This is “The Great Replacement” strategy at work. The citizens are being surrounded and out-voted by illegal invaders. Biden and his boss Obama INVADED America, yes, thats right, Biden is invading USA
He had no authority in his executive office to do that. Between Sessions and Barr, Barr most especially, who now smugly broadcasts how he betrayed Trump, they were determined to undermine him and protect Clinton....all the same clique.
You're pushing far left propaganda again. He has the authority and will exercise it in his second term. It would have been a political miscalculation to have done it in his first term. What is wrong with you anti-Christian Anetica Second RINOS!
LOL, noooo, not *far left propaganda* from this MAGA. LAW. Trump himself---no president---has the unilateral authority to personally arrest or order the arrest of anyone. And while he could pressure the AG to nudge along an investigation, it's still out of his purview. For this legality, you should be thankful, or we would be living under authoritarianism, instead of federalism. I have no idea what an 'anti-Christian Anetica Second RINO' is, but I am simply MAGA.
True, more and more evidence is coming to light each week about how foreign governments colluded with the Dems and the deep state to rig elections. The "party"? The UniParty is finished.
Trump will present the conclusive evidence at his "trial", and the propaganda media will be forced to cover it.
AmericahasFallen - thankfully, we DID have an election, and Trump won, in spite of the ongoing ballot fraud and election rigging. But they did steal several House and Senate seats this time.
America has FALLEN! The Democrat Uniparty of TREASON is DESTROYING AMERICA by utilizing ILLEGAL Moslem INVADERS to gain all of the power in Government! WHO is going to stop the Mentally Disordered Liberals from the complete ANNIHILATION of AMERICA? Do these MENTALLY DERANGED MORONS actually think for one second that having complete & total power in our Government is going to save them from all of the Foreign Moslem Invaders that will establish their own Sharia Government after the stupid Democrats have literally destroyed it? The Lunatic Democrat Commies don’t yet realize that the moment they completely Destroy and Shred the U.S. Constitution, the REAL Insurrection by the Moslem Invaders they brought into America, are going to take over our Government and the heads of all the Mentally Disordered Democrats will be severed and the new Obamaite Dictator will replace them ALL with the New Sharia Compliant Invaders! America has FALLEN, but NO ONE can handle the Reality and TRUTH of the Demise of the United States at the hands of the Mentally Deranged Uniparty of power hungry pigs who foolishly think that they will be exempt from the Slaughter by the Moslem Invaders! Who is going to STOP THIS EVIL MADNESS?
Can imagine the psy-ops done to the persons at these 'detention centers' camps, hotels etc. do you think they are being taught Constitutional principles?
Is it legal for non citizens to be in the U.S. Military? Is it Legal for Politicians & Government Officials to Launder and Steal our Tax Dollars? Is it Legal for voting machines to flop votes using programmed algorithms? Legal or not, the Uniparty Commies do ax they please!
It’s not just about them voting. For me, that’s a red herring. When the US gets into a full blown war, they are going to need cannon fodder. And a draft would be a disaster. Hence, it’s no surprise that 90% of the illegals are military aged men. They will be offered amnesty and a quick path to citizenship if they become the cannon fodder. And that is how they will close and exceed the recruiting gap. And after the foreign war has wound down, the survivors will return to US soil and become the martial law enforcement force for the Marxist who is selected in 2024.
Ostensible reason (we can have them fight our wars) versus real reason. The voting of course, but more ominously they will be Illegals (including massive numbers of Chinese) with weaponry and the backing of the new Marxist/Communist govt that will enforce martial law, herd the resistance into camps, and administer the forced jab policies.
Excellent analysis. Lawyer here also. Am I mistaken or are you on a boat in South America and have figured out a way to get residency down there when SH’sTFan.?
You would have to be “brain dead” not to see it. Brain Dead? Oh we have tons of those headless overeducated low IQ anger addict morons (old ones) the worst. Young ones we don’t have time dummies
As I have commented on this before, this has been planned and ongoing with every election cycle etc. Back and forth the ball goes to each opposing team each year never to solve anything. Please read any of Dr Michael Savages books as he has been speaking to this issue and more, for years. In fact he’s still talking about it every day on his podcast. Highly recommend.
Well, we have republicans who are compliant cowards.
Paid to keep their mouths shut.
Just satanist.
So you should be able to trace the driving licenses handed out to illegals and map them to their unlawfully obtained voting registrations, no?
Yes, and some say that all the illegals ARE being tracked, and as soon as Trump takes office there will be mass deportations.
That would be expected but recall he didn't do squat about Hillary's illegal server.
He couldn't arrest her himself, he had to rely on the DOJ. And the DOJ is corrupt. He will clean house.
He had no authority in his executive office to do that. Between Sessions and Barr, Barr most especially, who now smugly broadcasts how he betrayed Trump, they were determined to undermine him and protect Clinton....all the same clique.
You're pushing far left propaganda again. He has the authority and will exercise it in his second term. It would have been a political miscalculation to have done it in his first term. What is wrong with you anti-Christian Anetica Second RINOS!
