This is gut wrenching. This mind boggling cover up just refuses to be accepted. Still ever hopeful that our Lion of Truth will soon be revealed.

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She got whacked...by a different kind of mafia.

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Well said, you got that right.

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Take your televisions everyone....destroy them...then take them to recycling where they belong. Quit supporting this BS out of Hollow- wood. Quit sending your $$$ to these morons who giggle over your gullibility and abuse your intelligence with their immoral luciferian insanity.

Why should this even be in question?

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When the Oakland Hills fire started we were living in the flatlands of Oakland. Fragments of people's lives were floating down in the smoke, burnt pages, detritus. Then the very unorganized emergency responders called for volunteers to come fight the firestorm (very dumb) but, despite being middle aged, we jumped on it, we would go help, people's homes were burning, their pets unsafe, maybe people trapped in houses. The actual county emergency preparedness people got on the radio and rescinded that call for volunteers, which had been crazy. Then, and only then, did we start to think of them as rich people who owned really nice homes in the hills, though the remains of their burnt possessions were still swirling in the smoke around us. Though this wasn't conscious, we distanced ourselves from these people by defining them as NOT US, as other. We tried to escape the fear of fire by othering them since we couldn't help. Our first impulse was to help. I think we are all distancing ourselves from the victims of the vaccine in the same way. Someone lost their daughter, someone like us lost their child. That is what is happening to people, young, old, rich, famous, celebrity, nonentity, homeless or billionaire. Covering up that it is due to the vax is another issue, and a completely legitimate crucial one, but, too, someone like us has lost their daughter. We need to feel that too. It is happening to millions. Otherwise we lose our souls and then who are we like?

"He who fights against monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you stare persistently into an abyss, the abyss also stares into you.”

– Friedrich Nietzsche

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I hear ya, but it is hard to be kind to people who been spitting on you for years.

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I wish I could fit the 187 likes your post merits onto that button...

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Are we allowed to ask if she was vaxxed? Sure. No one can take away that right , but at this point its insensitive. What are we trying to prove? Eventually it will be so obvious - asking questions will be futile.

This is the collateral damage, the fallout of what’s been done to us.

Do we have a ‘right’ to know if she was CV-19 vaccinated? No, we do not.

Anymore then a stranger would have the ‘right’ to know our medical histories…

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I disagree. Unvaccinated individuals being coerced to take a covid shot need truthful information to support their "hesitation." These "unexplained" sudden deaths affecting celebrities are the only PUBLIC evidence of the fatal outcomes of mandated (and voluntary) mRNA shots. The failure of 'journalists' to ask these questions is reprehensible.

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I get where you’re coming from and you are free to disagree.

Yes, the journalists have failed, so have the public health experts and politicians.

None of that gives you, I , or anyone else reading this substack , or in the public domain , a ‘right’ to the young woman's medical information , just to appease our suspicions.

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By definition, any establishment demanding proof of "vaccination" with this junk by default reveals the medical information of every single person entering the establishment. For example, Viking Cruises accepts only those who have been "vaccinated" to board their ships. They're such good, considerate people that even "negative" "test" results provide no reprieve from this invasion of privacy. You must have gotten a needle or no cruise for you. Hence, everyone on board knows everyone else's private medical information -- at least as it pertains to this coerced "choice."

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Which is wrong. Everyone who played that game in order to go on cruises & enter venues willingly gave away their status, setting a precedent for others to think they had a right to that knowledge.

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I think the reason many think that they have a right to this knowledge is because all of us have been victims in one form or another of the greatest crime against humanity in history. All prior normal standards of conduct have been breached. This includes everyone's right to make their own personal health choices and to keep those choices private. That is part of the perpetration of this crime -- habituating people to complete lack of privacy.

As victims of an 𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈 crime, many people think of a person's death -- especially these sudden, untimely ones -- as evidence. Thus, their sense that they have a right to know: Is this young woman another victim of murder -- by injection?

I see your point completely. It is the right, moral, and lawful one. Unfortunately, we are in a state of utter immorality (amorality?) and lawlessness. Restoration of privacy in these matters will come, but it will come at the cost of knowing how so many have died, which under these circumstances, necessitates the revelation of this personal information. For 𝒏𝒐𝒘, we're not in a country...we're in a crime scene.

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Except when they're demanding ours to get into a restaurant.

