20 years ago Dr Michael Savage wrote “The Enemy Within”…nothing’s changed.

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I enjoy Dr Alexander opinion for health related matters.

Getting gazillion emails from Dr Alexander about Israel and Palestinian conflict not why I signed up to this substack. Thanks

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There are a lot of emails, skip the ones with Subject you are not interested in. Some of this is great discussion and great to learn from each other. For the most part, this substack is very respectful of everyone and their opinions.

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That conflict in the middle-east needs to be solved. Send both sides mRNA jabs.

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The crazy part is Israel citizens are the most jabbed/ boosted on the planet. BeBe made a secret deal with Pfizer to give the jab first to his people. That is the most outragous part. He must either be dumb or in on it.

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I completely agree. When it comes to health, Dr. Alexander is spot on... However, his post on Hamas and Israel needs to slow down. Or I am afraid he will loose followers.

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Just to the war-mongers, jab pushers and WEFfers, et al., please!

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No speaker is better than a controlled speaker.

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All this & most of those that voted for Biden are now fighting for their lives after taking the C jab! I know so many who’re either battling a life threatening condition or have already died. They voted for, supported, & celebrated the monster who is taking their lives, & will ruin the rest of ours as well. People need to do more research before voting & vote for those upholding our Constitution & Bill Of Rights.

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China attacking Taiwan is the last thing I am worried about. Taiwan is a part of China. It is comparable to if the US attacked Puerto Rico and took it over. Puerto Rico is already a part of the US for all intents and purposes, just like Taiwan is already a part of China. It seems to me that the only people who care about China attacking Taiwan are neocon warmongers.

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I actually do not care as much as it will result in US blood and treasure...

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I suspect that China won't attack Taiwan, but if thy do then I suspect the US won't respond militarily, and thus it likely wont' result in the loss of any US blood or treasure.

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On War Room, Josh from Epoch times was interviewed. China has long term plan to get the USA in 4 wars (Russia proxy via Ukraine, Israel, Homeland and Taiwan. Said possible US Aircraft carrier would be taken out, 10,000 Navy would die. We need to keep our eye on China. Many moving parts and a dumbell in the WH.

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Seriously? Are you suggesting people need not give a flying f*ck about China and Taiwan? It's the US's business. Do you not feel any compulsive need at all to stick your nose into conflicts between people of the same race in far flung parts of the globe? How can you call yorself an American? You need to start putting Taiwan first buddy

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First and foremost, the USA comes first. America first, then we can help our friends. Always put America first.

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So all the while our eyes are busy rambling on scenes of wars, I'm sending you the link to a video on the biggest threat humanity has ever faced. As we say in French: "ça ne va pas bien du tout" (things are not going well at all)

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America (+ Canada) need to repent of their corrupted ways. We don't have God's protective hand if we keep wanting to "do it our way". So, while we are busy waging war, no one cares reading and opposing the WHO documents for the major takeover of the world, happening right under our nose. One hand is busy shoffling stuff and keeping our eyes busy while the other hand holds a worse trick and no one notices. Unreal.

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No Speaker is a good thing. It seems like Gaetz got a heads up to dump McCarthy so we can't fund the Israeli war.

Also, WW3 began years or even decades ago. The Q drops were the first public facing acknowledgement. WW3 is an unconventional 5th Generation War so most people missed it. Everyone's still looking for Red Dawn while the real war's in its final phases.

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Last paragraph

fromn = from

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Good points - The president has ever-worsening dementia (which the watchdog press can't acknowledge) and no one knows who the Speaker of the House is. Who is really leading the country here? It's not "Joe Biden" or even "Congress."

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God help us!🙏♥️

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Nuanced commentary from Jewish insider Max Blumenthal interviewed by Stephen Gardner. How America is being dumbed down by politicians and media. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX3Sqs3gSMs&list=TLPQMTMxMDIwMjMhkid5hBZEUA&index=4

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All persons with CCW should now be armed with at least 300 rounds in your vehicle to defend yourself and your loved ones from the evil Biden has let in thru the open border. He has commited treason for not upholding his promises to protect us from harm both foreign and domestic.

He remains our countries biggest threat.

Do you feel safe?

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Miss me yet

81 million votes my ass

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On this statement ; 81 million votes my ass, I agree

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Don't count out WH Security Council's John Kirby... his moving video "Don't Cry for Me, John Kirby" will surely save the day. Sung by John Kirby His Very Own Special Self over his sobs. Shown over images of mutilated children in Ukraine & Gaza. Amazing what can be done with US Money $$🤑$$. Go Briben.

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Dr. Paul. Lots of respect for you and your work. I’d urge you to study up a bit more on the Kalergi Plan, the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and generally Israel’s role in US politics. Israel controls US politics by controlling US politicians. It’s no different than the more publicized Open Society funding of neoliberal DA’s.

The US border is open, not because of Biden, but because of Israel. It’s the US phase of the European Kalergi plan. Israel gets a border wall, we don’t.

The Hamas episode has been helpful in drawing the lines on the map. Much as Trump’s election in 2016 was a defining moment where you could tell who the good guys were and the bad guys were, this episode is showing those who have noticed and those who have not.

Please, do some digging. You’re obviously good at that. And your politically connected, it won’t be that difficult. Turn the light in that room on Doc, there’s so much hiding in the dark that you’re not seeing. Once you see it things become so much more clear. Israel is no friend of the US.

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