over and over and over, again and again, they, the filthy cabal of malfeasants, those power-drunk monsters, with "simulation experts" as needed; can CREATE a fake pandemic; HANA is on target!
I knew December 2019 that it was a fraud. My friends were writing me telling me that Cove 19 stands for/certificate of vaccination ID 2019. They said it was rolling out late. I didn’t fall for any of it and I told everybody to go to hell that try to make me. I even challenged one doctor to step outside and make me. they are still wearing a mask in Spokane Washington. We are free in Idaho and I don’t have to put up my dukes again! I never got Covid. I walked everywhere and went to the gym every day as well as Grocery stores shopping no mask no shot and I was fine. Im a type one diabetic who is a senior that just happens to work out. I should’ve died right away. When they said it was a pandemic and it was going to kill us. I didn’t see anybody falling over until they got the shot. Then I lost over 25 people. I am so happy that God let me know right away. I posted it everywhere and I put out flyers everywhere. I had all the back up I needed.
Have to remain calm around weak people, MDs are not professional, simply bureaucrats. The wife wears her mask, still, all the time. Everywhere, took all four nanos. I do NOT talk to her about the problem, she has to sort. I know her stages of mental health very very well. BUT she has learned. No request for any vaccines since the fourth jab. She would take all flu shots every year. Not this year.
Your interaction with the MD about the mRNAs reminded me when I took the wife to her first shot. We sat in the ER parking lot and the staff came out, after the swab test for both of us, which were negative, an MD and a nurse. MD was upset when I told him shot not for me but for her. I could see it in his eyes. He took it personally. I was totally calm. Nurse knew that the MD had a short fuse, and touched him on the elbow. Nothing happened. All went smoothly.
I've worked closely with thugs, criminals, police officers for years. My MD was like your's. :)
Yes, I told everyone not to do it and they laughed and now they’re dead. Over 25 people. My girlfriend kept taking the test and taking more boosters. She didn’t have any money so she was going twice a week to give blood. Then her sister died from a blood transfusion at the same hospital! You can’t make this stuff up! She is sick all the time and her sister is gone. I didn’t say anything. I let her do the talking. Nothing we can do about it. I tried and tried to tell people not to take the test and not to take the shot, but they did anyway. Nothing we can do but pray for them.
Your 100% fraud almost killed my husband. It killed 2 family in 2020 at home. It caused 3 dear friends to turn blue and call 911, go to hospital.
Every time someone calls the pandemic 100% false I welcome those who you love more than anyone to die like ours did. I welcome you to watch your son with severe immunodeficiency get sick and be saved by monoclonals. Complete cessation of fever and cough within 3 hours of infusion.
You and others here on substack are not winning over people or influencing those who are on the fence by making such outrageous claims that it was nothing. People died some young wit no comorbidities. It you don't want to show some consideration maybe you need somebody in your life to die so that you can face reality and not be so inconsiderate and heartless
Just because something didn't affect you directly doesn't give you and everyone else here the right to dismiss and devalue what other people went through
Their pain and suffering has not been 100% fake
I'm pretty much done with substack. What was a freedom movement has turned into people who want to erase everything that doesnt prop up their beliefs and punch down on anyone who doesnt make it rain on their substack.
Yes, the beginning learners, immature, want to forget, forgive and move on. They fail do understand that criminals must be held accountable. The wife is no where near forgiveness, she consciously supports the mRNAs but at the ego level bordering the unconscious, she knows that she's been had. Point being, we have to be patience; must wait for critical mass reasoning levels to stabilize with the truth of our corrupted government. The Matrix delusion is so comforting to the weak. :)
For me there will never be forgiveness and there will never be moving on.
For people who say gain of function is fake, pretend people did not die in 2020 pre injection bioweapon, they ENSURE WE WILL NEVER have full accountability.
I refuse to dance on my loved ones graves for anyone. There will be NO forgiveness. The people who need an apology are DEAD. They cannot forgive and I sure as hell will not.
Thank you Heidi...and thank you for the kind words! Not only did they murder my mother but this manipulated BS caused my daughter to get injected and she’s only 27 and I worry every single day of my life. I’ve had family members, perfectly healthy get turbo cancer and are dead now. One BIL was so healthy, nothing wrong 94 and believed in his government, never took medicine, got injected three times and developed cancer so bad that huge blood clots were coming out of his rectum. Our beloved died and they died so horrendously! I’m at the point now that I will die first before I let these bastards get away with murder! I will fight till the day I die! We all need to come together and make sure they do not get away with this! ❤️
If You Know Something Is Killing People and You Carry On, That Is Murder
Posted By The White Rose UK On 04/10/2021
By Roy R M McIntosh
After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!
Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…
So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!
Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.
I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!
In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?
What makes you think I do not know this? My husband's best friend was murdered in the hospital with a ventilator. His last words were - " they are killing me." He was only 50 years old. Another cousin was in his 30's murdered by the hospital.
Why do you want me to deny the GOF virus existed and killed people I love, made them so sick some sought emergency care and were murdered? Why can these 2 things - death by virus and death by hospital protocols- not able to exist in your mind at the same time? Who told you that both cannot be true? Whoever they are, they dont want the truth out. They want to feed onto this lie by making up new ones. They may want gain of function to continue. They don't want to expose it, want to pretend it doesnt exist.
Gandhi perhaps said it best: The weak can never forgive; forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." Seneca the Elder said: "Malice drinks one-half of its own poison." Mark Twain said: "Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured." The Buddha said: "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." The great antipsychiatrist Thomas Szasz said: "The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget."
Bullshit. Let's have some doctors surgically mutilate your child so you must watch him suffer for his entire childhood hospitalized on IVs and oxygen 6xs a year, denied simple tests which would have proven he had osteoporosis instead they turn him into a hunchback with 120 degree scoliosis then put titanium rods into him where his spine crankshafts around them as he grows is now with severe deformities from the surgery and unable to digest proteins properly. Let's see you watch your child medically abused over and over by sick doctors who wanted to drug him and loved ones killed by lack of care and hospital protocols. Let's here you preach your forgiveness over your sons hospital bed for 18 years. What a self righteous lot you ghandi and others are insulting people who have been through hell.
Forgiveness is for people who apologize who care and try to make up for their abuse not these monsters who profit from others pain
Forgiveness is for weak people who want to forget and put it behind them, not speak out and warn others, preventing other children and mothers suffering as they have.
Forgiveness is for people who justify others abuse, who sell out. Forgiveness is for people who have committed unforgivable crimes and cannot face themselves in the mirror. It's for spineless go-along-to-get-along people who dont seek justice and truth.
I refuse to wallpaper over the blood. I refuse to move on so they can perpetrate this evil onto others. I refuse to buy into people's lies here on substack and bullying people into believing bullshit that doesnt apply to all people and all situations.
Scout, you have said in a previous post that you took your wife to get all of her shots. Why did you not refuse? I get it that "COVID-19" may be merely the prodrome of an oncogenic, diabetogenic, cardiotoxic and neurodegenerative process but what made you think the shots would help? Did you think the shots were safe and effective? If so, did you get them yourself?
Its called respect, having healthy boundaries, acceptance and being supportive. It's what people who truly love each other do. Our mate isn't our slave sent here to do our bidding. The more you respect others the more they respect your decisions and many times they are more willing to listen.
This is something many people on substack have yet to learn. They think lying about what happened is gaining them ground. It isnt
I never take vaccines, wife always does the flu shots. When the corona hit the cruise ships, I began some quick research as I was interested in the hanta, legionnaires, noro, so on, as elderly relatives had problems with same, but at home. Knew right away from ship data, quarantines of ships was hoax. This about march 2020. When mRNA's came out, about Sept, 2020, I already knew mRNAs were NOT vaccines, and warned the wife. I did not have any other information and knew entire scheme was designed to cover the upcoming digital rigged election. Point, she didn't believe the mRNA warning dur to fear, ended up taking her to all four vaccines and learned of the entire mRNA nano-gels were linked to the nano chem trails about march or a bit later, '21.
Wife is mild neurotic with some good resistance problems. She accepted vaccines for years but won't see an outside psychoanalytic therapist. I can't treat her, even though qualified, as she's so close and free with me, as all wives, when her rage comes out, so will whatever else is within reach. So...yes, I take her as she doesn't drive these days. Although she demanded that I take the vaccines with her, I was straight up front, I said, 'one of us has to stay alive to care for the other.' She actually caught the logic of thatn but upside down; she thinks that the vaxxes will see her burying me. And said that, if I recall. So that kinda worked out. Except, she was always sick until just recently. The last few weeks she's been doing stuff around the house, mostly outside in garden, one acre here, CA, one mile from coast, Monterey bay area, point being we avoid ice and snow stuff.
