly successful. My remembering of it is that it tried to understand why the German people followed in the steps of Hitler's folly. That said, after Hitler ended the Weimar Republic, Germany entered wars it couldn't win. Hitler's and Goebbels' psyop madness came abruptly to an end in April-May 1945 when Hitler shot himself in the ass, never to be seen again. So, it might be interesting to note that Milgram makes sense up to a point. It might be helpful to factor in that the CCP model might not be compatible with our 2,500-year Western civilization. We are culturally not Asian submissive-minded.
"not Asian submissive-minded" --- hmmm, so you didn't watch any of the recent DNC Borg convention in Chicago....Not one example of anyone thinking for themselves rather than toeing the Party line...
Actually, China might be less "hive-minded", which is why the CCP elite have to implement such draconian laws and punishments, proof that they actually fear the masses. There is now a movement among young Chinese to completely drop out of the rat race, instead of benignly complying with the social norm of working themselves to death for the sake of the country=the Party. You can easily find articles in Western mainstream media on line about the Chinese youth "laying flat" and dropping out of the highly competitive society, just like Japanese youth following the 1990s economic bubble burst.
Of course, I understand that, but surely you are joking if you think you could get away with that and the Chinese would just shrug it off ("hahaha, just those impetuous Americans blowing off steam again, good one, guys, you got us!")... Invading their sovereign territory and dropping bombs does not a friendly diplomatic relationship make. And with 2 hours advance notice, any US bomber jet would be an easy target for Chinese advanced hypersonic missiles---even US missile attacks could likely be thwarted by such weapons, let alone slow-moving, huge aircraft carriers..
Status quo - No legal authority: "This is a rogue band of citizens with no legal authority," said Wes Oliver, Associate Professor and director of the criminal justice program at Duquesne University School of Law. "To what extent there was ever a common law grand jury system that was self-creating, there no longer is." (No supporting authorities offered)
In the Supreme Court case of United States v. Williams, 112 S. Ct. 1735, 504 U.S. 36, 118 L.Ed.2d 352 (1992), Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury• is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government "governed" and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights.
(in U .S v. Williams) "The grand jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rights, but not in the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually assigned, therefore, to any of the branches described in the first three Articles. It is a constitutional fixture in its own right". United States v. Chanen, 549 F.2d 1306, 1312 (CA9 1977) (quoting Nixon v. Silica, 159 U.S. App. D.C. 58, 70, n. 54. 487 F.2d 700, 712, n. 54 (1973)), cert. denied, 434 U.S. 825, 98 S. Ct. 72, 54 L.Ed.2d 83 (1977).; United States v. John H. Williams, Jr.; 112 S. Ct. 1735; 504 U.S. 36; 118 L.Ed.2d 352; No. 90-1972.
"All laws, rules and practices which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void" [Marburg v. Madison, 5th US (2 Cranch) 137, 180]
"There can be no limitation on the power of the people of the United States (of America). By their authority the State Constitutions were made and by their authority the Constitution for the United States (of America) was established..." Hauenstein vs. Lynham (100 US 483).
"The United States Supreme Court declares that the "Sovereignty" remains with the "people" and resides with the "people"...Yick Wo vs. Hopkins and Woo Lee Hopkins (118 US 356).
"No action can be taken against a sovereign in the non-constitutional courts of either the United states or the state courts and any such action is considered the crime of Barratry1. Barratry is an offense at common law." State vs. Batson 17 S.E.2d 511. 512, 513.
Union ‘affirmation’:
State v. Shumaker, 200 Ind. 716, (Ind. 1928) “CONSTITUTIONAL LAW — Sovereign Power — Vested in Citizens — Power to do as They Please. — In this state, all sovereign power is vested in the citizens of the state, who have the power, by virtue of such sovereignty, to do whatever they please, except as limited by themselves in the Constitution. p. 720.”
State v. Shumaker, 200 Ind. 716, 717 (Ind. 1928) “CONTEMPT — Of Supreme Court — May be Instituted by any Citizen of State. — A prosecution for contempt of the Supreme Court, by virtue of a fiction of law, is instituted by the people themselves; the presentment is not limited to the Attorney-General, but may be presented by any citizen of the state. p. 723.”
