How much longer Lord? How much more Lord? Why do the honest suffer under the foot of corruption? You, Lord, raise nations up. And it is you who destroys nations who have turned from Your ways. How much longer? Thank you Lord. Thank you for the days of old when man was nearer to Your Word. Thank you for allowing America a short time of peace. I fear not what tomorrow brings. May the suffering days be cut short. May Your chosen find the narrow path. Jesus name. Amen

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That was beautiful, Karla.

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Brink, or brinkmanship, it matters not. The West appears demonically possessed.

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"appears"?! 😱

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Trying hard to avoid generalisation here ...

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All this while the the Biden cartel is being exposed for international racketeering, and specifically in Ukraine. Hummm. Throw these people out of the WH before we end up with WW3.

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Careful there. You do remember don't you that Kamala Harris is next and the VP gets appointed. And ultimately we will have a WW3. The Bible says so.

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First of all, let's stop attributing the official acts of the sovereign nation of the Russian Federation to Vladimir Putin as if he was some rouge tinpot running his own agenda, after all, he IS the very popular and democratically elected leader of his country, and has the overwhelming support of the Duma and the citizens. Anyone who believes that Russia is the aggressor in this conflict is woefully ignorant of the long history of the region currently called Ukraine and of the cascading of circumstances that have led to this limited engagement on the part of Russia to protect itself from Western aggression (read NATO and it's puppet master the Imperial U.S. war making industrial complex). Putin's measured response, their constant calls for a negotiated settlement and their limited military response thus far has shown extraordinary restraint. Hopefully, a settlement and peace may ensue before the eradication of the entire military aged population of Ukraine is sent to their graves or before Russia, in response to further attacks to their homeland respond in a more forceful way that leads to an apocalyptic end.

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Well said..exactly right. People are so indoctrinated with..Russia..Russia..Russia..and MSM they cannot see truth. Russia did not invade Ukraine..is not the aggressor..just trying to free their former lands and protect their ppl under oppression by Zelensky ..NATO & the war machine.

Zelensky never wrote the words he speaks..he is an actor puppet reading the script given by masters..I read all young men in Ukraine have died in this fake war..so who is fighting?? US troops/UN troops/mercenaries? They want to deplete young men anyway! Why not send

all those young migrant (Ukrainian) refugees age 18-35 to fight? Why are they leaving peaceful countries to settle in over crowded places like Ireland??

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Exactly right. I began looking more into it when all of Hollywood and the very deep state enemies in Washington were coming together against Russia. Uh, that should be your first red flag. Getting the facts is another.

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Putin was KGB. Have you watched any James Bond movies? Even Hollyweird understands what the KGB is about.

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In the USSR the KGB were able to actually travel and Putin spent a good amount of time in Germany. Putin has an affinity for the West and Germany in particular. He has been pushing for good relationships with western partners but the US empire will not allow it.

KGB does not automatically mean evil, bad, etc.

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Yep, I'm going to get my knowledge from Hollywood. Yep, going to do that alright.

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The man who blows up the WH with the Bidens in it wins a Nobel peace prize.

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I find myself thinking of an entirely different Vlad: "Vlad The Impaler" -- Just the guy we need to deal with the "NeoConservatives"; who are doing all they can to precipitate a nuclear war.

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Aug 1, 2023
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Read "Nineteen Eighty-Four" sometime, learn about Ingsoc's "War of Limited Aims"; I strongly suspect that's what we're looking at with Ukraine: I've read Mr. Putin along with the rest of the psychopaths is also a graduate of Satan Klaus' "Young Global Leaders School"... 🙄

Totally sucks for the poor slobs who live there of course, but like the rest of us, they don't matter.

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The sociopaths running the US government need to be punched directly in the nose. They are bullies and cowards; they would never show up on a front line, but are happy to put others at risk. The sooner they get it, the better for the rest of us.

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You do understand that they aren't going away right?

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I am firmly on Russia’s side in this conflict, but Putin is firmly with the globalist agenda on vac mandates etc.

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Regarding a Noble prize for Putin, I would nominate him for a seat in the Hauge for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

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US government should be charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity for weaponizing the coronavirus.

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You would have to put the entire planet in those trials.