So, wife runs around the house, always, with a mask (as I'm not vaxxed). More, but that right there give you a sense, or rather an inkling, of the neurosis situation. I'm very very used to patience. For me, we have a couple of solid small shepherds, Malinois, that provide normal foundation, interestingly.
The ripple effect from our the federal government corruption, and on going, must be presented reams of data around the world at all levels. Just fine.
There is no doubt that there is/was a virus that was made as infectious and harmful as possible, using American taxpayer money illegally, and that it was released on the innocents of the world (probably on purpose). However it is also true that the pre-planned response by governments, pharmaceutical companies, the CDC, FDA, "philanthropists" and the main stream media had a purpose other than protection of the public and resulted in all the "players" coincidentally making tons of money while many many small businesses lost everything, and many many people lost their livelihoods. I am very sorry for the tribulations that you suffered due to this concocted virus. I am also very sorry for all the people who have been sickened or killed from the so-called "cure" which was sold to us as something that "if you get the shot, you can't get infected or spread the disease", while we were also told that it was "safe and effective" while the real data showing harm was withheld or manipulated. Total lies from the president on down. I personally know more people harmed and killed by the shots than the disease. And you can be sure there are many others that have been harmed or killed that we don't know about. The whole thing shows how bad our country (USA) has become and how sick our "health care" system is. It took me very long to come to the realization that they really didn't care if we were harmed or killed, it just didn't matter to them. That was so hard to believe, but it is now so obvious. I, like other mostly busy people with families just trying to make ends meet, and normally without time to do virus and vaccine research, never realized how corrupt and evil our system had become.
Wuhan shows bacteria is the gain of function, but all is simply cover for the fake mRNAs; FDA, CDC, HHS has been rogue since Salk and Sabin. FDR was the patsy that enabled pharmas to profit from vaccines; then Bilderbergs, use Huxley's NWO, Brave New World work as a-in-our-face warning for the future cull and One World Government. Trump, as Paul reported in his book, was caught in the Hoover Vice, and was a victim vaccine roll out after the election giving the digital rigged election the planned psychological coverup to fake legitimate that crime. Pedo's complete deep bureaucrat NWO punk. Much more, but we'll get through this.
Just get the shots and make sure you get plenty of boosters. I never had any of it, and never wore a mask. Then go to the hospital and get remdesivere and get a tube stuck down your throat to blow up your already fluid filled lungs. And then protocol can finish you off. That’s the way you do it. God told me in December 2019 that COVID-19 was a hoax to depopulate and steal the election. That’s exactly what they did. I lost over 25 people “after” the shot. Most got covid after the test! It was riddled with toxins. And After the shot and now the rest of them are sick and disabled. Yes the government got away with it but not for long because lawsuits are going on everywhere. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy, but this is how you do it. But don’t forget to lock them down so they can’t see their relatives or know what the Hells going on. Make sure you stand 6 feet apart so you never know love again. this is our government. Vote for Biden and you’ll get it again.
I am a mother fighting for her child and others like him who were surgically mutilated as newborns. I'm fighting for truth and loved ones who suffered and died.
You are a codependent bully. You know nothing about me. You insult me because I dont applaud your bullying abuse of others
We have to have patience; as an American Culture, at this stage, we have way more going for us now, because Trump ripped the mask off the NWO Dems and Rinos. Many now see Trilaterals as the front line for Bilderberg NWO Cartels. It took a fake pandemic and perhaps linking the mRNA nanos to the chemtrail nanos, to build a solid reasoning base. Trump is our Key.
Yes, red is very appropriate as it seems to have kicked off in ‘red’ China. People falling dead in the street and over publicised emergency hospitals being built. But it fooled the masses, and I was also taken in for a short spell. But I knew that the politicians/establishment could be evil but at time, just did not realise how evil!
Early on though I saw things that did not add up and also read a book called Web of Deceit by Mark Curtis, and boy, did that spell out the evil in the politicians, and they were aided in many cases by the media. Red flag flapping and alarm bells ringing!
The first thing that made me uneasy was the fact that they were taking people from hospitals to care homes, which just did not seem right. Then when I started going out after the first week, I saw police driving around in vans. They were out walking in twos and threes and more or less holding hands. I was going to some shop and none of the staff were dropping dead. All the drunks, junkies and homeless wonders were housed in various hostels and hotels and one was right in the middle of Princes Street, Edinburgh. Now, if this ‘covid’ was so dangerous and contagious would you be housing them right in the middle of a city? I shall add that a good few times I passed, they were out drinking and police vans were there. There were a few places that drunks etc. congregated, and they were not dropping like the Chinese.
