We are under attack on so many fronts from the globalists cabal from fentanyl now with this added to it, sex trafficking our women, boys and girls, destruction of our food sources, supplies and processing plants, pushing synthetic drugs over natural cures and vitamins/minerals, emf and 5G fields being propagated all around and at us, turning gain of function lab derived viruses loose on us while pushing a deadlier bioweapon solution, lockdowns, mask mandates and the destruction of our money and buying power through unbridled governments spending and printing dollars, pushing man-made climate change destruction narratives to reallocate our wealth, etc.... it is a wonder we

are still alive and functioning at all

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Kinda feels like there might be a devil!

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

Digital ID tied to vaccine compliance, geoengineering climate change symptoms (chemtrails, sun blocking technology), mRNA nanotechnology in genetically engineered food, 24/7 surveillance, 5,000 new "vaccines" aka gene therapy in the making to render the human body no more than a collection of parts that have been infiltrated/"hacked" into a compliant, servile, short-lived format. Meanwhile, the 800 ruling elite families that will have absolute control and free reign over the world to indulge their every pedophilic, satanic whim... Well that's the plan. In reality, they will fall victim to their own bioweaponry which will be impossible to contain and live out their days in fear of their lives, like hypochondriatic hermits, wondering why all the nice hotels and retaurants have gone.

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And the co-opting of the FBI and Justice Department, please read the following. It shook me up.....

How the FBI Hacked Twitter

The answer begins with Russiagate



January 5, 2023

It’s a lot worse than just Twitter.

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I forgot the link:


It really is worth your time....

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It's a good article, and everyone should take a good look at the very large photo of James Baker. He is a face of corruption and evil, but he looks very normal. Evil can come in a very ordinary looking package, so people are unsuspecting. Baker looks like any other office worker or banker or whatever, and that masks his corruption. Appearances are deceiving, especially in today's world.

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Your comment reminded me of the defendants at Nuremberg.

You take off the fancy uniforms and they looked like anyone else. Nothing special about them at all.

In the Eichmann trial, Hannah Arendt called it “the Banality of Evil”, the fact that someone like that was so

“terrifyingly normal”.

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I recently read a book called "Ordinary Men", by Christopher R. Browning. This is the description of the book from Amzn:

Christopher R. Browning’s shocking account of how a unit of average middle-aged Germans became the cold-blooded murderers of tens of thousands of Jews—now with a new afterword and additional photographs.

Ordinary Men is the true story of Reserve Police Battalion 101 of the German Order Police, which was responsible for mass shootings as well as round-ups of Jewish people for deportation to Nazi death camps in Poland in 1942. Browning argues that most of the men of RPB 101 were not fanatical Nazis but, rather, ordinary middle-aged, working-class men who committed these atrocities out of a mixture of motives, including the group dynamics of conformity, deference to authority, role adaptation, and the altering of moral norms to justify their actions. Very quickly three groups emerged within the battalion: a core of eager killers, a plurality who carried out their duties reliably but without initiative, and a small minority who evaded participation in the acts of killing without diminishing the murderous efficiency of the battalion whatsoever.

While this book discusses a specific Reserve Unit during WWII, the general argument Browning makes is that most people succumb to the pressures of a group setting and commit actions they would never do of their own volition.

Ordinary Men is a powerful, chilling, and important work with themes and arguments that continue to resonate today.

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I’ll look into it. Thank you.

It amazes me that Baker got as far as he did before being fired by Musk. I’m sure that he’s still working for the FBI. And we all know that he will be rewarded for his efforts; even though he (and anyone else involved) really should be indicted, tried, and imprisoned for crimes against the people and the Constitution.

He had to know that what he was doing was wrong, hell every American of his generation or older would have known that it was wrong.

We were even taught in school that this sort of thing was wrong. And I believe that he swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. He has no excuse.

The Justice Department and FBI both need to be investigated and torn apart.

There needs to be at least a ‘Church Committee’ type overhaul.

No American is really safe until/unless that is done.

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Thanks for that reference. You may be interested in the work of Dr. Phillip Zimbardo whose psychological/sociological work suggests that most ordinary people can be induced to carry out atrocious deeds.


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Covers a lot... border as well

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It's all torture. Every citizen has been tortured by the government. EVERYTHING they did is listed in the amnesty international documents. Isolation, control, silencing, stressing, threatening...

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And Brandon is likely getting a cut. This is horrific.

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In his pocket. When it should be in his throat.

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This is PRC payback for the Opium Wars of 1800s. They produce the poison, the smugglers get the heat. Americans think Mexican cartels produce it but they are just violent salesmen for Xi. Worked well during the Vietnam War creating a solid customer base, long term results appear to be very profitable & increasingly fatal.

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Vn 3-letter agency creating off-budget (black ops) funding.

Afstan. wash rinse repeat

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The story was also up today on the DailyMail. Heartbreaking.

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Lucifer has a three prong approach. Call it a trident approach.

To kill. To steal. To destroy.

Like God...Lucifer has apostles, prophets, judges and disciples. These humans...wittingly or otherwise...serve their father....the father of lies.

In Canada...there is only one politician I would trust...and it is not Pierre P.

