What’s happened to “common sense”?

Is What’s happening to America!

It all part of a much larger and deliberate strategy to:

“Fundamentally Transform America”!

Why are “terrorist” allowed to threaten University Executives?

Why are terrorist” allowed to block students from attending their classes?

First, I couldn’t agree more with your post Dr. Alexander. I’ve listened intently and watched closely, how fast America has descended! I have deep concerns about the path America is being forced to accept.

Have you Dr or I, or anyone, been given the chance to speak our concerns? Or debate about the path we’re on?

Some people will say yes to that question. Technically they’re right, thanks to”SOME” social media outlets. You know the ones that don’t “Censor” free speech?

Thanks to you Dr Alexander and Substack.

What’s wrong is simple. This current administration decided to not follow any laws, break all rules, censor nonconformist, block free speech and jail their political opponents!

This is how they’re destroying everything honest, everything rational people believe in. In their minds, what’s the worse that can happen? NOTHING!

Guess what, they’re right! Why hasn’t anyone been able to, at minimum, put the brakes on? Why? If anything, this administration has ramped up, increasing the speed of this “unstable system” they have created!

Is this America?

Is this how rational people debate or decide what’s best for the American people? Absolutely NOT!

There’s an ever present and certainly obvious, onslaught of mediocrities, allowing for this growing and deliberate movement, designed to curtail, or worse completely destroy “common sense”!

As our society becomes increasingly silent, fearful and or lackadaisical, the more these kinds of behavior’s flourish. The darker the light becomes and the quicker people succumb!

I certainly believe, most people are cognizant of and they do realize, how insane everything happening has become.

The concern I have is, people are and in many situations, have became numb to the amount of insanity. Whether it’s woman’s sports or child mutilation!

People are being desensitized! Then and only then can said people be lead to slaughter by the “Judas Goat”!

It may seem to some, what’s happening is only a fad or generational phenomenon. They fail to connect these subtle occurrences as a threat and move on. They have their lives to live attitude.

The lack of any large, societal reaction, exacerbates and allows for, small and seemingly minuscule issues to become larger. This is exactly what’s been happening since covid lockdown!

Strung together, many small issues, all part of a much larger initiative, will then generate a societal response. Anger, frustration or even fear.

This leads to more people becoming numb, less interested and basically shutting down. Again, this is their intentional objective. Which is why they’ve created these subtleties.

All these issues are part of a broader, psychological effort, designed to create complete social compliance. This all started with Covid lockdowns.

In essence each small and subtle change has been made to multiply and to create an even

greater problem, slowly and effectively. Most people are unaware this is even happening to them, never mind possible.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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this is one of your best sharings and each are gold...thank you for sharing your thoughts as lots of good sage insightful in there.

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Thank you Dr Alexander, I am very thankful!


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What a great reply! Sorry, keg, expressing my decision of free will.

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thank you for being here!

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Thank you Lee’s “Alternate Reality”? Perfect name you’ve chosen. Are we not all seemingly living in an “Alternate Reality” these days?

Thank you again Lee’s “Alternate Reality”.


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Listen AJR, if you are an American get a handgun and a pump action twelve gauge shotgun. Join a gun club, or NRA and learn how to defend yourself and/or your family. Up here in Canuckistan the trudope slime minister has and is on track to ban all guns, and remove all Charter rights including freedom of expression. Exercise your right to be armed. Criminals are rare who will seek to victimize armed people and in most cases the ones that do are shot dead. Do it if you have not yet.

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boom keg, I love it...get it, legal, and learn how to use it to defend yourself and family if life threatened.

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Locked and loaded, Jeg!

Thanks for the advice, obviously you know as I the ever clear and present danger facing both America and Canada, and the world for that matter!

Thanks again and keep safe Keg,


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Your problem is biDUMB. My problem is trudope

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Yes keg, sadly people seem to think it’s funny how “completely gone” Biden is!

IMO, evidence shows, he’s the most incompetent, corrupt person ever to hold office in the US Senate. He’s done nothing but “steal” taxpayers money for his entire life! I am no supporter, nor would I ever!

Unfortunately, his mental state is so deep I find it disturbing that anyone would think he’s a target for laughing!

What’s wrong is so deep and dangerous, Obama and his cronies have used Biden as front man! Obama is such an “American Hater” and “Coward” in the biggest sense of the word!

The evilness to use a mentally deficient person can’t be defined other than “EVIL”! That goes for all the Biden’s and others who seek to destroy America! Believe me you, this is what’s happening!

Canada as well keg, is as bad and further along down the road to “tyrannical takeover”!

I understand what you’re saying and why keg, personally, I simply choose to target people who can defend themselves. Biden can’t, good God he talks to “dead people”! That’s how evil Obama is and how much he hates America!


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Keg, don’t need a gun to kill someone. There are several weapons we have on ourselves at any given minute. Like a pocket knife, or mace, bug spray🤣🤣, a lighter, etc. Why am I saying this…My landlord threatened my life with his m-16 and beretta. (After his booster.) Both had rapid fire ammo, as I found out. I had to protect myself with physical force, I had no choice, I had to “move in the moment”…I disarmed him before the state troopers got here, who were armed with rifles. Being able to think clearly, (and I was lucky, I know this doesn’t happen all the time, like this) think critically as this is your life! Do I believe in guns? No, it’s a cowards way out. My landlord was 51/50’ed. No more guns no ammo. Was I against guns before that? No. After that spine chilling incident. Now? Yes. I guess you have to be “in it”, to understand it.

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My apologies Keg, I typed “Jeg” not “keg”.

