Put them on the same “safe and effective” regime they demanded of others. What’s good for the gander is surely good for the geese. Add a bit of 5G in there to spice up the GO migrating to their brains and vital organs.

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A .38 or a .45 slug through the head would be so much more to the point... bit too merciful, really...

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Waste of lead. I was thinking they should really lead by example.

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As a rabbi of my acquaintance said, we'll run out of rope, and trees to decorate them with.

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"Not tonight Bishop-- not TONIGHT." ✔


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The vaccinists need to be called out for what they are: immoral, unethical, vitriolic, vindictive, intellectually vacuous thugs.

They abused, mistreated, censored, excluded, fired, evicted, forced, excommunicated, and threatened with much worse to come, those with enough sense to see through the Covid hysteria.

Vaccinists can start by conceding the error of their ways, unconditionally apologising for their misdeeds, correcting their immoral, and ignorant behaviour, rectifying wrongs that were done, and compensating those wronged against. Then, they can do what ever it takes to make sure such ignorant, unintelligent, inhumane actions are never engaged in again.

Then, and only then, will forgiveness be justified for those that jumped on board the 'burn the witches' zombie train.

Now, let's talk about how the orchestrators, and facilitators of this Covid/vaccine assault on humanity should be dealt with.

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They can start with making an apology to humanity, just before the hangman pulls the trapdoor lever.

The executions should be public, and televised, these crimes are that heinous; nothing less is adequate.

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This fate is precisely what the orchestrators had in mind for those who refused to submit. It was only adamant resistance, and the early failures of their dispicable plan, that halted its completion.

Their belated apology when the proverbial noose is around their neck, will not dampen my resolve to see justice served.

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That noose is not around their necks yet, my friend... 🤔

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The manufacturing of all mRNA labs and facilities need to be completely destroyed...obliterated! As you can see it's ALL an experiment on humans whom they deem as rodents and roaches. They want to delete genes from the DNA code that makes us in God's Image and Likeness...and that gives our bodies the mliraculous ability to heal itself when supplied with the right nutrients.

I estimate there will be no peace on earth ubtil these fallen ones are completely deleted from the earth, and I hope and pray that God will send his fiercist good angels to mete out the punishment, however in the mean time we must bind them all in bundles and let the Lord consume them... they ARE the tares.

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Was a bit of a marker for that movie..

The famous line "Remember Remember the 5th of November"

V is the 22nd Number of the Alphabet, thus an alpha-numeric equivalent

So 11/5/22 could be said to be that V day

22,000 Dominos were used to create the Domino scene near the End of the Movie!

V's one Thump (Trump) started the cascade ending the reign of their elite

Joe's Red Address background mimicked the V for Vendatta oppressive leader's address perfectly

Q22 reminds us how Lincoln saved the Nation using the military

This will be needed to happen again given so much corruption by our mafia-controlled country:

-Continuing to push deadly vaccines despite bonafide evidence

-Actively destabilizing the economy on purpose

-Allow a fake Pres to continue despite known Election cheating in multiple states

-Biden's connections to China that his policy is aligned with

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Gosh, as that went along in the second half, I thought you were talking about Trudo.

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I agree 100% Dr. Alexander, Proper legal hearings and then justice for those they ignored while they were crying in pain and agony, for those killed and disabled or damaged in some way from the killer shots. While we were screaming stop the killing, stop the hurting, they went on their way ignoring us or condemning us. Now it is their turn for the condemnation!

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Take all the unused jabs...and use them all up...in those who pushed this on the population.

If you pushed it...you get it. All of it.

Your reward...that which you lied for...and defamed others for...and supported those who did even worse than yourself.

Come children....it's time for your medicine.

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If you haven't yet heard of, or read Dr. Kevin Stillwagon's substack? Do yourself a favor and have a deep dive. 🔥


If you learn something you didn't already know, please think about paying his substack forward.

Like Dr. Alexander: Dr. Stillwagon is a WARRIOR among men.


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If only... If only, there was someone like "V" to deal with these monsters the way they should be dealt with. 17 years since that movie was released and it has become eerily prophetic.

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Or someone (or group) like Raymond Reddington from "The Blacklist" . . .

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In the words of the Old Ladies of Monty Python: "We'll have to watch that!" 😘

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First a look at a new study showing negative efficacy in children vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine.

The Qatari study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine a couple of days ago. It concluded that “our findings suggest the need to reconsider the value and strategies of vaccinating healthy children in the omicron era with the use of currently available vaccines.”

Looking at the cumulative incidence of infections in 12-17 year olds who received a booster versus the unvaccinated control group, after 165 days, incidence was the same. Just to note, previously infected children were not included in this study, so you can imagine what that would have done to the control group if they had been.


In 5-11 years old, after 4 months vaccine efficacy against Omicron went into negative efficacy.


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This is really sad. They are using children as guinea pigs. This vax/bioweapon injection , depending on the strength of the weaponized nano particles IS deleting what Bill 0Gates called "the God gene" and in one of the first volunteery human studies a man after getting the jabbed was quoted as saying..."they killed God, I can't feel God anymore" in my recent research I am finding that this clipping out of what Gates called the Vmat 2 or Vmap2 gene is able to separate the soul from the body where people can't any longer really feel their bodies like they used to. One doctor in the c19d group said that suicides are starting to increase.

What this is doing is turning people into zombies. Let me ask you a question...why did the cdc put on their website all this information about zombies?

What we need to do is quit following their made up bunch of bs studies...(Look over her...not there)

And Make Sure that No More/NONE of these Jabs are ever given to anyone else Ever Again and ESPECIALLY the Children!

Do we want to leave a world of children and grandchildren with vacant stares and No Divine Spark of God in their Beings?

My answer is Hell NO! It is my duty and responsibility to see that this is nipped in the bud as fast as possible...ASAP!

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What we need to do is quit following all their bs (Look here...not over there) and make sure that not one more innocent child or person is given this jab or any of their jabs ever again. (They are putting mRNA in all jabs from now on...trying to create droids and drones from humans)

Do we want to leave to our children and grandchildren a world where all of the beings walk around with vacant stares, where there is no one left who has that Divine Spark of God in their eyes?

It is in the Power of our hands to make this stop, no matter what.

We must Never Again Allow Injections into anyone's body of frankenstein nanoshit because their intent is not to do good but rather evil and that is exactly what we'll have.

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Can you post a link to that study, please? Thanks!

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They are guilty. They keep the jab as something that is safe and effective, when it is a killer. They keep running ads for boosters and now a jab for corona virus and the flu. They want to re-institute masks, which we know don't work. Tribunals can't be soon enough.

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Too true. It is still closer to being around our necks than theirs.

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Flatten The Turd

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I'm ready with my pitch forks and torches... pick a park and a tree.

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Pitchfork Revolution!!!

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Good Clip shown here. Totally Agree.

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