My heart aches for the small businesses that closed. They had no such help. 😢

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My 17 year, well-loved business was one of them. It's been heart breaking as well as financially ruinous.

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I’d wager many of these insiders knew these ‘loans’ would never have to be paid back…

I can’t ‘like’ this. #wherestheGRRRbutton ?

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Refresh the page. The heart should turn red.

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Every revolt is built on the bones of bullshit like this. If anyone ever wondered where MAGA/America First movement of the deplorables came from, it's too many headlines that read just like this. Nancy Pelosi's insider trading. Liz Cheney (suck on your drubbing, cupcake )in six and a half years increasing her wealth by $7 million on a $170,000 annual salary. There's thousands of examples of this grift and graft and not least is the money laundering pipeline called foreign aid.

IMHO America's problem arose from too much wealth. By historic and global standards there's never been a nation where so much wealth has been created and flowed like milk and honey throughout the land. Every petty thief thought no one would notice their small spigot tapping off a small stream. And for a long time no one did. Until, the losses and the brazenness became too visible and painful to ignore. Now America is at a critical moment to save itself and people are awake and lining up to do just that. Every time Steve Bannon gives a roundhouse verbal shellacking to these thugs and thieves, I feel like applauding. He calls it playing smash-mouth. I love it.

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You name it Sir. But don't be misled by false prophets like Bannon who mouth off EXACTLY what people wish to hear. It's a seductionist technique and only for the benefit of the seducer, not the seduced. Choose one's apparent heroes wisely, because you can count them the world over on two hands. The rest are simply BS artists.

All the best to you ;))

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I don’t think that anyone wants to hear that many of their ‘leaders’ are nothing more than criminals. The people who expose them in this climate may not be heroes, but they sure deserve credit for helping to expose the rampant corruption in this Biden led government.

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I don't live in the US, Mark, so I'm not referring to/interested in USA party politics.

I'm merely making a general observation as an outsider.

However Bannon, in my view; perhaps not yours; is full of shit.

Let's leave it at that please Mark, else this conversation will go all the way into the abyss, and land up at the event horizon of Adolf Hitler, from which nothing can escape not even enlightened mankind.

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As you wish......

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022

Bannon is a warrior and utterly fearless. He's the right man for the times and as credentialed as they come.

Seven years US Navy officer

Bachelor's degree Virginia Tech School of Architecture and Urban Studies

Master's Georgetown University School of Foreign Service (National Security)

Masters degree (honours) Harvard (Business Administration)

Investment banker Goldman Sachs

Co-Founder Breitbart News

Served Trump in the White House

Founder War Room, leader of take America back

Steve is no false prophet. Everything he predicts and has predicted has come to pass. A few examples.

January 2020 covid would be a global game changer when Pelosi was strolling Chinatown saying it was nothing.

The covid jabs are dangerous

Reporting on the dangerous and unrelenting invasion at the southern border.

Predicting the big cheat on mail-in ballots 2020

Massive inflation from printed money

Economic and social destruction from lockdowns

The war in Ukraine would be a money sink with no end in sight and no benefit to the US

The list could go on and on. Back up your assertions Bannon is a false prophet and BS artist. Otherwise it's just drive-by smearing.

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I’ve never paid much attention to Bannon so I don’t know much about him. After your post I will check him out. Thanks

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I'm on the side as you brother.

As a lawyer, I'm a very good judge of character.

We, however, don't have to like the same people.

There're many charlatans in the alternative gig.

A good weekend to you.

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Well Barry, you're a lawyer. I'm a professional engineer. We're both professionally bound by our respective code of ethics to deal with provable facts.

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You're funny :))

Since when did the practice of law ever have anything to do with facts?

Just look at big perv Harvey Weinstein's lawyer for example. She didn't even have the brains to put her slob client on the stand so he could’ve, at the very least, tried to tell a story - that in his mind resembled his understanding of "the facts".

So he's gone to jail for the rest of his life without ever having had penetrative sex with any of his victims and with zero explanation.

He had a movie empire. Now he's broke and on the inside for good. What a loser schmuck.

