Trump is "the best"? In my book, that claim remains to be proven. Let's be real, there are too many question marks ... far too many head-scratchers ... far too many negative actions and far too many failures to perform positive actions. But I sincerely hope and pray that you're right. Why? Because we know with absolute certainty that the alternatives are filthy, degenerate psycho-criminals.

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Jorge, He is the best available now, is he perfect, well, no, only One is perfect and he is not bodily here on earth now, but His, the Holy Spirit is here in varying degrees in His people who he has called out to be His emissaries here on earth (and I too often betray Him by my words and actions).

But as Donald Rumsfeld said early in the Gulf War when things weren’t going as well as they had planned or expected and there were logistical and equipment problems, you don’t go to war with the army that you wish you had, but with the army that you have.

And DJT is the POTUS we will have, God willing.

He is certainly better than the alternative.

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I hear you, Roger, I really do. But I also remember history.

Once upon a time there was a country going through a terrible economic crisis - it was horrific. A man promised to change it all, to bring back economic prosperity and the glory days of that country. The country was Germany, the man was Adolf Hitler.

I hope my metaphor is not lost. I am *NOT* suggesting (as the lying MSM does) that "Trump is Hitler." What I am saying is that "the best" available had better pass muster, or we could be in for a world of hurt - much worse than our present status.

Is Trump better than the alternatives? He certainly APPEARS to be better than any existing alternative. But again, we cannot forget history. Trump failed us in so many ways, many of those ways with far-reaching significance, that it would be foolish to simply dismiss the past. Remember the wise words: If you forget the past, then you are condemned to repeat it.

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I would say best, throughout 20th and 21st centuries.

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Keep the heat on Jorge!

I love it.

We should never give anyone a blank check.

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I've never gotten a "blank check". Have you?

Truth is, *NO ONE* should ever get a "blank check". That includes last names like Clinton, Obama, Bush, Biden AND Trump.

These creatures **MUST** be held accountable, no ifs or buts.

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I've always had to prove myself. If you tell someone you can drive a tractor, you damn well better be able to.

Trump seems like the only choice we've got.

There's no reason to be happy about that,he's simply better than Kamala.

Remember the election is over 100 days away, they still may find a way to stop it.

Keep the faith,Jorge !!

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Any way we slice it, the next 100 days won't be 'dull'.

In fact, I'm expecting EPIC-LEVEL events to occur any day, and I've been preparing for that as best as possible. 'They' don't have much time and they know it. Therefore, it's logical to expect a dirty 'curve ball' at any moment.

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I believe we will have several 911 events simultaneously. Add the dollar collapsing just for fun and we have martial law.

It will happen before or after the election.

Stay alert, and be safe,Jorge.

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Based on evidence, that is also my position.

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Vote Trump ! He loves our country and loves us.

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I love Trump. I will vote Trump for President. President Trump is a good man and I love and respect him.

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we have no choice, he is the best we have and ONLY option...the rest are IMO dangerous

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That is a slave mentality. This whole playing identity politics is the reason why we America screwed. Reps and Dems are two sides of the same coin.

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There is some truth here, but pay attention to the Supreme Court. Although appointed by Bush, his two justices have been saving our bacon on many important cases, including the OSHA vaccine mandate. Not perfect, but compared to the Democrat justices, the difference is between weightlessness and being crashed by a black hole. We would have had three of them, if they hadn't murdered one. We can't have a Democrat President crapping on the Supreme Court. It will destroy this country and destroy iur freedoms.

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As JH Pulitzer pointed out this morning: if you don’t vote, they have to cheat less.

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I will vote Trump always! The rest are alll lunatics.

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Yes Dr Alexander I will say, from a human perspective, you’re absolutely correct about President Trump.

But and here’s my big BUT, we’re not dealing with your everyday, “go along to get along” human beings. Not in the least! They’re very “evil-minded” and corrupt, is an understatement, for such people I believe are in control!

Trump is unlike anyone else as you’ve said. He’s done more, against a “tidal wave” of power trying to destroy him! By Trump’s “WILL” and the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Trump is a survivor, a fighter and though not perfect,

“perfect for the task at hand”!

There’s this little problem which stands in Trump’s way. And stands in the way of the world, which we’ve come to know as the

“Globalist Elites”!

Yes Dr Alexander these are the “evildoers” the ones who want to eradicate all of us, you know, the “Useless Eaters” of humanity!

Why is this? Why would anyone want to destroy humanity or feel it’s their responsibility in life, to eliminate all, the you’s and me’s, known in their sick minds as those “Useless Eaters”?


