If I had a billion dollars I'd bet that nobody gets prosecuted.

How can I be sure of that?

1. The DOD is behind this and they are the law

2. There will be nobody left alive to prosecture

Dr. Lee Merritt explains how mRNA Vaccines killed animals during testing and how MRNA Vaccines could be used to kill millions of people by first injecting people with the So Called Vaccine and then releasing a counterpart even years later to be killed at will - She calls this a Binary Poison (as it's in two parts) https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/70925

Full interview https://humansarefree.com/2021/01/dr-lee-merritt-animal-studies-mrna-technology-all-animals-died.html

So when they are pushing on a string with the global economy - which appears to be imminent ....




Next up - they will release Part 2. and exterminate all the vaxxed... and the unvaxxed starve

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That is the most plausible explanation as to why they went to psychotic lengths to inject everyone with such a poorly performing (at its promised task) serum. This cannot simply be about profits. And who in their right mind believes they did it because they care about our health? Depopulation has been the darling of the progressive movement for a long time.


It wouldn’t have been possible to poison so many people by any other method. They needed the pandemic’s fear and frustration to justify the EUA (which they guarded like rabid dogs) to justify the injections. No other way to put a foreign substance into over a billion people so fast.

And it worked.

When people start dropping like flies Fauci & Co will hide under the premise of pandemic 2.0. He and others are already “warning” us it may be next year. When billions die they’ll say, We knew it! We warned you! And try to come off like heroes again. And guess what? Many will actually believe them. Just like many still believe masking and distancing ended the flu.

The only way to prevent this from going forward is by uncovering evidence. What means did they use to spread the initial “dose” of viral particles? Who did it? And, why? Are there no whistleblowers? Is everyone (of importance) in on this?

How is it that Fauci predicted as fact the coming of pandemic 1.0? How is it that he’s now stating as fact the coming of pandemic 2.0? Has science perfected ESP? Or is he in on the plan? Nobody’s asking him how he always knows the timeline ahead of time.

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I suggest watching Utopia https://duckduckgo.com/?q=watch+utopia&iax=videos&ia=videos

Here's a taste... https://youtu.be/wjfKBDxf0yg

This highly rates series ran for two seasons and in the final episode they were about to unleash a virus at multiple locations around the world...

The audience is left hanging as there was no final season ...

We will be living the final season when the second phase of the binary poison is released.

Until Dr Merritt pointed that out I thought the end game would be the deadly mutation that Bossche has predicted... the problem with that is there is no guarantee that this would happen -- and it is impossible to time... and if it failed to arrive the global economy collapses and we rip each others faces off.

A binary poison makes total sense... you inject as many as are willing to take phase one... then you wait till the situation is critical ... then you hit them with phase two of the poison... 6 billion die... those who refused the poison ... lock down out of fear and starve.

It really is a brilliant, diabolical plan -- it prevents the mass murder, rape, and cannibalism that will result ... if they did nothing ... See https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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I watched Utopia clips. Utterly chilling in its relevance. How did I not know about this show? Thanks.

I too went through phases of belief listening to all the theories by the usual suspects.

Like you, as time went on I was willing to pivot. As patently horrible as this plan is (for us) it makes what I now refer to as terrible sense. You’re right it is seamlessly diabolical.

It shifts the world paradigm in the direction the narcissists in-charge have been salivating to achieve for over 50 years. (Soros ain’t getting younger) And it does it in a way that I shudder to admit is actually genius.

I will sound like a broken record to some but of the gaggle of “experts” making the rounds the only biologist who’s covid theories I believe are sound and dovetail with the plan we are speaking of is, Jonathan Couey, PhD. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1782037505

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The PR Team will try to lead you away from the nesting chicks with all sorts of tricks ...

Great Reset ... greed by pharma --- 5G -- the list goes on and on....

I give you the nesting chicks https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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you left a comment on rounding the earth in re softwar [i’m not a subscriber, so can’t comment there] :


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No amnesty ever

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Never forgive, never forget, never again!

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Substack creator Hamish McKenzie appears to want a Covid19 amnesty. He discussed it on his Substack platform with Emily Oster recently. He created uproar, then closed and hid the comments. I made remarks that were deleted by his rottweiler 'moderator' Hannah. He banned me for 💯 years. I then took part in a video discussing these worrying issues. Is Substack about to go down 'the road most travelled'? https://youtu.be/0CKvKN5wjt4

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🖕Fuck Hamish McKenzie (whoever she is)!!!🖕👊

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Yep. They are accessories to murder.

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Absolutely, No Amnesty! Too many have died, too many suffering with debilitating side effects. Doctors who played this game need to come clean & admit wrongdoing & the hospital administrators & CEOs & Board Members need to be held to the same criteria.