Your industry is way more clear cut than mine. It either is, or it isn't. The building will collapse, or it won't collapse; the engine will explode at 9,000 rpm, or it won't explode.

Try dealing with a system where your client is a consummate liar and so is the litigant on the other side.

We're going to go round in circles here brother.

There's nothing you say about Bannon that's factually flawed.

It's just a question of personal taste.

My step daughter is a complete bitch according to my wife (her mother), but I'm not convinced she is.

Perception is everything in life.

And you brother seem like a very nice person and are as honest as the day is long.

Perhaps I'm just too jaded.

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It's not the problem of too much wealth so much as the problem of wealth inequality guaranteed by corrupt government, which picks winners and losers according to the whims of the political "elite" and an ever-growing, unaccountable massive gub'mint bureaucracy. In a true land of free enterprise, people could succeed on the back of their own effort or inventiveness; the US, sadly, has been in a gub'mint rigged game for well over a century. Ever since the days of socialist Woodrow Wilson (he of the IRS, the Federal Reserve, and many other USG-sins), the deck has been stacked against entrepreneurship from ordinary citizens. This goes for all levels of gub'mint - local bureaucratic corruption (licensing of hairdressers, maybe one of the most egregious examples) does its part to suppress individual initiative.

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You're 100% correct and what you state is true all over the western democracies but especially visible in the US. I was thinking of a long bygone era with far less government.

Fascism is the marriage of a huge controlling state with large corporations to enrich the elite few and beggar the many. It's the Mussolini brand of socialism. Shocking to see it so blatantly in our faces.

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Bravo !

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They sicken/disgust me.

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I read that the Wuhan lab had also received the PPP money.

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That's all even more sickening!

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It is so evil, vile and heinous…I am numb

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Wow. So why isn’t all tax forgiven for 2020-2021? Oh that’s right someone had to pay for it. Just like 2008. Like someone else here commented, this can only last so long until a revolt. At some point people break. You can only play a rigged game so long before you get up and flip over the playing board. Nothing to lose. Beyond unacceptable.

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Canadian politicians gave themselves a raise - twice! - during the pandemic. They increased carbon taxes while everyone was still in lockdown. Then a bunch of truckers scared the bejeezus out of them by uniting Canadians across the country against them. The elites can only govern if they keep the majority divided and fighting each other. The (unwilling) taxpayer subsidies to all the Canadian corporate media is the funnel through which the elites feed their poison to the public. Are people angry? Damn right! It's changed the political landscape on how they view their elected leaders. Expect to see that play out in who gets the votes.

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The greatest transfer of wealth up the social pyramid in the history of the world, surpassing the previous greatest, the Great Recession.

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I would add, anger is a sacred thing. It is also like fire and a challenge to control.

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Thank the world economic forum. Another attacks on the status of the world. If you have nothing, and neither does anyone else. Easy to reduce the population by starvation.

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Please remember...... the WEF is just one of the moving parts. It is no coincidence that the leftist parties in the West all want the same things that the WEF is advocating. They are all working together. You don’t see this crap coming from the center or right wing parties.

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Yup, "They are all working together". That's all one needs to know.

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I keep empathizing the relationship between the WEF and the left because so many seem to forget the ‘left’ part. Somehow Schwab and WEF is this boogeyman Bond villain who’s going to take over the world by themselves.

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Not by themselves, but cut off the head, and it's more difficult for the rest. Schwab has a history of helping the Nazis, he ran a company that made turbines and flame throwers.

He heads Black Rock, managing $10 Trillion (no mistake) in assets. How many companies/states know his background. Cut off his funding, and it would be a start. The gutless wonders of the world will run, not fight.

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And we felt bad for drawing on our unemployment that WE paid into for a few months! Just felt weird to collect $ without going to work......

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Don’t feel bad at all, it’s your money!

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Thanks for bringing this to light. They need to be shamed into paying it all back. What a bunch of lowlifes.

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They have no shame.

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It was the same BS here in South Africa. Employees at the very bottom of the food chain got an equivalent of USD 21 per month extra as a social grant during lockdown, after endless red tape and needing to have a cellphone and data to apply for it over the internet.