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What about Zelensky? Do you know the history of why Putin did what he did? Bet not.

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All I read is Russia wants the old borders.

Please inform me with different facts. Do not blame Zelenskyy for pre-2019..

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It appears there are no facts. Just pro Russia propaganda. Does anyone have anything to enlighten me?

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I do not believe it was Ukraine that did that dirty deed. I do not... but either way... these evil doers need to go! Far far away... 🫡

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All-father cares not for idiocracy elsewise, lost in pettifoggery of neophytes ill suitably, desiring godless fruit.

“Derativa potestas non potest esse major primitiva. The power which is derived cannot be greater than that from which it is derived.” Bouvier’s Maxims of Law, 1856 .

Four - Witnesses, may and shall confirm, eternal forevermore:

1.) “There is no such thing as a power of inherent Sovereignty in the government of the United States. In this country sovereignty resides in the People, and Congress can exercise no power which they have not, by their Constitution entrusted to it; All else is withheld.”

— Julliard v. Greenman, 110 U.S. 421 (1884)

2.) "One's right to life, liberty and property ... And other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections." West Virginia Bd. Of Ed. V. Barnett, 319 US 624, 638 (1943).

3.) “The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts. One’s right to life, liberty and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.”— West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette – 319 U.S. 623, 624, 638 (1943).

4.) The "most sacred of liberties" of which Justice Tolman spoke was personal liberty. The definition of personal liberty is:

"Personal liberty, or the Right to enjoyment of life and liberty, is one of the fundamental or natural Rights, which has been protected by its inclusion as a guarantee in the various constitutions, which is not derived from, or dependent on, the U.S. Constitution, which may not be submitted to a vote and may not depend on the outcome of an election. It is one of the most sacred and valuable Rights, as sacred as the Right to private property ... and is regarded as unalienable."

16 C.J.S., Constitutional Law, Sect.202, p.987.

And without question honor for honor:

"It is obviously correct that no one acquires a vested or protected right in violation of the Constitution by long use, even when that span of time covers our entire national existence and indeed predates it." Walz v. Tax Commission of New York Justice, 397 U.S. 664 at 678 (1970).

And, as sovereign tenants in Sovereignty of America may and shall......, in sovereign witness, give and keep our grand republic for which she stands, 1. One People, 2.) One Language, 3) One Flag for War & One Flag for Peace honor for honor, eternal forevermore. PERIOD.

“The moment the idea is admitted into society, that property is not as sacred as the law of Nature, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.” John Adams, 1735 – 1826.

How, rightly so?

As sovereign witness of the good people of the united America, muster to wit:

"People have the unbridled right to empanel their own grand juries and present "True Bills" of indictment to a court which is then required to commence a criminal proceeding."

~ United States v. Williams - 112 S.Ct. 1735, 504 U.S. 36, 118 L.Ed.2d 352 (1992) ~

The right to be let alone means that the individual may not be trespassed upon by the community without a valid contract (law). “All the powers of the government must be carried into operation by individual agency, either through the medium of public officers, or contracts made with individuals.” — Osborn v. Bank of U.S., 22 U.S. 738 (1824).

The Reason always to Question Corporate Structures And Their Machinations’, Are Due To The Undeniable Fact That Artificial Entities (Corporations) Cannot Take Oaths, They Cannot Make Affidavits. See, E.G., In Re Empire Refining Co., 1 F. Supp. 548, 549 (Sd Cal. 1932) ("It Is, Of Course, Conceded That A Corporation Cannot Make An Affidavit In Its Corporate Name. It Is An Inanimate Thing Incapable Of Voicing An Oath"); Moya Enterprises, Inc. V. Harry Anderson Trucking, Inc., 162 Ga. App. 39, 290 S.E.2d 145 (1982); Strand Restaurant Co. V. Parks Engineering Co., 91 A.2d 711 (D.C. 1952); 9a T. Bjur C. Slezak, Fletcher Cyclopedia Of Law Of Private Corporations § 4629 (Perm. Ed. 1992) ("A Document Purporting To Be The Affidavit Of A Corporation Is Void, Since A Corporation Cannot Make A Sworn Statement") - (Footnote Omitted). Rowland V. California Men's Colony • 506 U.S. 194, 203 (1993).