On one occasion, closer to home, there was a body lying on the ground near to the local Co-op and the store was open. I do not have a mobile, so when I got home, I phoned the police. Now, I would think that the calls are recorded. I was told I was wasting police time and then asked if I could go and have a look at the body. I said: ‘Are you flipping joking? You are asking me to go and check, and this is meant to be so dangerous.’ I asked: ‘Are we just being told a load of crap?’ At that the person said I shall get the police to go and check it out. I gave it an hour and phoned Co-op. Was told by a person at Co-op that the police came but said they could do nothing about it! More like they could not be bothered…
Another flap of the red flag was the sudden decision to open emergency hospitals – Nightingale Hospitals. Now two points in this. We know that the NHS is struggling for qualified staff, so where were they going to get the staff? Were the politicians going to pull them from their rectums, the rectums they are? The other point and bigger in my eyes: If this ‘covid’ was so dangerous, would you build an emergency hospital right in the middle of the biggest city? Plenty more obvious and safer options like a military base or get ships anchored at sea or in Clyde etc. Shall end this part with would you put people with the most dangerous virus ever in hospitals beside other people?
Regarding the deaths of the elderly, it is common knowledge to some that DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) was used, but ask the average Joe or Jessie in the street and they do not have a scooby about that. Mention Midazolam or Remdesivir and 90% have never heard of it. Those are points that need to be brought out into the public arena!
Now on a personal note I had a nurse visit my home. A couple of my sons go to raves, or what ever you call them, and they have various friends. One of them is a nurse of about 40 years old and works in the Western General in Edinburgh. In first lockdown I played the game of painting shells and stones for the NHS. Now I paint stones all the time, so it broadened my wee childish hobby. I said to Lauren in conversation, and she said, oh, she would like them. So after her shift one evening she said she would come and get them. Now I was not frightened of the ‘Chinese Wizard Covid’ so, said: ‘Yes, come and get them!’
What happened was a real big flap, wave of the red flag and drums were banging! When the nurse arrived at my flat I opened the door and I said: ‘Come in!’ Thinking, she would say: ‘Oh no, I cannot do that,’ but she just walked right in! Now I wished I had a tape recording of what was said. The nurse said that the Western General was very quiet and so was the St John’s, I am sure she said. Now I stand by that, as for on social media, she had another story saying: ‘Oh it is real…’ What was real, the lies and bull crap?
But there were lots of other red flags like the royals still travelling about, politicians and advisors cheating on the public and their partner in one case and that is only the ones we found out about!
So what was it all about – a virus, pharma or bankers cracking the whip, or a plan for world control? Make your mind up folks and enjoy your future of facial recognition. Two or three pokes from the pharma every year, Universal Basic Income, Build Back Better, a cashless society.
Now that would take the shine of your ginger bread – but so many are just walking right into it with a big smile!
Paul, there was something going around killing people with blood clots ane oxygen desaturation. Hospitals did amplify the mortality, but as bad as it was in the US, hospitals were actually even more deadly in some poor countries out there.
My pharmacist had a heart attack. One of my friends is still full of blood clots. Another one had a stroke ...a few more died right after they got the shot. My next-door neighbor died. So many people I know have chronic Covid all the time. I had to get out. I couldn’t take it anymore. They were all fine, taking walks and exercising before they got their shot, and then they turned in to disabled people, unable to do the tasks of every day life. It still breaks my heart. Why didn’t they listen to me? Why!
PCR is good but offers the liars their reward; just have to remember that PCR cycles over 17 should be accurate but anything over 23-24 is problematic and anything higher is unreliable. The problem is that method is so powerful that when it focuses up a tiny dot that gets tinier with each cycle number increase, the entire picture is distorted as so much of the field is a total mess. Like reading a Rorschach ink test: the reader-liar sees the money and then reports that way to collect. Been awhile since I looked into PCRs but the above is probably close. :)
I knew December 2019 that it was a fraud. My friends were writing me telling me that Cove 19 stands for/certificate of vaccination ID 2019. They said it was rolling out late. I didn’t fall for any of it and I told everybody to go to hell that try to make me. I even challenged one doctor to step outside and make me. they are still wearing a mask in Spokane Washington. We are free in Idaho and I don’t have to put up my dukes again! I never got Covid. I walked everywhere and went to the gym every day as well as Grocery stores shopping no mask no shot and I was fine. Im a type one diabetic who is a senior that just happens to work out. I should’ve died right away. When they said it was a pandemic and it was going to kill us. I didn’t see anybody falling over until they got the shot. Then I lost over 25 people. I am so happy that God let me know right away. I posted it everywhere and I put out flyers everywhere. I had all the back up I needed.