I await your grace with service in honor above all else, eternal forevermore.
Never forget our political, spiritual and binding force by which we seek in good will to serve all walks of life seeking unanimity similarly situated thereby:
"In essentials, unanimity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, honor."
Be wise, safe & blessed,
Notice: U.P.C. applicable
Tel: 1-509-862-3119 (text first before call)
Please forgive any syntax or grammatical errors..
P. S.: Please, most graciously grant whatever courtesy for any incorrect scripture, syntax or grammatical errors wherever found throughout our life as unintended clerical errors that all are free to adjust and correct to account properly for remedial recourse our humble efforts intend.
But if grace fails our feeble entreaties, then as Don Corleone says ("Oil the the cannoli. Take it to the Mattress.")
“We are increasingly governed not by law or elected representatives but by an unelected, unrepresentative, unaccountable committee of lawyers applying no will but their own.” < Robert Bork..
Great comment! What beautiful words. Heard them before. A long time ago when the people to whom this power was given failed to exercise that power when it was necessary to do so. Today, power to the people has become power from the people, as those who would be kings take it away from us. They took our money. They grew the military. They tore whole pages out of our Constitution. And something even worse than Communism is just too close.
And when we rise up, even unarmed, we're chased by robotic stoolies with guns straight into gulags. I know you know this because of your post. And I know you feel the loss as I do. Yet, if there were a gathering of a million citizens marching on DC, I'd join them. That's all I have to offer. It's too late for those of us who know why America is the greatest country in the world because the school children next in line have already made the transition to servitude. But I still can't stop hoping. Especially when I hear and read of so many patriots doing and saying the right things, using their words instead of weapons to fight back. So for now, I stand with them and spew my rebellion on paper. But it doesn't mean I'm not ready for a fight.
72% of US GIVERNMENT has gone ROGUE. Law is out the window. In case you didn't notice CRIMINALS IN DC LEFT THE FUCKING BORDER OPEN. They are OUR BIGGEST ENEMIES. These fucking traitors are so far up China's ASS they can't fight for air. REMOVE 388 TRAITORS FROM US GIVERNMENT NOW.
Excellently researched and reported comment! I read someplace that indeed, a people's grand jury was held regarding Fauci et al., and found them completely culpable.
Here is a link to attorney Larry Klayman's citizen grand jury site explaining an upcoming citizen grand jury trial of Joe Biden for his toxic actions in Afghanistan:
THe CCP has been feeding the Mexican Cartels the raw material for fentanyl for a very long time and for a very explicit purpose... why only now are we excited about this to the point of wanting to bomb the factories that make the materials.
Okay, suppose by some means, even 100% of the factories manufacturing fentanyl and its precursors would be destroyed, what would prevent China from setting up new labs elsewhere? I would not be surprised if fentanyl was found to be manufactured in Mexico as well. Who knows---maybe some random Biden family member is invested in fentanyl factories someplace...
I understand, fentanyl is harmful. However, the chemicals we use in our daily lives have caused even more harm, yet because they do not come from China, they seem to be more acceptable to all.
Almost three times as many people die of fentanyl poisoning than car accidents. There were 42,000 fatalities from automobile accidents. What chemicals are you talking about that are responsible for killing people even the same amount of people dying from car crashes?
Do you want to use car crashes as a base? It does not work, but we can look at the numbers for 2023 before I get into that. According to Google, fentanyl killed 74702 people. Not even double what you state. We can't compare fent to car crashes or other chemicals especi, especially if you are talking about several deaths. Fent has been around since 2013. Different chemicals have been around since the beginning. And you have to account for all those deaths. Plus, as Olde said, you have to account for the injured. Oh, to answer your question about which is worse. That is easy—the covid vaccine.
No one is arguing how fentanyl kills. I am arguing how you all ignore how your government is killing you, and you blame other entities. How do you think Fentanyl gets over here? Who profits from that? Hint, hint. The US is.
Does not work? So you think people volunteer to die taking an addictive drug known as fentanyl? I don’t ignore government killing people. They leave the borders open to cartels. P.S. My statistics on drug overdoses shows at least twice as many and nearly three times as many as car deaths.
