I hear all that, and I’m one of those (evil, dirty, selfish) unvaxxed people that have advocated understanding of the perpetually duped. (And yes, those you describe are perpetually duped—they chase meaningless things to throw up on the walls and eschew truth, but that’s another discussion.) Those Masters of The Universe (cough cough) who now preside of a dung heap? WE TOLD YOU SO, but they let their precious prejudices and hubris blind them and now their health is wrecked and their city is utter shit—“defund the police”—-and we, the “moronic MAGA maggots” in the “flyover states” aren’t supposed to do anything except hug them? Really?

Okay but THEY MUST NEVER! EVER! BE ALLOWED TO FORGET THAT THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MUCH EVIL. Like real, true Nazis (not Republicans, assholes, real actual Nazis) the group think compliance and mass hysteria which demand compliance got people killed and harmed in many, many ways. What has been done to children is beyond comprehension. The shaming, the censorship, the loss of jobs, the loss of childhood innocence? The proms, the football games, the family gatherings? All gone so a corrupt old man can totter around on stage and Trump can’t be president. How’s that winning going?

We must never forget. And we mustn’t let them pretend they were victimized in the same way we plebeian Walmart shoppers were. The sad, silly, inane sacks of stupid, who can’t even leave their brownstones now without fear, brought this ALL on themselves.

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I read that in Naomi’s Substack. She is so kind and insightful, and, let me just say it, Gracefully gracious. In the root sense meaning bestowing undeserved favor.

No, ‘I told you so.’ No ‘you should have listened.’ Save that for the guilty.

And Lord haste the day that the guilty are at least removed from power and no longer have the ability to do any more harm, if not brought to justice in this life.

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Uh huh. And just go on, business as usual?

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I told you so is not a good look to be sporting; it doesn’t make for social healing.

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Are they interested in healing, then?

Doc, we’re way past worrying about sporting good looks. These mavens of thought, these influencers of opinion, these funders of BLM and antifa and the DNC and Defund the Police.org, are they wanting to let bygones be bygones, now that their city is a wasteland?

So out of touch. But God bless you. I’m sure you are a very nice person.

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Note I differentiate between the victimizers and the victims, of which there are 2 groups: the unvaccinated, who were victims of discrimination, and the vaccinated who have been harmed by the vaccines, and some of who also have suffered the moral harm of having participated in the erroneous shaming of the unvaccinated.

Would you have society beat up on the vaccine victims even in their injured state?

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Dr. Kimber,

Were Nazi collaborators beat up on, even as their country lay in shambles and they themselves were left starving in the streets?

Or were they pitied and hugged at Nuremberg?

And what would have been the harm in hugging the collaborators? After all, many of them were victims of one sort or another. Were they “beat up and shamed” so that the entire world could take some notes?

I don’t know.

The question is hypothetical, but I still believe that it is one that deserves discourse. It’s likely an issue that our nation (what’s left of her) will need to settle. Many people suffered for too greatly; both because of the perpetrators and because of their useful idiot collaborators. The general consensus here in flyover land is for Nuremberg 2 trials to commence forth with.

Which person is more dangerous to freedoms? The lunatics, or the nannies? And how do we prevent this from occurring again? That’s really what interests me. Because there is no way these “victims” of their own hubris and self-importance can possibly make it up to anyone else. No way. They’ve stolen what is simply much too precious. They gave away freedom out of craven fear and self righteousness. That would be bad enough, but they insisted I give up my freedom as well. They harmed my children and my grandchildren, and they killed my mother in law and my brother with their murderous incentivized protocols. Oh, no, not the Captains of Wall Street and their fashionable wives, they were merely collaborators. Thieves, which really isn’t all that different from their day jobs, but I digress.

So I leave them to God.

As for forgiveness, I am a Christian (aka, a “white Christian nationalist”, as the leftist illiberal on the Upper West Side would call me) thus I am under divine orders to forgive. Already happened. Again and again. Over and over.

But forget? Does grief so easily fall away, good doctor? No, there will be no forgetting, I’m afraid.

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I agree, and if you are talking about Nuremberg 2, I also agree true forgiveness requires repentance and acknowledgement of error, sin, and/or guilt. As someone who paid a small price (forced retirement @ the end of my career after being hassled for Rx’g HCQ, IVN, and initially being onboard (for myself and my patients) & jumping off when I saw the light-- so a complex story, I think there has to be some admission of at least error in judgement, if not complicity on up to full measure culpa.