Prep for the next steps of their plans:
Have to remain calm around weak people, MDs are not professional, simply bureaucrats. The wife wears her mask, still, all the time. Everywhere, took all four nanos. I do NOT talk to her about the problem, she has to sort. I know her stages of mental health very very well. BUT she has learned. No request for any vaccines since the fourth jab. She would take all flu shots every year. Not this year.
Your interaction with the MD about the mRNAs reminded me when I took the wife to her first shot. We sat in the ER parking lot and the staff came out, after the swab test for both of us, which were negative, an MD and a nurse. MD was upset when I told him shot not for me but for her. I could see it in his eyes. He took it personally. I was totally calm. Nurse knew that the MD had a short fuse, and touched him on the elbow. Nothing happened. All went smoothly.
I've worked closely with thugs, criminals, police officers for years. My MD was like your's. :)
Yes, I told everyone not to do it and they laughed and now they’re dead. Over 25 people. My girlfriend kept taking the test and taking more boosters. She didn’t have any money so she was going twice a week to give blood. Then her sister died from a blood transfusion at the same hospital! You can’t make this stuff up! She is sick all the time and her sister is gone. I didn’t say anything. I let her do the talking. Nothing we can do about it. I tried and tried to tell people not to take the test and not to take the shot, but they did anyway. Nothing we can do but pray for them.
Sorry for your loss!
Your 100% fraud almost killed my husband. It killed 2 family in 2020 at home. It caused 3 dear friends to turn blue and call 911, go to hospital.
Every time someone calls the pandemic 100% false I welcome those who you love more than anyone to die like ours did. I welcome you to watch your son with severe immunodeficiency get sick and be saved by monoclonals. Complete cessation of fever and cough within 3 hours of infusion.
You and others here on substack are not winning over people or influencing those who are on the fence by making such outrageous claims that it was nothing. People died some young wit no comorbidities. It you don't want to show some consideration maybe you need somebody in your life to die so that you can face reality and not be so inconsiderate and heartless
Just because something didn't affect you directly doesn't give you and everyone else here the right to dismiss and devalue what other people went through
Their pain and suffering has not been 100% fake
I'm pretty much done with substack. What was a freedom movement has turned into people who want to erase everything that doesnt prop up their beliefs and punch down on anyone who doesnt make it rain on their substack.
Yes, the beginning learners, immature, want to forget, forgive and move on. They fail do understand that criminals must be held accountable. The wife is no where near forgiveness, she consciously supports the mRNAs but at the ego level bordering the unconscious, she knows that she's been had. Point being, we have to be patience; must wait for critical mass reasoning levels to stabilize with the truth of our corrupted government. The Matrix delusion is so comforting to the weak. :)
For me there will never be forgiveness and there will never be moving on.
For people who say gain of function is fake, pretend people did not die in 2020 pre injection bioweapon, they ENSURE WE WILL NEVER have full accountability.
I refuse to dance on my loved ones graves for anyone. There will be NO forgiveness. The people who need an apology are DEAD. They cannot forgive and I sure as hell will not.
AMEN! People like you give me hope🙏
I'm so sorry for your loss TexBritta. 😪💔💐
Thank you for your kindness and support.
We will never forget.
Thank you Heidi...and thank you for the kind words! Not only did they murder my mother but this manipulated BS caused my daughter to get injected and she’s only 27 and I worry every single day of my life. I’ve had family members, perfectly healthy get turbo cancer and are dead now. One BIL was so healthy, nothing wrong 94 and believed in his government, never took medicine, got injected three times and developed cancer so bad that huge blood clots were coming out of his rectum. Our beloved died and they died so horrendously! I’m at the point now that I will die first before I let these bastards get away with murder! I will fight till the day I die! We all need to come together and make sure they do not get away with this! ❤️
If You Know Something Is Killing People and You Carry On, That Is Murder
Posted By The White Rose UK On 04/10/2021
By Roy R M McIntosh
After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!
Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…
So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!
Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.
I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!
In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?
