Thanks for the latest piece of the puzzle Doc...we're making progress, in spite of them. When I notice them I like to smile, say hello, and engage them in a conversation. They absolutely hate that. They do not sleep as soundly after being discovered. This is the reason we need to pay heed to the advice given to the Galatians by Paul the Apostle, (chapter 6) KJV. This advice, given about 2,000 years ago was intended to help us who live in the last days to navigate the perilous times we are now into. Jesus gave the answers to the questions before we realized we needed to ask them.

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Treason hang them till they Are All Dead. Every Last One. Both Sides Serve The Sam Beast. I Don’t Trust Any of Them.

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Time to dismantle all of the fbi, cia, nsa naval intelligence, all of it as it is undoubtedly beyond broken and corrupted!!! Kennedy knew this too...

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i smell a rat psy op.... good God please enlighten our darkness as to how to deal with evil according to your gracious wisdom

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Sleaze is pouring off this arrogant SOB. So arrogant that he gets caught literally with his pants down and gives up the goods to a pretty face (I can only assume) she needs to watch her back. I hope James o’Keefe has top notch security.

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They didn't want to give him intelligence briefings because they didn't believe he had any (intelligence) but I think they used the word "idiot." And that they felt he would leak the information, because he was an idiot. It was not that long ago where we here in the USA would forceably sterilize those some authority figure decided was an idiot and Justice Holmes of the SCOTUS made it legal.

To me it is an agrument for decentralized government - never mind one of the chief functions of a national government is to protected the borders, so if they are not, who is the idiot?

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I pray we are under Continuity of Government. I believe the military will be the only way out of this God forsaken mess.

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That is why the cabal is working so hard to place those with compromised patriotic values in the highest ranks of the military.

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That video says it all.

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Death penalty for this guy and others...

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Trump's response was priceless...


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