In U.S. v. Miller, the Supreme Court of the United States implied and showed that a law-biding person has a civil right to be armed because it was held in 1855 (South v Maryland 59 U.S. [18 How.] 396, 402), 9 U.S. (18 How.) 396 - that the government had no duty to protect the 'individual' citizen, but rather only the 'public at large.'

The 2nd amendment was and always was put to pen by our founding forefathers, to secure those restricted rights of agents of government to legislate or else-wise, foist upon America, is undeniably unconstitutional!!!!!

And, never forget:

Porter v. Porter, (N.D. 1979 ) 274 N.W.2d 235. "The practice of an attorney filing an affidavit on behalf of his client asserting the status of that client is not approved, inasmuch as not only does the affidavit become hearsay, but it places the attorney in a position of witness thus compromising his role as advocate." Deyo v. Detroit Creamery Co (Mich 1932) 241 N.W.2d 244 "Statutes forbidding administering of oath by attorney’s in cases in which they may be engaged applies to affidavits as well."

Our research Demonstrates that the Department of Justice, when representing IRS, operates in an alter ego on behalf of what is described as The "General Authority" established under treaties on private International law (28 C. F. R. Sec. 0.50), and that state district Courts, via the various adopted acts implemented by the States, Accommodate private international law (see "conflict of laws" as A subcategory to "statutes" in American Jurisprudence 2d).


How reality was changed but honor for honor reorders:

Fake realities takes their first steps only after seducing any populace into waiving "Normal Law" and then, accepting any common or commercial law in idiocracy, that was brought about by people via social engineering your taught to trust from your formative years. Such as Teachers, Politicians, Police, Judges and Doctors all working to enslave Mankind. How?

Simple. They convince you to vote where the first step toward a new blueprint of society (NOT NORMAL LAW) is getting you to waive your unalienable Rights via a contract, where you voluntarily waive all 'general power of attorney' to another via VOTER REGISTRATION...lol.

Once this occurs, you are now part of the party apparatus (International Democrat Union) global Slave Planet (like the songs says 'In the year 2525') run by unelected or un-appointed officials of both intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations. Where voters have no rights unless those you've given all power to, acknowledge in their (Common or Commercial) law.

Solution. Replevin in Normal Law. But, who even cares anymore...lol, to know the differences in venue law that determines lawful jurisdiction. And remember, 'juris' means 'rights' and 'diction' means you have exercised 'your' right to speak....lol So, if you want to have the right to speak and be heard, then learn how to engage your affairs without waiving your unalienable Rights in Normal Law.

What has been unveiled for those seeking to live in good will in service of honor above all else, is that reality is triangulated via three LAWS. I.) Normal Law, 2.) Common Law of Land & 3.) Merchant Maritime Law of Commerce. Now, it is up to you to chose in action whom honor for honor in Normal Law or be controlled by Land Law & Commercial Law, which is always subject 'of interest' and never sovereign in "NORMAL LAW." Or, chose in action to be a subject salve on a Slave Planet for those who volunteer, who unknowing sign away their sovereignty (UNALIENABLE RIGHTS) in "Normal Law."...lol.

Doing business in Normal Law is the highest law in the universe. You have been deceived by an organization leadership for 1,700+yrs, which as sovereign witness of the good people of united America & eternal Creation have uncovered. To prove a point, we wrote the normal law trust for the UN efforts to clean the oceans of plastic debris. Also, take note, that anyone operating in "Normal Law" pure trusts, can never be subpoena by any foreign jurisdiction because no venue (contract) for interlopers like uncle Sam or elsewise, universally...lol

Remember, voting HAS ALWAYS been a scam and your only way out is replevin in Normal Law.

For those able to comprehend, may you never 'willfully' under-stand else-wise.

"I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth. As Thou didst send Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” John 17:15

Chose in action wisely & Normal Law will reign both by Golden Rule & Castle Rule and in thy day of testing all things by divine providence and goodly spirit of wisdom, honor is thy crown of living, eternal forevermore.

Whatever you will it shall be "Living with Honor" or DEATH by DISHONOR!!! Be wise, safe and blessed...., while your coin of time remains to rightly chose in action, service in honor for honor above all else, eternally forevermore. Arthur

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I’m sure this took time and patience but really when a response is so long I for one lose interest. Sorry. So if you want to make a point do it succinctly.