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Do we have a right to question anything then? What about vaccine status to go the a bar or get on a plane?

Mass death on a scale seldom seen...and our response is to shut up?

How do you imagine Hitler enjoyed such immense success?

One huge reason.....a majority of his country's population, that we now know of as...."the good Germans."

Shall we excuse Pfizer now?

What business is it of ours to know how many, or who they kill...right?

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Exactly. A failure to understand our history and accurately interpret it has helped to destroy us. Many long decades of ignoring the elephants in the room.

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I know history very well as I survived not only lockdowns in NY state but also widespread discrimination in addition the loss of my career due to my unwillingness to get vaccinated.

Does knowing this woman’s status change anything for me, or for any other unvaccinated person who has suffered the same? No it does not.

Will it change the outcome of what will continue to happen? Not at all.

Adding another tally to your “I told you so” changes nothing.

We can assume that she is, but we do not have the ‘right’ to know. End of story.

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That's actually not true. There is legal precedent that if people are dying from something unusual and unknown, the public has a right to know (through autopsy or other medical investigation) what the threat is or may be.

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Yes end your commentary then. Noone agrees with you. This needs WIDESPREAD exposure. Our government is killing us. Duh!!!

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Btw … You have no right to tell me to end my commentary any more than I have a right to tell you to end yours. You have zero authority over me. Zero…

Who exactly do you think you are telling another person to ‘end your commentary “ ?

You don’t like my commentary? Suck it up and keep it moving.

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You said, "End of story."

End means done, over. The end.

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I dont give a damn who agrees with me or not. I stood strong agains 80% of my peers because they thought I was wrong for not getting vaxxed, do you think I give two craps about the opinions of some johnny come lately on the internet?

Our government is killing us?? Really?? Are you aware they’ve been experimenting on us and ‘killing ‘ us since the 50’s?? Where were you 3 years ago with that knowledge when it all started?

Were you warning people back then? Doubtful.

Ill tell you where I was , podcasting about the lies , lockdowns, discrimination and mandates, while getting throttled , suspended from platforms and shadow banned trying to bring that knowledge out to the public - since day one.

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Calm down, we're on the same side ffs.

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Smh. Please tone down the rhetoric, Collapse.

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Funny you put out it that way.

I just wrote a song called

"Tembo... katika chumba."

I think it is Swahili for...

"elephant in the room."

I thought you were responding from another article.

Good thoughts you share.

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Thanks. Here is a recent post on ignoring the elephants.


We need more Swahili all around.

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Yes...that was classic. The guy opens his mouth hoping to open the other guys legs and drive him home.

He scored alright....but on his own team.

I can't post links on here for some reason, but my song is at TheDaltsonDoily

on youtube. Song....Tembo.

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Yes it was classic.

You will need to post the link. I am dyslexic with all things you tube.

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As murderous and psychopathic as the Nazis were, they did not kill their 'Good Germans' because they did not see them as Untermensch. The cabal of lunatics behind this see us all as Untermensch, unless we happen to have a few billion in the bank.

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I see modern fascism as far worse. You’re correct.

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Actually, as things rolled further along, the old and useless 'Good Germans' were supposed to be proud to be medically killed and not a 'burden' to the Fatherland...

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Didn't know that. At least they got a heads-up which is more than the poor **** are getting today. And they are also killing the young and healthy today. Even young children.

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They actually did, eventually, they even killed the "good".

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You have a right? to question, as we are all ‘free’ to speak our words … but not a right to an answer- when it comes to the personal medical status of another.

Just like they had no right to question the unvaxxed in regards to work , traveling, entering into public venues etc.

It happened regardless, but was wrong(discriminatory and illegal) .

The only people who would have a ‘right’ to know this young woman's status would be her family, coroner, any medical / investigative researchers, attorney hired etc, that were given that permission.

You, as a public layperson , do not have that ‘right’.

You take my words out of context and are are running wild with them… take a seat and a deep breath and control yourself.

If she was in-fact vaxxed, would that make you feel vindicated or sleep better at night? Do you keep count of how many vaxxed have died at this point or get off on saying “I told you so”’ ?

I say this as someone who was heavily discriminated against in NY state and who also lost my medical career due to not partaking in the mystery juice game. Also as someone who tried to warn others from day one.