Who mentioned volunteering? If it's not being ignored, then what is it? Only a few people are discussing it, and even fewer are taking action. For change to occur, action is necessary. Here is the link for 2023 synthetic opioids.
If you take into account the chemical additives, plastic-related pollutants, improperly vetted medicinal drugs, etc etc, the entire population is affected. "Not killing anyone" you may reply, but I would argue that they are killing people slowly, slow enough for Big Pharma etc to make scads of money for years and years off the doomed sufferers.
I inadvertently hit the send button before finishing my first reply.
I said “Why stop at Wuhan” because unless it’s the only location where the chemical ingredients are being produced, then we must “eliminate” all factory production of such deadly substances being produced for sale to our citizens!
I am 100% against taking the life of any ethnic group, anywhere! I need to make this perfectly clear.
On the other hand, the CCP as well as many governmental entities, are responsible for the fentanyl crisis happening in America. Whether it’s keeping our borders wide open or allowing Mexico to transport the final product through Mexico and I to America.
Any group which undermines any society,especially with deadly consequences such as drugs, should be dealt with accordingly. Unfortunately, this Biden / Harris Administration is perfectly fine with the CCP’s efforts to undermine our nation and kill hundreds of thousands of Americans!
In so many ways, the CCP has been undermining America as if they’re running America! Possibly this is who’s actually running America at this point, who knows? It certainly isn’t Biden, not Harris, who then?
Fentanyl is so obvious. Drive around any inner city and see the lines of addicts, some half alive with a child crying next to them! It’s absolutely sickening what’s happening and Harris / Biden have been instrumental with this whole situation!
It’s part of their plan! This is another “living example” as hundreds of thousands of our citizens, some children are dying! All because of “fentanyl”! The same thing is happening with “abortion”! These people are not going away! They will impose their will upon all Americans! Like it or not!
Something must be done! Who knows how many more people will die from fentanyl or abortion or any of their
Displays as what high quality American leadership should be presenting to their secure council, initially and immediately, upon recognition of occurrence. Not what happens, currently, as quality has become superbly subpar, and extremely subjective. Affecting both top and bottom, and everyone in between.
ARREST, PROSECUTE AND EXECUTE EVERY AMERICAN WHO IS IN BED WITH COMMUNIST CHINA. The enemy within is far worse than ALL FOREIGN ENEMIES COMBINED. #DefundTyranny #EndAPECnow #LevelTheCCP #EndUSMCAnow #ResumeIndependenceOrExpectToDieCommunist
But I am sad to see no investigative reporting with respect to the millions of tons of toxic poison being sprayed on a daily basis in the air above, the air we breath, the air that poisons all the food crops below. Scientists and doctors are finding similar materials that are in the vax shots also in the chemtrails. Recently it has been discovered those materials are poisoning the the entire biosystem of our planet earth. They are finding the self assembly nano electronics in squirrells, wild elk and deer and fish. We need whistle blowers to come forward from both the chemical materials manufacture/supply side and also the pilots who fly the planes and release the toxic load on humanity below. The aerosol spraying is the cause of contaminated blood be found in all non vaxed people being currently tested. Therenare now NO Pure Bloods. The spraying must be stopped.
Peter Sweitzer's book, "Blood Money" gives all the details. From producing the drugs in China, to owning the shipping ports to let the drugs flow, to partnership with the Mexican cartels, to Joe and Kamala's open border, they're killing 80,000 Americans each year. I agree, we should bomb the Chinese labs making this poison.
I hate to interrupt your domination wet-dream, but don't you think that a 2-hour prior notice warning would perhaps allow the Chinese authorities to catch on to your plan? It is a cute touch to show your compassion for the employees to offer them a heads-up before bombing their facilities, but as this kind of attack is undeniably liable to lead to WW III, maybe a bit more thinking should be put into the plan. For example, like thinking who is actually allowing all this to happen.
