To start with, the whole world lies in the power of the wicked one, Satan the Devil. 1st John 5:19 says:

"We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."

God is the one with the power and desire to "fix" this whole world. God's Kingdom is a real, actual government which will soon take over the entire planet and Jesus Christ will take over rulership.

Then the wicked will be removed and righteousness will flourish.

The Bible Gives Hope


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This might go down tomorrow, April 8, 2024 If the Lights Go Dark, Call Out the CIA & the State of Israel https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/if-the-lights-go-dark-call-out-the?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web

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Re: Matthew Tower

I’m into about an hour of this and gotta say this guy sounds like a nutcase and I also researched him….he’s a big supporter of Robert Kennedy! He and Del Bigtree both. If this is the same Matthew Tower but he does look the same in the picture attached.

Sorry, just my opinion🙂




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Thx… I watched the small version of this just a minute ago so I hope this is the long version.

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Yeah snipers should have been stationed years ago. Pile a few up, and watch them scatter.

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fcuk*rs :-)

I love your strong, rich, explicit vocabulary

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Every single person who came into the USA without proper documentation, VISAs, passports, etc. illegally IS A CRIMINAL. Some of them might be legit asylum seekers and there are ways to deal with them, but most are here for the $$$. Military age men being brought here like the Trojan Horse. Obama's crew will give them the full auto weapons and billions of rounds of ammo stockpiled specifically for these people. Hidden armories and mosques is likely where these are pre-positioned, as well as in the apartment buildings they gave to these border hoppers. This is a multi-billion per month operation run by NGO's, who all need to be shut down and arrested for violating laws.

Send them all home, every one of them and turn off the money supply that is funding them.

If this doesn't happen, there will be a lot of bloodshed, I'm afraid.

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All this and not one word of condemnation of Israel? It appears, with respect, that your rhetoric has cut you adrift from external reality.

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Everyone needs to watch this, trump, Kennedy, the controlled opposition, I would hate you to be part of this, i sincerely hope you aren’t but you are following them.


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This guy is a POS and will go down in history as the worst fuckup the world has ever seen!

You’re paving the way scared coward Johnson!

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What other country allows their borders to be so wildly overrun? Legal immigration that is controlled where applicants are carefully scrutinized is what I would expect anywhere else in the world if I chose to live there.

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Apr 7
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You do realize google groups is tracking and adding everyone who goes to that link to a list?

Check this site out, they are about to enter ALPHA, and you can get a free account there for now, it's just starting. It's a private network, away from the spying with no tracking. Dr. Alexander, pls send me a DM here. Site is privateline.io

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Yeah, free account. Sure.......believe that at your own risk

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