coming in Southern border, now Chinese we do not know intent etc.; can we cope? 'Determined to Flee China, Thousands Take a Long, Dangerous Route to the Southern U.S. Border'; how do we know intent?
We are already subverted from within and have been for years. From the top down. China has bought off about 50% of our politicians, Soros and Big Pharma have bought off the rest. NONE of our politicians are doing what they were elected to do by the people for the people; they are all serving the interests of the enemies of the United States and those who are lining their own pockets. They don't give a darn about the America people, let alone the individual lives they destroy. The alarm you're sounding now should have been sounded years ago.
Wrong. These money people are serving this country, serving those who own almost everything. They are just not serving the people. When a child we were concerned about the double standard between what boys and girls could do. As I got older it became clear that there are many double standards. Religion, race and of course class were the divisive issues with different standards. Time to stop playing that card and start talking to each other. The real issues that affect our lives are pretty much the same which means we should be able to have meaningful and respectful discussion on how to become empowered--all of us together.
They who so-called serve our country in the House & Senate, D’s and R’s, are freeloaders who gaslight and make deals with the devil on our dime. They all suck!
I worked in counterintelligence and raised the alarm about Chinese subversives back in the late 1980's. Back then, Chinese Intel services worked via the 'kernel of sand' approach - small pieces of the puzzle of stolen information gathered via many open sources and well-placed academics provided the bigger picture. As we moved through the nineties and we'll into the 21st century, China adopted the Western methodologies of intelligence gathering. Money speaks to those in the West. In conjunction with traditional intelligence gathering methodologies by coopting/coercing Chinese immigrants and their generations, and bribing westerners with money, China has far surpassed any other foreign adversaries in its influence in American politics and our overall lives. It would be naive to think that the strive America faces is caused by only internal forces. China has keen interest in the United States. It cares not about our people, but it cares about our land and resources.
Stupid BS - news flash for you "patriotic" 'Mekins. The Corporate Capitalists Ruing Class owns and controls everything in "Merka - and including your MINDS apparently.
Absolute rubbish. Chinese wants to return to Motherland China, not flee. Be open-minded, watch the many Youtube videos of China today...the amazing infrastructure, million of hectares of trees planted in the deserts, the largest acreage of national parks in the world, the eradication of poverty for hundreds of millions. The amazing cities, high speed transportation, etc.
What has America got to offer? Gun violence, Covid scandal, racist attacks, No English, not possible to work. Sorry...the Chinese are not fleeing China. A few may want leave China but do not even make up 0.0005% of the Chinese population.
Some are coming…then regret. Is the human nature. Things are changing in the world, new policies are implemented everywhere, more financial control, digitalization… What WEF promises will happen with the help of big tech and corporations. Many businesses in China closed, as US was the biggest market. But those who are coming, have visas and plane tickets 🤣
Good comments. Chinese have been migrating all over the world for over a century. You find them in the far north of Canada or in the far south of the S. America. You find them speaking the local languages and despite racial attacks, will continue to hang on.
Chinese continue to leave China as it has 1,400,000,000 and it is very competitive. There are those who want to come to America to get higher education and to settle down if they can get a job and good pay. They are no longer coming to America to be like the coolies of the past.
I disagree with the conspiracy theory that China is sneaking in hundreds of thousands of Chinese in preparation for an invasion and overthrow of America. Never.
China wants a powerful America but not an America that has the hegemony in controlling all the key levers of the world,, political, military and other spheres of influence.
China, Russia, Brazil, India and S. Africa (all huge populations and vast land area) have formed BRICS despite having their own national interests. India and China have sharp differences on some issues and having trade frictions but yet remain in BRICS.
Many countries wants to join BRICS as an alternative to a dominating Western-led hegemony.
Point: China is not planning an invasion of USA and has no reasons or desire to invade or conquer America. China continues to regard America as an important nation.
Hmm? Perhaps you are a terrorist trying to rev up anger and violence. All this divide and conquer talk that is extremist without any facts. Such thinking makes your science suspect.
Paul is as disturbed as we all are and it needs to be verbalized. Why should any of us stay silent while we are losing our rights under the constitution. Peaceful protests not violence. Most of us here who love our country want to see peace, want our streets to be safe. Speaking out does not mean calling for violence. There are plenty of violent protesters and those who instigated violence - some of our people like Maxine Waters sitting in congress had no problem calling out to her supporters to go out and riot in the streets and they did. On that note, we have a right to self defense from violent people.