How about waiting until the next State of the Union address, when all the politicians and major bureaucrats are in the same place, then lock them in until they start doing things that actually benefit the country. That would raise everyone's spirits and perhaps give the young people who have given up on society a purpose to lead a meaningful, productive life. Of course, among the beneficial acts that Congress and the bureaucrats would have to be working on would be reforms to eliminate the pernicious effect of lobbyists (i.e. bribery) and big money donations and insider trading etc etc that enrich the few to the detriment of the rest of us.
I .M.O. China is not as much to blame as the “LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC WHORES" WHO OPENED THE BORDERS FOR INCREASING THEIR VOTER ROLES- THE ANECTDOTE IS SIMILAR TO THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROSTITUTE TO THE “ JOHN” ( If the Authorities did their jobs their would be no street walkers for the John’s to pick up) -THE OPEN BORDERS INCREASED THE
hanging yes, I agree...once we are 100% and we are there and we get courts on tap, an judges say yes, then we hang, in fact I want them quartered...drawn...on the White House lawn
“like an easter egg hunt”?
You're right. We can't blame China, or Russia, or Venezuela. Our enemies are in Washington D.C., at least for the next few months. But if we're going to hang them, we should do it before they spew any more vitriol because I've had enough of them, as I assume so you have you.
yes yes yes....enemies are in DC but we must destroy the Wuhan for Fentanyl.
No, we can blame China, see Peters book
By the way, bomb chinese producers of glyphosate and atrazine and Bayer/Monsanto HQs, too? =))
There are so many lethal chemicals in our food (72 banned in Europe only), it would be better to just legally ban them, right?
Why is food poisoning legal?
How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.
Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!
War on food
Bill Gates, raunchy rancher
The plan? slo-poison us!
Water poisoning
Not fast food, PFAS food:
War on poultry and cattle:
War on Pigs
No ham, bacon, sausages, pork ribs, chops and tenderloin
Yet, it's more urgent to destroy all the satellites dissolving clouds and rain:
And the huge Weather Radars microwaving the clouds and us!
thank you Dr. Nazar, you have been a key person in our fight
Thank God Dr. Paul for all the good you do!
Let's keep up with "fight the good fight" 1 Timothy 6:12
Sure, I'm with you. I counted 8. Will that be enough? How about a few extra bombs, just in case...
ha ha ha, Marlene, we are serious.
The CRIMINALS IN DC made this mess. Start there.
I understand. Of course. The Milgram experiment was repeatedly successful. My remembering of it is that it tried to understand why the German people followed in the steps of Hitler's folly. That said, after Hitler ended the Weimar Republic, Germany entered wars it couldn't win. Hitler's and Goebbels' psyop madness came abruptly to an end in April-May 1945 when Hitler shot himself in the ass, never to be seen again. So, it might be interesting to note that Milgram makes sense up to a point. It might be helpful to factor in that the CCP model might not be compatible with our 2,500-year Western civilization. We are culturally not Asian submissive-minded.
"not Asian submissive-minded" --- hmmm, so you didn't watch any of the recent DNC Borg convention in Chicago....Not one example of anyone thinking for themselves rather than toeing the Party line...
Actually, China might be less "hive-minded", which is why the CCP elite have to implement such draconian laws and punishments, proof that they actually fear the masses. There is now a movement among young Chinese to completely drop out of the rat race, instead of benignly complying with the social norm of working themselves to death for the sake of the country=the Party. You can easily find articles in Western mainstream media on line about the Chinese youth "laying flat" and dropping out of the highly competitive society, just like Japanese youth following the 1990s economic bubble burst.
I did not say bomb the Chinese innocent people...I am calling for bombing of the Wuhan labs...that are precursors to Fentanyl
That's a good start although it is clearly necessary to LEVEL THE CCP.
Of course, I understand that, but surely you are joking if you think you could get away with that and the Chinese would just shrug it off ("hahaha, just those impetuous Americans blowing off steam again, good one, guys, you got us!")... Invading their sovereign territory and dropping bombs does not a friendly diplomatic relationship make. And with 2 hours advance notice, any US bomber jet would be an easy target for Chinese advanced hypersonic missiles---even US missile attacks could likely be thwarted by such weapons, let alone slow-moving, huge aircraft carriers..