I repeat- no one has the ‘right’ to know the personal medical status of another - unless that person chooses to share it.

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I get your point. My point is this....we were forced at gunpoint almost to disclose our cards...and yes I lost my job too. Still not working ..no income.

If an autopsy is performed and cardiac arrest is declared...it seems to me there should be a cause....and when that cause now affects billions of people...they forced our hand...lets see theirs.

We lose either way. We lose our privacy...or now our lives.

Lets see the cards in their hand so they have less access to our future.

They played dirty pool since day one...as you well know.

You may be fine with letting this death go as a secret for privacy reasons...but because we know no justice will come out of these demons that fired both of us...we need to call out their hand.

No...we will not agree...but until we find away to open the books for the world to see...they control the deck.

By the way...thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a doctor with integrity and morality.

I would buy you a beer any day even though we disagree on this.

I am sure Florida would hire you in a heartbeat.

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I think you summed it up perfectly when you wrote “We lose either way” . Whether she was or wasnt , in this case or many cases we are hearing about … it will not change the outcome or the momentum of what has been set into motion.

Keeping count will not stop the carnage. I doubt it will even open the door to prosecution.

The reason being- they own it all. Pharma owns the politicians , the judges, the bar associations, the media & police departments.. they are heavily protected by military when their CEOS visit and travel to NYC.. some have challenged them with some success - check out the Siri Group page Injecting Freedom - but will any of them ever true answer for their crimes in a court of law? Highly doubtful.

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Totally agree with everything above.

Damned either way...but I swore a long time ago...like the excellent song by Nazareth in the 1970s....

Go Down Fighting.....is my theme.

The bastards will almost certainly beat me...(in this world)...but I will not leave with my lips sealed and begging their forgiveness.

If you do not know the song...have a listen. Absolutely energizing.

Peace brother.

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Whether she was or wasnt....

You say that like it's fifty fifty. Given the high uptake in New York where she lived, I would say it's more like 80:20. In other words, given her age and sudden death we can easily assume she was mRNA-jabbed, and move on.

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Hey. Give it up Democrat.

We're only asking for cause of death. Vaccine status to learn if associated.

Plus an autopsy for peace of mind.

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First of all you nitwit I’m neither Dem or Republican, unlike you - Im free from the idea that any of these politicians are on our side.

I hate all politicians equally on both sides of the isle.

Are you a Trumper? The ‘father of the vaccine’ as he likes to call himself failed you. Though you'll still bend a knee for him Im sure.

Reiterating my original point - You , being a public layperson, or any of us not related to this family or involved in this case, DO NOT have the right to a persons cause of death , medical status , vaccine status or otherwise.

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Actually we do and not only for mounting a medical investigation but to protect ourselves in case we didn't know what it was. Also, it helps to wake people up who are still taking the jab.

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Its too late. Damage is done.

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If they're going to be in public jeopardizing the health of others, then I have a right to know. Shedding is real. Dropping over while driving is real. They are hazards, life threatening hazards. If you don't think you have a right to k ow, don't ask. I have a right, and I want to know. And yes, I want to know because with every life lost to this is confirmation that I was right, and made the right decision. Their family also has an obligation to say. The onus is on them, unless they're weak, or paid off to keep silent. To keep silent, accept a payoff or cowar to a threat is to aid in this crime against humanity.

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Well, one thing to be said on behalf of the German people. They had no Internet. Many in the countryside had only newspapers. There was no television. No instantaneous information sharing. No "social media." No texting. No computers.

So what, may I ask, in the actual you-know-what is the excuse for today's "average citizen?"

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Deep denial. Mark McDonald, MD is correct - it is deep psychopathology. The internet selects for toxic narcissism. But it isn’t an excuse. Essentially there isn’t an excuse. Just the fact we are all being serially abused. Us women are often a bit more sensitive to the cycle of abuse. We need to see this abuse for exactly what it is. Serial abuse by terribly psychopathic ruling class of self appointed elites.

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Also could be that they're thinking cap is turned off. They said it is "messaging"rna. They said, they now have write permissions into humans." And "for the first time human beings are hackable." And it's also altering chromosome 2, empathy. They're on their way to being robots.

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Agree. Much more than those thinking caps are turned off.