If and that’s a huge “IF” these

“narcissistic psychopaths” set out to destroy the world, if they invested the same mindset and monies into “uplifting humanity” the world would be a much better place! Simple deduction, I know and is why I believe I needed to write this reply.

But that’s not what they live for, quite frankly, I’m not sure what the hell they seek from life! It’s not anything unlike the past wars and destruction others with the same mindset haven’t done.

This time in history, technology is the element of strength and surprise. To some extent the edge for whoever has the best technological advantages.

Sick? Yes, one could make a case for this, no doubt. But “sick” is much too minimal a definition. l believe the “mental instability” of such people suffer from is specific to why this is happening to begin with! Yes they’re completely NUTJOBS!

Please, don’t tell them this! We wouldn’t want to give them any more ideas, maybe like, “looking within themselves” or looking in the mirror and asking themselves,

“Is this what life is all about”?To destroy millions of life from humanity?

Because this is exactly what they’re trying to do and they’ve done a great job so far! There’s too many names but Yuval Hariri comes to mind. A very sick and twisted, demented madman of the highest order! And let’s not forget about Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates or Obama!

They all suffer from “narcissism”! Quite honestly this is who “We the People of the United World” as I now believe is much bigger than, “We the People”! Because this problem, this destructive ideology, is happening worldwide and America must help to stop this madness worldwide, not only in America.

And all people of the world are suffering and being used as “Pawns” in this nightmare of an attack on humanity!

So how does President Trump fit in?

Well aside from the evil forces trying to literally “KILL HIM” I believe Trump’s principle objective is solely related to America.

As it should be, although in the bigger picture, he must look outwards from America and towards the world’s battlefields. Yes this is a gigantic problem! I do believe a President Trump administration must address.

America is but one part of a very big plan the “Globalist” have in planned for all people across the world, especially the Western World Nations. Not America alone. Which is why we can’t simply look at America alone in today’s rapidly changing global climate!

After watching an extremely, in your face, eye opening, what’s happening to the Western World video, a subscriber named Keg sent me, I have to say, a President Trump administration is a mere,

“ripple on a global pond”! As much as I want to believe Trump will “right the American ship” make the turn and point America into the right direction, the future for all of humanity, rest in the hands of the “Globalist Elites Dark Agenda”!

This is where the battle must be won! This is where the future will begin to “thrive or dive” for all humanity, not the few the “Globalist” are seeking.

Which became so crystal clear and something I learned after watching Douglas Murray’s video earlier tonight. Thanks to keg for linking it to me. You can find it on YouTube with the title below:

"EPIC SPEECH"- Douglas Murray OBLITERATES Every Muslim Activist COMING AT HIM In This Q&A!

I believe, when and if you watch this video you’ll have a greater understanding how, the effects of a wide open, unvetted border invasions, is destroying America and the Western World Nations. I do believe you’ll agree, a Trump Presidency is but a “ripple on the tumultuous waters worldwide”!

I also believe Trump is the only and the best person who will help, but let’s us not be fooled by the “Global Forces” magnitude. Not to mention the head start, the sheer number of players involved, plus they’ve created this plan well in advance of Trump ever running for President. This

“Globalist Agenda” is light years ahead of us!

Please do not be fooled!

Thank you Dr Alexander for you leadership and always

“Eye Opening Postings”.

The importance of what you do Sir, cannot be overstated, not by a long shot.

The problems Americans face are deep and wide, designed to “Divide and Conquer”.

We must look beyond America and open our eyes to the world!

For America cannot and will not stand alone, if the world is destroyed by the

“Globalist Elites Dark Agenda”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Trump fucked up big time with JD Vance. It’s inexplicably stupid. He had the opportunity to win in a landslide had he opted for Tulsi Gabbard. She didn’t just check every box, she has every quality that is lacking across the board.Smart, a person of strong conviction. Honest, direct, the right ideas, the experience, ability to garner the necessary support a food the ideological, racial, ethnic, age, sex, religious, not religious , women’s rights spectrum. A tremendous messenger, skilled debater, great. Live modulation, not prone to histrionics, hyperbole, rhetoric, a veteran and has worked indefatigably complaining, appearing on podcasts and interviews with people of all sorts.Attractive, cool and more important than anything and so desperately needed… she has a very calming effect. Steady.

I prayed Trump would buck the system and prove to be an outsider by choosing Tulsi. She has proven to be the real thing. An Independent, truly patriotic, representative for all Americans.

Trump, Tucker ,Don Jr and Kim Guilfoyle can go eff themselves. Vance is the kiss of death. A coffin nail.