FUCK CHINA. They are killing hundreds of thousands of Americans every year with poison. Fuck them all. Wake the fuck up.
Why stop at “Wuhan”?
good question.
Harken ye one & all:
Status quo - No legal authority: "This is a rogue band of citizens with no legal authority," said Wes Oliver, Associate Professor and director of the criminal justice program at Duquesne University School of Law. "To what extent there was ever a common law grand jury system that was self-creating, there no longer is." (No supporting authorities offered)
In the Supreme Court case of United States v. Williams, 112 S. Ct. 1735, 504 U.S. 36, 118 L.Ed.2d 352 (1992), Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury• is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government "governed" and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights.
(in U .S v. Williams) "The grand jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rights, but not in the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually assigned, therefore, to any of the branches described in the first three Articles. It is a constitutional fixture in its own right". United States v. Chanen, 549 F.2d 1306, 1312 (CA9 1977) (quoting Nixon v. Silica, 159 U.S. App. D.C. 58, 70, n. 54. 487 F.2d 700, 712, n. 54 (1973)), cert. denied, 434 U.S. 825, 98 S. Ct. 72, 54 L.Ed.2d 83 (1977).; United States v. John H. Williams, Jr.; 112 S. Ct. 1735; 504 U.S. 36; 118 L.Ed.2d 352; No. 90-1972.
"All laws, rules and practices which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void" [Marburg v. Madison, 5th US (2 Cranch) 137, 180]
"There can be no limitation on the power of the people of the United States (of America). By their authority the State Constitutions were made and by their authority the Constitution for the United States (of America) was established..." Hauenstein vs. Lynham (100 US 483).
"The United States Supreme Court declares that the "Sovereignty" remains with the "people" and resides with the "people"...Yick Wo vs. Hopkins and Woo Lee Hopkins (118 US 356).
"No action can be taken against a sovereign in the non-constitutional courts of either the United states or the state courts and any such action is considered the crime of Barratry1. Barratry is an offense at common law." State vs. Batson 17 S.E.2d 511. 512, 513.
Union ‘affirmation’:
State v. Shumaker, 200 Ind. 716, (Ind. 1928) “CONSTITUTIONAL LAW — Sovereign Power — Vested in Citizens — Power to do as They Please. — In this state, all sovereign power is vested in the citizens of the state, who have the power, by virtue of such sovereignty, to do whatever they please, except as limited by themselves in the Constitution. p. 720.”
State v. Shumaker, 200 Ind. 716, 717 (Ind. 1928) “CONTEMPT — Of Supreme Court — May be Instituted by any Citizen of State. — A prosecution for contempt of the Supreme Court, by virtue of a fiction of law, is instituted by the people themselves; the presentment is not limited to the Attorney-General, but may be presented by any citizen of the state. p. 723.”
I await your grace with service in honor above all else, eternal forevermore.
Never forget our political, spiritual and binding force by which we seek in good will to serve all walks of life seeking unanimity similarly situated thereby:
"In essentials, unanimity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, honor."
Be wise, safe & blessed,
Notice: U.P.C. applicable
Tel: 1-509-862-3119 (text first before call)
Please forgive any syntax or grammatical errors..
P. S.: Please, most graciously grant whatever courtesy for any incorrect scripture, syntax or grammatical errors wherever found throughout our life as unintended clerical errors that all are free to adjust and correct to account properly for remedial recourse our humble efforts intend.
But if grace fails our feeble entreaties, then as Don Corleone says ("Oil the the cannoli. Take it to the Mattress.")
“We are increasingly governed not by law or elected representatives but by an unelected, unrepresentative, unaccountable committee of lawyers applying no will but their own.” < Robert Bork..
Great comment! What beautiful words. Heard them before. A long time ago when the people to whom this power was given failed to exercise that power when it was necessary to do so. Today, power to the people has become power from the people, as those who would be kings take it away from us. They took our money. They grew the military. They tore whole pages out of our Constitution. And something even worse than Communism is just too close.
