Hi Paul,

I'm going on record here to say you're wrong.

I will use Nigeria as an example.

Nigeria is an oil producing nation of note - in the top five oil producers in the world.

Yet she earns a small percentage of revenues and employs no local Nigerian engineers, plant operators, operations managers; no local Nigerian construction companies are involved in the building of new plants, or housing or industrial warehousing.

All these are supplied from Europe and by Europe.

All Nigeria gets is the drilling field concessions fee and this does not even get banked in Nigeria; it goes straight to numbered accounts in Switzerland in the names of government cronies.

So this is the new African slavery - leaders skimming off their own countries' natural resources and being complicit with their corrupt white man partners in the first world.

The Chinese are even better at this.

They don't even pay for the African concession; they pay in infrastructure - like the highway from the mine to the port. And no more.

This is the modern slavery.

And it's way worse than what happened before.

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No semblance of the rule of law in vast parts of the world which enables what you describe. Now, the rule of law is ending in the West as well, the so-called 1st world. I guess the "power Elite" no longer thinks it needs to coddle its own citizens. As the coddling of Western masses stops and depopulation takes hold, there will be even less for the "world masses" to do to scrape by. Dethroning the power Elite is the only answer.

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We currently are sending billions to Ukraine and calling Mr. Putin the bad guy. He has brought Russian standards of living up. Not quite to that of his oligarchs😂. But Russians ages 25 and down like the guy. They know no other leader. Meanwhile the good ol USA is behind the former comedienne, penis piano player. Just like we are behind the sinister regimes in many 3rd world countries. Although the USA is becoming more like a 3rd world country with a sinister regime in power. The American oligarchs are no different than the Russian ones.

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Take a road trip through this vast country and come to understand that you'll see house after house and apartment after apartment and realize that there's no reason why everyone shouldn't have their own home (whether they prefer white picket fence, or city apartment dwelling). You'll see green spaces, forest after forest, field after field, yard after yard and you realize that there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to just walk outside and pick something and just eat it on the spot. And the same applies to countries around the world. This is the same place that was created by God as the garden of Eden--it didn't change, we did.

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Yet we in the developed west have the selfish temerity to now decide, with little to no empirical evidence to back up our hegemonic dictates, that the world should now relinquish the very asset that gave us our superior standard of living....FOSSIL FUEL ENERGY! We are now dictating, via the ratbag 'climate change cult' that the poor countries must continue to be poor forever, because that's their plight if denied the benefits we accessed and took for granted for a couple of centuries. Of course a third of the world's population in China and India are progressing with construction of coal fired power generators, because they know THERE IS NO VIABLE ALTERNATIVE! Meanwhile we, with our pompous climate cult hubris, are doing our very best to drag our societies back to pre-Industrial Revolution status, as if we're overcome by some sort of self-destructive 'changing of the guard' mentality.

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Onward, Courage!

......Onward, courage!.......

Then blame not the Bard

When the wind and the gale

Sweep o’er the moor

And bow down the sail

For the ship shall move on

And the port be obtained

If the courage be high

And the will be maintained!

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The year was 2015 .....I was driving home from having just completed a 10 hr night shift at a small Maternity unit in the country and as i turned into our street “Thomas Road”.....I heard the words in my spirit .....”the battle of Armageddon has begun”....I am not well versed on the bible....so I have limited knowledge of what this message truly means .....all I can say is that this evil that come upon the world was in full swing by 2015😔

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According to a 2022 UN report (yeah I know it’s the UN but it’s the best available data) 25 million people are ‘modern’ slaves through forced labor, and another 15 million are exploited via sub par wages, indentured servitude, or sexual exploitation.

In 1860 there were approximately 4 million slaves in the US and 27 million worldwide.


A huge percentage of todays slavery is driven by corporate interests who are more than eager to exploit people if it aids their balance sheet and cash flow. And a huge percentage of slavery could be eliminated in relatively short order, if Western governments actually cared about their own citizens and the fate of humanity. They obviously don’t. What they do care about is control. And hence, slavery actually fits their model of desiring to (either literally or figuratively take your pick) enslave all of us.

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You have done so much good, Dr Alexander ...

What humans are capable of is astounding, both in cruelty and in compassion.

Brings to mind, and heart, a conversation I listened to, someone whose name came up twice in three days last week, who I heard about once before, almost twenty years ago. Initials C.O. Given away by her father when very very young.

A witness to the depths of evil in places of power, whose mind was fragmented, body was used, was then rescued, recovered memories, and had them verified by qualified people. She also reminds that there is good everywhere.

She is radiant and glowing, and full of hope. After thirty years of unimaginable abuse on every level.

She says this has always been going on, and more are seeing it now, and they cannot win.

Yet she is not starving for food either. There is so much in some places, and so little in others.

And, what's sad and all tangled up, is that many who are enablers to the cartels intend to help those who don't have enough to eat, but they want to do that by ways that are distant, that they let be scripted. And along the way, everything is breaking.