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Those Medical 'professionals' who KNEW and still went on to administer 'kills shots' of one kind or another. Those who presented as healers in white coats but were really killer/mass murderers - the CEO's administrators and Board members - have to live life long KNOWING what they have done. So i agree NO Amnesty! But in the end like judas - they will NOT be able to live with themselves - and when their 'nearest n dearest' find that they are actually mass murderers the sick game will change; i predict many suicides and nervous breakdowns from this escalton going forward.

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Dr. Paul, you are awesome! Thank you for reposting. This other topic is even more important because nobody noticed in the whole world:

Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering

Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!


Guess what: since the 90s they've weaponized vaccines by adding hCG to infertilize women. This was lab proven in 30+ countries. Even the Supreme Court of the Philippines blocked a vaccination campaign because of this. Last detected attempt: Kenya 2014


When the freedom movement is accused of being anti-vax, we should reply: aren't we all pro-science and against injectable bioweapons? why wouldn't you too? We are also the anti-bioweapons movement !!!

This opens the eyes of many:

The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


Prof. Fred Nazar

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Justice !!

My husband was a sacrificial lamb for the demonic pharmaceutical industry to sell their kill shots.

The hospital tortured him - no healing was given !!

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I want people jailed (well actually I want the death penalty for some ) this was premeditated murder in my opinion.

Here’s another Substack you may like.


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Spot on! I Great work. Yes no question you are right! We must stand firm here. think the right use of Law and full and total accountability is the only peaceful democratic useful way. The old fashion oft used quote from Oliver - The wicked Mr Bumble ( when rumbled) says ' If the law supposes that, the law is an ass — an idiot. If that’s the eye of the law, the law’s a bachelor; and the worst I wish the law is, that his eye may be opened by experience — by experience." And with the multi Law violations now globally at play - it is the Criminal Justice system - which clearly only gives 'justice' to the criminal 'Law-givers'. They thru their teeth while putting their hand on the 'Holy Book' sweat to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth!

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Before you can argue a point of view, you have to know the fundamentals of what you are arguing about. Google: Pfizer-DominicanRepublic-Vaccine-Term-Sheet-19Jan2021 it is in dual languages, English and Spanish? - the secret contracts that Trump signed which you have never seen or read.

Then, the US Military, ;presumably, have given the vaccine makers blanket immunity from prosecution because their sythetic mRNA vaccines always were "Experimental Test Vaccines" and you had to volunteer (give your consent) to have them, which means you are directly responsible for whatever the vaccines did to your body and nobody else but you. It is the same logic as when you sign your name to a legal document. - you are legally liable to whatever you signed your name to, if you default in any way, my take on it is, you signed a document agreeing to these vaccines probably without reading the small print, if there were any - like duh!!

Add to that that the US Supreme Court Law, 2013, with world wide applications defined that any synthetic mRNA vaccine which changes your DNA and your Genome, makes you no longer human, but a new alien species, Trans Human, with zero human rights and you have the equivalent rights now of black slaves before the end of the American Civil War 1861-1865 - which means you are well and truly fucked by your own stupidity, by volunteering in the first place - do I make myself clear - is there anything you don't understand about any of this?

It is your responsibility to keep abreast of The Law and any/all changes made to it - it is not a legal argument to say "you did not know", you are expected to know and if you don't, more fool you - I bloody well knew and I'm not even an American and i don't live anywhere near America, thank goodness - actually a female studying Law in an American University had a lesson featuring this Law and posted it on a South African Website I posted to occasionally, otherwise I would not have found out about it either - it was all very underhanded from the outset - like your political masters did not want you to find out about that Law.

Some vaccinated have tried to have their cases heard by the Geneva Convention - Lawyer Thomas Renz was involved with that one, or rather those cases, but each case was thrown out by the Geneva Convention Judges, probably because of the points I have raised above - although Renz did not say, so far as I can recall.

If someone says put your head in an oven filled with gas and light the gas, would you do that - No? - then why the bloody hell did you agree to these vaccines for Christ's sake?

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No amnesty.

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WOW. Looks like Satan's Ten Commandments to me. ALL LIES!

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This is GENOCIDE. I don't want fines an imprisonment...I want executions. The gallows.

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Your too kind. Dump them all on an island. Give them all the full VAX de Jour. Leave a box of masks.

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How will that happen when we know that this was a DOD CIA Biowarfare exercise program and that everyone involved knew it and followed orders! If you read Balliwick news you will understand how we got to this place over the last 20 years of manipulation and developing bio weapons!

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There has to be some form of government or part of government willing to go the distance with these criminals who have been doing horrific things to humanity for decades. I don't see it, yet. The other option is that the people finally group together and take matters into their own hands. It might come down to that lest we all end up vaporized by the anti-humanity thugs. Government is drastically failing on most fronts as far as being a protector of its citizens. At some point, perhaps we bite the bullet and charge forward with the pitchforks.

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