These ass wipes can make like the birds and flock off. Who do these foreskins think they are? Bird flu? I discovered why many medical people pushed the jab. One specialist told me years ago that the medical profession expected a pandemic to come anytime. The specialist told menever happened. that the Bubonic Plague and disease/pandemic that hit Spain were just examples of pandemics that killed millions to reduce the population and were an ad continuum. Swine flu was thought to be the next big kill but it never happened.

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boom, I LOVE IT...

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love your input, keep it coming

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Thank you Dr. P. There are advantages to being in a confidence friendship with people who know more than I do and give me the truth of the matter in question.

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Agree with you but years ago the swine flu vaccine killed something like 28k in the USA. I was just a little girl but I remember my parents saying no way to the shot. They never took any preventative poison jabs including the shingles shot, flu shot, pneumonia shot, etc. They can kiss my butt because I'm not taking any of them! I'm a polio survivor with no physical limitations from it. The government released polio.... read the book The Moth in the Iron Lung as it proves they did it.

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You are fortunate to have intelligent parents and were obviously well raised which I gather from your words. (Conversation gives vent to character for sure.) I consider learning is a voyage and not a harbor and I can see I will learn a few things from you. Thank you.

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Personalty changes have been noticed in thr Covid Vaxxed. Quick to anger, mood swings, Family discussions, become explosive rage filled, Suicidal thoughts become actions. Traffic accidents are increasing..

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yes, great info, this is true...

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Personally, my husband has become maniac about this crap.

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Well, in the UK the current big scandal is the government cover up of how the US infected tens of thousands of British including infants and kids with Hep B & C and HIV contaminated blood transfusion products. Many are now dead from liver diseases and AIDS etc and the virus deniers are trying to get the US perps and the Brit government off the hook by saying viruses don't exist but nobody is buying it. As regards covid injection deaths they'll all just get blamed on covid even though many dead injectees never caught covid.

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I am no virus denier, not sold on the field of virology, its as corrupted as the field of cancer research

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That's because of all the $ tied up in the research

Fakey should be burned at the stake.

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Beyond unforgivable.

The U.S. is culpable here but I should point out that the British government KNOWINGLY distributed the deadly, contaminated blood products (clotting factor, iirc?) to their own people.

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this is tragic, I want to study this...to write

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Same here in Canuckistan happened decades ago. Many infected with blood sold by addicts, homeless people and others in the USA and used by the government of Canada. Was this a planned pattern to reduce the population way back?

My friend in hospital with Covid lasted 8 days after he was hooked to a ventilator. They are still dying in retirement facilities from the jab. Insanity is a given. The sheeple defend the fake jab, then die from it. I can understand how and why they are deceived and I would also have been except for the reality the rich and famous, the medical specialists and people of high estate indicated to me there was a rift in the medical community relative to the jab. That triggered me to my defence mechanism rule of when or if in doubt about anything to NOT DO IT.

As time passed I noted that there were situations that clearly proved to me that the slime minister was the corrupt and stupid spawn of a hippie and a commie with the sense of a copper penny and the appeal of a yellow snot rocket blown onto a marble floor and squashed by Big Bertha the 346 pound new leader of the Bloc Quebecois. I eventually found Dr. P, Celia, and the totally acceptable "Unacceptable Jessica and was thoroughly persuaded that they were correct and opposition were minions of moronicity with the collective IQ of a candy cane.

I wish to say that looking at the liars out there, freaked up fakes and the CYSTem droids that inhabit the corridors of ASSademia are largely contaminated with the bile of disinformation and an accompanying moronicity of mediocrity.

So here I am, safe ad sound with the Truth as a companion. I have learned that it is not the people we have as friends that are an accurate indicator of our well being but who one's enemies are that determines the real picture of who and what we are.

On a side note, I wish to warn people of the lies and dangers in and of food and especially drinks like the varied selection of soft drinks we have to choose from.

We all know the not so Great Lakes are indeed polluted and run west to east. Raw sewage, multiple chemicals and more importantly the synergistical interaction of thousands of chemicals dumped in the Great Lakes creates a potpourri of dangerous "water" which is not safe to consume though millions use these lakes as their water source. Most if not all soft drinks are produced using municipal water and years ago I rejected these that were produced and bottled in big SH*Tties on the shores of the Great Lakes.