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Dr. P, I lived in Thailand for 2 years, back in the early 2000's. The Mississippi of Thailand, the Isaan, Northeast. I built schools. My boss at Apple, and good friend, was already approaching billionaire. He wanted to help his wife's Thai village, dig themselves "out of poverty."

I was a bit shocked at my living conditions when i arrived. Shuttered a pretty fancy house, car and life back in the less humid USA! I learned to drink raw milk, and freshly butchered cow and water buffalo. Learned to pet the water buffalo, as it sauntered around the village, and sometimes sang to me when I slept under the stars. I was eaten by mosquitos, endless swarms. I fed the monks in the morning, as the women were not quite allowed close to them, but I could hand them their meals, the village women prepared.

Made friends with a family, and their young kids would run with me at 6 am, to keep me safe from the farmer's wild, mangey looking dogs. I made friends with a monk who had taught at a Buddhist temple in Houston, TX many years earlier he raised pet mongooses, who followed us around as we chatted. . I fished in clean waters.

One day my employer (A Japanese company) told me my benevolent work needed to end, and to go home.

Touched down in Dallas, eventually. Went through customs. Passed all the lost souls in that large, shitty airport. Caught my connecting flight. When it hit me hard, the lives we lead in The West, no matter how many zeroes in our accounts (in banks that could and will fail) was a chimerical mess.

The West is dying. I know who killed it. I hate them, but, perhaps I, and we, need this wake up call.

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The treatment of women in underdeveloped nations is shocking, vile, sickening. In many places they are subject to honor killings, genital mutilation, thrown on funeral pyres when their husband dies, are forced to bind their feet, to cover themselves head to toe, are beaten to death by Islamofascist "morality police" because a few strands of hair are showing when the headscarf they are forced to wear comes looose, are not permitted to drive cars, are exploited for their labor in sweat shop conditions, are charged with adultery if they are raped, and are prevented from receiving an education after they are 8yo. However, nobody seems to care less than narcissistic Western feminists do. They're too busy pushing jab agendas.

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One approach is to export infrastructure, not weapons. Folks need clean water and living conditions. That can be done without destroying the country and killing everybody. Way cheaper than tanks. Or imposing Gates’ poison shots on poor people. Another valuable export would be honesty, but we are all out of it in government and the mainstream press.

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Speaking of Thrones: Is it possible that the fading away of Queen Elizabeth and the rise of Prince, now King Charles has something to do with the genocide being given the green light? The ultra-Malthusians (recently Prince Philip) have been around for Centuries, but never embraced to this extent.

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Sure feels like End of Days... so glad I knew this was coming and began hard core bucket listing after the GFC...

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Dr. Malone has raised more questions about himself in his lates post re: HATE. First, hate is justified in regard to tyranny and injustice. Using the buzz-word "hate" to disparage "critics" smacks of the ruling class (they are sensitive about us "hating" them).

Further, Malone references the UN definition of "rights" to justify his lawsuit! He is definitely "not free" of his Establishment "perspectives." Apparently, he doesn't realize how such a reference discredits him.

Even so, I think it an error to jump to the "Controlled Opposition" conclusion unless specifics come to light. No reason to discourage would be rebels within the power structure. He needs to drop his lawsuit and just discuss the issues.

I cannot comment on his post at his substack because I am not a paid subscriber.

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“I do not know how to fix this, I feel helpless, I feel so ashamed, deep down gutted, near daily, so ravaged day to day for what we do to other human beings so that we can live certain ways; will we ever be forgiven for what we do?”

Paul, and readers, here is how you can begin to fix the suffering and feel less helpless and hopeless.

“If you’re feeling helpless, help someone.” Aung San Suu Kyi

“We heal ourselves by giving others what we most need.” Sherry Turkle

AN INTIMATE AFRICAN CHARITY—Knowing Those Whose Lives You Helped Save


You are in your favorite restaurant looking at the menu and suddenly this appears like a vision in front of your eyes:

“TELL ME WHY” Declan Galbraith


Tell me why does it have to be like this?

Tell me why is there something I have missed? Tell me why cuz I don’t understand

When so many need somebody

We don’t give a helping hand

Tell me why?”


$10,000USD WILL ENABLE 4 AFRICAN FAMILIES IN NIGERIA AND KENYA, A TOTAL OF 28 PERSONS, TO TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES. Please help them stay alive as droughts, floods, crime, and hunger threaten daily. Help them help themselves. “There are eight rungs in charity. The highest is when you help others to help themselves.” Maimonides

THEY HAVE A CHANCE TO BUY FARMLAND WITH WATER WHERE THEY CAN FEED THEMSELVES IN RELATIVE SAFETY away from the drought-stricken areas and the increasingly desperate and dangerous cities where hunger and unemployment are causing a conflagration of crime and chaos.


See below for contact & personal details. If you could meet (on WhatsApp) a person in Africa whose life you have helped to save with your donation, would that make you more motivated to donate?




I am on Substack here if any questions https://responsiblyfree.substack.com/

Feel free to email me, Jack, so I can assure you of the genuineness of this charity:


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