What makes you think I do not know this? My husband's best friend was murdered in the hospital with a ventilator. His last words were - " they are killing me." He was only 50 years old. Another cousin was in his 30's murdered by the hospital.
Why do you want me to deny the GOF virus existed and killed people I love, made them so sick some sought emergency care and were murdered? Why can these 2 things - death by virus and death by hospital protocols- not able to exist in your mind at the same time? Who told you that both cannot be true? Whoever they are, they dont want the truth out. They want to feed onto this lie by making up new ones. They may want gain of function to continue. They don't want to expose it, want to pretend it doesnt exist.
Gandhi perhaps said it best: The weak can never forgive; forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." Seneca the Elder said: "Malice drinks one-half of its own poison." Mark Twain said: "Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured." The Buddha said: "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." The great antipsychiatrist Thomas Szasz said: "The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget."
Bullshit. Let's have some doctors surgically mutilate your child so you must watch him suffer for his entire childhood hospitalized on IVs and oxygen 6xs a year, denied simple tests which would have proven he had osteoporosis instead they turn him into a hunchback with 120 degree scoliosis then put titanium rods into him where his spine crankshafts around them as he grows is now with severe deformities from the surgery and unable to digest proteins properly. Let's see you watch your child medically abused over and over by sick doctors who wanted to drug him and loved ones killed by lack of care and hospital protocols. Let's here you preach your forgiveness over your sons hospital bed for 18 years. What a self righteous lot you ghandi and others are insulting people who have been through hell.
Forgiveness is for people who apologize who care and try to make up for their abuse not these monsters who profit from others pain
Forgiveness is for weak people who want to forget and put it behind them, not speak out and warn others, preventing other children and mothers suffering as they have.
Forgiveness is for people who justify others abuse, who sell out. Forgiveness is for people who have committed unforgivable crimes and cannot face themselves in the mirror. It's for spineless go-along-to-get-along people who dont seek justice and truth.
I refuse to wallpaper over the blood. I refuse to move on so they can perpetrate this evil onto others. I refuse to buy into people's lies here on substack and bullying people into believing bullshit that doesnt apply to all people and all situations.
Scout, you have said in a previous post that you took your wife to get all of her shots. Why did you not refuse? I get it that "COVID-19" may be merely the prodrome of an oncogenic, diabetogenic, cardiotoxic and neurodegenerative process but what made you think the shots would help? Did you think the shots were safe and effective? If so, did you get them yourself?
Its called respect, having healthy boundaries, acceptance and being supportive. It's what people who truly love each other do. Our mate isn't our slave sent here to do our bidding. The more you respect others the more they respect your decisions and many times they are more willing to listen.
This is something many people on substack have yet to learn. They think lying about what happened is gaining them ground. It isnt
yes, absolute commitment; we count on each other, and within myriad levels. thank you. :)
I never take vaccines, wife always does the flu shots. When the corona hit the cruise ships, I began some quick research as I was interested in the hanta, legionnaires, noro, so on, as elderly relatives had problems with same, but at home. Knew right away from ship data, quarantines of ships was hoax. This about march 2020. When mRNA's came out, about Sept, 2020, I already knew mRNAs were NOT vaccines, and warned the wife. I did not have any other information and knew entire scheme was designed to cover the upcoming digital rigged election. Point, she didn't believe the mRNA warning dur to fear, ended up taking her to all four vaccines and learned of the entire mRNA nano-gels were linked to the nano chem trails about march or a bit later, '21.
Wife is mild neurotic with some good resistance problems. She accepted vaccines for years but won't see an outside psychoanalytic therapist. I can't treat her, even though qualified, as she's so close and free with me, as all wives, when her rage comes out, so will whatever else is within reach. So...yes, I take her as she doesn't drive these days. Although she demanded that I take the vaccines with her, I was straight up front, I said, 'one of us has to stay alive to care for the other.' She actually caught the logic of thatn but upside down; she thinks that the vaxxes will see her burying me. And said that, if I recall. So that kinda worked out. Except, she was always sick until just recently. The last few weeks she's been doing stuff around the house, mostly outside in garden, one acre here, CA, one mile from coast, Monterey bay area, point being we avoid ice and snow stuff.
So, wife runs around the house, always, with a mask (as I'm not vaxxed). More, but that right there give you a sense, or rather an inkling, of the neurosis situation. I'm very very used to patience. For me, we have a couple of solid small shepherds, Malinois, that provide normal foundation, interestingly.