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If the assessment that Vance is pro-medical freedom is accurate, then expect him to be vilified. If women want their kids to face vaccine mandates at school with no options for exemptions, they can go F themselves, let the Democrats win, have their kids injected with a truckload of shots, and watch them die or be permanently disabled from vaccine injuries, because "oh dear me not like Vance". https://texansforvaccinechoice.com/jd-vance-on-vaccine-choice/

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I support Trump and want him to succeed. But I have been disappointed too by him in a number of areas., which I blame primarily on his poor appointees. Alex Azar (former Yale grad, and Eli Lilly lawyer in charge of new drug developments) was a terrible pick for Sec. of HHS. (when Fauci should been fired) Jeff Sessions was horrible for DOJ and Bill Barr was even worse. Amy Coney Barret was NOT a good pick. I could go on. I am not a big fan of J.D. Vance at this point. I hope I am wrong.

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None of his picks are likely to have the fire in the belly that he has, this is his last rodeo, and he is PISSED as a result of the assassination attempt. Not in a uncontrolled rage sense, but in a cold hard fury that will temper into an absolute determination to root out the enemy within, the traitors in the bureaucracy and in the reaches of the military and Democrat party and hangers on.

Also many, if not most of his picks will have to think about their future job prospects, and may need to trim their sails, because the press is going to malign each and every one 6 ways to Sunday as someone once said.

Finally, the younger members of the SCOTUS, have children who are at home and therefore are at risk from the deranged evil pink pussy hat brigade, the BLM thugs and the ANTIFA Soros paid crazies, and if they thought they could get away with assassinating DJT, then what’s to stop them from threatening to harm one of ACB or Brent K’s boys if they don’t vote the right way. The DC, Northern Virginia, and Metro Maryland LEOs have already shown that they don’t have the stones to do a proper job (I should say the leadership, not the officers, who I don’t believe are as corrupted?.

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Yes, even Trump has some bad policies. For instance, Project Warp Speed, He didn't fire Fauci, He moved Israel's capital to Jerusalem, hired John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, didn't drain the swamp, etc.

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I was disgusted by Thursday night's lengthy Homage to AIPAC, embarrassingly mediocre Erik Trump speech & Trump's so-so speech.

But he's all we got.

When you bring a knife to a gunfight, close the distance quickly and strike first. Once he's down, you can gut him at your leisure.

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While I think that Trump is the least bad candidate, I get the impression that he is going to put Israel 1st, and America a distant 2nd.

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I feel the same way.

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It's been pointed out often that AIPAC/Netanyahu Cartel owns the RINOs (most elected Republicans are RINOs) .. while CCP owns the Dems

If elected, still time for Trump AND Vance to wake up

Elizabeth Nickson lays it out yesterday:


Saw her on Coffee and a Mike week and a half back. Remember her: "Staying positive is an act of will."


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That's a very good appraisal, Maskull.

It sounds about right too.

The GOP is made mostly of WASPs, and folks with Isreali gold in their pockets.

While the DNC has Chinese gold in their pockets.

We lose either way.

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Makes sense.

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Trump policies work.

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Yes thru do!

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Yes, they. Do! If it weren't for my family i would not be going through this nightmare. My brother Bobby Reavis whose the fattest person i have ever known without having a heart attack. I can't wait to take my life back and i am never looking back.

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Ovomit, turdo, biDUMB, macron, merkel, etc have sealed their own fate. Hell awaits treasonous bastards like these.

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Like one Gentleman said on a Townhall meeting recently," When do we get to use the guns? When the Audience laughed, The Gentleman got ANGRY and repeated, "When Do We Get To Use The FUCKING GUNS"?

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As it is written there is a time and place even for hate, anger and killing.

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Hey everyone including Paul.

You must watch this video parody of Kamala Harris, that Elon Musk got a hold of and tweeted.

After 2 days has 127 M views, but we need to get over 200 M views to educate the Independents and Moderates about Kamala.

Elon really can't stand Kamala or the Woke Mind Virus. He needs to spend that $ he promised real soon ahead of the DNC.

Hope people without a Twitter (X) account can see and play this:


Paul, I see you still have a backup Twitter account named @P_AlexanderPhD.

I sent the video directly to that account too.

Hope you can retweet it, and also start using your existing backup account.


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BTW, Gavin Newsom saw the video and is pissed, because someone took Kamala's own video and had a voice over in Kamala's voice.

Gavin promises to pass legislation to make it illegal.

Elon responded that he checked and "parody" is still legal (lol).

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until Trump, it's always been the lesser of two evils...

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I'm of two minds. If it seems too good to be true it's usually because it's too good to be true.

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