https://youtu.be/XvGmOZ5T6_Y Amerika is at war with whatever bogeyman is necessary, to keep the dupes back home paying taxes, absorbing ascending inflation, and shutting up about who is the REAL enemy.

If 100M of us stopped paying taxes, stopped complying, and even had the balls to "citizen arrest" our corrupt leaders, what would The State be able to do? Strafe us with black ops helicopters? Put us all in J6 prisons? FEMA camp us? Call the UN to round us up? Nah, they couldn't do shit. But, here I am, just like you, typing...

Hail victory.

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The United States, Inc is at war with the American people and with Russia and with good people all around the world. USA inc is bankrupt. Good people everywhere are praying that Russia bombs the District of Columbia into a pile of rubble. Just saying. USA inc hates everybody.

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Why hasn't McCarthy removed Schiff and Naddler from the Judiciary Commitee?

Both are unfit to clean restrooms.

McCarthy must impeach Biden immediately!

He's had more than enough time already.

It was absolute folly on the part of the RINOs to not elect Trump as Speaker.

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We are already in WWIII. And Tucker pointed out how it’s illegal. But he forgot to mention the war is between we the people and humanity, against the criminal elites who have taken over our governments. And from that perspective Russia is fighting back to protect their sovereignty against a global coup d’etat.

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You nailed it. Post Soviet Union Russia would have been an American ally, but for the SeeWyeA crap deposing the old Ukrainian government and installing the dick pianist Nazi and funneling $100s of billions into the cash cow / military industrial complex New World Order.

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Paul and all,

I totally feel the great frustration of many commenting in these substacks.

I thought you were going to contact Lex Greene to learn how to lead with the help of strategic planners…ones you need! The evidence you have given needs to be actionable NOW!

Indeed, our country is under internal and foreign threat right now, like never before seen in history. As of this message, the odds of USA survival would have to be ZERO. Not because we lack the power...but because we lack the will to take this fight head-on...united, strategic, organized, mobilized and determined to win...

The survival of freedom, liberty and the USA depends entirely upon YOU., The People!

Unlike any other country on earth, here in the USA, whatever happens to our country is either thanks to the ACTIVE freedom-loving Citizens of the USA, or the fault of the INACTIVE citizens of the USA. For far too long now, evidence has shown that our country is rapidly failing due to the INACTIVE nature of the American people.

When good people do nothing, evil will prevail. When good people fail to unite against evil, evil will prevail. When good people refuse to stand together to defeat evil, evil will prevail.

Evil is everywhere we look today, because The People allow it to be. In the USA, unlike any other nation on earth, The People are in total control. If GOOD prevails, it's due to the actions of The People. If EVIL prevails, it's due to the inaction of those same people.

The buck stops with us!

How much worse does it have to get, before ALL GOOD PEOPLE UNITE AND ENGAGE?

If you are really awake and ready for real solutions, volunteer at…NorthAmericanLawCenter@gmail.com


Mother/Grandmother Of 7 and counting

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Please select one of the below:

WWWIII conventional

WWWIII with nukes

Financial Armageddon

Global Warming meltdown

12 mRNA injections per human

Toxic food, water and air

CBDC digital prison

ChaosGPT destroying humanity

Transhumans, transgenders and trans-nature

Death by meteorite attack

Death by hospitalization

Death by doctor and drugs...

How about all of the above at about the same time?

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Yes, it's a proxy war with the Intent of initiating regime change in Russia. If you want an excellent break down on all of this Paul I would suggest going to locals.com and follow the Duran. You may have to go back on some of the stuff to get a full geopolitical picture but it is extremely eye opening and it shines a huge light on the geopolitical situation around the globe. They are on different platforms but I find locals has some of the best followers on many of the channels. The two Alex's ( The Duran) as they are referred to are second to none.

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Yea! Deja vu! Reminds me of the fact that we had "advisors" on the ground in 1958, under Ike!

John Anderson, was the first advisor killed in Vietnam in 1958. Ike was lead down this path by the M/I complex. That is why he warned the world at his "Fairwell" address. NO ONE LISTENED EXCEPT JFK AND WHAT DID THEY DO TO HIM! If you go to the "Wall" in DC, you will see the names of all who gave up their lives for FREEDOM? Media is not telling the story of the Russian ethnic carnage that has been transpiring in Ukraine since 2014. Those deaths are not important. No one is listening to Oliver Stone and his documentary on Ukraine. We just keep getting a bias report of who the bad guys are.

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Russia already knows. They have been saying it all along. To me Putin has shown a lot of restraint or they all are just playing a game.

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We are in WWIII. It began March 2020. The proxy now become on the gourd War in Ukraine is just part of the globlalist war we have been fighting for over 3 years.

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Regarding “early spread,” I’m going to go ahead and say it: I was right. The “experts” were wrong.


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Elections have consequences. There are so many major things much worse about the world because we have a vindictive, senile, foolish, ignorant, stupid dotard in office now.

I am not a fan of Orange Man, and I still give him a lot of "credit" for Operation Warp Speed, but in a choice between Trump and Biden (or the vast majority of prominent Democrats), any choice other than Orange Man is immoral.

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Russia and the Chinese Communists have been allies since the 1920s. Stalin and Mao were allies. They fought the U S in the Korean war. To say we flipped them to be allies is moronic.

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We had special forces on the ground in east germany to spying on the Russians. This goes on all the time.

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