We have Greta Stunnedburg, David dipsh*te the bicycle boy, David Pukizuki, turdo, biDUMB. etc who rant and rave about pollution but do not ever seem to resolve the problem of multiple millions who get cancer from polluted cocktails where Great Lakes waters are used.

Beware and consider the sources of all you eat and drink. We kill and process our wild and domestic meat, drink pure well water hundreds of feet above the levels of Lake Ontario, and choose carefully what foods we buy. Al Whore another dipstick political liar also posing as an expert has never in my experience addressed the Great Lakes problem.

They are all frauds and "gangliatical" gorgons of disinformation braying like freshly castrated jackasses but are fakes and liars.

We have our own gardens. My son largely runs that operation but most of the food we eat have natural sources. I wish to say lovely nurses who I fall in love with by the hundreds each year confided in me that the hospitals east of Kingston Ontario in fact where Lake Ontario narrows with all its pollutants from the other Great Lakes, have a huge number of cancer patients who are treated in the Kingston Ontario Cancer Unit.

You do not have to wonder why and the Truth is clear as a bell. This is but one serious problem none of these fake pollutionist poltroons never go near so they can all flock off like the birds as they are focused on money, not on the well being of people. All you must know is that things are never as they meet the eye. The world is corrupt and filled with corrupt people. At times I think of selling my place north of a big city but far in elevation above it and moving to the sticks, building a log cabin and living there but I am close to where I practice my profession and enjoy interacting with people from all walks of life, and in most cases save many big dollars in providing our services.

One more thing, I read the brief description of a nurse on Substack and noted she was a member of Mensa. Now one would think Mensa is not into political correctness. I was one of the first members of that organization in my area in 1974 but jumped off the ship when someone stole a membership list and a scandal erupted over the number of male members who were contacted by an artificial insemination company with high prices paid for the sperm of male members. I consulted a good man about this and he was German and after I told him that he drew a symbol on a piece of paper and gave it to me. It was a Swastika. His father had refused to join the "party" and was warned if he did not, he would be shipped to the Russian front which they did when he continued refusing and my friend never seen him again.

There were also SIGS (special interest groups) and there was a homosexual one started. They have the right to be who and what they are and God Himself allows them to be homosexuals. They are not to be hated as long as they stay the hell away from our children. This drag queen sh*t has to go.

Trudope senior legalized that "deathstyle" and it was done in combination with abortion legalized as well then in 1969 to reduce the population that it did. The CDC stats tell us that one to two percent of the population have over half of all active cases of HIV, a death penalty. Studies I have read indicated sperm has properties that can penetrate from the anal area to the vital organs and possibly trigger anti immune sequences.

I would like to see Dr. J get her teeth into that and chew it for awhile as she would soon ferret the Truth out. What a dynamic woman! As are all here.

Enough for now.

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I regret not writing longer "ditties." ha ha ha

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“The stupidity of this idea is unfathomable but yet it raised $26m. What they propose isn't even scientifically possible. The support from WEF and WHO is yet another indication of how they intend to destroy our human rights and freedoms. Wake the fcuk up everyone who is asleep and thinks this is conspiracy theory.

The evil behind it should no longer be tolerated. How is BG still free and not arrested and jailed for all his crimes against humanity and insider dealing”


Gates-backed startup raises $26 million for climate vaccines

Company develops climate vaccines for livestock as drugmakers eye climate vaccines for humans


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thank you for sharing this, I am reading it up

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Boy oh boy that “Kill Bill Gates” genius has been sniffing too many “bits and bytes”!

We all must do our part and make sure to take “cold showers” now, this will also save the planet!

Aren’t “climate vaccines”a good thing? This way they stop the cows from farting and they won’t have to be culled. And talk about “two for one”, we useless eaters are enshrined with “fart less beef steak” encapsulated mRNA “Bioweapon Stuff”!’

“Save The Farting Cows”, while culling the population! This sounds exactly like

“Kill Bill Gates” informed consent.

The moral of the story: Don’t listen or follow! LEAD OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!

God I wish for one day I had enough money to debate “Kill Bill Gates”! He, along with all the other “Useless Idiots” need to be “Put out to pasture” alongside the excessive farting cows!


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Paul, thank you for all your heroic efforts.

We must remember who and what we are dealing with, a murderous brutal criminal cartel in each and every case, CDC , FDA, DOD, Pfizer, etc...

We can list ten thousand examples of premeditated murder, it is all run by the same death cult called the USA government which is this death cult. The media, legal system, medical boards, etc...

