Eagle is spreadding its wings, reminding all of her might! The Air Force’s new stealth bomber flew for the first time on Friday, a milestone for the Pentagon’s first new bomber in a quarter-century.
Some small, impoverished third world country somewhare on the other side of the world that didn't accept the jjabs needsto be punished for threatening pharma profies. Because the US isroutinely defeated by third world peasants whenever it puts boots on the ground it needs to bomb wherever it is back to the stone age.
Will these be used to bomb innocent people or to attack countries merely because they do not accept the divinity of Israel or Wall Street’s predatory banks?
It would be a mistake to think that the Russian air defense system can not see a stealth bomber and not be able to shoot it down with a hypersonic missile which the US has no defense against. The evidence is the abject failure of all US/NATO weapons systems being destroyed in Ukraine by the Russian army, considered to be the best in the world according to the recent article in US News and World Report. According to military expert Andrei Martyanov, the US lost the arms race to Russia more than a decade ago. The details are in his book "Losing Military Supremacy." The US squandered its resources on wars of choice instead of developing weapons systems for the new age of warfare. More importantly, US foreign policy elites never learned the lessons of WW II where the Red Army annihilated Nazi Germany in a continental battle that the US has no experience in fighting. Air power is not an advantage in the era of hypersonic missiles and advanced air defense systems. Our military leaders have no experience in modern warfare. Ukraine is the evidence.
The USSA's military leaders have No Experience in Anything outside of their NWO training classrooms and tours of duty Losing Wars since Vietnam. Whether ANY of these wars for blood & profit were in the interests of the average American Citizens, that shed the blood, is another question left unanswered.
Paul, why do you post this crap. You know nothing about air warfare or whether this thing is going to be good for anything. It may be that bombers are obsolete now. It might be a lemon. You post so much garbage that you have no spent a minute investigating.
"Replace the B1 & B2 Aircraft Fleets"??? and Aren't the B 52's Still Flying ??? Just Asking "WHO" is paying for this??? Printing/Digitizing "Money" out of thin air has it's Limits supposedly. I'm waiting to see what the Weimar Economists from Argentina have to say before I can decide between Collapse or Catastrophe.
Ok now we switch investments from one MIC to the other MIC. Never ending war. Merry Christ Mass Murder just in time for the slow Pharma uptake. At 74 how do I shake this depression, this reality? This is so mother effing effed up.
Maybe millions of people should just start walking towards the “holy” land, praying, singing, this call is to all mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers....”DO NOT SHOOT ANYONE, ANYMORE, EVER”.
Why are you excited about death machines and war games? Those same assholes that committed genocide with Covid are also committing genocide with war.
Hey, you never know when Gazan babies might again threaten the existence of civilization!
Some small, impoverished third world country somewhare on the other side of the world that didn't accept the jjabs needsto be punished for threatening pharma profies. Because the US isroutinely defeated by third world peasants whenever it puts boots on the ground it needs to bomb wherever it is back to the stone age.
Will these be used to bomb innocent people or to attack countries merely because they do not accept the divinity of Israel or Wall Street’s predatory banks?
It would be a mistake to think that the Russian air defense system can not see a stealth bomber and not be able to shoot it down with a hypersonic missile which the US has no defense against. The evidence is the abject failure of all US/NATO weapons systems being destroyed in Ukraine by the Russian army, considered to be the best in the world according to the recent article in US News and World Report. According to military expert Andrei Martyanov, the US lost the arms race to Russia more than a decade ago. The details are in his book "Losing Military Supremacy." The US squandered its resources on wars of choice instead of developing weapons systems for the new age of warfare. More importantly, US foreign policy elites never learned the lessons of WW II where the Red Army annihilated Nazi Germany in a continental battle that the US has no experience in fighting. Air power is not an advantage in the era of hypersonic missiles and advanced air defense systems. Our military leaders have no experience in modern warfare. Ukraine is the evidence.
The USSA's military leaders have No Experience in Anything outside of their NWO training classrooms and tours of duty Losing Wars since Vietnam. Whether ANY of these wars for blood & profit were in the interests of the average American Citizens, that shed the blood, is another question left unanswered.
Paul, why do you post this crap. You know nothing about air warfare or whether this thing is going to be good for anything. It may be that bombers are obsolete now. It might be a lemon. You post so much garbage that you have no spent a minute investigating.
What’s wrong with you Doc?
"Replace the B1 & B2 Aircraft Fleets"??? and Aren't the B 52's Still Flying ??? Just Asking "WHO" is paying for this??? Printing/Digitizing "Money" out of thin air has it's Limits supposedly. I'm waiting to see what the Weimar Economists from Argentina have to say before I can decide between Collapse or Catastrophe.
Ok now we switch investments from one MIC to the other MIC. Never ending war. Merry Christ Mass Murder just in time for the slow Pharma uptake. At 74 how do I shake this depression, this reality? This is so mother effing effed up.
Maybe millions of people should just start walking towards the “holy” land, praying, singing, this call is to all mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers....”DO NOT SHOOT ANYONE, ANYMORE, EVER”.
Yay. The military industrial complex will save humanity. Wtf?
If the United Bullies of America want to help the world, shoot that fuck of an eagle in the head.
Perfect time to tryout Pentagon's new Green Neutron Bomb.
Just put A-Eye in charge and let'r rip.
DC the perfect target.
A Green Bomb for a Blue City.
pleased to restack your post and provide link for today’s “alternative” media press release:
(share everywhere)
link to "how pharma fix works" with Bobby Kennedy
IS ALL DISEASE CAUSED BY PARASITES? https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=894090908754026
I'm not gaga over this news AT ALL!