Even serial killers are forgiven (but still executed).

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PS: Note I differentiate between grandma whose misguided children coerced into a vaxx, and the New York City glitterati. One is a victim, the other is a collaborator.

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With this approach, expect these vaxx zealots to hit even harder next time. They have learned nothing. They have been equally banished from my world. To those who disinvited me and my husband: we will never in good conscience accept another invitation. They made their bed, now they can lie in it. Sorry. Zero sympathy.

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Exactly. Forgiveness and setting yourself up for Round 2 of Totalitarian Tyranny are separate things.

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Poignant and beautifully written

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I commend Naomi, but I'm not sure I could be as forgiving.

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I’m all for forgiving, but since their death protocols killed both my mother in law and my brother, I have no intention of forgetting.

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That this could happened after the Nuremberg Code and in our so called civilization. In 3 Years they have destroy health, science, education, green is now brown, family’s, community’s, trust, pensions, free speech, free press, free will and democracy this is so madness!

Pay attention and all eyes on 👉🏻 https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/11/open-science-6-reasons-businesses-should-pay-attention/

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#3 Hive Mind 🙀

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I always enjoy reading Dr. Wolf's writing, and this was no different. I've never spent a moment's time thinking about the experience if the wealthy- or the left - during the plandemic. So, this piece was informative. My one comment has more to do with Dr. Wolf's new book title. What if we are not entering the "dark ages", but instead, we are exiting them? What if these wealthy types were not giving up, as the lovely doctor suggests, but rather stepping into reality, something they had, heretofore, managed to side-step because of their wealth and privilege? Just a thought...

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Grace, that is a very thought provoking idea. Thanks.

We experience life on a straight timeline, always referencing our past to figure out where we are now. There is another way to see ourselves: as a part of a much larger historical continuum that started long before now and will continue long past our time.

What if we just experienced one of those pivotal moments in history where catastrophe started a fundamental structural shift in our social order, a sort of novo “French Revolution” that destroyed the old power structure to build a new power structure, one that would be more suitable for a new future where power is shared more equitably.

We cannot look forward to a “return to normal” because, like it or not, we are still in the middle of this revolution and need to see it through to completion.

Ducking and hiding from our responsibilities now and waiting for someone else to take the lead for us will simply result in a return to a new power hierarchy that will resemble the one we had before but with new faces in the top slots.

The time to create fundamentally different power structures is now, not later. The window of opportunity to create and implement major power structure changes is narrow. We must not blithely allow this opportunity to slip past us. Otherwise we will indeed experience yet another round of pandemic pandemonium and yet another round of lockdowns and persecution of those who choose to follow their own minds rather than the cleave to hive mind that the great powers will foist on us again.


As a first step we must implement term limits for all political offices, national, state, and local. Nobody should have more than 12 years in any combination of political offices, national, state, or local. Similarly for bureaucrats - no more than 12 years in any combination of appointed offices, national, state, or local. Afterwards everybody in public service must move on to private employment or start their own business and return to becoming productive citizens.

Similarly with the courts but maybe allow 20 years and then move on. Lifetime appointments may encourage independence but they also encourage irresponsibly and are antithetical to the benefit of the social order.

There should never be a permanent career in politics. Politics should be public service akin to going into the Peace Corp or similar citizen service organizations. When you have finished your service you should then return to the general milieu of working productive citizens. Public servants should never be so far removed from their constituents that they can’t understand their issues. That is a big part of the reason there is such a huge disconnect between the corridors of power and common citizens.

Someone else who was completely disconnected from the plight of her starving people once flippantly quipped “Let them eat cake.”

Things didn’t work out too well for her after that.

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Hi David! Thank you for your thoughtful response. I appreciate it and agree with what you had to say, especially with regard to term-limits. This is what we were taught as children, right? The idea that people serve the public for a period if time and then return to the private sector was, perhaps, the intention but not the outcome. I suppose power is intoxicating, especially for some. You invoked the imagery and history of the French Revolution and it appears that some of the very same forces are at play now as they were back then. For the past few years, I have been wondering if we are experiencing the end run of liberalism. I am not a philosopher, so I really don't know, but it seems to me that if left uncultivated or unchecked, liberalism's end is death, like a kind of self-annihilation. That's just another one of those thoughts I find myself contemplating these days. Thanks for engaging me. God bless.

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Hi Grace!