LOL, noooo, not *far left propaganda* from this MAGA. LAW. Trump himself---no president---has the unilateral authority to personally arrest or order the arrest of anyone. And while he could pressure the AG to nudge along an investigation, it's still out of his purview. For this legality, you should be thankful, or we would be living under authoritarianism, instead of federalism. I have no idea what an 'anti-Christian Anetica Second RINO' is, but I am simply MAGA.
Hope so, Dave.
Survey: Donald Trump Wins Electoral College Versus Biden, Who Smokes DeSantis
We no longer have Elections in America! The party is over!
True, more and more evidence is coming to light each week about how foreign governments colluded with the Dems and the deep state to rig elections. The "party"? The UniParty is finished.
Trump will present the conclusive evidence at his "trial", and the propaganda media will be forced to cover it.
AmericahasFallen - thankfully, we DID have an election, and Trump won, in spite of the ongoing ballot fraud and election rigging. But they did steal several House and Senate seats this time.
(Be sure to watch the video on "Breaking News" where Judge Engoran is filmed expressing contempt for the law and for juries.)
America has FALLEN! The Democrat Uniparty of TREASON is DESTROYING AMERICA by utilizing ILLEGAL Moslem INVADERS to gain all of the power in Government! WHO is going to stop the Mentally Disordered Liberals from the complete ANNIHILATION of AMERICA? Do these MENTALLY DERANGED MORONS actually think for one second that having complete & total power in our Government is going to save them from all of the Foreign Moslem Invaders that will establish their own Sharia Government after the stupid Democrats have literally destroyed it? The Lunatic Democrat Commies don’t yet realize that the moment they completely Destroy and Shred the U.S. Constitution, the REAL Insurrection by the Moslem Invaders they brought into America, are going to take over our Government and the heads of all the Mentally Disordered Democrats will be severed and the new Obamaite Dictator will replace them ALL with the New Sharia Compliant Invaders! America has FALLEN, but NO ONE can handle the Reality and TRUTH of the Demise of the United States at the hands of the Mentally Deranged Uniparty of power hungry pigs who foolishly think that they will be exempt from the Slaughter by the Moslem Invaders! Who is going to STOP THIS EVIL MADNESS?
Can imagine the psy-ops done to the persons at these 'detention centers' camps, hotels etc. do you think they are being taught Constitutional principles?
Sharia Law coming soon to a neighborhood near you! Has everyone forgotten that the Puppet Master is MOSLEM? Too late to wake up folks! Sad but TRUE!
Treasonous demonic crooked Biden . He and is corrupt family are safe with security Americans pay for. He and Obama at protected from the invaders.
Dear God help us. Save us from Lucifer and demonic government entities world wide.🙏
Is it legal for non citizens to vote in a national election?
Is it legal for non citizens to be in the U.S. Military? Is it Legal for Politicians & Government Officials to Launder and Steal our Tax Dollars? Is it Legal for voting machines to flop votes using programmed algorithms? Legal or not, the Uniparty Commies do ax they please!
Its not legal for dead people to vote either. But many thousands did
It’s not just about them voting. For me, that’s a red herring. When the US gets into a full blown war, they are going to need cannon fodder. And a draft would be a disaster. Hence, it’s no surprise that 90% of the illegals are military aged men. They will be offered amnesty and a quick path to citizenship if they become the cannon fodder. And that is how they will close and exceed the recruiting gap. And after the foreign war has wound down, the survivors will return to US soil and become the martial law enforcement force for the Marxist who is selected in 2024.
Ostensible reason (we can have them fight our wars) versus real reason. The voting of course, but more ominously they will be Illegals (including massive numbers of Chinese) with weaponry and the backing of the new Marxist/Communist govt that will enforce martial law, herd the resistance into camps, and administer the forced jab policies.
It’s really not that hard to figure out.
Excellent analysis. Lawyer here also. Am I mistaken or are you on a boat in South America and have figured out a way to get residency down there when SH’sTFan.?
May have you confused with another a fan of Justin Hayward?
Wayne Alan Root is BASED. He knows what's up.
He's been on 0bama's azz for many years, knows he's the *composite character* his own biographer admitted him to be.
Read this and weep:
Mitt Romney Stands Down, Will Not Seek Presidential Bid
You would have to be “brain dead” not to see it. Brain Dead? Oh we have tons of those headless overeducated low IQ anger addict morons (old ones) the worst. Young ones we don’t have time dummies
Libs refuse to see how bad it now. None are so blind......
Like the old AIDs joke: "That problem will take care of itself."
Yes, we are...
As I have commented on this before, this has been planned and ongoing with every election cycle etc. Back and forth the ball goes to each opposing team each year never to solve anything. Please read any of Dr Michael Savages books as he has been speaking to this issue and more, for years. In fact he’s still talking about it every day on his podcast. Highly recommend.
White women and their cucked men are more than half the problem.
Upcoming Tik-Tok-ers will make it worse.
Only good thing about invasion of Military Age Men is Tik-Tok-ers, Twatskis and their Cuks will be the first to go.
They don't care most don't work they live off and send money to the evil terrorist countries they came from.