Jackass Joe was never ready to be POTUS and the damned fool could not even run a hot dog stand. a total waste of skin and air.

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😂 For sure, 30 years ago he was just as foolish, but his lies are catching up with him now.

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It's good to hear a medical doctor caution us that decline of function encountered with ageing is normal and that it's important to be compassionate about it. Trying to use the man beyond his capabilities as he ages is cynical and heartless and it is those people in the Democratic Party that should be outed. Including his wife -- in spite of whatever pressure she is under from the deep state…

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Dr. Jill won't give up the power and the purse!

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No ,she won't, Lynn.

She has been deep in the Occult ring of control for a long time now.

And she is a major player in the control room.

She helped set Joe up, but now she's acting as if she still wants him to run.

As soon as that snake gets what she wants,she'll push Joe under the bus.

So what does she want?

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I bet JOE's sister and brother go round and round with Dr. Jill.

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Yep with cheap wine and olive oil, to make the scene more fun

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Really, Dr. Jill is worse than I figured. What do you mean occult ring? How did she

set JOE up? I heard she has a man as her advisor or whatever. He has been with

her since the obama years. What's going on there. I couldn't find any information

on him. So, what does she want?

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A place in the WEF is my bet.

There are several societies with drake backgrounds overseeing DC.

my bet is with the Sprit Cooking crowd that Hillary runs with.

Jill is very slippery.

Friend in media all over the place.

In between my domestic chores and my guitar practice I plan to dig into this topic.

If I find something cool

I'll let you know.

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Oh....I see. I know what you mean domestic chores. Nice that you play guitar.

I know that one time I read where SCJ Sotomayor was going to those meetings.

Someone told her that she needed to stop, because of being on the SC.

If you find something, please let me know. Thanks :-)

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Jill is as white as a KKK sheet.

That bothers me even more . I've got some fringe stuff I'll try next.

How can she be Catholic and be divorced?

How can Joe support the KKK and be a Catholic?

More later.

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I remember years ago JOE riding in a parade with then Governor Joe Manchin, Rockefeller, and KKK Byrd.

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Great essay!

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Senile? Really? IMO, she’s an absolute fool, liar, incredibly stupid individual! Oh and by the way, She’s NOT AFRICAN AMERICAN”, she’s “Indian-Jamaican”!

Yes “Ja-Make-In-Us-All-Crazy”! but she went along with the “LIE”! After all, she’s, “One Of Them”!

Oh and how can we forget or should I say, we mustn’t forget what “Judge Joe Brown said about her? Oh he nails it! Look up his video, I’ll paraphrase Judge Joe which was “She FUZKED Her Way To The Top”! Judge Joe’s words, not mine! I do believe Watson “you’re being kind”!

I think she’s far more dangerous than “Sleepy-Creepy-Joe”! But heck, opinions are like AH, everyone has one!

I’m “Cackles” case, she has two “AH’s”, one she poops from and the other she speaks out of! OMG The humanity! Please wake me up from my 2 o’clock nightmare!

And we mustn’t forget, her primary responsibility was, ya know that south of the USA

“pesky southern-border” where now, Dr Phil, the daytime shrink, has been “sounding the alarm”! Way to go “Dr Phil-Ain’t-So”?

In conclusion, as I’ve said many, many times over and over again, “America We Have A Problem”! Leave Houston out of this one!

Thank you Dr. Alexander, you’ve been spot on and “over the target”, day in and day out!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Give Kamala a few months, not even, and people will see her incompetence as the problems escalate. They will have to get rid of her also. Oh well, maybe not. Proof: our PM drama teacher is still leading our country...with outmost incompetence...

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We have already seen Miss VP's incompetence. She's a Marxist, too. That's why obama

wanted her. Why does she always wear slacks? Because, that's what Communist, do.

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She sometimes wears a shower curtain, as well.

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I remember reading somewhere that campaign money for Joe could only be transferred to the vice president. If that’s true, and the dems don’t want Kamala, what happens to the campaign money? If the dems won’t let Joe pass the baton to Kamala, they are pretty much admitting that hiring based on diversity and inclusion is not better than just hiring the most qualified candidate.

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A buddy was on a cruise. During the cruise ‘COVID’ broke out. They returned to port and had to stay in a hotel until they were cleared to go home. At the resort the next group of passengers were also sequestered while the boat was cleaned. My buddy and his wife were at the pool. It was noisy and crowded. Someone said there was an adult only pool. It was very adult only. People were openly being sexual with each other. The next cruise was a Swingers Cruise! They got talking with some people and the people told a story. One of the guys a year or so earlier had been on a cruise. He met an attractive woman. They started getting it on - in public. It was hot and heavy. She was topless and was willing to do it right on the swimming pool chaise lounges. In front of people. The man telling the story said he lost interest because the woman would break into the weirdest laugh every couple of minutes. He said it put him off. Yup…it was Kamala. Her last year as California AG.

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How many people know this? Foreign actors? Dems? Rs? It must be common knowledge. Of course being a ‘black’ woman, (I have my doubts about that), the press won’t report it. If she were an R they would.

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Kamala made it into college to meet a color requirement. Just like Justice Ketanji Jackson Brown. Not sure how their grades were since Ms. Brown can not define a woman 🤔 😳

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“ stop ridiculing Biden…we get it…I disdain his politics and the left but not him as a human being”

Ahhhh…NO. Biden has been a bad dude long before his tangle with dementia. Sure, Christian values apply, but nothing wrong with distain for the person. David Duke is more honorable than Brandon, at least he was honest about his position. Lest we forget the “racial jungle” of which Brandon was so fearful. Not to mention his long history of lying (proven in ‘88 campaign), deception ( the boarder is secure), and corruption (fire the prosecutor). Not to mention the wealth he’s managed to amass after 40+ years as a civil servant.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

Just as long as NO ONE in the Demonic party has a chance!!! PLUS, curious how many of you KNOW that Biden is a known pedophile?

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