The FBI is supposed to stop terrorism from entering America right? Why aren’t all the pen pushers building the wall then? We gave them all that 9/11 power for them to stab us in the back. Fire them all.

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The 9/11 powers were to choose nitrile you, not the others. What do you imagine open borders is about really

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If we have learned one thing from the COVID19 plandemic, it is this - if the authorities/agencies are warning us about an event, there’s a very good probability that they have planned it.

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Damn straight!!

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As they have done dozens of times to justify their continued funding. Shoe bomber to name just one.

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Boston Bombers to name another

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Is this the same FBI that targets citizens complaining at school boards that their children are being shown gay porn and being sexualized and Indoctrinated into the alphabet club?

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Is this another ‘pre-planned’ thing by the evil ones running this show???

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Yes, the governments and intelligence agencies are the ones who use terrorists groups as proxies in foreign policy. They will also stage some here to use as the pretext for setting up the security state, just like the 9/11 false flag was used to usher in the Patriot Act .

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Yep the Israelis withdrew most troops from the are 2-3 days before the event. Just like WTC they removed security guards a month before the “ attack “. The Jewish state wants a greater Israel. Both the Israelis and the Palestinians want free m the river to the sea.

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If it’s being reported in the MSM press, then de facto it’s all part of the gaslighting PsyOp and/or preplanned domestic terrorism.

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With all the boarders being piled in by our government. Yeah there going to let it happen. Who believe the FBI or any of the 3 letter liars are not trying to protect anyone. Look at what they did to Maui

Look at 911

Look at the Scamdemic

Look how they spray us 24/7 with Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, Graphene, Magnesium, Polymer Fibers

Look at any Country that doesn’t listen to these lying BUTT WIPES

If this happens it’s because they are behind it Look who owns everything and you will see who is running this shit show

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THese terror cells were ushered int theUSA to do just that....

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Paul, I don't know why anybody would take seriously anything the FBI says. The FBI has proven itself to be completely corrupt, from unlawfully targeting parents who exercise their constitutional rights at school board meetings to covering up for the Biden crime family to corruptly infiltrating and investigating Catholic churches -- and everything in between, including weaponizing the no-fly list, falsely claiming the political opposition are terrorists while using Rambo-like SWAT tactics to raid their homes, scare their children, and otherwise make examples of them, and corruptly persecuting President Trump. The FBI no longer has any moral authority and simply can't be trusted. It has become no more than the political enforcement arm of the democrat party (or worse). There's likely a corrupt agenda behind any "warning" the FBI issues, including simply to scare people. We know the Biden administration purposely has made our border porous and is consciously allowing and encouraging undocumented aliens to cross. So, if there's any truth behind the recent FBI announcement, it isn't because the FBI is trying to do its job as the nation's chief law enforcement agency tasked with fighting crime; instead, it's more likely part of some larger nefarious purpose. We're better off ignoring them, like we've learned to do with the public health agencies who have shown us they do not operate in the public interest and whose every pronouncement seems calculated to further a corrupt agenda and cause harm.

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Perfectly said. Bravo good sir. The comment section is where the real information is being discussed. Great to see so many people who see the truth.

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You are spot on. We can never trust our government entities again. We have a corrupt rhino governor along with all the corrupt public health agencies. We need to use the discernment God gave us and prepare for what is to come. They are planning another false flag and no amount of dead Americans or other people is enough if they can accomplish their intended purpose.

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They will put us under Marshal law. That’s what this crap is all about. Control Control. Look how they fluffed Maui. Look how they had ANTiFA BLM fluff up Different states. Look how they did with Trump let them in and say they were tearing down the building. Look what they did with the Scamdemic people lost there jobs homes business and are now screwed. There going to do it and lock our asses down. There hired ass wipes will do it then all will pay for there paid for crimes and say we did it. Don’t fall for there shit. Wake up this is there way to have total control over the world All those people in Maui lost everything and now they will be put in 15 cities control our money with the digital dollar. How you buy. Look who owns the farm land Look who really is running this shit show look who owns everything we buy

Look how there trying to get our homes Remember you own nothing and you’ll be happy Check out all the 3 letter alphabet butt wipes the WEFers FEMA if this world doesn’t wake up. We’re done This is WW111 on the world and people are still buying there shit Line up get another Jab of poison. Let your damn governor make new mandates which is illegal and you did it anyway

Please wake the FLUFF UP there lying everyday the damn news the government bankers all of them. LIARS

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Yeah, they might be disguised as Trump supporters, so report all Trump supporters to the FBI.

Sadly, the FBI has zero credibility. I wouldn’t “report” anything to them, because I know that somehow, some way, it’s going to be politicized and used to the detriment of Americans.

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Well, If anyone should know about Tourist Attacks in the USSA it's the FIB !!! Seems the Tourists here are usually either FIB "informants" or "under surveillence" (except at the time of their attacks).

FIB has already said Domestic Terrorism is from MAGA Insurgents. This is just a FIB CYA under their Coup DC Regime. Treasonous Southern Border Invasion is not being affected, unless Increasing.


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Yuppers...the FBI wants you to watch for these creeps and stand by and just let them do their thing else you get arrested for interfering with the destruction of your country by these murdering thugs.

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How many FBI operatives do you think they (the FBI) will use in these attacks?

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All CCW holders must be armed everyday to protect thus country and each other.

Don't travel in large groups like airports, restraunts, busses, subways, game gatherings etc.

Biden has already allowed Sleeper cells to come in.

If your not armed, you could end up dead.

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This is all on Obiden/Obama and the corrupt rogue three letter agencies. They will be part of it, if not all of it, when it happens. Just like other false flags. We all knew this was coming because of next years elections. Everyone had better wake up and start preparing to defend themselves, their homes and their families. Stay out of the large liberal cities, and even the smaller ones. After J6, the declaration that MAGA are the domestic terrorists to worry about, BLM/Antifa get a pass and patted on the back, there is no doubt they are the real communist criminals. WE can NEVER trust these monsters again…..and frankly never should have in the beginning. May God’s wrath rain down on them very soon and no punishment will be severe enough.

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He was Trump appointee? Wow! And he’s been ok and pushing to punish him, whose not guilty, but not punishing Biden, Hunter, the list could go on! Ahhhh. 😡😞🤯

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