A wonderful nostalgic look at how things were once.

It's a shame that Mellencamp is a woke A-hole with TDS.

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What really 🤔 😔

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Thank you for this Dr Paul.

Not one fat person in the whole video.

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Noticed that also. Everyone walked briskly.

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I didn't mean my comment to be unkind.......just that everybody looked so much more energetic and fit, as you noticed.

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And happy.

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Nor wearing pjs in public or leggings.

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Amen to this.

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So Paul Alexander is a rocker after all.

Nice choice brother.

I like this track sung by Michael McDonald of the Doobie Brothers:


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Love your next one even more Barry Varkel - Taking It to The Streets, LOVE that song!

Michael McDonald's a good guy from the Monterey area in California where I used to live.

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Excellent tune Trinidadian.

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Didn’t the bands drummer have a sickness for underage children? I think he did. A while back like 20 years ago, americas most wanted was looking for him. I could be wrong but I don’t think so.

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I love JCM

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