Higher up on the food chain, on the side of employers, fraud and fake claims were rampant. I had a client whom I heard through the grapevine had applied for such fake relief, pocketed the money and left the country on a rescue and repatriation flight. Shameless behaviour. Yet he was small fry in the scheme of things.

In the ghettos people were dying of starvation, while in the high-end suburbs, the rich were luxuriating with splendid meals, the best wines and endless Netflix.

But this said more about the state of society's class stratification than anything else; however, it was lockdown that shone a searchlight on it and made it all the more depressing to witness.

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World Economic Forum: by 2030 you will have nothing

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"And be happy"

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Well that just shows what kind of low life greedy pigs they are.

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Tom Brady? Why?

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Because he can.

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The fleecing of the American taxpayer again and again. Disgusting and illegal.

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Pretty soon there will be nothing left to fleece.

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The goal!

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Yes. Agree.

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The "numbers" in Lawrence County, PA have supposedly gone back into the "high range," so Westminster College, where I am an adjunct is reinstating masks. They also say they're following the WHO guidelines. This is insane. How do I find out if and who is receiving federal money to enforce these insane Covid policies? I would really like to know.

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This is an excellent question! I work at YSU - a small university in Ohio - and although there was a mask mandate, they thankfully did not mandate the vax, although they were always sending out emails encouraging it! Now, they are talking about bringing back the mask mandate too. Absolutely ridiculous. I wonder if the students will be complying...?

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I went to YSU, got my undergrad from Dana school of music. I used to lean left, but I think the problem is that this stuff is political and so many are liberals at the colleges.

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I used to lean left too! I realize there is corruption on both sides, but it seems that “liberals” used to be all about critical thinking, and now they just do what they are told. Everything is backwards and upside down. I really didn’t think the “pro-choice” party would enforce mandates— and Biden, Harris, and Pelosi said as much before the election — and then they declared war on the unvaxxed.

Anyway, I hope your time at YSU was positive and you are doing well. Enrollment is down, I guess it is everywhere.

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The left "critical thinking?!" WHAT?! You mean the left that for the last 25 years has blamed vaccines for autism and many other neurological issues, and rightfully so, immediately sold out to the narrative and suddenly vaccines, in particular, one without phase 3 testing, and that kept killing all of the animals, and killing babies in pregnant women 78% (pfizers words not mine) read the data dump! Those critical thinkers? And let me say this to those who will csll me an antivaxxer or Trump supporter, I'm not a democrst because I don't support criminalistic, racist, slavery supporting pedophiles, and I'm not a republican becaue I don't support criminals who are in bed with criminalistic, racist, slave supporting, pedophiles. If you're unaware of all of the liberal leftist pedophilia and grooming taking place I suggedt ypu open your eyes and dig for your news. Like in Ca with all of the grooming and medical parental emancipation from parents at age 12 (they just changed it to 15) becsuse they know frontal cortex is not formed and impulse decision making is huge. And for all the obama lovers, why dods he hate you and ericans so much? 2012 HR4310 makes it legal for media to lie to us. 2016 Executive order gave UN liberty to use physical force up to lethal force on American citizens, and now they're in Nevada, thanks to corrupt governors invitation. Get ready to own nothing and be happy!!


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Yes, down everywhere for sure. Prices are too high. My time at YSU was amazing. Yep, agree with all you said. Corruption on both sides, but the left went insane. Go JD Vance!

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022

Yes. I believe that is the case with many PPP loans. I have gone to the PPP loan website to see who in my town (and nearby city) took them. It is quite eye opening. I see some that only took small amounts to try and limit them, and others who took very large amounts. I am betting many who restrained themselves from taking large sums are now kicking themselves. Since others who took very large sums also do not need to pay them back. It would seem that the small businesses who did not want to take them .... because they did not want to be straddled with new debt .... and subsequently went out of business, are probably feeling cheated. They may had taken them and had a greater chance of saving their business if they knew upfront that they would be forgiven. Or so it seems .....

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Thieves? Well, yes, they most certainly are. Just like the “gentleman” farmers who get paid to not plant crops.

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That's pretty much over now because gates and zuckerberg own pretty much all of thr farm land in the US. This will make it easier for them to pump their shots into our food as well.

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