You present more very thought provoking comments here that I would like to respond to. I will have to delay a bit, however, dealing with hand injury so am one finger typing on iPhone - tedious and lots of mistakes. When I have 10 working fingers again I will get back on this string.


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It´s amazing how they have succeeded in bringing all and everyone into it , Trump, the Pope, Covid, then Ukraine, then Genderism, then Climate,then Meat...and call it one side or the other while people loses a good president, is misled by the Church, conned and poisoned at the same time, attacked and destroyed femininity and motherhood, banned even your home garden ,fields burnt, displacement of millions of people, elections stolen everywhere, prices up in the sky....presidents bought, their partners not being who they pretend to be...but Russia is the bad guy

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"This is not to judge or criticize them," she writes. Not exactly. (That can be done in private.) They were just fodder for her next pretentious substack. So her readers can judge and criticize them.

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Oh my! A little close to the bone, was it?

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Gives me hope that the tide is turning or has already turned.

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While I have compassion for every human, I also believe that the only way you get people to make a fundamental change in how they think is through emotions, not logic. Years ago a brilliant friend of mine and I were just starting out in the work world. A world we thought was driven by highly educated people and dispassionately planned reason. We lamented that was not the case at all. We could present the most well thoughts and our ideas would be discarded for completely non-sensical reasons. The only possible answer was people are emotional, not rational. Therefore, unless people were impacted at an emotional level, there was no chance they would listen to ideas that contradicted their emotional world views, no matter how well reasoned.

Kind of like the old joke "How do you get a Missouri mule known for its stubbornness to cross a creek? - Hit in the head with a two-by-four to get its attention!" Even though the two-by-four has nothing to do with crossing a creek, it has everything to do with getting the mule to listen to you about crossing the creek. My brilliant friend named this creating a "SEE", a Significant Emotional Event. In a 50 year career, if I had to sell a revolutionary idea, the critical issue wasn't how I laid out the reasoned presentation. It was how I could create an SEE that would allow the audience to listen. Only then could you get them to even consider crossing the creek.

The Covid Scam has been the most SEE of most of lives. We must use this emotional Vesuvius to get people to understand that it is only the first, or perhaps more appropriately second to last, act in the play. With the last act being unelected world bodies, primarily the WHO and the UN, "not letting an emergency go to waste".

Be compassionate, but also be firm. Like an addict in denial, unless the SEE is fully defined and understood at an emotional level, there will be no chance at getting the people Naomi describes to cross the next creek. With the Covid Scam, the Global Elites have crossed their Rubicon and there is to going back short of total totalitarian victory.

Our only choice is that we cross our Rubicon to the land of freedom and stop the Global Elites. Or accept our role as mules stuck on the wrong side of freedom.

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Excellent comment.

I appreciate the idea of creating a Significant Emotional Event to get people’s attention. If people are walking around lost in their own emotional haze they will not see any other possibility until such time as they SEE their way through the fog.


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Dr Naomi Wolff, you describe a world of social elites with whom I have nothing in common. And frankly I would not want to have anything to do with them in any case.

With that said, the blatant persecution of those who resisted the so-called “vaccine” campaign happened at all levels of the social strata, family pitted against their outcast family members, friends raging against friends, and more. The consequences of the open hostility that was generated from propaganda lies did as much damage to the social fabric on other levels as it did in the elite circles.

The main difference, as I see it, is that the elite outcasts were taken by surprise by this turn of events and didn’t know how to react.

In other social circles, however, people are regularly faced with open discrimination and undeserved hostility. We have learned to hunker down and seek shelter with our own kind rather than to try to dissuade our persecutors of any notions that they are projecting their own fears and prejudices on us. We already know they aren’t listening so we stop engaging in discourse which only yields more vehement persecution poured on us.

Your kindness is appreciated. It’s thoughtful and nice.

I would suggest, however, that full thorough investigations need to be conducted, and the leading culprits tried, convicted, and punished appropriately with varying degrees of punishments meted out to those who supported this campaign to varying degrees. Only after we have identified and rooted out the evil that has taken over our social order can we afford to be forgiving of the least offensive activists and get them returned to civilized society.

Quite frankly I’m not sure many, if any, of the elite society you described who participated in this persecution program would qualify as “least offensive activists”. It seems to me that as the leading lights of society, they have a higher responsibility towards the greater social order and therefore abrogation of their responsibility should come with higher consequences.

But..., I’m not part of that world and would never want anything to do with anybody in that world no matter what, so my opinion may be skewed just a wee bit.

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