It was pushed on the youth, because they are our future! What better way to destroy it by killing off and sterilizing today’s kids. This is a mass Democide, plain and simple. This was a very well planned out assault on the world! We are going to lose at least a few generations and quite honestly, we may never recover.😢

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Fluoride in water?


Childhood vaccines?


Sugar & industrial seed oil-filled

junk food diet to destroy health?


Rampant chronic diseases?


Drug use (legal & illegal)?


EMF radiation exposure?


Gender confusion?


Radical woke indoctrination?


Social media-caused anxiety &



COVID bioweapon shots?


Looks like the NWO has just about achieved their goals for destroying the children to end the human race!

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END MONSTERSANTOs gmo an bayer and pfizer the poisons of OUR EARTH --- https://www.nbc11news.com/2023/06/07/state-lawmakers-sign

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Good list, though I would add vegan diets to the list.

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Good idea!

Especially high-lectin, high-oxalate vegan diets! And, oh . . . ALL vegan diets lacking in goodly amounts of red meat! Lol! (I bet THAT will "push some buttons"!) Unfortunately, most people do not understand that Veganism is a religion being shoved down the public's throat by the Globalist powers-that-be just to make us chronically sick and lower -I.Q., so we will be less able to recognize their ubiquitous attack on humanity and unable to counter it. Humans did NOT get to be the big-brained creatures that we are by being mostly vegetarian like the gorillas and other great apes. Plus we absolutely do not have the same kind of digestive systems that they do, and neither can our livers detoxify all the plant toxins found in their diets. In spite of all the Globalist-origin propaganda to the contrary, vegans tend to be MUCH less healthy than carnivores!

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who are you referring to when you write "we"? It seems the plan was to remove people who might have the idea of rejecting world wide dictatorship of bankers. on second thought, no. these people who are ready to accept an untested vaccine to prevent infection from a pathogen not proven to exist could easily have been dominated. I guess they just realize that they don't need somany of us and wanted to rid themselves of the easiest to kill. Nobody's easier to kill than somebody who will kill himself by cooperating with the people who've exploited his lineage cruelly for multiple generations. Good thing for the billions about to die that reincarnation is real. But you've blown your chances in this life unless you start accepting that you have completely screwed up and start following real researchers who are learning how to detox after the poison shots you've given yourselves. It will also be good for your cause if you start dismantling the 5g towers they've put up and stop carrying cell phones with you every where you go. It seems most of you will prefer dying young to changing how you are living.

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The EMF are bathing our planet. The 5G and cell phone towers must be removed.

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and yet in almost every place one passes the inverse square law says that the strongest emf will be coming from the cell phone one is carrying. That's why I don't have one. Do you?

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5g, like the fake bioweapon vaccines, not tested. 5g has to be locked out and go with fiberoptics. Pharma want 5g for their nano growth inside us plus more. Don't want to freak you out here. :)

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Whatever the reason, it was not to promote public health.

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"so why did the US government & CDC and NIH etc. continue to push the fraud COVID gene injection? "


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Soooooooooooooo true!!! The EXTERMINATION began a long time ago with Cell phones and towers EVERYWHERE, smart meters, wi-fi and chem trails, they are just speeding up their agenda. Go to https://www.antennasearch.com/ to see JUST how bad it is.

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When I found out they had CHOSEN 60hz as the frequency for the data transmission (whether it's at a rate of 4Gs, 5Gs, or even 10Gs) I KNEW what was happening. It's not the rate of data transmission that worries me, (5Gs, or whatever) it's the FREQUENCY they chose to transmit at, i.e., 60 hz, which means 98% of the energy is absorbed by OGYGEN, even that oxygen which is currently circulating in our blood.

They even BRAG about this effect! SEE: https://scientists4wiredtech.com/wireless-at-60-ghz-has-unique-oxygen-absorption-properties/

Targeting our oxygen molecules for alteration is the KEY to having a total "kill switch". They didn't NEED to choose the MOST dangerous frequency available to have even MUCH higher rates of data transmission. They chose THIS one because they can kill us (and almost everything else) with a flip of a switch now.

60hz transmutes our oxygen into something our cells CANNOT use. Even worse, the body will not KNOW that it is low on oxygen, and tests will not show this either. Our bodies will therefore not unload these unusable molecules for replacement. So this explains what was happening in NY City where they first tested the 60hz transmission in select locations. People showing up at emergency rooms (fake positive "covid" tests) who had symptoms of altitude sickness but could not be saved UNLESS they were given total blood transfusions. Some doctors said their symptoms were as if they had been suddenly dropped at the top of Mt. Everest with no acclimation period at all. The doctors were saying it did NOT look anything like a "viral" infection.

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Because they want every man woman and child to have their experimental nanotechnology platforms. Period. W A K E

U P A M E R I C A.

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Contro, regardless of the possible benefits. Eugenics, on a Global scale.

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please show a link to the documentation of such a test which proves that someone has had "sars-covid infection". I've been unable to find the proof that it exists. Seems they used a test created by Kerry Mullis which he debunked before conveniently dying. I haven't seen what definitive test there is to replace it.

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"Conveniently dying"?

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Pfollow the 💰 💴 💵

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You pretty much nailed it Faith. Doing everything in my power to stay off your list of fun chit, lol 😆.

