I'm a walking testament to the effectiveness of IV chelation therapy. I've had around 60 such treatments over the past 10 years, with spectacular results.

This treatment resolved a cardio problem with NO drugs or stents.

It helped slow the aging process; I'm as healthy and energetic now as I was at age 30. My immune system is also just as strong. I had covid with zero symptoms or illness, and remain un-covid-vaxxed.

I can see how this therapy would aid in treating civid.

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I have followed her SUBSTACK for quite a while. It seems to me that she’s saying that the spike protein is not the problem. It’s the ribbons of what she is calling CBD Hydrogel, but what she has called Graphene Oxide in previous posts. She seems to be saying that the Spike Protein is a diversion & that there is NOBODY with normal blood anymore. These ribbons of whatever they are, are in everyone. So if that’s true, how is it that I, as an unvaxxed individual feel perfectly fine. She also says that this can only be picked up on dark field microscopy. I just had a blood panel done and the blood flowed right into the vials. If it was clumping that wouldn’t be the case. I am very confused by her assertions.

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Apparently she believes that she channels a 30,000 year old entity. That's strange but then up to a million people reportedly believe that Adolf Hitler was an avatar of. Vishnu, the Hindu deity or supreme being who created, protects, and transforms the universe, i.e., Hitler was God Incarnate, and will return in phsical form again at the end of the Kali Yuga. That's strange too. I struggle to understand how Dr Mihalcea can believe what she reportedly does. However, what's more important is if she has a good theory, derives hypotheses from it and tests them using sound methodology. Has she done that? Maybe your own blood is just a little bit abnormal. I'm unvaxxed too buy my d-dimer result late last year was elevated.

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Hitler is indeed back - going by the name "Biden".

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Bobby, that's a vile insult. I'm no fan of Hitler, far from it, but the man is not alive to defend himself. Of the 21 Nazi leaders who were IQ tested at Nuremberg, by a Jewish US Army Captain, all but one had IQs in the Stanford-Binet "Superior," " Very Superior," or, like Trump, in the "Near Genius or Genius" range. Hitler was probably smarter than any of the 21 tested at Nuremberg. Biden is not in that league. Not even close.

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Do you not find the current events surrounding us for the past almost Three years now under Biden "vile?"

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He is a wrecking ball. Everything he does is a force for destruction. Do I think he’s doing this on his own? NO, but he is the face of it. Surely he is taking direction by those that installed him in the White House. ‘Vile’ doesn’t even come close to describing it. I’m not sure what word would.

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That does not negate the fact that even as a puppet he has been the face of the destruction of the United States and the EU, economically & morally & the worst Crime Against Humanity with his attempt to mandate the death shots. He makes Hitler look almost mild in comparison.

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She is, IMO, not consistent in her reports of what she thinks those ‘ribbons’ are in the blood of everyone on the planet, vaxxed or unvaxxed. I find it difficult to take her seriously.

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Wow! Makes me want to get the EDTA iv treatments. Very impressive positive results.

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Thank You Dr. Alexander!!!!

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Finally, a MIRACLE treatment to reverse this toxic plague?

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Thanks for covering this. MANY people are suffering like this. Saved to my desktop.

Godspeed, Joy

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Edta chelation is cost prohibitive for many. Can anyone quote the cost per treatment?

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Wondering how it’s possible in reality that this guy called and got this treatment. Is everyone can do it? Who to call, which number? How did he know? My daughter is suffering from serious complications from either Covid or vaccine which she was coerced to take in spite of us tried to talk her out. Sudden onset of Arthritis, uncontrolled migraines and hypothyroidism. She was active and athletic until last year and very successful at her job. Today she’s on disability hoping for the best.

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Dr Alexander, I’m surprised you include this because I think of you as the pinnacle of evidence and fact based medical opinion. This sounds like the total opposite. A one-off claim about chelation which is controversial (I’m pretty sure). What is your opinion here?

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Thank you for sharing.

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I had Covid symptoms two times. First time was a cold that went away after a week or so. The second time I was sick and recovered after a week to ten days. My nose has dropped since then. Is there anyone who can recommend a treatment?

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Gordon, that is terrible that you're feeling this bad after 2 years. I will pray for you. and tell you about something that helps your body heal itself.

Restore is a nutrient rich oil with eXponential Delivery System that brings these nutrients right into the cell membrane of each cell. It restores the mitochondria and multiplies it so your miraculous body can use these nutrients and heal itself. It reverses the aging process. Many miraculous results obtained by people using this. To hear testimonials you can go here. It is free to join and no requirements . Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made, and when given the right nutrients can heal itself. More info...


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You are very welcome!

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