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And proofread before posting.

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As sovereign witness of the good people of united America & these United States, the only way to hold any accountable, is honor for honor under pains & penalties of perjury! PERIOD!!!

For any suffering our missives under any misgivings...lol, again, please forgive any syntax or grammatical errors!

"I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth. As Thou didst send Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” John 17:15

Chose in action wisely & Normal Law will reign both by Golden Rule & Castle Rule and in thy day of testing all things by divine providence and goodly spirit of wisdom, honor is thy crown of living, eternal forevermore.

Whatever you will it shall be "Living with Honor" or DEATH by DISHONOR!!! Be wise, safe and blessed...., while your coin of time remains to rightly chose in action, service in honor for honor above all else, eternally forevermore. Arthur

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Shorter responses get read.

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What do you recommend for further reading about Normal Law? And is this the same thing as Natural Law?

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I am informed that any explanation provided herein, would be to verbose. If brevity was possible for the idiocracy afoot, normalcy would exist. But when its reached high heaven.....lol, you can bet it might get a little wordy....lol

So I will end pouring out good will as all are perfectly suited for each their own conditions. Otherwise, they would cease complaining and reign.

As sovereign witness of the good people of united America & these United States, the only way to hold any accountable, is honor for honor under pains & penalties of perjury! PERIOD!!!

"I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth. As Thou didst send Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” John 17:15

Chose in action wisely & Normal Law will reign both by Golden Rule & Castle Rule and in thy day of testing all things by divine providence and goodly spirit of wisdom, honor is thy crown of living, eternal forevermore.

Whatever you will it shall be "Living with Honor" or DEATH by DISHONOR!!! Be wise, safe and blessed...., while your coin of time remains to rightly chose in action, service in honor for honor above all else, eternally forevermore. Arthur

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Spitting facts brother.

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God is moving the pieces into place. If you don't know what I'm talking about read the books of Ezekiel and Daniel

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Cheney stage managed 9/11 from the bunker under the White House and blamed it on Iraq.

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This sounds believable. Do you have any evidence?

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Look up the transcript of his proceedings in the White House bunker on 9/11.

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Look it up for yourself. Everyone should do that on any subject anyway.

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General Mattis gave the OK to drone strike a wedding party in Iraq because his pea brain couldn't comprehend that wedding celebrations go on past midnight.

How many innocent people did Obama kill with drones?

Yep, the US would reduce a country to cinders if a drone landed anywhere near 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

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Let's not confuse the US with the military industrial complex.

I believe the vast majority of the US is peace-loving and has had it's fill of false flags and watching their youth marched off to senseless death.

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And I have two family members in uniform now and both are patriots.

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Long ago but yet all-fathers twilight twinkling finds a foundling fearfully & wonderfully made in image & likeness, pursuantly of teh goof people of united America & eternal Creation, necessary for restitution of all things honor for honor in service of honor above all else, in goodly order eternal forevermore. Reasonably known as setting any justified forum (2 or 3 'expert witnesses' & an notary (foreign) judgments in summary judge-ment, brings sua sponte certificate of judgment established)....lol

But, none care all-fathers standing venue in normal law nor comprehend public misappropriation of both private & public funds financing forfeiture of star chambers until victims no longer finance their own victimhood at their rogue agencies.


In what is better viewed in "Normal Law [i.e., private international law])....LOL

Reality is a free will zone. Harken, lest ye be not deceived!

Be wise, safe & blessed,


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Forsake brevity - so-called brethren & TESTING AL THINGS. NO!!!

Ye BY DEED, have demanded culling in time, by time & with time honor for honor!!!!


NONE seeking inequality in time, by time and with time may and shall in service of restitution of service in honor above all else, eternal forevermore........................, shall pas in sovereign witness elsewise!

Those without must chose inaction ELSEWISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i am come. destroyer! or???????? notice: novus ordo secclorrum HONOR FOR HONOR...!!!!


For, this is the Republic which our forefathers promised and pledged....!






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Dude, you write something so long and then "shouting" by all caps and people aren't going to read it. Please read over your comment to fix spelling mistakes.

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