It’s a full time job these days trying to scout out good wholesome non gmo foods.

Got some great farms and ranches near me who, thank the Lord believe in and employ regenerative farming methods.

I gave up dining out years ago and I catch a lot of slack around holidays and birthdays. But, then again, I spend my days in my gardens instead of doctors offices like my family does.

I’m a serious anti Big Harma gal, have been all my life. I am looking forward to the day when they are completely crushed!

If you really think about what causes the most deaths, I’d say Big Harma, Allopathic sick care and the gubment. Just imagine a world without all three?

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The DoD pharma attacks appear to have at least two subversive goals: population cull and there appears to be a link between autism and transhumanism as an experiment. There should be a huge autism spike from the nanos that will present the typical psychosis problem already noted by the filth all vaccines.

I suspect pharma Nazis are expecting a ton of adult autism, too. OK, hunches here. The next cohort of autistic people will be selected for the neural net trash-mo (Elon and a bunch of others are working on the autistic-transhuman link) for test subjects (I'm not targeting Elon here or yet rather.)

The autistic survivors that can make the mesh brain net work, giving psychotics and some of the savants focus and so on, then the next test stage will begin whatever pharma nerds plan for transhumanism.

Play with the above; there is one book that I have to re-read that hits hard on the above, by McRoy, Autism-Transhumanism. Or close to that.

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I had a singing student (22) who was "Forced" in his mind to take a booster shot to do a board short modeling job. He got so ill he said "I thought I was going to die!!!" He said 'I wished I has listened to my parents and never taken any of it." Meaning the vax or the booster. He wanted to move out into the world on his own and it nearly cost him his life!!!! His parent's (not vaxed) told him not to go to the hospital because they would give him Remdesivir and he would die.

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It is now June 2024 and there are no longer infections of C19 in my state of PA at this time.

So why does USCIS STILL MANDATE that ALL children 6 months and older (besides all adults) must have competed the primary series, or else receive a Bivalent Covid shot if they want to get medically approved for Permanent Residence?

I know, because we do immigration medical exams as a Civil Surgeon.

When I complained anonymously to the appropriate Online authority, the reply was that Covid-19 was a contagious disease (could break out again) and the law gave them the CDC/USCIS authority to continue the mandate (indefinitely)!

There has always been a mandate for applicants for Permanent Residence to take a Flu shot.

But that is only during the flu season and the influenza shot isn't experimental.

I have offered to provide evidence and have posted multiple times on the C19 group as well as on Twitter. But to date no one has asked me to provide additional documentation in order to facilitate litigation.

It seems immigrants have no representation because they can't vote yet.

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Steve Kirsch might be the best person to follow up on this, but he hasn't yet contacted me for concrete evidence.

It pains me every time I see parents who are Okay with having their little children get Covid shots so as not to slow down their applications for permanent residence.

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They continued to push the Malone, Kariko, Weissman et al. mRNA gene therapy fraud shot for kids because the data were showing that with repeated injections the Malone, Kariko, Weissman et al. mRNA fraud shot triggers a class switch from IgG3 to IgG4 that is associated with cancer progression, autoimmune myocarditis and other autoimmune diseases. If they did not continue to push the Malone, Kariko, Weissman et al. mRNA fraud shot on to kids then unacceptable numbers of them would remain alive and create carbon footprints that would threaten the goal of stopping the imaginary imminent run away climate change in which Earth transitions to the climate and atmosphere of Venus. They did it for Gaia and to appease the climate gods. They also did it to appease the pharmaceutical industrial complex whose profits would be threatened if they did not do it which in turn would threaten the funding, donations and gifts they receive from Pharma. They did it so that fewer of these kids would grow up and defend the US from all enemis foreign and domestic and because Xi wanted them to do it. They did it so that oncologists and cardiologists and funeral directors could prosper and reward them with donations. They did it because they have yachts and mazerattis to maintain. They did it for many reasons and because they care

They care a lot, about the Malone, Kariko, Weissman mRNA fraud shot and the money it makes and they about what's most important to them, which is looking out for number one.

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Much deeper. Pharmas know past vaccines of kids and even adults, that right there is one intense study even without the c19s, then and that linking age gender location parents, grandparents, and link morbidities, looking intently for autism spectrum caused by past vaccines and the fake mRNAs. quantification of data needed for the Pharma (think Asperger Bill Gates here) to sort the transhuman coming disaster. Plus more. that's enough there for now. :)

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They don't want natural kids because synthetic ones are on the way. Everyone can be sterilized and embryos grown in the lab and transplanted into womb machines.

'Synthetic' Human Embryos Grown in Lab for First Time


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Steve Kirsch has done a very recent good stack covering some of this.

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The government “Person” responsible for giving “ false “orders to the CDC, FDA. NIH ,NIAID, DOD

FBI > CIA need be Charged, indicted, and tried for International Conspiracy to engage in GENOCIDE

as defined by the NURENBURG Trials and tried in the HAGUE International Court Of Justice

the sentence should be DEATH BY COVID 19 INJECTIONS and a series of BOOSTERS-

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As RFK Jnr has shown, if vaccines approved for children then pharma etc can’t be sued for damages done.

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I have no clue as what your referring to.

And trust me I don’t need your help either, I’ll be just fine.

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