of course it was done on purpose and purpose, first and foremost, was to deconstruct society and civilization as we know it... It was part of an unconventional warfare plan that has been in the works for many years. There are 7 stages in unconventional warfare,, we are already in stage 6, and most don't even know they are in a war and the war is against them.

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Yes. I read it too. What do we do after we call, write, email our representatives about the illegal border crashers destroying our country and ruining our lives? (I couldn't even get a protest going!) And I'm still waiting for an answer, although I have a drawer full of "I'll get back to you" from Republicans and a dystopic excuse about illegals being citizens and it's the American way and other bullshiite

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Sounds a bit late for deporting then. You think?

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It is never too late to save free nations or to do the right thing.

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boom, never too late, even to apologize

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I see Justine is in real trouble...they may move him, her soon

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tampon man Trudeau

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Those who should, refuse to. Those who could, do not want to.

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You tell 'em, Elusive!

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LOL Well, Darkstar, we have a HUGE problem on our hands.

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We have been living through WW3 since late 2019. Jackasses in our Federal Givernment look the other way as if We The People are CRAZY or something. Of all the thousands of GPs and Specialists out there, Nobody can figure out what went wrong? Why are so many becoming permanently disabled or are now dead? So puzzling.... It literally took more than a MILLION willing participants to pull off the biggest Global Crime Against Humanity EVER. #LetTheVeryPublicHangingsBeginNow I am sick and tired of waiting. It has been nearly 5 years... #EndAPECnow #LevelTheCCP #EndUSMCAnow #FreedomIsNotFree #388TraitorConsAreInBedWithTheCCP

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I do not know how Trump can round ALL THE Illegals up. I am so disgusted with the current administration and the f’ing wide open border,

& what can be done now. Now, that millions are here.

I’m so angry & drive my husband nuts because I always shout at the tv “shoot ‘em”! “Shoot ‘em” ! Because 99% are here to turn our country into a shithole liked the ones they came from!


If Harris wins the so called election we can look forward to our country being turned into Haiti and much worse!


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I hear you, Annie! It's already done. A second term is not needed by the o'bidens. They have succeeded in so many ways to bring us danger and destruction. ;(

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Well, Trump already has the plan and he can start executing it on day one.

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I say POTUS Trump should start with addressing all of the 388 Known Traitors who allowed Traitor Joe and The Ho to he installed like the Septic Tank they are. These traitors identified themselves on January 6th 2021 when they Voted NO to a 10 day pause to investigate Vote Fraud of 2020. It was never investigated, No evidence was ever heard by a single judge. Meanwhile the American People continue to get fucked daily by TRAITORS. #DefundTyranny #ChargeTryConvictSentenceAndExecuteALLKnownTraitors #FreedomIsNotFree

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I think it will take more than a season to return them home. Think of all the money spent on illegal aliens that we will save. Anyone saying it will cost too much to send them back, does not realize or want to realize how much is spent on their being here.

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If their purpose is to war against us, deportation will be quite a hurdle

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Most people love winning sporting ticket events, concerts, lottery an easy way to get them in and moved on out. Think about people in the casino with the right lights, sounds, noise smells drinks food etc its all designed to keep you there give a little pay out then the house wins

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And just how do we send all these militants home? And the gangs that require three murders to become a member, do we ask them to leave?

Then the Cartels, making billions of dollars a year, do we then tell them to please go home?

If you folks aren't ready to roll up your sleaves and fight the standing paramilitary forces that have taken your homeland,who will?

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Your turn to tell them, Darkstar! THIS IS INSANITY what is here!!!! UNBELIEVABLE

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You mean by “close the Northern border” only for illegally passing migrants, correct?

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Idea take non pressurized plane round them up and green light them to jump out with parachute the exit if they are afraid they can be helped to overcome it very quickly they'll get home quickly those pesky power lines can sometimes be a challenge and hike to their area they know

we were under an undeclared war when the south border was stormed All Borders need to be shut down and tighten it all up with additional support for border patrol they are under paid under staffed and we need to get them funding asap in order to achieve closed borders hire additional manpower, animal power, technology xray etc

I sure hope that this happens like yesterday talk is cheap action speaks volumes what are you waiting for get on it.

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The border needs to be closed for 20 years because it will take the government 50 years and $5 trillion to sort out the chaos.

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I would take it a step further and that is to establish a moratorium on ALL immigration for a mininum of 10 years before allowing any immigration again. The country has to absorb all these people and that takes decades.

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Need trials for ovomit, biDUMB, turdo, and all western fake leaders who committed treason by opening borders for unvetted unskilled, unemployable, fake refugees and then hang every one of them for sedition. Go through the ranks of every member of their ASSministrations and try them, then hang the seditionists too.

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You can't buy weapons from your enemies during war. How fucking hard is that to figure out in D.C.? In 2020, nearly one year into the PLANDEMIC, MSM had the (was it BALLS or Shear Ignorance) to "Celebrate" the 20 year anniversary of The Vote on APEC in the Senate 52 Yeah/48 NAY to pass APEC or the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation treaty which pitted $0.18 per hour Asian labor against American Manufacturers. What SLEEZY Pieces of Shit they are. TREASON is when your own Government Sells your Opportunities so a few GREEEDY FAT FUCKS can maximize their stock value. #EndFreeTradeBeforeItEndsUS. #FreedomIsNotFree #Incarcerate388TraitorConsNow #RevengeForTheWuFlu #ProsecuteCrimesAgainstHumanity

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