I agree, I’m a retired UAL captain and in my 43 years of flying I’ve never seen anything like this, bar none.

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Those who still head dutifully to our complicit pharmacies like Walgreens and CVS to get their boosters are NOT even aware of what they aren't seeing. Columns like this one from Dr Makis are what they need to see - it ought to get the attention of people with even a small ability for discernment. Pilots are supposed to be one of the healthiest most medically scrutinized groups among the entire population. NO, IT ISN'T NORMAL FOR PILOTS TO HAVE MULTIPLE INCIDENTS OF INCAPACITATION. EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH.

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God Help Us.🙏

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My brother in law is a pilot and jabbed...and I fear for him.

In the meantime, I cannot tell my isisters this is why I will not fly again.

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These countless sudden deaths are to be expected and will continue sadly.....as a result of taking part in the biggist experiment in humanity 🙏

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Check this out Dr. Alexander. By strange coincidence, since the jabs rollout, deaths on the roads have increased in Australia. TPTB have no idea why.

"A significant increase in death rates on roads around the country has experts worried."


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