And when we rise up, even unarmed, we're chased by robotic stoolies with guns straight into gulags. I know you know this because of your post. And I know you feel the loss as I do. Yet, if there were a gathering of a million citizens marching on DC, I'd join them. That's all I have to offer. It's too late for those of us who know why America is the greatest country in the world because the school children next in line have already made the transition to servitude. But I still can't stop hoping. Especially when I hear and read of so many patriots doing and saying the right things, using their words instead of weapons to fight back. So for now, I stand with them and spew my rebellion on paper. But it doesn't mean I'm not ready for a fight.
72% of US GIVERNMENT has gone ROGUE. Law is out the window. In case you didn't notice CRIMINALS IN DC LEFT THE FUCKING BORDER OPEN. They are OUR BIGGEST ENEMIES. These fucking traitors are so far up China's ASS they can't fight for air. REMOVE 388 TRAITORS FROM US GIVERNMENT NOW.
Excellently researched and reported comment! I read someplace that indeed, a people's grand jury was held regarding Fauci et al., and found them completely culpable.
Here is a link to attorney Larry Klayman's citizen grand jury site explaining an upcoming citizen grand jury trial of Joe Biden for his toxic actions in Afghanistan:
THe CCP has been feeding the Mexican Cartels the raw material for fentanyl for a very long time and for a very explicit purpose... why only now are we excited about this to the point of wanting to bomb the factories that make the materials.
In regards to chemicals, the US government has been spraying Americans for years. China is not the problem.
for Fentanyl yes, and I agree on the spraying for decades by the US gov on its people
Okay, suppose by some means, even 100% of the factories manufacturing fentanyl and its precursors would be destroyed, what would prevent China from setting up new labs elsewhere? I would not be surprised if fentanyl was found to be manufactured in Mexico as well. Who knows---maybe some random Biden family member is invested in fentanyl factories someplace...
Maybe they're all in it together.
If the US gets paid then sure.
Spraying us like we are bugs.
Then why do we see so many old Americans everywhere? Young people are dying of fentanyl. You missed the point.
I understand, fentanyl is harmful. However, the chemicals we use in our daily lives have caused even more harm, yet because they do not come from China, they seem to be more acceptable to all.
Almost three times as many people die of fentanyl poisoning than car accidents. There were 42,000 fatalities from automobile accidents. What chemicals are you talking about that are responsible for killing people even the same amount of people dying from car crashes?
Do you want to use car crashes as a base? It does not work, but we can look at the numbers for 2023 before I get into that. According to Google, fentanyl killed 74702 people. Not even double what you state. We can't compare fent to car crashes or other chemicals especi, especially if you are talking about several deaths. Fent has been around since 2013. Different chemicals have been around since the beginning. And you have to account for all those deaths. Plus, as Olde said, you have to account for the injured. Oh, to answer your question about which is worse. That is easy—the covid vaccine.
No one is arguing how fentanyl kills. I am arguing how you all ignore how your government is killing you, and you blame other entities. How do you think Fentanyl gets over here? Who profits from that? Hint, hint. The US is.
Does not work? So you think people volunteer to die taking an addictive drug known as fentanyl? I don’t ignore government killing people. They leave the borders open to cartels. P.S. My statistics on drug overdoses shows at least twice as many and nearly three times as many as car deaths.
Who mentioned volunteering? If it's not being ignored, then what is it? Only a few people are discussing it, and even fewer are taking action. For change to occur, action is necessary. Here is the link for 2023 synthetic opioids.
If you take into account the chemical additives, plastic-related pollutants, improperly vetted medicinal drugs, etc etc, the entire population is affected. "Not killing anyone" you may reply, but I would argue that they are killing people slowly, slow enough for Big Pharma etc to make scads of money for years and years off the doomed sufferers.
Yes. You stole part of my reply.
that we need someone, strong to make the decision to bomb the precursor sites.
Chemtrails, food, water, plants, clothes, and I could go on.
yes yes
Hi Chew, it's seems I sent you mail that was ment for Elusive.
Sorry 😞
It's a good link though. I hope you enjoy it.
No worries. Thanks for the link
They have been around since the late 1990s, Elusive. This will make resistance against tyranny even more difficult.
What tyranny?
Here is the tyranny we must fight
great sharing Darkstar
I am glad you finally got it !!!!!!
