Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

Funny how it’s always men with penises wanting access to the little girl’s bathrooms, and we don’t hear any problems at all about women wanting access to male bathrooms. I remember being very young over 20 years ago, and being in a public washroom, and there was a man in the next stall who stood on the toilet and had been trying to look at girls using the restroom. It was a horrible shock, and frightening. As a young girl it left a scar. A real feeling of not being safe, even in a place you expected privacy and safety. We called those types ‘peeping Toms’. Imagine how vulnerable little girls are in this scenario today, all enabled , and even ‘legislated’ by psychos like our grotesque PM Trudeau. I can’t believe the insanity unleashed on the world since they rolled out the Covid assault plan on our people and societies. When did people get so insane? How can anyone think this is sane? Who’s protecting the children? And women fought hard for respect, and private safe spaces; men , even if they ‘identify’ as women, are invading, and dominating women’s spaces. Including sports. Male BODIES competing against girls and women? There’s a difference people. Big feet. Big hands, big shoulders, heavier bones, longer arms and legs… Forget their stupid penises; how is a male body competing against female bodies in sports in any sane universe acceptable? This is a deliberate attack on women and girls.

I don’t think it has anything to do with these lunatics at the WEF and their cohorts in governments giving a damm about trans people. I think it’s their transhumanism agenda. They need to start breaking down people identifying with their bodies. If you can’t even identify as male or female , and gender is ‘fluid’ , then “ changing what it means to be human” is a lot easier. And of course they start with the children. Canada has a website: look it up ; ‘Government of Canada Policy Horizons BioConvergence ‘. It’s the WEF stated agenda of transhumanism. It even states “ changing what it means to be human”. Biden , and the UK, have similar outlined agendas. Your tax dollars at work people. Did any of you vote for that? It’s like a switch was flipped in 2020, and now we’re in bizarro world. People, we have to stop this. And this BS IS a gift to male predators of girls and women.

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

Trudeau is a well known sexual deviant, including child interference. It has been widely reported that the girl he molested at West Point Grey private school while a teacher was not 17 or 18 years old as the media would have you believe. She wasn't even a teenager at the time of the abuse. Being wealthy allows for hush money to be paid but in this case the pedo that he is was exposed. Lest we forget Trudeau's pedo-roommate and co-teacher at WPG school, Christopher Ingvaldson, was charged and convicted for child molestation and possession of kiddy porn. And then there was the time he was a camp counsellor at a summer camp sponsored by old Pierre. Justin was asked to leave because of "boundary issues". Yah...we know what that means, don't we?

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Well folks, you be the judge . . . during International Women's day (8 March), Justin stood and partied with the LGBTQ+ crowd, flag in hand, hoorra! hoorra! arms in the air . . right into it.

He has a teenage daughter, a mother and his estrranged wife (who only shows up with him for image).

This (bi-sexual) man rather celebrate Women's day with men dressed as women.

I'm just saying.


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Many canadians do not support what is taking place in girls' washrooms and change rooms nor do we agree in trangendering children. Criticizing either can result in an arrest and sometimes jail time. Hard to believe, but true!


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What do you expect from an official "Young Global Leader", Davos Man, Great Reset Leader, Globalist courtesy of Klaus Schwab in 2005 (www.maloneinstitute.org). It's Trudeau's job to convert Canada to a Totalitarian State with Techno-Feudalism. Get rid of him Pronto.

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There are many of us who are, but as you may well know, Dr A, Canadians, generally, are pretty passive..the peaceKEEPERS (not MAKERS/ patriot warriors like Americans).

I trust you've heard of the young Ontarian lad (who bears the same surname as you) who is taking a powerful stance....a young lion

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Yes, the woke politicians who make the rules for these facilities do indeed seem to have their heads exactly that far up their asses. It's a dream situation for predators.

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Now Trudouche the groomer doesn't feel so lonely.

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Shove a Uterus up between their legs, Bleed, Change the feminine products every 15 to 60 minutes, Feel the Pain, the Emotional Rollercoaster, give Birth, Milking a Child, Uterine, Breast, Ovary Cancers and Cysts. Then tell us what a Courageous Woman they are.

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Consider that most Canadians didn't fight back against the Covid mandates, like a bunch of whipped pussies they complied.

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It's not always men Donna. As the feminine movement has grown over the years, the female has become much bolder. Not that long ago I went to a male washroom in a restaurant and a female followed behind me. She was about to grab my you know what while talking all sexy like, when I pushed her aside and went to report her to the manager. What transpired after that is another issue. Female teachers are getting more bold in touching boys and even dating their students. What is transpiring in schools today is nothing short of perverse and sinister in nature. Like my High School teacher son says, his children will never set foot in a public school. The Ministry of Education, the School Boards, Principals, and gutless teachers (too worried about losing their jobs) are allowing these degenerate narratives. Pull your kids out of school and find alternative education.

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Canadians schools have been pushing a homosexual agenda for decades.

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YOU ARE 100 percent on target Dr. Alexander. At this point I don't understand why there are not tens of thousands of protestors in the streets .

Of course the main stream news (CBC, CTV , GLOBAL and more) are cortupt/ captured and broadcast propaganda and lies to Canadian families daily .

So perhaps better to state that Canadians like many globally are BRAINWASHED with lies using military grade techniques to alter thoughts , meanwhile are sacrificing our CHILDREN , to Pfizer and the Satanic Cabal.

Trudeau BTW is himself a profile and that is FACT.

We are at WAR.


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Canada has become Evi!

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USSA Superman used to enter a Phone booth, now he enters an non-binary toilet room

Remember Superman’s iconic saying? “Truth, Justice and the American Way.” The Superman character emerged in a time of innocence in the United States when there was a genuine belief that the “American Way” was understood as a commitment to truth, equal justice under the law and fighting for the little guy. Boy, were we naive. We are now living in an age where lies are presented as “truth” and anyone who dares to speak out against those lies is accused of being either a racist or transphobic or pro-Putin. In short, a conspiracy theorist. I started thinking about this in depth in the wake of Tucker Carlson’s revelations this week about the so-called January 6th Insurrection. Before Carlson showed the actual video footage from the Capitol, the world, not just the American public, were presented with a skillfully crafted flood of propaganda that portrayed Trump supporters as violent racists who wantonly killed Capitol Hill police. That is a lie. Not a single police officer of any kind was killed by Trump supporters on January 6. Not one. Yet high ranking U.S. Government officials, such as the despicable Attorney General, Merrick Garland, continue to repeat that falsehood and no one in the mainstream media is rebutting his mendacity.

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Time for facilities to have a third bathroom! BUT UNTIL THEN! Go to the room you were born into. Males to males and females to females. When the new bathrooms are done you’ll have your own place to go. Grow up and please think of others instead of pushing everyone to accept your “gender”!

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