60 years of crime stats should tell the story. When it's a white on black crime, it's reported. When it's a black on black murder or rape, crickets.

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Or black on white crime, which is far more frequent than white on black crime

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It's like the old adage about the news:

"Dog bites man" does not merit reporting it's so commonplace.

"Man bites dog" -- now, that a news story.

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Every time I bring it up to a liberal they call me a racist. But they want a domestic terrorism act to go after rural white men.


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Concern about blacks killing blacks does not fit the false "white supremacy" narrative. (Ignoring it may even be another perverse aspect of the globalist depopulation agenda.)

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Democrats have been harming black people since the foundation of that party centuries ago. Nothing new here. They continue to be enslaved via Marxist education and propaganda.

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For this topic I always recommend Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell.

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The only "value" is THEIR AGENDA

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I think our Marxist government and their minions "punish" conservative blacks with way more vitriol than their white counterparts. Here's an interesting graphic showing Chicago homicides.


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I just read through that - it is absolutely shocking - Is there any analysis showing the underlying cause of such a large number of homicides of black males (mainly) or have the streets of the US just deteriorated into mindless violence? I live in the UK and was brought up in a 'rough' ie high crime area but things are so much worse there now - I left many years ago but someone who is still local told me that the violence is now totally mindless ie without any 'underlying cause' other than the tendancy to violence.

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I suggest reading The Bell Curve. I think that will address your underlying cause question.

Tldr, it’s basically IQ.

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I think having absent fathers is a big predictor of criminality. I just wondered if the homicides were drug related or without specific cause.

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Black lives have been shown as less important to the black community. Slavery was predicated on this very same principle. You can’t be a supporter of a better society when these low values are being ignored. Drugs, low income. Low education, violence, two parents, unlimited abortions, Christian values. All of these things need improvement from society and government

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No, only when whites kill blacks is when the Democrat Communists come out. Like Al Sharpton and the great attorney, Benjamin Crump.

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Who cares?

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Democrats (KKK) despise and fear blacks. They wanted them enslaved when wealth came from labour. The want them dead now. They are satisfied when blacks kill blacks. They are exposed when whites kill blacks so the go crazy.

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Democrats HATE all life except their own. That is how arrogant they ALL are. Repubs aren't far behind.

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dem run cities are where you find systemic, Generational, racism.

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