I failed to spell check bed I hit send.


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Dr. Alexander, are you in the states or Canada? Anyway, the military has an operation called “Garden Plot”, it’s about the fed gov can implement an incident or a riot or civil unrest in any state or city…I have been down this rabbit hole for about a month. I wrote about the LA, CA riots in ‘92. Rodney King.

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we are facing perilous times...if you are law abiding and pay your taxes and life a decent productive life, you are the enemy

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This is 100%, Dr. Alexander

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Your solutions are drastic but are still and always will be the only ones that work.

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Paul Alexander for POTUS!!!

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The leaders of Black Lives Matters do not believe in “ black lives matters as the only lives that matters to them was their own lives which is why the spent the organizations monies on lavish personal lifestyles from chartered flights on expensive vacations, lavish cars , jewelry ( gotta have lotsa bling)- on friends and relatives-- SO MUCH FOR BLM-

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its a corrupt IMO criminal organization...black lives do matter as do all lives. it is Obama's brown shirts

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It was reported yesterday that they are building a BRIDGE over the Darrien Gap to facilitate the migration 😳

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the US border must be closed...for if that darien is made passable easily then its game over USA...

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I guess so. It's the law of your land, anyway...

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Luc, I love your thinking and I love your comments. Are you in the states? I have a hard time understanding the way the US thinks, as Europe handles us, “Americans”, traveling or living differently.

For example, I am from the US. I went to Switzerland in ‘93. My friend took me to a pub, car was broken into, my purse was stolen. We went to police station, I was interrogated like it was my fault. The police said I can’t travel anywhere outside of Switzerland without my passport. Also meant if I did not have it I could not go home…I went to my embassy, got a temporary Swiss passport, (don’t ask) 🤦🏻‍♀️and had to go back next day for US passport. I spent 2 days of my 2 week trip in my embassy. I was ok with that, honestly. Europe does not let people go to different countries, should I like that here in America? I am very torn about this, as our “states” have no borders. Would I want a “state” passport? No. That’s our driver licenses. On the flip side, people can “hide” going from state to state…your thoughts? 🥰

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I live in Canada. Our Charter of Rights, though it feels diminished, allows us to travel anywhere within our country without needing a passport. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trudeau government attempted to introduce a QR Code Passport, which was not successful. The Canadian government also tried to enforce the ArriveCan system for airport arrivals and departures, but it was later discontinued. I don't travel much myself. The last time I traveled from Canada to the US was in June 1991. Now, at almost 71 years old and with mobility challenges, I don't travel much anymore.

- Luc

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I agree, but Antifa and BLM (both funded by Soros) are the rogue US government’s operatives.

The deadly 2020 riots, pillaging and burning of American cities were sanctioned; all charges dropped. Kamala provided bail/legal assistance to BLM members following the burning of Minneapolis in May 2020.

And J6 was a Democrat/FBI/Antifa orchestrated event to disrupt the objections to the 2020 (s)election fraud. The Democrats bused Antifa in on four chartered buses; Antifa changed into MAGA disguise on-site; Capitol police opened barricades and waved Antifa in, then Antifa waved the crowd in. There was a photo op of Antifa disguised as Trump supporters posing for photos in the Capitol building. There’s also video evidence that Ashli Babbitt was a psyop to foment the crowd and did not die. The video of the alleged shooting of Ashli Babbitt was filmed by John Earle Sullivan, aka Jaden X, a known Antifa operative.

ACT ONE: Everything Wrong with the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less


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Putting LEO into a sanctioned category over citizens is very dangerous, Paul. Let's say 45 doesn't win,and the tide rises against us. With laws like you're suggesting we would have little recourse except obedience.

The more you put LEO above citizens, the greater the odds are of the USA becoming like Ecuador 🇪🇨.

Do we really want that?

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AJR, not worried about spelling mistakes. Note that starting in 1969 things started to slide here in Canada. In 2005 the whole world and especially western nations started the same things such as importing moslems by the millions, and all manner of "strange and foreign peoples. We already had enough unemployables and snaggle toothed taxi drivers. All of a sudden western nations opened their borders to anyone...illegals...terrorists....net liabilities one and all. The rest is history in action. The scamdemic and controls on the people and now digital money if it gets into the mix(cashless society) will result in total control of all of us. It is planned. I came to believe that wars were created by those referred to in scriptures as workers of iniquity. And scriptures also state that God hates these people I believe are the NWO, WEF and other controllers of people and world events. I believe wars are used to reduce the popuation and also note that the major wars involve the white race wholly.

There are scriptures that refer to the "Time of Sorrows" and so it will be. All manner of things will "wax" worse and worse and scriptures refer to a time when drug use becomes so prevalent that key workers and maintenance people will wax worse and worse.

The trudope here in his first act as slime minister legalized a huge gateway drug I call weed and every crime squad officer I know agrees with me on that.

Times ahead do not look good. The ovomit started the attack on the USA and he and his ASSministration need to be arrested and tried and executed for treason. The USA I do not see as mentioned in prophecy but it has to go before the enemy can eliminate world wide Freedom.

The lying spawn of a hippie witch and a commie creep is now trying to wreck things here and the police need to be separate from the political realm.

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Has anyone else heard that ANTIFA & BLM have been infiltrated by terrorists?

I heard that our government is using them to attack patriots & conservatives & that many known terrorists are infiltrating them?

Remember that Obama was best friends with the Muslim Brotherhood which IS a known terrorist group.

I agree with you 100%!

The elite tyrants have destroyed our entire justice system!

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