It is time for whoop ass. Real tribunals and real justice. By that I mean, charges brought, convictions, executions in mass of those found guilty of mass murder, and the termination of those criminal parts of this criminal government that are simply arms of evil. That would mean quite a trimming of the criminal cartel.

The corporate monsters, Blackrock, etc... would also be purged.

They are infiltrated into every aspect of life, and must be weeded out and destroyed in totality.

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yes, I like it, real tribunals and real; justice

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I have observed many flu outbreaks in central Florida right after heavy geo engineering clouds . So creative.

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very very interesting

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Following the great eclipse last month (eye/roll) half the people in my circle; family, friends, neighbours and coworkers were hacking or sniffling like it was January!

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My circle too! Tons sick. Mostly vaxxed but several unvaxxed.

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FWIW…I used to belong to a reasonably sized spiritual group. Fifty years ago. I am

Still in touch with many of the people who stayed with it. They were all pro vax. 100%. Everyone in the group. Multi jabbed. A buddy still in the group and triple vaxed said yesterday NO ONE will take another vax. They have turned on a dime. They all regret it. They all are frightened as to what they’ve done to themselves. This is being brought on by five deaths in a relatively small number of people in six months. With two more imminent. All turbo cancers. I wonder how widespread this thinking is. Have we had our sea change moment?

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Boys who cry wolf should be ignored. Men who cry wolf should be punished.

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Everyone who mandated the injection must be hanged as soon as possible.

If we have no justice system that will prosecute murder, then we have no government at all.

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Malone. You mean the guy who put together this list of the enemies of freedom? https://maloneinstitute.org/wef

And who commented on it in a rather negative way here? https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/wef-news-klaus-schwab-resigning?publication_id=583200&post_id=144844305&isFreemail=false&r=9nfz6&triedRedirect=true

Oh yes, him. Right.

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So Dr Ana Maria Mihalcia's research proved graphene and other metals were in all dental numbing agents, also in botox and lip fillers and budesonide solution used by hospitals. I need 2 dental crowns replaced but after losing a kidney to cancer 20 years ago I'm not going to let them inject that crap in my gums. She has research proving one guys dental plaque was blinking. What do we do for dental care? She found nanorobots in unvaccinated blood and nanorobots active in deceased people. She found a micro docking chip in contact lens solution. Add this from her today: Self Assembling Nano In Geoengineering Spray & Meat. Interview With Liberty Talk Canada. Dr Mihalcea is on substack too. Dr Merle Nass is on substack and her research findings are equally frightening. She's pushing the USA and other nations to not sign over our medical sovereignty to WHO this month. She's been speaking out for quite some time. WHO is not going to order me to take any vaccine. WHO is not going to lock me in my home. IMO the current regime will have jobama sign over our medical sovereignty to WHO then WHO will stop the election this fall. Just my speculation. We never took any vaccines and won't. Our doctor didn't even ask us if we wanted it. I'm a polio survivor with no physical limitations thank God. I was in a hospital ward with several other kids, some who were in an iron lung. The government released polio on us. Read The Moth in the Iron Lung...it proves it. My parents never took vaccines. Hubby and I don't either. We need President Trump so much. God save him. Thank you Dr. Alexander for keeping up the heat!

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Of course it is! Dr. William Makis, an oncologist, also says so.

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boom, excellent sharing.

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And this: There is no legal limit to the amount of so-called contamination that can legally be included in vaccines or any other biological products. https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/there-is-no-legal-limit-to-the-amount?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=37889&post_id=144838119&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1fi07j&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

Also, not all COVID vaccine batches were contaminated with nanotechnology,,,

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you know every time we read more, this sharing is very troubling and bailiwick does great work

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The perps start jabbing chickens, then PCR for false positives/claim side effects are caused by "Bird flu", as their excuse to kill millions of birds to remove chicken and eggs from our diet, toward the planned global famine being extended over North America and Europe.

Then they start jabbing cattle, giving them bad side effects and suddenly a cow and a man both have "Bird Flu" and the perps have an excuse to PCR -false-positive and slaughter cattle, to take milk, butter, cream and meat out of our diet, toward the planned global famine being extended over North America and Europe.

Gee, isn't it lucky that we're looking at a global take-over by criminal banksters/gazillionaires/Mad Scientismists eager to spend more public money to have the main global industry alter to the fanatical collection of pathogens and Gain of Function work, for sales of new, untested jabs, rather than wasting public money on working out how to help heal the jab-damaged?

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