The ripple effect from our the federal government corruption, and on going, must be presented reams of data around the world at all levels. Just fine.
Thanks for explaining.
There is no doubt that there is/was a virus that was made as infectious and harmful as possible, using American taxpayer money illegally, and that it was released on the innocents of the world (probably on purpose). However it is also true that the pre-planned response by governments, pharmaceutical companies, the CDC, FDA, "philanthropists" and the main stream media had a purpose other than protection of the public and resulted in all the "players" coincidentally making tons of money while many many small businesses lost everything, and many many people lost their livelihoods. I am very sorry for the tribulations that you suffered due to this concocted virus. I am also very sorry for all the people who have been sickened or killed from the so-called "cure" which was sold to us as something that "if you get the shot, you can't get infected or spread the disease", while we were also told that it was "safe and effective" while the real data showing harm was withheld or manipulated. Total lies from the president on down. I personally know more people harmed and killed by the shots than the disease. And you can be sure there are many others that have been harmed or killed that we don't know about. The whole thing shows how bad our country (USA) has become and how sick our "health care" system is. It took me very long to come to the realization that they really didn't care if we were harmed or killed, it just didn't matter to them. That was so hard to believe, but it is now so obvious. I, like other mostly busy people with families just trying to make ends meet, and normally without time to do virus and vaccine research, never realized how corrupt and evil our system had become.
Wuhan shows bacteria is the gain of function, but all is simply cover for the fake mRNAs; FDA, CDC, HHS has been rogue since Salk and Sabin. FDR was the patsy that enabled pharmas to profit from vaccines; then Bilderbergs, use Huxley's NWO, Brave New World work as a-in-our-face warning for the future cull and One World Government. Trump, as Paul reported in his book, was caught in the Hoover Vice, and was a victim vaccine roll out after the election giving the digital rigged election the planned psychological coverup to fake legitimate that crime. Pedo's complete deep bureaucrat NWO punk. Much more, but we'll get through this.
Just get the shots and make sure you get plenty of boosters. I never had any of it, and never wore a mask. Then go to the hospital and get remdesivere and get a tube stuck down your throat to blow up your already fluid filled lungs. And then protocol can finish you off. That’s the way you do it. God told me in December 2019 that COVID-19 was a hoax to depopulate and steal the election. That’s exactly what they did. I lost over 25 people “after” the shot. Most got covid after the test! It was riddled with toxins. And After the shot and now the rest of them are sick and disabled. Yes the government got away with it but not for long because lawsuits are going on everywhere. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy, but this is how you do it. But don’t forget to lock them down so they can’t see their relatives or know what the Hells going on. Make sure you stand 6 feet apart so you never know love again. this is our government. Vote for Biden and you’ll get it again.
It's cruel people like you who cause more division and suffering of innocents.
I have done nothing but stand for freedom and yet people like you want to act like suffering never happened.
karma really needs to come around and slap people like you
You are clearly a SATAN GATES PLANT!
I am a mother fighting for her child and others like him who were surgically mutilated as newborns. I'm fighting for truth and loved ones who suffered and died.
You are a codependent bully. You know nothing about me. You insult me because I dont applaud your bullying abuse of others
Yeah, the truth has a way of doing that. Love ya and God bless.
You're a fool. You don't know friend from foe old man
Don't forget they also use PCR to cull hundreds of millions of animals:
Why? There's a War on Food:
We have to have patience; as an American Culture, at this stage, we have way more going for us now, because Trump ripped the mask off the NWO Dems and Rinos. Many now see Trilaterals as the front line for Bilderberg NWO Cartels. It took a fake pandemic and perhaps linking the mRNA nanos to the chemtrail nanos, to build a solid reasoning base. Trump is our Key.
My C19 THeatre resume:
RED FLAGS!------Covid Red Flag Alerts
Posted By The White Rose UK On 14/11/2021
By Roy R M McIntosh
Yes, red is very appropriate as it seems to have kicked off in ‘red’ China. People falling dead in the street and over publicised emergency hospitals being built. But it fooled the masses, and I was also taken in for a short spell. But I knew that the politicians/establishment could be evil but at time, just did not realise how evil!
Early on though I saw things that did not add up and also read a book called Web of Deceit by Mark Curtis, and boy, did that spell out the evil in the politicians, and they were aided in many cases by the media. Red flag flapping and alarm bells ringing!