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You are wrong and I wish there were a dislike button for your comment. We have every right to know. We are trying to expose complex lies and STOP MORE HARM!!! How uou can toot your insensitivity horn when PEOPLE ARE DYING IN RECORD NUMBERS and the evil media is shutting down this info???? Please rethink.

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Is it being insensitive to say we do not have the right to know this woman's private medical info? Insensitive to whom exactly? Those who think they have a right to know? We don’t have that right . None of us do. Perhaps its you who needs to rethink.

How about the fact that probing into this woman’s background to assuage your suspicions is the real insensitivity here. She may have , she might not have been vaxxed .. the point is we dont know for sure , and thinking you have the right to this knowledge as opposed to respecting the fact this young woman died , and has a family who likely wants no part of this debate - is the real insensitivity here.

Wouldn’t you feel so dumb if she wasn’t. Then what? On to the next death, because you feel you have something to prove. None of these probes or accusations will stop more harm.

People are dying in record numbers and will continue to die, vaxxed and unvaxxed. Knowing the status of every celeb or non Celeb who dies changes nothing.

What do you plan to do with that tally? Nada.

The time has come and gone. The harm has already been done, people have made their choices and now its time to deal with the repercussions.

You can dislike my comment all you want. Reality sucks. Deal with it.

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The more you rant on this, the more I disagree with you especially since you're supposedly awake.

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According to this attorney dead folks have no rights, just sayin'.. look it up yourself, I did. The disclosure of Vax status is and will be " a thing" as you say. "Suck it up!"

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It doesn’t matter to me personally either way, as the outcome is the same. Like I said earlier, she may or may not have been, it changes nothing long term.

Do you think petty arguments over who is or isnt vaxxed over the internet makes you a hero or will stop whats coming?

It wont. Not one bit.

I have an idea. Being that its so important to you, why don’t attend the funeral and ask the parents of this young woman yourself? Or perhaps you can retain a lawyer to get a hold of her medical records for your investigative journalism… considering that she is dead and has no rights.

Just be prepared to be treated like the insensitive weirdo that you are, for completely disregarding the grief of a mourning family in pursuit of what you think you have a right to know .

Will you do us that solid and get back to us on the results? Don't forget to let us know if what you find helps you sleep better at night.

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Your behavior is uncalled for, Collapse. Disgraceful.

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Im glad you find it disgraceful. Absolutely thrilled. As Your opinion means nothing to me. Absolutely nothing .

Go Karen to someone else.

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Wow, strong "insensitive" opinions for someone in the minority. Sorry, but in society. Majority rules.

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How’s that majority rules working out for our society? Have you taken a look around recently? Do you think because a ‘majority rules’ , that makes the majority right? 🤣🤣🤣the Majority ruled against the unvaxxed over the last 2 years, were they right?

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Just like how they were happy to want us dead because we didn't take it?

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Do you happen to know if this young woman who died in particular … was part of that ‘They ‘ who wanted us dead?

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You guys are so triggered by the fact that I say - have some compassion for a mourning family / respect their privacy… & no you don't have that ‘right’ to know.

Your idea of ‘rights’ … are based on the feeling you’ve been wronged and they owe you. Its arrogance. Get past it. Your tally changes nothing.

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I disagree. We have the right to know because they're a danger to society and should be excluded from resturaunts, salons, etc.they are the reason so many have died, and are affecting the health of others through shedding. All of the poor children (and others) thst wound up sick, and or dying with RSV was due to them (page 37 clinical trial data) spreading it. I respect what people do with their body, but not when it could ill-affect me. I'm not heartless, I have empathy, and I would help them with groceries but they shouldn't be allowed out. At least for 90 days after shots.

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Realistically, we won't know the extent of depopulation until a worldwide study is done. Is the world losing population year to year? If so, why...if not why?

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Yup. With Ed Dowd and the life insurance numbers, it doesn't look too good. On a brighter note, a recent article from Dr McCullough shows only 2% of pregnant women are getting vaxxed. But IMO, chances are 60%of them are already vaxxed. In any event, I was glad to see those numbers as it gave me hope expectant moms are listening to their instincts. 🙏🙏

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With something like 80-90% miscarrying, that's a good thing.

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Except for all of rhe businesses thst are closing due to staffing and all of the "Help Wanted" signs. I love when people say," no one wants to work anymore." It's not that they don't want to work, it's the fact that dead people can't work.

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As with those crippled...