And when did Waters call for violence? I think people on the Right are terrified of people of color having any power over their own lives but that is what they want for themselves. Perhaps if you saw all people as the same with the same issues for peace and security we would be able to move forward to undo the harms being done like destroying voting rights and equal pay. What I find is the Trump people are promoting anger and hate and that is the crux of their platform. I find the middle class on the Right liked Trump because he excused them from paying taxes which seemed to be their only issue ignoring the fact that taxes are how we get things done on a national or collective level and they profit from that. We have a problem in this country with more than 50% of our national budget going to military venturism and supporting corporatism which is another word for fascism. If truth be told Paul reflects exactly what I see--a platform of anger and hate and not much else. I work with people like this and they have nothing to say about how to solve problems other than their entitlement for power. And this is behind all those mass shootings which are primarily done by people on the Right, white, hetero, males who are simply angry because they cannot have that piece of the pie they were promised. Time to look at the people who cause the real problems and they are not on the left nor are they people of color or women who equally want peace and security and comfort
2 Chinese nationals arrested for having tools to cut railway tracks. Many trail derailment. False flags perhaps and question why railroad workers who found cut tracks threatened to be quiet?
i agree 100% this is mad. biden adm. needs to all be fired everyone of them and we need to clean house in the abc agencies and send everyone home that came in illegally no more mister nice guy. i am sick of it
They might be byden's buddies here to enforce leftism and election tampering...who knows? Why would anyone want to leave a mecca like China? Everyone says how great it is to live there.
I wonder who is blowing up America’s manufacturing plants / food processing facilities and derailing trains with toxic contents?
Probably JOEBAMA is using ANTIFA. goes to the White House website. WHY?
Do the Republicans ever question this? Our Federal Government is a joke!
On Bannon's show they are saying more Chinese Nationals (of young age) coming over the
Southern Border. We the People, will have to fight them before they try and take
our Country over. While China JOE looks the other way, because Xi owns him.
Brandon is.
The Chinese are a scapegoat.
As are the Russians.
The climate crisis.
The biosecurity state.
And the gay tooth fairy.
Wake up America.
The worst prison is your mind.
And blowing up toxic plastics plants.
Every enemy is using the porous Southern border to send in their operatives.
We are already subverted from within and have been for years. From the top down. China has bought off about 50% of our politicians, Soros and Big Pharma have bought off the rest. NONE of our politicians are doing what they were elected to do by the people for the people; they are all serving the interests of the enemies of the United States and those who are lining their own pockets. They don't give a darn about the America people, let alone the individual lives they destroy. The alarm you're sounding now should have been sounded years ago.
Wrong. These money people are serving this country, serving those who own almost everything. They are just not serving the people. When a child we were concerned about the double standard between what boys and girls could do. As I got older it became clear that there are many double standards. Religion, race and of course class were the divisive issues with different standards. Time to stop playing that card and start talking to each other. The real issues that affect our lives are pretty much the same which means we should be able to have meaningful and respectful discussion on how to become empowered--all of us together.
They who so-called serve our country in the House & Senate, D’s and R’s, are freeloaders who gaslight and make deals with the devil on our dime. They all suck!
I worked in counterintelligence and raised the alarm about Chinese subversives back in the late 1980's. Back then, Chinese Intel services worked via the 'kernel of sand' approach - small pieces of the puzzle of stolen information gathered via many open sources and well-placed academics provided the bigger picture. As we moved through the nineties and we'll into the 21st century, China adopted the Western methodologies of intelligence gathering. Money speaks to those in the West. In conjunction with traditional intelligence gathering methodologies by coopting/coercing Chinese immigrants and their generations, and bribing westerners with money, China has far surpassed any other foreign adversaries in its influence in American politics and our overall lives. It would be naive to think that the strive America faces is caused by only internal forces. China has keen interest in the United States. It cares not about our people, but it cares about our land and resources.
Stupid BS - news flash for you "patriotic" 'Mekins. The Corporate Capitalists Ruing Class owns and controls everything in "Merka - and including your MINDS apparently.
With is kind of paranoia, I am un-subscribing from Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's newsletter.