The first thing that made me uneasy was the fact that they were taking people from hospitals to care homes, which just did not seem right. Then when I started going out after the first week, I saw police driving around in vans. They were out walking in twos and threes and more or less holding hands. I was going to some shop and none of the staff were dropping dead. All the drunks, junkies and homeless wonders were housed in various hostels and hotels and one was right in the middle of Princes Street, Edinburgh. Now, if this ‘covid’ was so dangerous and contagious would you be housing them right in the middle of a city? I shall add that a good few times I passed, they were out drinking and police vans were there. There were a few places that drunks etc. congregated, and they were not dropping like the Chinese.
On one occasion, closer to home, there was a body lying on the ground near to the local Co-op and the store was open. I do not have a mobile, so when I got home, I phoned the police. Now, I would think that the calls are recorded. I was told I was wasting police time and then asked if I could go and have a look at the body. I said: ‘Are you flipping joking? You are asking me to go and check, and this is meant to be so dangerous.’ I asked: ‘Are we just being told a load of crap?’ At that the person said I shall get the police to go and check it out. I gave it an hour and phoned Co-op. Was told by a person at Co-op that the police came but said they could do nothing about it! More like they could not be bothered…
Another flap of the red flag was the sudden decision to open emergency hospitals – Nightingale Hospitals. Now two points in this. We know that the NHS is struggling for qualified staff, so where were they going to get the staff? Were the politicians going to pull them from their rectums, the rectums they are? The other point and bigger in my eyes: If this ‘covid’ was so dangerous, would you build an emergency hospital right in the middle of the biggest city? Plenty more obvious and safer options like a military base or get ships anchored at sea or in Clyde etc. Shall end this part with would you put people with the most dangerous virus ever in hospitals beside other people?
Regarding the deaths of the elderly, it is common knowledge to some that DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) was used, but ask the average Joe or Jessie in the street and they do not have a scooby about that. Mention Midazolam or Remdesivir and 90% have never heard of it. Those are points that need to be brought out into the public arena!
Now on a personal note I had a nurse visit my home. A couple of my sons go to raves, or what ever you call them, and they have various friends. One of them is a nurse of about 40 years old and works in the Western General in Edinburgh. In first lockdown I played the game of painting shells and stones for the NHS. Now I paint stones all the time, so it broadened my wee childish hobby. I said to Lauren in conversation, and she said, oh, she would like them. So after her shift one evening she said she would come and get them. Now I was not frightened of the ‘Chinese Wizard Covid’ so, said: ‘Yes, come and get them!’
What happened was a real big flap, wave of the red flag and drums were banging! When the nurse arrived at my flat I opened the door and I said: ‘Come in!’ Thinking, she would say: ‘Oh no, I cannot do that,’ but she just walked right in! Now I wished I had a tape recording of what was said. The nurse said that the Western General was very quiet and so was the St John’s, I am sure she said. Now I stand by that, as for on social media, she had another story saying: ‘Oh it is real…’ What was real, the lies and bull crap?
But there were lots of other red flags like the royals still travelling about, politicians and advisors cheating on the public and their partner in one case and that is only the ones we found out about!
So what was it all about – a virus, pharma or bankers cracking the whip, or a plan for world control? Make your mind up folks and enjoy your future of facial recognition. Two or three pokes from the pharma every year, Universal Basic Income, Build Back Better, a cashless society.
Now that would take the shine of your ginger bread – but so many are just walking right into it with a big smile!
Paul, there was something going around killing people with blood clots ane oxygen desaturation. Hospitals did amplify the mortality, but as bad as it was in the US, hospitals were actually even more deadly in some poor countries out there.
If this is true, then how people will fight it?:
My pharmacist had a heart attack. One of my friends is still full of blood clots. Another one had a stroke ...a few more died right after they got the shot. My next-door neighbor died. So many people I know have chronic Covid all the time. I had to get out. I couldn’t take it anymore. They were all fine, taking walks and exercising before they got their shot, and then they turned in to disabled people, unable to do the tasks of every day life. It still breaks my heart. Why didn’t they listen to me? Why!
PCR is good but offers the liars their reward; just have to remember that PCR cycles over 17 should be accurate but anything over 23-24 is problematic and anything higher is unreliable. The problem is that method is so powerful that when it focuses up a tiny dot that gets tinier with each cycle number increase, the entire picture is distorted as so much of the field is a total mess. Like reading a Rorschach ink test: the reader-liar sees the money and then reports that way to collect. Been awhile since I looked into PCRs but the above is probably close. :)