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Males may account for most suicides but it is girls who were hurt most by the incompetent public health response to covid.
Girls’ brains aged unusually rapidly during the covid-19 pandemic. Adolescents’ brains underwent accelerated ageing during the covid-19 pandemic, and the effect was more pronounced in girls than in boys.
Adolescents sh…
© 2025 Paul
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Males may account for most suicides but it is girls who were hurt most by the incompetent public health response to covid.
Girls’ brains aged unusually rapidly during the covid-19 pandemic. Adolescents’ brains underwent accelerated ageing during the covid-19 pandemic, and the effect was more pronounced in girls than in boys.
Adolescents showed signs of accelerated brain ageing during the covid-19 pandemic, with girls affected to a greater degree than boys. The finding suggests that lockdown measures had a disproportionately detrimental influence on adolescent brain development in girls.
I will share this.
Perhaps being on the pill makes young women more susceptible.
I'd think it would be demoralizing for a middle- or high-school girl to be put on the pill (usually by her mother, to prevent pregnancy), rather than to be taught in a warm, loving way, from an early age at an understandable level, about "the birds and the bees," and later about physical attraction, desire, and how to manage those feelings in youth within a safe, mutually respectful relationship.
Being put on the pill as an alternative is nothing more than carte blanche to succumb to temptation indiscriminately and to be vulnerable to being taken advantage of by a series of predatory men at a young age before a girl has learned how to be selective according to her own needs, desires, and future plans.
It's best if girls who are still at school or university are conscientious students who are, at that stage of their live, focused on their studies rather than on boys. But I can understand mothers not wanting to risk them getting into a position where they are seeking an abortion.
Hi, AwakeNotWoke ~
I'll be signing off for a few days and wanted to thank you for the past year (since I discovered Substack) of thought-provoking, informative commentary and fascinating tangents, presented in a unique voice.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
~ Kathleen
Thank you Kathleen. I want to thank you too for your articulate and well thought through commentary. I always enjoy reading your comments. I hope you enjoy your few days off.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas too!
: )
Excellent advice.
“ Males may account for most suicides but it is girls who were hurt most by the incompetent public health response to covid.”
Males have accounted for disproportionately more suicides than females since long before covid, dickwit. However, females experience disproportionately more adverse effects following covid jabs and their brain development has been more adversely affected by public health measures. Pull you head out of your ass you misogynistic scum.
And you, WokeNotAwake, self-proclaimed Hitler lover, know exactly how that I am “misogynistic”?
Point to anything and everything I’ve ever uttered that gave your Hitler-loving mind any basis whatsoever to jump to this conclusion😁🤘🤡
Your other jumps to conclusion worth the same PhD: Pile hot DooDoo.
The fact that Dr. Alexander pulls you by your ears to promote you, gives me interesting insights into his role in the worldly things. Thanks Doc! 🤯🤡
That's a joke coming from you "Freedom Lover," 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 a self-proclaimed admirer and defender not only of Jeffrey Epstein and what he did to kids but also of Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Weiner, Sam Bankman Fried, Drew Weissman, Albert Bourla, Stephane Bancel, Rochelle Walensky, Peter Hotez, Adam.Schiff and Chuck Schumer. In the eyes of "Freedom Lover," any description of who these people are and what they have in common is "verboten." One must ignore the elephant in the room and never speak of it. Apparently all of these people should be given a pass because they are superior in some way and entitled, at least in the eyes of "Freedom Lover." You wanting freedom to molest kids is sick.
I'm not going to point you to where you identified your misogyny. I am not your servant and additionally it would empower you to know where you inadvertently revealed that aspect of yourself.
As regards your false claim that I am a "self-proclaimed Hitler Lover" it is unfortunate for you that I have been in conflict on this site with Nazis who I have told to fuck off back to Stormfront.
I do, however, consider that they were better human beings than you.
I doubt they shared your approval of the sexual depravity of Epstein, given numerous reports that he worked for Mossad.
Further, dickwit, I have repeatedly criticized Hitler on this site on the basis of what DNA testing reveled about Hitler and her ancestry.
Testing of Hitler's skull fragments in 2009 revealed that Hitler was XX, a biological female. Considered in conjunction with Hitler's known hemicryptorchidism, and other information, this indicates that Hitler most likely had De La Chapelle Syndrome, with the SRY gene for male genitalia coded on a X chromosome, probably like one of your heros, Harvey Weinstein, who, according to one of his Gentile victims, has a vagina. Hitler likely had a micropenis but possibly also a vagina. I had suspected she was female before the Russians confirmed it in 2009. Additionally, there is evidence for Sergei Lavrov's claim that Hitler was of Jewish descent. Data suggests that he was of Ashkenazi descent. I have said this many times.
I have said many times, on this stack, that I believe Hitler was a gay transgenderor intersex woman of Ashkenazi descent in a gay marriage to Eva Braun who was herself Jewish or a Mischling.
None of this is consistent with your claim that I am a self-proclaimed Hitler lover.
I have Sephardic friends who share my views of Hitler, although I also know others who, like Likud identity Oved Hugi, think he should have killed more Ashkenazi. I don't share that view. I don't advocate for killing.
You are thoroughly debunked, Pedophilia Apologist. Go fuck yourself Epstein Lover Even better, do the world a favor.
You wanting freedom for yourself and others of your ilk to molest kids is sick.