I do not know one doctor in the system I would trust. I do not know one pastor whose insights I trust.

Of my entire natural and extended family...there is only one who grasps the significance of the day...imo.

The way to destruction is wide and well worn....Broadway.....we even name our streets after our folly.

Narrow is the gate, and few be that find it.

Cheers to Brazil for not laying down...but taking a stand against the Luciferians.

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I really wish our government had a leader with the cohones to drone bomb every single fentanyl factory along with every cartel hidout in Mexico. The government knows exactly where they all are. I wish Trump had done that.

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He was working on it and would have had it done in his stolen second term. Watch this: "BREAKING MESSAGE- This will make You CRY (SAD TRUTH)" - 1/5/23 ANN- American News Network - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekOxqmRceI0

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You knew people who were held down and forcibly injected with fentanyl? I don't. Good riddance to its abusers! If you really want government actions, how about replacing THC marijuana with THCV cannabis?

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Hib, your comment is horrendously ignorant. The victims of addiction many times are the result of people desperate for relief from pain. They turn to the streets when medical professionals give up on them. The pushers don’t care what happens to their victims and neither do you. Does that tell you anything?

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I've known both sorts. I referred to the sort who consider heroin better than marijuana. Allow the pain-addled Narcan. I'd consider your condoning thieving abusers rather "ignorant". Let them OD absent Narcan. They'll get the nirvana they seek.

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Yay; need more of it. Put it in really cheap vending machines in dispensaries, vape shops, and maybe even 7-11s, but in all cases out of reach of children. And sell the syringes cheap, too.

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I have 2 high school aged children. 1 is home schooled. My youngest will be soon because things aren’t getting any better.

They run the K-9 drug sniffing dogs thru the halls of schools daily now. Many kids are vaping. Vaping weed in the restrooms. Nothing is out of their reach.

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While I don't know whether Analog Science Fiction - Science Fact editor John Campbell* would have considered high schoolers "children", they do pretty stupid things. Maybe, since he specifically mentioned arsenic for acne. (I can't find that editorial on-line.) Vaping xylazine might actually work. I don't recommend it.

* Wanted to abolish prescription laws to reduce overpopulation and increase average intelligence, but did not want children to be able to buy dangerous drugs unchecked. Roll-out (note: a term used for military weapons systems) of covid "vaccines" was implemented very poorly on both counts. Was coerced at times, even on children.

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THIS IS WHY WE NEED DONALD TRUMP: "BREAKING MESSAGE- This will make You CRY (SAD TRUTH)" - 1/5/23 ANN- American News Network - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekOxqmRceI0

One of the biggest, if not the biggest, killer is syntheric Fentanyl from China. The death penalty will deter drug pushers from replacing those cartel monsters who get caught. And end them. MAGA 2024

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Our Department of Defense is too busy to deploy our military anywhere. Maybe this is only 1 department that was pushing these vaccines Dr. Alexander is so fond of. Kidding.

I guess Fauci has lots of company when we spread the blanket of blame. Lots of info. here. (Deep divers be warned)


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Yes, this sounds like a terrible drug to be used by humans ever! It reminds me of the dangers of Scopolamine (devil's breath), which seems to have similar properties to Xylazine. (This is a documentary worth watching on scopolamine: https://youtu.be/ToQ8PWYnu04. ) Mark Chapman MAY have been on this drug back on 12/8/80, in NY City before killing John Lennon. ( I suspected this two decades ago, by the way, but no real proof has come forth yet, just circumstantial evidence.)

Turns out that Pub Med has articles on the subject that indicate that Scopolamine and Xylazine have some similar properties. (Before today, I never heard of Xylazine.)

Fentanyl has killed MANY Americans (by overdose, often mixed with other common drugs), and like the Covid "vaccines," has a HUGE variability in strength when purchased on the street. If Rx drugs deserve any respect it is this: Whether you buy Excedrin in NY or CA, you can be sure you're getting the same exact thing. This is NOT true for Fentanyl, as strength can easily vary over 100 fold from spot to spot. Be safe, be careful and NEVER take something if you don't know exactly what you're getting. Ditto for any of the Covid shots, masquerading as "vaccines"! https://home.solari.com/sasha-latypova-interviews-katherine-watt-on-us-military-domestic-bioterrorism/

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Why the hell use that on an Animal either!! That's horrible!

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Dr. Alexander, I believe there are bioweapons labs ALL over the world now -- not just in Wuhan, China. Aside from the 8 years Ukraine was dropping bombs on the Russian-speaking region of Donbass -- whilst NATO did NOTHING to help despite many requests from Russia -- there are US-funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine (Victoria Nuland admitted this last year). These, too, may have prompted Russia to 'act' (though there are labs in Russia, as well). My further thoughts on the subject is that the US/Mexico border is being left wide open so that yet another US-led, self-sabotaging effort is being made to destroy the sovereignty of our nation --ensuring a huge infusion of 'drogas!!!'

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This is China's war on Americans. They are also buying up American farmland which they will send the food grown to china. They want ALL Americans Dead$!

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Nah, gates from hell and zuckerass have bought most. This way they can put mrna into food and water. The om ibus spending has money for it to be injected into livestock, they must know it kills to do this!

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