Do it
Make sure to fly over ol’ Billy Gates fortress on the way.
I inadvertently hit the send button before finishing my first reply.
I said “Why stop at Wuhan” because unless it’s the only location where the chemical ingredients are being produced, then we must “eliminate” all factory production of such deadly substances being produced for sale to our citizens!
I am 100% against taking the life of any ethnic group, anywhere! I need to make this perfectly clear.
On the other hand, the CCP as well as many governmental entities, are responsible for the fentanyl crisis happening in America. Whether it’s keeping our borders wide open or allowing Mexico to transport the final product through Mexico and I to America.
Any group which undermines any society,especially with deadly consequences such as drugs, should be dealt with accordingly. Unfortunately, this Biden / Harris Administration is perfectly fine with the CCP’s efforts to undermine our nation and kill hundreds of thousands of Americans!
In so many ways, the CCP has been undermining America as if they’re running America! Possibly this is who’s actually running America at this point, who knows? It certainly isn’t Biden, not Harris, who then?
Fentanyl is so obvious. Drive around any inner city and see the lines of addicts, some half alive with a child crying next to them! It’s absolutely sickening what’s happening and Harris / Biden have been instrumental with this whole situation!
It’s part of their plan! This is another “living example” as hundreds of thousands of our citizens, some children are dying! All because of “fentanyl”! The same thing is happening with “abortion”! These people are not going away! They will impose their will upon all Americans! Like it or not!
Something must be done! Who knows how many more people will die from fentanyl or abortion or any of their
“sick and demented” evilness?
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Displays as what high quality American leadership should be presenting to their secure council, initially and immediately, upon recognition of occurrence. Not what happens, currently, as quality has become superbly subpar, and extremely subjective. Affecting both top and bottom, and everyone in between.
In a moment of negativity, I'd say there's no one "in between." We're either at the top or we're at the bottom.
ARREST, PROSECUTE AND EXECUTE EVERY AMERICAN WHO IS IN BED WITH COMMUNIST CHINA. The enemy within is far worse than ALL FOREIGN ENEMIES COMBINED. #DefundTyranny #EndAPECnow #LevelTheCCP #EndUSMCAnow #ResumeIndependenceOrExpectToDieCommunist
A good thought discussion on fentenal.
But I am sad to see no investigative reporting with respect to the millions of tons of toxic poison being sprayed on a daily basis in the air above, the air we breath, the air that poisons all the food crops below. Scientists and doctors are finding similar materials that are in the vax shots also in the chemtrails. Recently it has been discovered those materials are poisoning the the entire biosystem of our planet earth. They are finding the self assembly nano electronics in squirrells, wild elk and deer and fish. We need whistle blowers to come forward from both the chemical materials manufacture/supply side and also the pilots who fly the planes and release the toxic load on humanity below. The aerosol spraying is the cause of contaminated blood be found in all non vaxed people being currently tested. Therenare now NO Pure Bloods. The spraying must be stopped.
Peter Sweitzer's book, "Blood Money" gives all the details. From producing the drugs in China, to owning the shipping ports to let the drugs flow, to partnership with the Mexican cartels, to Joe and Kamala's open border, they're killing 80,000 Americans each year. I agree, we should bomb the Chinese labs making this poison.
I hate to interrupt your domination wet-dream, but don't you think that a 2-hour prior notice warning would perhaps allow the Chinese authorities to catch on to your plan? It is a cute touch to show your compassion for the employees to offer them a heads-up before bombing their facilities, but as this kind of attack is undeniably liable to lead to WW III, maybe a bit more thinking should be put into the plan. For example, like thinking who is actually allowing all this to happen.
How about waiting until the next State of the Union address, when all the politicians and major bureaucrats are in the same place, then lock them in until they start doing things that actually benefit the country. That would raise everyone's spirits and perhaps give the young people who have given up on society a purpose to lead a meaningful, productive life. Of course, among the beneficial acts that Congress and the bureaucrats would have to be working on would be reforms to eliminate the pernicious effect of lobbyists (i.e. bribery) and big money donations and insider trading etc etc that enrich the few to the detriment of the rest of us.