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Tried, a while back, looking up, on whatever world population sites I could find, to see what was registering as to mortality and reproduction rates in (I forget where in) Africa, since the jabs - but one needs to scroll up to the top of each page to see that the UN (being in partnership with the WEF, since 2019) is now supplying ESTIMATED population/mortality/babies being born rates and went clear back to 2020 in doing so.

All 'data estimates' in this area on those sites - that people will likely check without thinking to scroll up to see that notice about estimates only (I only did so because of having seen that notice first) - is now based on rates from prior to the jabs, with the counter chugging away with increases, as if normal, when there's epic and increasing mortality with (live) birthrates way down in all of the more heavily-jabbed countries.

But I did notice a video recently watched that had Bill Gates refer to 'all 7 billion people' when lately I'd been seeing references to over 8 billion people and climbing... meaningless? Old reference? (He still looked old in that, if I recall correctly.)

The data has been and is being messed up 9 ways from Sunday and the only way I can see it ever getting sorted out to any extent would be for all of the Indie 'data (and other) people' who've been keeping track in various areas of this getting together, to try to work it out as a vastly extended team. Kind of like the human genome project, but ideally without any issues (such as 'I dunno why it's there, doesn't seem to DO anything that I can tell - so it's all junk DNA! And disposable!) creeping in.

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The deaths are coming in faster?

I think Ed Dowd said the all cause mortality is still highly elevated in the 22 to 45 year olds.

Another reminder:

would like to remind everyone, and hope people post all day and tomorrow that the documentary that compares the Nazi regime to the Biden/etc Regimes by Holocaust Survivors is out Tomorrow. Please watch! I bet they have great insights! NeverAgainIsNowGlobal.com Be there!

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The answer may be YES! according to the link below. Just found thos a little while ago in Digest for c19d, for which palexander is a frequent poster in.

If this pans out and is correct, LETS GO!

Shut down the covid Vax agenda


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Indeed! Those bearing responsibility for their deaths should not be permitted to go unmentioned and unrecognised to continue killing.

They have already been enabled to conceal variously many/even most of the immediate jab-related deaths - these typically occurring in a great peak in the first 3 days following the jabs, before slowing - by such as counting the victims as 'unvaccinated' for the first 2 to 6 weeks or by counting them as one jab back for that period, and this must be stopped NOW.

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Jan 30, 2023Edited
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On the plus side, they DO more often seem to be driving those ever-shifting goal posts into their own feet and then tripping over them. Especially as they dodge back and forth - and more people start FINALLY noticing this.

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Another gone too soon. Being Hollywood, it could also be drug related. Very sad for the family. 😞🙏🙏

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Im so sick of seeing young people dropping dead. I guess once they've injected themselves its anyones guess how long they have, but 25, good Lord, that's way too young.

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Wish there was the least semblance of "normal" here. Normal to those who support genocide I support. Are the fascist lies beginning to crumble? How do we prevent it from happening again?

Destroying our televisions, cell phones and computers seems like a temporary - not a long term fix. Think we might be mistaking our tools as the problem here. Maybe we need to look at the corporations, governments, institutions, "elites" behind the tools.

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Ricky Smiley's son Brandon just died age 32

It's hush, hush. Ricky Smiley is a comedian, friend of Steve Harvey who pushed hard for the jab in 2021. I haven't heard him mention it for a while

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‘SAD’. But seriously. That’s sad to hear

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Just reading something interesting… https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21830-kaposi-sarcoma

This is aides related.

Isn’t HIV on the rise due to the “vaccines”?

A component thanks to Fauci? Correct me if I am wrong. Really not sure. Don’t want to be spreading “misinformation”…

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Every mRNA-jabbed will be at greater risk from any and all infections which would include HIV if the person came in contact with it. But most people do not easily come into contact with the virus. The vaids from the vaccine will result in aids like symptoms, but not from HIV, rather from the mRNA destruction of the immune system.

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At age 25 it’s almost surely one of three reasons. Suicide, drug overdose, or the shot. You’ll probably know by which one they do or don’t mention in articles

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Yeah, they will try anything. What I wonder is if they miraculously found a young person who was un-jabbed and died suddenly in their sleep; would they dare say 'unvaxxed' person dies suddenly? Probably not, because it would highlight the fact that they usually just ignore the issue.

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A hit by the medical mafia!

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