Absolute rubbish. Chinese wants to return to Motherland China, not flee. Be open-minded, watch the many Youtube videos of China today...the amazing infrastructure, million of hectares of trees planted in the deserts, the largest acreage of national parks in the world, the eradication of poverty for hundreds of millions. The amazing cities, high speed transportation, etc.
What has America got to offer? Gun violence, Covid scandal, racist attacks, No English, not possible to work. Sorry...the Chinese are not fleeing China. A few may want leave China but do not even make up 0.0005% of the Chinese population.
Some are coming…then regret. Is the human nature. Things are changing in the world, new policies are implemented everywhere, more financial control, digitalization… What WEF promises will happen with the help of big tech and corporations. Many businesses in China closed, as US was the biggest market. But those who are coming, have visas and plane tickets 🤣
Good comments. Chinese have been migrating all over the world for over a century. You find them in the far north of Canada or in the far south of the S. America. You find them speaking the local languages and despite racial attacks, will continue to hang on.
Chinese continue to leave China as it has 1,400,000,000 and it is very competitive. There are those who want to come to America to get higher education and to settle down if they can get a job and good pay. They are no longer coming to America to be like the coolies of the past.
I disagree with the conspiracy theory that China is sneaking in hundreds of thousands of Chinese in preparation for an invasion and overthrow of America. Never.
China wants a powerful America but not an America that has the hegemony in controlling all the key levers of the world,, political, military and other spheres of influence.
China, Russia, Brazil, India and S. Africa (all huge populations and vast land area) have formed BRICS despite having their own national interests. India and China have sharp differences on some issues and having trade frictions but yet remain in BRICS.
Many countries wants to join BRICS as an alternative to a dominating Western-led hegemony.
Point: China is not planning an invasion of USA and has no reasons or desire to invade or conquer America. China continues to regard America as an important nation.
Go then
You should go back and look at what Rick Joyner from Morningstar ministry has prophesied on this subject.
Who isn’t getting through? Canadians?
Scientists and doctors in mass EVERYWHERE are making a mess!
How did science and medicine get so politicized and how can we ever survive that?
No! They have sent their female agents to US for years to seduce the decision makers! We are naive!
Don’t forget the Chinese women that came here pregnant on childbirth vacations so their offspring would qualify for citizenship.
Hmm? Perhaps you are a terrorist trying to rev up anger and violence. All this divide and conquer talk that is extremist without any facts. Such thinking makes your science suspect.
Paul is as disturbed as we all are and it needs to be verbalized. Why should any of us stay silent while we are losing our rights under the constitution. Peaceful protests not violence. Most of us here who love our country want to see peace, want our streets to be safe. Speaking out does not mean calling for violence. There are plenty of violent protesters and those who instigated violence - some of our people like Maxine Waters sitting in congress had no problem calling out to her supporters to go out and riot in the streets and they did. On that note, we have a right to self defense from violent people.
And when did Waters call for violence? I think people on the Right are terrified of people of color having any power over their own lives but that is what they want for themselves. Perhaps if you saw all people as the same with the same issues for peace and security we would be able to move forward to undo the harms being done like destroying voting rights and equal pay. What I find is the Trump people are promoting anger and hate and that is the crux of their platform. I find the middle class on the Right liked Trump because he excused them from paying taxes which seemed to be their only issue ignoring the fact that taxes are how we get things done on a national or collective level and they profit from that. We have a problem in this country with more than 50% of our national budget going to military venturism and supporting corporatism which is another word for fascism. If truth be told Paul reflects exactly what I see--a platform of anger and hate and not much else. I work with people like this and they have nothing to say about how to solve problems other than their entitlement for power. And this is behind all those mass shootings which are primarily done by people on the Right, white, hetero, males who are simply angry because they cannot have that piece of the pie they were promised. Time to look at the people who cause the real problems and they are not on the left nor are they people of color or women who equally want peace and security and comfort
Bingo ~ Replacing all four Dynasties with pure EVIL!
Antifa laid the ground work
2 Chinese nationals arrested for having tools to cut railway tracks. Many trail derailment. False flags perhaps and question why railroad workers who found cut tracks threatened to be quiet?
i agree 100% this is mad. biden adm. needs to all be fired everyone of them and we need to clean house in the abc agencies and send everyone home that came in illegally no more mister nice guy. i am sick of it
They might be byden's buddies here to enforce leftism and election tampering...who knows? Why would anyone want to leave a mecca like China? Everyone says how great it is to live there.