They're definitely withholding antibiotics, seen it my darn self. Friend also testified; they demanded he have a covid test before prescribing them for a sinus infection.

is it a conspiracy to commit mass murder?

or have we reached "peak antibiotics"?

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They want us dead.

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Sure does look that way.

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The same thing is happening with livestock as the FDA set rules so that ranchers can’t get antibiotics for cows and other animals without a veterinarian’s approval. The problem is that there is a major shortage of large animal veterinarians and unless you have herds or a vet on you staff, you can’t get a vet out in time. The family cow is a rarity. They want us fully dependent upon them for our food and medicine or dead.

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So, corporate farmers get antibiotics, small farmers don't?

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Planned coordinated mass murder. Many hospital “owned” physicians and hospitals are not interested in the sanctity of life. They are interested in the dollar amount of your diagnosis and how much they can get the insurance companies to pay them. Arriving at the hospital in near death circumstances, pay the most. Now add supplement government money, your tax paid money, and the hospital is making “a killing”. Pun intended.

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God please help strike down the evil demons.

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They were definitely criminal

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The damage to the lungs due to refusal to give antibiotics while using the dumb excuse that we don’t want antibiotic resistance is maddening! My friend was diagnosed by her physician to not have pneumonia but she protested until the doctor relented and told her to produce sputum and he would be glad to reevaluate his diagnosis and give antibiotics if it turned out to be bacterial. And yes, she proved positive for bacterial pneumonia. Medical care providers need to listen to patients. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Relatedly-- from early on, 2021:

Whistleblower Occupational Therapist Abrien Aguirre on Covid Fraud and Deadly Protocols

"no one's looking after the health of our kapuna [elderly]. You know, I've seen more death come from the vaccine, 32 kapuna, immediately after taking the Moderna shot, either the first or second shot, pass away from this. So who's looking out for their care? The people that try to speak up and look out for their care? It falls on deaf ears. No one, no one corresponds back with us. No one wants to hear it because it doesn't fit the current narrative....if your kapuna are sick, if your elderly are sick, your grandmother, your great grandmother, your mom, don't send them to skilled nursing facility. They're not going to receive adequate care. Treatment is going to be withheld from them. They will be forced to wear a mask all day and social distance. They're going to become depressed and want to commit suicide, because that's what I'm seeing in our facilities. That's what's been going on."

TRANSCRIPT (EXCERPTS): https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/135554.html

Source video:

Certified Occupational Therapist Whistleblower: More Patients are Dying from the Vaccine than COVID

HealthImpactNews, August 11, 2021


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This is nothing less than genocide! There is purpose in this as they are also figuring out genetic lines. 23 and Me and others sell their information. https://cglife.com/blog/23andme-sold-your-genetic-data-to-gsk-personalized-medicine-ethics/

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Very true

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