While I definitely appreciate & applaud the work of Sage’s Substacks & that of Dr Paul’s here - I do not value the lack

of TERRIBLE judgement on the part of former Pres Trump. He did very little to clean the “swamp” & appears to be in the pocket of Big Harm us .

He did try to introduce Hydroxy chlorine & brought on Dr Scott Atlas & Dr Paul. However, the media & the govt agencies, etc seemed to prove to be too much. Tragic, absolutely diabolically tragic!!!

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So the reason Trump could not drain the swamp IMO

is that the corrupt senate has to approve his appointments. Same reason Kennedy, if elected, will be unable to drain it either. The CIA and the Bankers run it all.

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Trump held back. He could have been a new FDR. Frontman for a populist insurrection. As President he had a bully pulpit and mastery of mass media.

So many ways to fight but no, this was not then or now a road to power. And so in the end more evidence of no white hats.

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He made mistakes to be sure. He mainly underestimated the depth of the swamp. Our country needs a reset alright. DC needs to be disinfected and a clean start began to restore our Republic. We the people need to don our white hats because as you said we have no one in DC but black hats, except maybe Rand Paul.

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In my opinion there is absolutely zero chance the Swamp can be drained within present governmental arrangements. Cromwell could do it. And there lies the problem. Revolution is a word that in Latin root, revolvere, is going in a complete circle. The concept in Greek is stasis or frozen conflict. How is it that We The People who prefer to govern by a proxy who may or may not be changed every two years to serve in Congress expect another to keep good government intact when we won't do so? We will not even murmur about the torture of J-6 political prisoners! Worse we send children to schools who demand vaccines for students but not staff! To include Harvard!

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Who fn cares about the Trump lockdowns at this point??!! OMG!!!

The DOD/CIA did this to us as per several articles from many like The Breggins, Jim Haslam, etc. They have all lied to us and continue to do so.


They lied to Trump to get rid of him. They do not want him back. Why are we continuing to blame Trump when he finally got red pilled and more data at the beginning of 2023? That’s the same timeline for many people as the internet censorship slowed down. His Newsweek article last year explained a lot of it and has since made a video not to fall for the Covid scam again.

The last thing Trump would want was a shutdown to ruin his bustling economy. It would ruin his chances in 2020. They scammed us all!!! The original plan was Emergency Use only for the vulnerable. Trump is then gone. Biden came in and mandated it while continuing to hide data with censorship and media manipulation. That’s how evil these people are.

The lies were so bad that I initially believed in the early shutdowns too. At this point who cares about the early Trump shutdowns!!!!! The real evil happened after he left!!!! They mandated jabs while lying about the data!!! It still continues in many areas!!!

The real decision makers are in the DOD/CIA that pulled off a world psy op!!! Focus on this to help get justice and oust them from power!!!!!

There is turbo cancer, suicides, myocarditis, frame-shifting, etc from Biden mandates!!!! Who gives a crap about Trump lockdowns at this point!!!! Stop getting distracted from Sage Trump hating articles!!!

Think about it… why does Sage rarely bash Biden admin and the DOD/CIA??!!! The articles are superficial and provide no deep dives into the nuts and bolts.

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I thought you knew he was an actor. I will say no more.

But… you are 100% right about Sage not mentioning Biden. Thank you. You opened my eyes to that fact.

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I am really worried about this! Can't these people's wrongdoing be stopped? It appears that way.

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Have you contacted Janci Lindsay, PhD yet to work with her and strategic planners to…


I bet the reason Janci does not substack is because she is so damn busy doing the right things to try and unite her colleagues to…


Why? Because there are 17 million continuing global vaccine murders…a Holocaust to destroy humanity!

Why are the doctors and scientists, EXCEPT Janci pussyfooting around NOT DOING THE RIGHT THINGS…to stop the vaccines!

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Please help on this critical 2024 project!

I have the perfect project for you if you really want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE for America!

Please join us in the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT…giving at least 10 hours or more of your time for a VERY rewarding project for future generations!

Only those with motivation to win, mostly working brain cells and love of America need to apply!



Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties…really ALL lions!

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Please help with this critical 2024 project!

I have the perfect project for you if you really want to help and MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Please join us in the 2023 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT…giving at least 10 hours or more of your time for a VERY rewarding project for future generations!

Only those with motivation to win, mostly working brain cells and love of America need to apply! Information here…



Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties…really ALL lions!

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So he was bullied, blackmailed or bamboozled into this full-spectrum farce and somehow that remains a sign of leadership, wisdom, power and ethics? I am sorry, but it is way to big for my little pea brain to comprehend. It looks like failed authority, allowing others to seize authoritarian and totalitarian powers which, for whatever reason, were OK with him to allow, despite the absurdity and damage involved.

According to Bernstein, prior to launching his 2016 campaign, Trump was a major funder of Planned Parenthood. Bannon told him that his base would hate it. He immediately came out against abortion for any purpose, at any stage. Now that sounds like a man of principal, doesn't it, shifting with the winds of personal political fortune? And isn't that absolutely consistent with the OWS debacle, the pseudo "withdrawal" from WHO (with twice our annual WHO assessment plopping right into GAVI's hands - and then directly to Tedros? who knows?) in which he directed Pompeo to write the letter withdrawing knowing that only he, as the Head of State, could write the letter and have it take effect?

Again and again we have only the 2 B's: bullied, blackmailed or bamboozled.

Dr. Paul, you keep making excuses on the basis that he WAS either bullied, blackmailed or bamboozled and maintaining that somehow that qualifies him for office.

My diagnosis is that, given the same facts, that he was either bullied, blackmailed or bamboozled, he is DISqualified for ever being in that position again.

And I am not hating. I have equal measures of contempt for the despicable globalist tool, (sadly declining into dementia, despite what must be the most vigorous medical care in the formerly free world).

But, you see, I believe that we are looking at the theater of the final act of the UDC (Uniparty Drama Club).

If they can keep us distracted long enolugh, we won't even notice that every right we have relied on has been cancelled, we are now under the total control fo the Death Machine, most of us dead and the rest of us part of the Internet of Bodies and genetically altered into compliance and complacency in our dog kennel concentration camps (i.e., 15 minute cities).

And it will be too late.

How about not, I say. How about we support the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act (HR 6645/S 3428) and demand our Congresswo/men co sponsor and pass it with the supermajority necessary to override the inevitable veto from the Sock Puppet in Charge? You can do that efficiently and quickly at https://PreventGenocide2030.org.

Then you can share it with every single person you can reach.

While we let the political theater diddle us, we are being set up for utter destruction by a carefully constructed genocidal monstrosity. How about we prevent that?

If not for our own sakes, perhaps we should do that for the sake of whatever future we can bequeath to our future generations (assuming anyone is still fertile).


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Without the support pf the "people" the Globalists would have no power. We've all seen them in action with their repulsive masks and jabs, persecuting all those who disagree with their baseless, fanatical Covid narrative. This is why I don't believe Trump fell victim to those "pulling the strings." If you are or were a Covidiot, take responsibility!

There's a new church in town. Watch the hit music video CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/church-of-the-pandemic-mind

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Feb 11, 2024
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Rima’s supplied link above is private, btw.

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If I wanted to know what Sage Hana was spouting I’d subscribe to he/she/it 🤣 I unsubscribed because he/she/it is extremely ANNOYING with all the riddles.

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Alexander is again hoodwinked bt this Sage person.

Sage is Deep State.

Wellness company has been successfully hijacked by the enemies of the people. They are nothing but carnival barkers now.

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So you want me to believe that the most powerful man in the world, who dominated every presser he gave during his tenure, who stood up to Jim Costa and media cronies who hated him, AND powered thru Saudi Arabia, Israel and made Abraham Accords happen, challenged FBI etc....somehow magically wasn't vocal, decisive, or powerful enough to listen to Dr Alexander, Scott Atlas, Zev Zelenko and either stop the lockdowns, or reverse the Birx/Fauci 70 second film clip because he "didn't know", "wasn't aware", was Hoodwinked? Even if he was distracted at the presser or didn't read the small text at the bottom the news conference clearly all revolved around locking down and CERTAINLY if he was distracted than 24 hrs later (remember we had daily updates) he would have clarified. How about this one.. he made the decision, he owns it and we all stop trying to obfuscate, pretend or make excuses because we like him. He believed in the vax, OWS and knew if successful it would be his crowning achievement for re election. He got the vax wrong, believed the wrong people, nothing happens without his approval and we lived thru the result.

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Why did Ivanka brag that Trump ordered the "vaccines" on January 13, 2020?


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Sorry, Rima’s link, not Turfseer’s.

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It may be prudent to consider events which occurred simultaneously or near the time of this period in March. Remember, First Lady Melania became very ill and was hospitalized. Trump seemed rattled about this event; which was understandable.

Perhaps there was more to her illness than we were told.

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Ask him. If I were working for the bad guys, I would tell Trump that COVID has a CFR of about 6% and we have to lock down because millions will die. COVID did have 6% CFR transiently due to nursing home massacre and due to hitting the high risk patients disproportionately. It converged to 2% and then 1.7% over the next two years as cases distributed over all age brackets. But initially it was hitting high risk patients, and also cases were undercounted so it looked very bad.

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There were of course early papers cited by my paper with Dr. Zev and PMC that indicated that high CFR is expected only for patients older than 50 or comorbidities and these numbers could be combined with US demographics to predict the 1.7% CFR ahead of time. But, you can lie without lying by misrepresenting the observed CFR during March and April of 2020.

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Paul and all,

As usual Paul…you do NOT do your homework which is rather dangerous today don’t you think?

Your post earlier on GENERAL WESLEY CLARK…voted for Hiliary and BHO and wanted to run as a presidential candidate for the democrat nomination in 2004!!!

Don’t bother calling Lex Greene as I am saving this post just in case you want to be near OUR Whitehouse again…not going to happen because you left your medicine expertise lane to enter the dangerous lane of politics, doing NO vetting and misleading the public!!!

Don’t bother calling Janci Lindsay, PhD either as she is trying to organize the DECENT doctors and scientists to…


Anyone misleading the public at this late date in the fall of America…is truly dangerous and cannot be trusted!

DIVIDED, You’ve already been conquered by Lex Greene…

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